The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard : ? Seat tickets; John Andrews, supt. canvas; ‘ Chas. Smith, boss hostler, Wm. Maloney, supt. THE LIVE ONE! j “ comm.ssary dept.; Fred Baker, supt. lights; s Kneth Knapp. supt. props.; Chas. Smith, supt. stock; John Andrews, supt. work'ng crew; THE LA Bl 7 Frank Tomas, legal adjuster. Show opens at 7 Casey, Ill., about April 18. Thompkins’ Wild West Shows and Cooper and Whitby’s Circus Combined, Al. F. Wheeler and Thompkins’ Wild West Company, props.; Cuas H,. Thompkins, mgr.; Geo. J. Bass, asst. mgr.; M. A. Turner, tres. ; Miss Mabel Hackney, secy.: H. W. Turner saliaars George M. Fore SHOW TENTS, BLACK TENTS, CANDY cy s : Z paugh, gen. agt.; Chas. Hackney, R. R. con TOPS, CARNIVAL TENTS, WALLS FOR tractor; Thos. Mack, local contractor; SHREVEPORT, LOUISIANA BASEBALL GROUNDS AND AIRDOMES, : a Pettit, special agent and conMERRY-GO-ROUND TOPS, SEATS, FLAGS, tracting press agt.; Geo. L. McFarlane, press LIGHTS, and EVERYTHING IN CANVAS, agent back with show; Frank Adair, mgr. NOVE NI B . is side show; Jack L, Duncan, equestr‘'an direc WE ALSO STORE SHOWMAN’S OUTFITS. tor; Jas. Pidcock, gen. supt.; Lillian Gelder, = ¢ supt. privileges; Spencer F. Williams,! director; M. I. Hackney, supt. reserved seat tickets; Chas. Cooper, supt. canvas: Ed. I. ‘ Barlow, boss hostler; Mrs. E. P. Barlow, supt. commissary dept.; Henry Bluefeather. supt lights; Will Hora, supt. prope.; Walter Er NOTICE—We have closed for our Musie eof win, supt. ring stock; Samuel Gelder, 24-hour F \ | S] 7 4 ' | agt.; Doc Hastings, supt. animals; Frank Day, T Ac _ TS ' ' POLE HOLDER blacksmitth; H. W. Turner, legal adjuster; ree : cts anc SNOws. § will > | | Jaques, announcer. LOUIS N B ’ i ‘ PATENTED | "Satie Combined Shows, Robt. Woody, mgr.; . RUEGGERHOFF, Sec y, Box 1100. SHREVEPORT, LA. ' Sallie Woody. treas.; Chester Brasher. supt canvas; Mr. Denning, boss hostler. Show *i A practical, simple, economical and durable device opens at Afton, Okla., June 15. . . . . for fastening stay ropes to tent poles. Wyoming’ Bill’s Wild West Show, W. E. ThalEnterprise, Florida, 125 Miles South of Jacksonville eae f ; 4 long nonge tng Aras a aad — — we and John T. Welsh, props.; John B. McNal| : of attaching stay ropes to leather-coverec oops, ey, mgr.; M. H. Welsh, asst. mgr.; Edw. t which practical experience bas shown rot and wear Shreiner, treas. and secy.; Harry Smith. audi z MONTH LY PAYMENTS (@) ‘ ‘ out, causing tears in tents and other disadvantages tor; John T. Welsh, gen. agt. and R. R. con n > H “THE ATLAS TENT POLE HOLDER” gets rid of tractor; Wm. Morrow, local contractor; Jacob ao P these disadvantages, and at the same time provides H. Hope, special agt.; H. Stanley Lewis, con8 A 00 $5 00 ~A j means for quick and easy attachment of stay ropes, tracting press agt.; Dan Leon, excursion agt.: Q ' 8 ~ e and affords the ready adjustment of tent poles. John W. Andrews, mgr. side show: Jobn » , THE ATLAS TENT-POLE HOLDER” 1s nonFrances, equestrian director; Dan Megran. gen. 3 i rustible, made from high-grade malleable iron, galsupt.; Jas. Sullivan, supt. privileges; Philip FS Fenced, set to Orange or Grapefruit Trees. > vanized They have been given a thorough test by Carressa, musical director; Henry Gall, supt. us before being placed on the market, and found to reserved seat tickets; Slim Chambers, supt. ~ Trees cared for for three years. = be a great improvement over the old method, and fills canvas; Frenchy, trainmaster; Thos, F. Ahearn, ~] ' a long-felt want in tent appliances We unqualiboss hostler; Edw. Flinn, supt. commissary My ’ fiedly recommend them to tent men, and certain that dept.; John Gilgore, supt. lights; Sain How £ 100 00 each 2 once using them you will be pleased with their simard, supt. props.; Jas. Obrin, supt. ring stock; 8 e Ps) plicity and effectiveness, and wonder how such a deJas. L. Murphy, supt. Se: Fae Sretem, E = vice was not thought of before supt. working crew; Sim Brown, 24-hour agt.; — = We are owners of this patent, and the exclusive Harvey Dale, blacksmith; Geo. _B. Beckley, ~ ' ENTERPRISE, e users of it, and equip all tents that are thoroughly mgr. advertising car No. 1; Bill Smith, check S) A. we BROWN, FLORIDA a e I Smithers 1 ; & } ‘ roped with the “ATLAS HOLDER,” thereby assurr-up; Yom Smithers. legal adjuster; Harry | ing our patrons the latest and best in tent construcbt gr waoeil 34 Show epens at Fas. h H B hi B ° tior Write for circular and full particulars. delphia -. April 2 aS ; 4 s * " thin od o in — Yankee Ame@rican Show, Lindemann Bros., props, Fis ing unting a & at g ’ —e-— Wm. Lindemann, wmer.; Gust Lindemann, asst. mgr.; Chas. Lindemann, treas.; Albert Circus and Side Show Banners, Carnival Fronts, Lindemann, secy.; Jack Ligtharild, auditor; Scenery for Tent Shows and Theatres painted by the go Wolfgram, gen. agt.; Email Scharder, R. R. contractor: Lloyd Pierce, local contractor; well-known Scenic Artist, J. U. TSCHUDI. Chas. Brandt, contracting press agt.; Walte: é a Vought, advance press agt.: John Jonson, press agt. back with show; Fred Rinuie, mgr. sid WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF WATERPROOFING show; Theodore Weber. equestrian director CANVAS ° George Kelly, gen. supt.: Frank Wilcox, sup ' ees privileges: Herman Weber, musical director; MIDGET HERCULES } 4 Win. Weber, supt. reserved seat tickets; Fred WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND SECOND-HAND Woodward, supt. canvas; Bobby Brown, train LIST. eaten Fred Hans‘ng, boss hostler; Orval if . d B P hi Andemanu. supt. commissary dept.; Elmer oe } -0— Coaeane oo oes oe Heavy Lifting and Bag Punching props.; Granval Baker, supt. ring stock; Geo a. — ay Ward Wright, supt. work 0 da sg crew: Bi Burkhardt, 2 a Be _ Lap vy, 1 '¢ og ef y ros. eee ee eee to wee’ Lo’ | 66S ome Act” with “Some Show.” Second season with ¢, penter; Walter Miller. supf. animals; Fred Nelsou, blacksmith: Chas. Ayres. mgr. ad | Hamilton’s American Shows. ‘Touring Canada this season.’ 9 | vertising car; August Ramm, checker-up; Tim » | ra s ill Potte } " 1 j Tent & Awnin g Co een een ee eee ee tay anpoune™| Permanent address, The Billboard, Cincinnati, O. ' | of May. ‘ o Wintermute Bros." Wagon Show—Harry Win® termute, mgr.; Frank E. Hall, supt. working 109-111 S. Main Street, | ick at sie wi snore Sosa ae Clara Turner Wants ST. LOU is, ” MiISSOU Ri Seailian fhanakend a Fred Buchanan, } pa ‘ , i e . Owing to the Orpheum at Watertown going into bankruptcy, and mgr.; C. W. Buchanan, asst. mgr ° Myers, treas.: Harry M'chinich, secy.; June LOCATION FOR PERMANENT STOCK OR TABLOID . Smith, anditor; Geo. F. Maighan, gen. agt.: Excellent Company, Royalty Plays, Carload Scenery. Open time commencing March 24. W. F. BARRY, W. H. Rainey, local contractor; W. H. Quin Manager, Rutland, Vermont. nette, special agt. and contracting press agt.; . Frank Clampitt. advance press azgt.: Harvey ees Hale, press agt. back with show; Cal Towers, —— WAN I ED F OR % FO LLOW the Cl RCUS mgr. side show; Chas. Sweeney, equestrian d! rector; Ross Ashcroft, gen. supt.; Thos. Pence, WITH La PEARL'S supt. privileges; Theodore Stout, musical di ; rector: Harvey Hale, supt. reserved seat tick\ a + ets: Chas. Kelley. s pas: e e supt. canvas: John Quiggley a trainmaster; Jake Posey, boss hostler: Earl f f A No. 1 Band Leader (Cornet), and must double stage. State all in first letter, No time for unnecessary Senate. supt. commissary dept.; Orville Speers, pine Must have good repertoire of popular and standard music. This is the finest two-car show ‘ supt. lights; Red Carroll. supt. props.; Geo. | ‘\""\,2°Nad and never closes, MAX J. BOYER, 910a St. Clair Avenue, East St. Louis, Mo. Johnson, : Elwood Emery, 24-hour agt.; supt. elefants: Sim Asher, boss carpenter; Tom 5 _ HOT SELLERS—BIG PROFITS Olson, blacksmith: Prank C. Steam, mer.| THE WEIDER AMUSEMENT CoO., 11th Season © 25.1) to $50.00 clear every day, Write NOW for advertising car No, 1; E. C. Reid, mgr. adver‘*KSON, 0., May 3-10 streets, auspices F. 0. E,, Wm. Turner, Chairman of Committee; NELspecial offer, season 1913 tising car No. 2: W. H. Godfrey, legal ad| Opens JACKSON, 0.. May 3-10. on streets, auspices > Y SONVILLE, 0., 12-17; LANCASTER, 0., 19-24. THREE GOOD ONES. Yes, we have many other LIVE J, CIRCUS LINIMENT COMPANY _ emer. ONES to follow. Can’ place for long season two first-class Ballyhoo Shows, two Platform Shows. Nothing ji * 1 Young Buffalo's Wild West. Col. Cummins’ Far] too big or small, so you deliver the oom wae igs Shhetes ae — < eB \ _ i Fast and Vernon C. Seaver’s Hippodrome, Ver. | Kansas City. Mo. Have several good privileges open ant Man to do Magic anc unch. | sell Lon “ Ww Chicago Ave., Chicago ony C. Seaver, pres ond mer.: » Robinson, range Shooting. Dolls, Confetti and Novelties «exclusive. Other privileges write NO GRAFT Want a few treas : Cc. R. Gerdes secy. ‘Geo. C. Gute. | more Italian Musicians and Leader, for Country Circus Band. Route—Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and auditor: F.C. Cooper, gen. agt.: F. J. Col.| Wisconsin, PICKING OUT THE LIVE ONES. WE KNOW THEM. Address quick, WILL H. WEIDER, linge, R. R. contractors; H. S. Maddy, local | Manager, Box 97, Coalton, Ohio. eontractor: Jack Williams, special agt.: J H. BR. Fitzgerald, gen. press agt.: C. F. Gooaing. advance press agt.: Sam Baker. press agt. i back with show: Frank Ellis, excursion agt.: dapites iii Land lew Nichols. mgr. side show: M. C. Cookston. = snpt.: W. H. Rel@, lead side show band: Wil'| Four or More People Acts, School Day Acts, Girl Acts. Break your» ! Attert , feal direcor: Geo. pple hance, supt. reserved seat tickets: Geo. WemJumps. Other Acts Write for Time. bold, supt. canvas: Monk Wilson, boss hostler “4 . Geo. Slocum, supt. I's*ts: Art Eldridge. supt Ci Th | E h N || Bik OMAHA NEB aiemer Vv. mressen. blackemith: — Rosen fate ity eatrica XC ange, evi e “7” ’ bad thal. mgr. avertising car No. 1: Geo. A. Ken nedy, mer. advertising car No, 2: George Colby. checker-up: M. C. Cookston, legal adWANTEDG d O g rer fuster. Show opens at Peorla. Il. (Date not NOTI E a Co, sabe C ized Dramatic Stock Co. ; ze r e A ‘ i Ina Pe nr myn act de for the summer season. Has been successful stock house for on st ten years. A good GERS K OW 0 S$ opepinners chance for well-t ed company of about ten peopie Seating capacity 1,000 Seasor teen weeks. Ad’ ’ snancOPPORTUNITY, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. SAMSON SPOT CORD used by every roper of prom All kinds able for : ! . Pancy : all kinds BR Pg ey AA _3 tnence. Once used. always wed. Fancy roping made H I ; NDON ing. e@te., for sale by FRITZ LANDES. Springfield, | SY Superior to all other ropes Prices by mail, Ohlo %-size, 22 feet. with Foster's improved brass honda $1.50: 40 feet, $2.00; extra lengths, 4e per foot; 40 feet % linen, with honda, $2.50; extra lengths, 5ce . tnec g n ate > de Se per foot Spectal sizes, etc made to order Send PEARL VAN, Northville, N. Y, 2° stamp for lst. L. F. FOSTER, 89 Bellevue St., ese [4 é Fenway P. 0., Boston, Mass 1 l ) ” ll fin s ized organ of vaudeville artists throughout the world. Americans visiting Lond wi Manufacturer of CIRCUS SEATS TENTS TO RENT Is the recogn eville artists throughout the world. | Amen Tent Poles and Stakes. Large stock of good used J eet, g Nend fOr money-saving lst H-inch st@Ke8 | yy maGEe & SON, 147 Fulton St., New York City. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS,