The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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The Bi llboard MARCH 22, 1913. NICHOLAS POWER. A Biografical Sketch. move,’’ “The endeavor is this more emfatically demonstrated world do and in no field of than in the moving picture business which, ‘2 a few short years has become one of the lead ing industries of the world In the growth and development of this busi ness, no single individual has been a more im portant factor than the subject of this article, ot whom brief mention is made Mr. Nicholas Power was born in City in 1854. He was always mechanically in clined, which undoubtedly was inherited from his fathers From childhood his life was a busy one, and he bad no opportunity for academik training, his schooling being acquired in public New York and night schoels and Cooper Institute. His early years were spent in working in machine shops where he acquired a thoro knowlcdge of mechanics Ile also obtained a certi fate as an engineer As time went on Mr. lower took contracts for erecting machinery and this extensiv travel all over the which served to develop his keen observation. For about five years Power was employed by the in the department in Cooper Institute known as the Inventors’ Institute. Here, be was enabled to give full scope to his Inventiv faculties which resulted in his taking out many patents— the Reflectorscupe, whereby cards were thrown on a screen for advertising purposes; also, a patent cylinder wherein cards were combined with advertising matter in a manner to produce a continuous story relativ to the subjects and many other devices of a mechanical nature for commercial purposes From the very Inception of the moving picture business Mr. Power was deeply interested; and, seeing into the future, realized its wonderful possibilities. About the year 1900, resulted in very United States natural powers for (1880 to 1885) Mr. late Peter Cooper he established the New Yerk Film Exchange, located at 115 Nassau street, where he devoted his time largely to experimental work with the various crude moy ing picture machines then on the market, em ploying*22 men; and in the year 1902 he placed upon the market his first moving picture ma chine, which was called the Peerlesscope This machine met with decided success, an! opened up possibilities. which Mr. quick to grasp. In August, 1907, Power Was The Nicholas Power Com pany was incorporated under the laws of the state of Delaware with offices located at 115 Nassau street. and the growth of this concern tas been unceasingly steady and rapid. The name Peerlesscope was subsequently changed to Cameragraph and this name today is well es tablisht in every nook and corner of the civil ized world. There are many features which moving pik tures must possess in order to be a success; an! undoubtedly the most vital of all is that they be perfectly clear. steady and without flicker Mr. Power has given long study to this fase of the situation and as a result of hig labors perfect projection has been brought to the highest point of scientific possibilitr. There are many features of the Cameragraph which emanated from the brain of Mr. Power alune—the changing from the one-pin to the four-pin in the intermittent movement whic! draws down the film, thereby greatly prolonging the service’ with a minimum of wear, and Increasing the tensil strength sixteen times. The film magazine and patent valves used ‘n the Cameragraph today are a great factor in the protection of human life and wrre originated by Mr. Power: also the take-up device, whica relieves the strain onthe film A most annoving feature in moving picture shows is caused by the film slipping from the lower sprocket ausing the screen to ‘‘zo dark.”* Mr. Power las patented a device known as the loop setter, which absolutely overcomes this condition. Ry its means the lost lower loop will reset itself instantly without stopping the BATH, THE ORGAN BUILDER, About one-half mile southwest of Abilene Kansas. is located one of the principal indus tries wf that thriving city, the organ building and repair shop of C, F. Rat! The business Bath in was started by Mr. 1904, in a shop 14x16 ft.. rather small, but fully answering the purpose at that time Since then, how ever, the factory has been enlarged from tims to time, new machinery installed as the growth of the business demanded, and at the present time it is one of the most complete ani up-to-date of its kind in the West. Organs, drums and musical instruments of al! kinds are shiped from al] parts of the conntrr for repairs, and the hundreds of testimonials received testify to the excellence of the work dene, C. F. Bath, or Chris, as he is known to the trade, has a thorough knowledge of almost every kind of a musical instrument known. end. tn addition, is an expert musician himself machine and without causing any break in the picture, To give further facts, would be practically t cite the entire history of the moving picture business, for the Nicholas Power Company has been in it since its inception. Its individual growth fairly explains the wonderful growth of this business. Starting In very humble quar ters at 117 Nassau street. they have been oc cupying for about a year the largest factory of its kind in the world, covering about 30.000 square feet of floor space, employing nearly three hundred of skilled labor with a large force vn night shift. It is generally recognized that the success of the moving picture machine industry and the high standard attained by projection is greatly due to the unceasing labors and inventiv abil ity of Nicholas Power. MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, SCENARIOS WANTED We stand prepared to pay you excellent prices for manuscripts for one, two and hree-reel productions So send yours at once If it should not come up to our same to you, Address ADVANCE MOTION PICTURE CO. ALVIN B. GILES, Advertising Director, Peoples Gas Bldg., Chicago, III. Southern Distributors for Motion Picture Machines Powers, Edison and Motiograph. Oxone, Ether, Lime, Tickets parts for all makes. MOTION PICTURE MACHINE AND SUPPLY CO. 1916 3rd Ave., Birmingham, Ala. FILM AND SONG SLIDES IN FILMS. Good Song Slides, $100.00 and Machine, $90.00; Power's Also other cheaper Machines. Model Machine, 20.00, NEW LIST. I Machines, if good G. GALLOT, 70 Christopher Street, standard, we will gladly return provided you enclose sufficient postage. Special prices on and Carbons. Repair BIG $3.00 to a set; Power's No. 5 No. 6, $135.00 ‘B” Calcium buy Film Slides and REDUCTION $15.00. reels New York City. We Manufacture Moving Picture Repair Parts | Stereopticons, Arc Lamps, Rheostats and Accessories, Wholesale and Retail. (Catalogue.) A Trade List of 563 Exchanges and Supply Houses, $1.15 Over 15,000 Moving Picture Theters in State Form at 20 a cents per hundred. with 500 scattered names for 25 cents ing number in each state. L. HETZ, St.. New York WEEKLY SERVICE OF , FILM TITLE SLIDES Fach described to the minute for all photo-play reeases of either Licensed, Universal, or Mutual an Film Supply Combined Companies, at 75c a week per Special Slides made to order at 0c each. WINDSOR CUT-OUT SLIDE CO., Emerson Tower idg., Baltimore, 292 East 23rd and Calcium Gas-Making Out e Victor Stereopticon, the only practical mac hine on the market, constructed of brass and illuminum Circulars free. Write today Save this ad. WM. LLOYD CLARK, | Dealer, Milan, Ill FILMS FOR SALE — BEST IN THE WORLD For the money; $2 to $10 a reel. UNITED AMERCAN FILM RROKERS, American Bank Building, Knoxville, Tenn tp one AND WESTERN EXHIBITORS—Hest eapest Film Service South and West Posters “ ANTI 1) Two three-reel Features, or trade for thers Good Film for sale cheap Machines bought Write us your wants UNIQUE FILM Houston, Texas and sold SERVICE, WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC FILMS os WENN ENTER RT NINMENT BU: KEAt ve ‘ it Street le owr WANTED TO Suv town not ess tha 1 ilatior Give particulars Must be a i : paying business Address M 0. N.. care Olt ard Office, 25 Opera lace, Cincl Picture Theatre in full FILMS FOR SALE Way Dowr f Spirit of $3.00 der the f Girls Will Be Girls Te Mc Ki ey’s Last Speech. Some as low as t s BOX 71, Ashlar Ky FILMS Ser, Extra good ones, $5.90 reel: few at $19.00; Edison Machine, $35.00 Shipped anywhere on approval! JOHN J. McNAMARA, 363 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. . as BACHINES. , 822.00 UP; Stereopticons, Cal. “GET IT FROM WHITE” EVERYTHING FOR THE MOVING PICTURE HOUSE BRASS FRAMES, $5; FRENCH CONDENSER, $1.50 Standard parts for all mae WHITE SPECIALTY.CO., 126 E. 14th St., New York City. NES; SPOT LAMPS. hines. Send for eatalogue = T TICKETS Your own special Ticket. eis for Prize Drawings. the samples any printing, any colors 5,000, $2.50. Stock Tickets Send diagram for Reserved Seat Coupo ROLL = —— i Fifty Thousand . . ; One Hundred Sensnial , THE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL PRICE accurately numbered ; fe per 1,000. NATIONAL TICKET CO.,_ $1.25 . $2.50 $4.50 $5.50 $6.50 $8.00 wenty Thousand .. . wenty-five Thousand. . every roll guaranteed. Coupon TickPrompt Shipments. Cash with order. Get serial and dated. Shamokin, Pa. n Tickets, from | $150.00 | Booklet | Free list show| Demand That Universal Service Improved Acetylene h SPfaat Su Ni fereyar= Rubell &Co. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES TO oR Fo O ORDER 2 ON ay SUBJEc Ts T13 Masomc Temple Cnicage Ill Send for Cata CRYSTAL GLI Just mix with cold water and apply It will Finish, Parcel Post paid, $4.00 ALFRED C. THE ONLY PURE WHITE COATING WITH A CRYSTAL FINISH. not show yellow. At your Film E Curtain Coating TTE Parcel Post paid, $3.50; Silver xchange, or STANGE, 2214 W. Monroe St., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. OXYGEN-HYDROGEN, FOR Write for Terms. ALL KINDS. Just out—NEW SLIDE CATA ERKERS, AS movine Picture sHows The Best Calcium Service in the Country. We GET OUR CATALOGUE OF MOVING never DISAPPOINT. PICTURE SUPPLIES OF LOGUE. 608 Olive, St. Louis, Mo. ‘an satisfy you hi every | Proponit jor It’s a good one good condition, for sale cheap detail Airdome Exhibit Machines for sale or WYANDOTTE FILM SUPPLY CO., 91. Get in Touch With Us ors, get in line with us, and get our RAINY NIGHT rent. Also have one hundred Rees and Song Slides, W. Broad St., Columbus, O. REEL TICKET TRIMOUNT PRESS 87 ALBANY ST.. BOSTON, MASS. Send for Samptes and Prices The Bioscope The Moving Picture Paper in Gt. Britain and The Best Advertising Medium. —— BAR NONE. Subscription, $3.50 a year; Single Copies, 10 cents, Post Free. 85 Shaftesbury Avenue, ~ LONDON, W., ENGLAND Will pay $20.00 for a lease-rental contract for the Vanoscope Projection Machine... Must be a Serial number under 100, Address Exhibitor ‘*B’’ care of MONADNOCK BLODG.. ety le i 50 Colored Slides, Life of | Moto la h ‘ Mbrist, $15 Lists stamp Cash paid for outfits CHICAGO, ILL. Machi sold on time. F. L. SMITH, Amsterdam, N. Y¥. FOR SALE—Fdisor Powers and Motiograph ma chines Enterprise and Edison Gas Machine Film, song and lecture sets Get our bargain lists Address NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Duluth, Minr Established 1882 PATHE PASSION PLAY For rent. Guaranteed condition. C. Elyria, Ohio FOR SALE—PICTURE MACHINES Gas Making Machines, Electric Outfits, for small towns (direct currented). Pathe’s hand-colored Passion Play, three reels. WANTED—Johnson and Jeffries Fight Film. Films for sale or rent at lowest rices. I buy all kinds of Show Property DIXIE ILM EXCHANGE, 812 Lecust St.. Owensboro. Ky 00 YOU WANT TO LEAD ALL COMPETITORS ? WRITE US TODAY ABOUT OUR SYSTEW OF } SOUVENIR TICKETS. To Get the Crowd | practical scheme worked out by experience, leads us to offer same to other managers, of which you may have the benefit. Sure to please and pack your house. We know ft gets the whole town talking. | Migured to get returns on sound business basia, JUST TRY IT. Get full particulars for your house once. Send 25c for samples of our 12 LEADING SOUVENIRS. AUDITORIUM CO., Reading, Pa. MOTION PICTURE MUSIC A Piano Book, regular Sheet Music Size, that oonactions tains suitable music for all possible scenes, and characters shown in Moving Pictures. Sent anywhere postpaid for ONE DOLLAR. Circular Free. FRELINGER MUSIC HOUSE, Lafayette, Indians. if you see it in The Billboard, tell them so. if you see it in The Billboard, tell them so.