The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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. = oa o ee ” a 78 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. Morrow Nazor's SHOWMEN’S ROSTER (Continued from page 75.) posters Ww, Strunk, lithos.; Adam Ander gun, banners Show opens near Cleveiand Ohi April 5 Livingston's Supreme Show, Jas. Liv.ngston, prop.; J. Frang Lewis mer. ; Miss A. A. Liv ingst gen. agt.; J. H. Porter J Frank Lewis, with show; Wm. A. Lynch, tor; Fred W. Jackson, gen. ( [s, musical director; a eserved seat tickets on, su canvas; Wm. Reyn supt. Lights and Supt. props. ; pet working crew, Show opens May &. Lorenzo's Modern Shows—Chas, Lorenzo, prop. & weg liarry M. Miles, advance, with two assistauts Jas. Combe, supt. lights; Jim Sm supt, props Prof. Gonzales, musica: dire Geo, Canfield, supt canvas, with five assistants. Show opens May 10. Mille Great, 8 x t M Mille prop al ag . & a Vn, musical dires r; Alons Lucas supt canvas J. D. Miller, supt cou ssary dept Show opens May 1 (Cit not yet decided upon ilier Bros. & Arlington's 101 Ranch Wild Wes Miller Bros. & Edw. Arlington, props.; Geo Ariingtou, mgar.; T. L. Gill, treas.; Or ville Bunne secy : oney Ybeanz, auditor; Edw. Arling gen Chas. McClintock, R. R. contractor; é i “Moi gan, jocal contractor; F. N. Waters, jal agt.; fillard D. Coxe gen press esentative; Paul W. Harre!}l, nd Vance i agt.; Delmar An drews, press ag back with show; Geo. DegBoD, excursion 4) Connore, mgr. side show 1 equestrian director; Robi. Bigsby, .en supt.; Chas. Cohn, supt privileges; b. L, a, musical director; C. Elton, supt. re seat tickets; Mike Quinian, supt. canvas; Harry Parish, trainMast Shorty Philips, boss hostler; Geo. Pipi supt ommissary dept.; I. W. An “v tarey Rice, supt. props.; ring stock; Shorty I Bagley supt. working crew; W aters, c N. and Jack Leonard, 24-hour agents; George Bedford, boss carpenter; Mike Welsh, blacksmith; Paul W. Harrell, mgr. advertising car No. 1; Frank Howell, mgr. advertising cor No. 2; Frank Berry, mgr. advertising car No. 3; Frank Smith, checker-up; Owen W. Doud, legal adjust« George Gregory, announcer. Show opens at Hot Springs, Ark., April 5. Montana Louis & Sons Greater Wild West— Montana Louis, mgr. and treas. Montana Joe, supt. May, in charge of ticket box; in charge of cookhouse Bros.’ Dog & Pony Show—Link and Scott Morrow, props.; Link Morrow, mgr.; Scott Morrow, advance agt.; T. Morrow, cashier and time keeper; D. Morrow, supt. reserved Seat tickets; M. 8S. Morrow, supt. stock; Link rrow, ring master; H,. A. Weeks, supt. ring stock; Walter Whitson, supt. canvas; Roy McAnally, supt. lights; Wiliam Vaughn, supt. bazgage stock. Overland Show, P. J. Smith, mgr.; Mrs. P. Smith, Mrs. F. G. Smith, canvas; B. Mannan, ; Montana Bud, arena director; stock; Idaho Ed. Allen, Frank G. Nazor, Mrs. F. G. Nazor, secy.; F. G. Nazor, gen. Nazor, supt. privileges; Mrs. musical director; Tom Kelley, Howard Hannan, supt. props.; Geo. Wells, supt animals Show opens at Ontario, O.,, Oklahoma Bill's Wild West gress. Major C. F. Rhodes, E. Orr, asst. mer.; Thos, back with sh prop.,; treas., and Indian Con prop. and mgr.; J Moore, w: Fred Cox. equestian director; exvenrs'on agt.: Lew Graham, megr.: side-show: boss hostler; | arena May 14. | press agt. | Jobn Agee, equestrian director; Ottokar Bartik, ballet master; S'd Rubien, supt. privileges; J. J. J. Richards, musical director; Reading, Pa., April 17. Sanger’s Greater European Shows —Jerry Mugi van, prop.; Louls D. Thilman. mgr Harry A. Man, gen. agt. & trafic mgr.: Wm. M Dale, local contractor: Hosea F. Moyer, mgt adv. car: Jack L, Bledsoe, special agt | Sautelle, Sig. Nine Shows, Sig Sautelle, Oscar Lowande and Geo. W. Rollins, props.; Sig Sautelle, mgr.; Oscar Lowande. asst. mgr.; Mrs. Sautelle, treas.; Howard Robinson, secy.: Mrs. M. Lowande and Mrs. B. Rollings, andi tors; Bert Rutherford, gen. agt. and R. R. contractor; Thos. Hargraves, local contractor: John Hays, special agt.; M. Connors, contracting press agt.; Horace Dickinson, ex cursion agt.; Geo. W. Roll'ns, mgr. side show Oscar Lowande, equestrian director; Nebrask» Bill, gen. supt.: Mrs. Rollins, supt. privil eges; E. B, Flanagin, musical director; Chas. Graham, supt. reserved seat tickets: Dan Travis, supt. canvas; Chas. Connors. train master; Jack Shumate, boss hostler; Ie! Adams. supt. commissary dept.; Edw. Dilme supt. lights; Henry Maynard, supt. props.: Henry Reed, supt. ring stock; Tom Will'ams. 24-hour agt.: Frank Cramer, supt. elefants: Bill Downie, boss carpenter: Jack Rutherback. supt. animals: Frank Wickwire, blacksmith: Chas. M. Connors, mgr. advertising car No 1: Wm. Jack, mgr. advertising car No. 2 Fred Witham, checker-up; Wm. Chapman, legal adjuster; Geo. W. Rollins, announce: Show opens at Courtland. N. Y., May 2 Seair's Animal Show & Museum—Charles R. Seair, prop. and mgr.; William Hutchinson, asst. mgr.; Chas. R. Seair, treas.; John Jones, gen. agt.; Jas. Thomas, contracting press agt.; Arthur Downes, mgr. side-show: Jas. Tithe, equestrian director; C. R. Seair, supt. Smith Smith’s, E. G., Sparks. privileges; Edw. Delp, supt. reserved seat tickets; Chas. Delp, supt. canvas; John Smith, supt. commissary dept.; John Kenney, supt. lights & props.: Edw. Lee, supt. ring stock, working crew & stock; John Jones, mgr. aavertising wagon. Show opens at Ephrata, Pa., May 15. Silver Family, Show. S'lver Family, props.: Bert Silver, mgr.: G. Earl Silver, asst. mgr.; Mrs. Bert Silver. treas.: Miss Laura Silver, secy.: C. EB. Silver. anditor: Ed. Cross, gen. agt.: Sandy Copeland, equestrian director; Dick Sil ver, gen. supt.: Ruby Silver, musical director; Pear! Silver, supt. reserved seat tickets, Shov opens at Crystal. Mich., about May 10 Greater Shows—C. Smith, prop 3 g a. : C. M. Smith, bus. mgr.; E. K. director: Anna Smith, treas.: Smith, secy. 7... & Oherry. gen Henry ne bl special agt.: Chas. advance press agt.: Eugene Karl press agt back with show; Chas. Struuk, trainmaster Dr. Hamilton, announcer. Show opens a Augusta, Ga., March 24 E. G. Smith, Colossal Show, Ed Thires, asst. mgr.; Elmer agt.: Geo. H. Irving, mer supt reserved seat Reasle prop. and mer C. Myers. gen side show: H. A. Ramsey, tickets. Show opens at Atwater, O0., April 26 John H.. Show, Chas. Sparks, mer.: Clifton Sparks. treas.: T. W. Ballinger, gen : C. F. Heaton. contracting agt.: Jas. Ran special act.: Fletcher Smith, press back with show: Harry H. Hall, mer side show: Bert Mavo. equestrian director: Jack Phillips, musical director: Lester Bart lett, sup. reserved seat tickets: Jas. Caskey. supt. canvas: Tom Jacobs. trainmaster; Jack Lora'n, supt. lights; Jas. Jacobs. supt. stock: lewis Reed, supt. elefants: Fritz Brunner, sunt. animals: A. C. Orcutt. steward; Anderson (Red) Wion, sunt. side show: Edw. A Robey. boss Dbillposter: Clyde S. Clark, car mer. | stants Bros.’ Show. E. F. Staats and Roland RB. C. Wade, gen. supt.; Prof. John P. Patri coki, musical director; E. Orr, supt. reserved | seat tickets: T. White, supt. canvas; Nelson H. Butler, boss hostler: John Thomas, supt. comm'ssary dept.; Harry Moore, supt. ring stock; Tell Dale, supt. working crew: Teddy White, blacksm'th Show opens at Point Breeze Park, Philadelphia. Pa.. May 17 @ld Dominion Show, E. Keller Iseminger, prop. and mgr.; Wm. E. George, asst. mgr.; Clare George, treas.; Eloise Deupree, secy.; Harry Germaine, gen. agt.; Geo. W. Gregory. mgr. side show; Ezra Keller, equestrian director; Geo. Chandler. gen. supt.; Ambros Hockenberry, supt. privileges; Wm. LaDaller, musical | d@‘rector; Grace George, supt. reserved seat tickets; Robt. House, supt. canvas; Ralph Harne, boss hostler; Wm. Wiley, supt. lights: I supt. ring stock: Geo. Kidd, supt. stock; Arlle Miller, supt. working crew; Capt. Umphry. supt. animals: B. J. Talbert. blacksmith: Andy Thumser, announcer. Show Opens at Funkstown, Md., April 3. Orton Bros.’ Refined Show, R. Z. Orton, prop. and mgr.: Sarah B. Orton. asst. mgr.: Mrs Miles B. Orton. treas.; Oscar Longmire, gen. | gt Miles Orton, mgr. side show; Lawrence | Orton. equestrian d'‘rector; Grace Orton, musical director: Nellie Orton, supt. reserved seat tickets: Blacker Wells, supt. canvas; Bayard | Orton, snpt. stock. Show opens at Bristow, Ne b Mary 3 Quire United Shows. Charlle H. and M. A. Quire, props.: Charlie H. Quire, mgr.: M. A. Quire, atest. megr.: Mrs. C, Quire, treas.: M. . Quire. secy.: C. W. Lew's. gen. agt.: Edward King. advance press agt.: Jack Harvey, equestrian d'‘rector: LeRoy Quire. supt. privileges: Ear!) Victor. musical director: Henrietta Quire Supt. reserved seat tickets: Allen Ewster, supt. canvas: Chas. Davis. boss hostler: Mrs. M. A. Quire, supt. commissary dept.: Dave Sutton, eupt. lights and props.: Chas. Davis, supt. fing stock and stock: Mark Tiffany, supt. work ng crew: Edw. Smith, 24-hour agt.: W. Lewis, mgr. advert'sing wagon: Walter Evans, announcer Richards Pros.’ Show. W. C. and F. Richards props.: W. CC. Richards. mer.: Lacille Rich ards, treas. and secy.: Everett Rice, gen. agt.: Geo. W. Johnston § advance presse agt.: F. Richardés. mer. side show: (Clande Miller equestrian director: Dusty Rhodes. <nnt. priv fleges: June Watson, sunt reserved seat tickets: Spot Henderson. sunt. canvas: JohRerry. bors hostler: Alex Ingram. supt. com miseary dept.: Harry McFarlan. supt. prons.: Virg'! Farmer, sunt. ring steck: H. PD. Brown, sunt. working crew: A. H. Richards. an nouncer Ringling Bros.’ Show, Ringling Bros.. nrops aod mgrs.: T. B. Buckley, treas.: C. L. Roser. secy.: O. L. Gust. anditor: W. H. Hor ton. gen. agt.: C. C. Wilson, R. R. contractor: J. BR. Melntrre and N. J. Petit. loeat contractors: Pen Horton, special agt.: Harry Seott. contract'-¢ press agt.: E. P. Norwood. press agt. back with show: R. W. Peckham. Staats, props.: Jack Clark. mgr.: Chas. Frick gen. agt.: Geo. Ragner, contracting press agt.: Chas. Calahan, musical director: Ginger White, snupt. canvas: Patrick Donghertr, supt. ele fants: Dinis Dugan. checker-np. Show opens at Washington. N. J.. May 1. Swift’s. Jack, Shows. Jack Swift. prop. and mgr.: Mrs. Jack Swift, treas.: Miss Bertha Swift. secy.: Billie Maloney. anditor: Arthur Adair, gen. agt.: N. RB. Luther, contracting press agt.: J. A. Wardlaw, gen. supt.; Deon Swift. sunt. privileges: Jas. Bader, musical director: Mice Rertha Swift. enpt. reserved ohn Walker, ' supt, reserved seat tickets; Jas. R. Whalen, supt. eanvas; Chas. Rooney, boss hostler; A L. Webb, supt. commissary dept.; L. W. Marshall, supt. gasoline lights; Alfonse Francoes supt. electric lights; Jos. D. Miller, supt props.; Frank Dial, supt. ring stock; Chas Rooney, Supt. stock; Bert Krotz, supt. ward robe; Wim. L. Carr and John L, Nevin, 24 hour agts.; M. G. Denman, supt. elefants; Jos. Lioyd, boss carpenter; Chas. A. Smith, amp. animals; Emil Erickson, blacksmith; | Ge Goodhart, mgr. advertising car No. 1 Tom Dailey, mgr. advertising car No. 2; C has G. Snowhill, mgr. advertising car No. W. S. Wappenstein, checker-up; F. J. War rell, legal adjuster; Lew Graham, announcer, Show opens at Coliseum, Chicago, April 5. Rippel Bros.’ Show, Rippel Bros., props.; Gus t.ppel, mgr.; John Rippel, treas.; Ross Crabb mgr. side show; Al. Redcliff, gen. supt.; Madge Miller, supt. privileges; Dave Barter. musica director; Big Jack Lyons, supt. canvas; Ani) 7 boss hostler; Andrew Kindie, supt oomnts ary ~ 7 Ora Whiteman, announcer Ww opens Brazi lil May 12 Robb ns l \ s \ 1 ue Aimusemel Co ur \ Robbins, mg M , A. 8 ss ng ( iarence Farre treas ona Robb ns, s¢ Milton A ‘ Win Robbins, aud‘tors; J Henry Rice gen. as Frank A. Robbins and John Henry Rice, t. contractors; John Henry Rice and Albert Emmens, local contractors nona Robbins, press agt. back with show; A L. | Salvail, mgr. side show; Jos. Perris equestriat director; Henry Kern. musical director; Frank Howard, supt. canvas; Wr Krame tral: master; Wm Trompso n, supt. elefants and animals: Chas. Dale mgr. tlyertis'ng « ‘ 2; J. C. Kelley, legal adjuster Show ens it St. Louls, Mo., April 19. Robson Bros.’ Show, Robson Bros., props.: Johr A. Dorward, mgr.; Person Dorward, asst. mz S. Wertz, treas.; Paul Naugle, secy Harie Trayer, gen. agt.; Bill Peters, contracting | press agt.; Joe Parks, advance press agt Join Burger, equestrian director; A. Wartluft gen. supt.; Geo. Plat. musical director A Lemen, supt. reserved seat tickets: Bill (Slim Markel, supt. canvas; Carl Bidler, boss hostler Sue Dorward, supt. commissary dept.: Bil! Blandy, supt. lights; Blackey Howe, supt props,; Bard Whever, supt. ring stock: John Wertz, supt. stock; Mike Keeley, supt. ant mals; Jake Beel, blacksmith: Show opens at Peru, early Ind. Cook-House Men Animal Elephant Men ee of <i Gee April 7th. Louis, Mo. HagenbeckWallace Shows Ail performers will report for rehearsals Wednesday, April 9th, at the Coliseum, St. opens April 12th. Acknowledge this call to Hagenbeck-Wallace Shows, Musicians will report at Coliseum, St. Louis Monday morning, The show Side Show People and all others, unless otherwise notified, will report in Peru, Ind., WANTED April ISth. SOBER and RELIABLE Workingmen in all departments. Report to Bosses at Peru, Ind., in April. Drivers, Helpers, etc. Robt Abrams Canvasmen and Seat Men Matt Schommer Property Men G. H. Williamson James Davis Emil Schweyer John Worden Wardrobe Men Jas. H. Wilson Trainmen John Boyd Light Men Tom Dunn Side Show Canvasmen J.J. Rodgers Porters........ Ring Stock . Edw. Springer Andy Dobbins Consult us; we supply nearly every in your permanent address. IRCUSES, Carnivals, Fairs, Parks aii Wild West Shows. Privilege Bosses and Concession Men. Are YOU Looking for Profits? Circus and Wild West Show in the business. Good BUYING will very often make more money for you than good SELLING. Long Shell Chains from $3.50 per gross up. Colored Shell Chains. $5.00 per gross. No. 60 Air Balloons, 2.50 per gross. No. 70 Gas Balloons, first quality, highest grade, 3.5@ per gross. The Bangle Pearl Initial Pin, $2.15 per Whips, PSs 25 one ye 75 per gross. Shell Purses from $9.00 to $15.60 per gross. R., B. Pennants, with brass tops, $30.00 per 1,000. Japanese PB "ies 50 per 1,000. We have secured exclusive control of several money-getting Novelties, which are certain to create 8 sensation. Watch our new Catalogue; will be out about May. Send M. GERBER Watches, Jewelry, Cutlery, Canes #¢ Novelties 729 South St., Philadelphia, Pa. tion’ Finest quality white Diamonds, of tiery briliancy. S rin 640-$25. so Easy Credit Plan. Over 2000 illustratic monds, Watches, Jewelry, etc Select anything desire: d, or express office, all ch satisfactory, se ond us one and keep it, Bargains in Watches. ave it sent to es prepaid. Write for Catal Branch Stores: Pittsburgh, Pa. . Wonderful Bargains—Send for Catalog This Diamond Ring, enlarged to show the artistic Loftis ** 6-prong mounting, 14k. solid gold, is our gres verfect in cut and full Specially selected by our diamond experts. Cased in dark blue velvet ring box. s here shown are the most popular, although we show all sizes and styles in our large catalog. Send for this Free Catalog, telling all about our , at bargain prices. | fifth of the purchase price balance ine ight equa! monthly amounts. , and St. Louis, Mo. $ on CREDIT Perfecat special. Tne four ms of Dia your home If entirely cago, it. ‘PHOTOGRAPH REPRODUCTIONS Special Rates to Circus Performers. Cc. F. GAIRING & CO., 128 N. La Salle Street, Chicago CAL Opens at He rehearsals yt Springs, Arkansas, GEORGE ARLINGTON, General Quinian, Supt. Canvas. THE 101 April 5, 1913 Manager. Want twenty RANCH REAL WILD WEST SHOW You are notified to report one day previous on account of Colored Canvasmen Address MIKE list. Horse and Pony Plumes For Show Parades, Horse and Pony Acts, Advertising Purposes, ete Manufactured by M. SCHAEMBs, 612-614 Metropolitan Ave. Send for price , Brooklyn, N. Y. Mt. Vernon FAIR Association INCORPORATED. MT. VERNON, KY., AUG. 6, 7, 8, and 9, 1913. A County Fair that is a fair and Privileges to sell. Fk. 8. ALBRIGHT, to Get Rich; Attractions wanted Secretary. | ALPHA SPECIALTY bl > Leige ho 7 ee ‘10 BOOKS FOR (0 CENTS _ Book of Fortune Telling; Joke Book; Parlor Tricks; Secrets for Women Only; Spirituaiian Exposed. All 10 Books 10 Cents Postpaid. CO., Dept. 98, Chicago, Il