The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard 83 “4 Stop Cheating Yourself!!! -By Getting Right Down To Brass Tacks.. QUALITY, REFINEMENT and SERVICE are essential in all things. ‘These features make you look twice at the MOTIOGRAPH. lhe Motiograph cost more money to build because there is more quality per dollar of purchase price than in any two machines of other makes—selling at the same price. MR. OWNER—You cheat yourself when you ignore quality; BESIDES—when you know THE MOTIOGRAPH picture is far superior in brillianey—in detail and definition—you are also cheating your patrons—who pay for these features. Send for our 1913 Catalog and Get Wise Manufactured by The Enterprise Optical Manufacturing Company Main Factory and Office: 570 West Randolph Street, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS a Eastern Office: 30 E. 23rd St., New York City Western Office: 833 Market St., San Francisco Pl ¢ ¥, BONAVITA, FILM HERO, liis left arm missing from the nate down, the price of his bravery in a fierce encounter with Baltimore, Coney Island's most netorious wild lion, and his right hip and leg far from bealed as the result of an attack recently by Brutus, another captive lion, Cap tain Jack Bonavita, known internationally as an animal trainer, and the star of many seasons in Paris and New York, and now pro ducing pictures for the World's Best Film Company, lies in a hospital at Tampa. Fia., fretting and anxious for early recovery that he may again enter the cage and confront these great shaggy kings of the jungle, who or two occasions, have almost killed him. Fear has no place in the heart of Bonavita For years he has risked his life a hundred times daily, thinking nv more of the danger attendant to his presence in the midst of twenty-seven savage lions than weuld a boy romping with a friendly puppy The famous lion tamer has braved death and injury times innumerable. He has experienced the sharp crunching jaws of Baltimore, grinding firmly and terribly down upon his left shoulder bone. He has felt those same teeth. crushing their way through muscle and flesh, finally meet In an unbreakable grip human blvod dripping from the great jaws, and mangled human flesh dangling from snarling lips. He has actually heard the rending of flesh, bones and muscles as the giant claws of Brutus. one of the most savage and treacherous of bis lions, tore and ripped their way over his right hip and leg He has faced the possibility of amputation uf his leg. the realization that forever he would be handicapped by the loss of an arm, and the knowledge that every time the cage door closed inwardly upon him he was flirting with a terrible death, and yet, absolutely devoid of fear, he has each time returned tu his great mangy beasts, to toy and play with them as thongh they were kittens. But Bonavita’s bravery is more Intelligent than many persons realize who have seen him calmly enter a cage with twenty-seven snarling beasts, ready at a moment's opportunity to leap upon him His vocation as a lion tamer is self-chosen His natural aptitude and ability to command the most ferocious and terrible of beasts has given him an intimate knowledge of every risk he takes he je fully aware of every danger attendant to his actions He knows the lions are not to be trusted, and he is conversant with every angle of their tricky, treacherous natures Put he also knows, something which very few of the thousands and millions of persons who have witnessed him perform do not know,— that the greatest danger of all les not Io being able to concentrate the attention of each lion. but te anticipate their every action and mood. and to check them before they grow dongernt A tion well fed and rested is treacherous. A livn tilly fed. tired or aroused to the slight est degree, is the most dangerous thing on eerth, especially to a man unarmed and alon: with it In a cage Ronavita constantly studies Lis animals, watches their actions from a dis tance and employs every artifice to become familiar with their moods and actions If, at the hour of performing, a lion is nervous or restiess. to him Bonavita devotes greater at tention. His glance is more stern, his whip were active, and his step more quick The slightest error, a sudden false step, releasing te the slightest extent his stern, commanding kek, would bring a powerful roaring form heunding toward him, mad to kill and for the taste of blood Once, after several days of illness during which he attempted to perform daily with his liens in fulfillment vf his season contract at the Borgeois, Paris, Bonavita entered the great cage for the night show The animals were quiet and apparently contented Not even Raltimore the most ferocious and most ter rible of them all. gave the slichtest evidence of restlessness, Not for a minute did Ronavits relinquish bis vigilance, but secretly he was elated at the splendid condition of the lions and openly commended his assistants for thetr care and treatment of the beasts Half the performance had been given, and the animals were graciously obeying thelr mester’s commands, omitting even the cus tomary switching of tails and crouching when Ronavita’s back was turned for an instant The day was coo] and the night pleasant. the audience was silent and watchful of the ac tivities within the cage. and everything tended to keep the animale In most quiet condition Suddenly a dog raced toward the cage from one of the entrances to the cireus, barking fu riously two or three times In a moment th liens were In an uproar Rellowing thelr anger and excitement in thunderous tones: they raced and leapt about the cage. Several sprang at their trainer, who had jumped far inty the cage Snapping his short whip. he worked steadily and coolly among them. Dandy, one of the amaliest, Leapet at bis face and was struck sharply across the nose, but rot untt! ee er ay ow ea ee? Gear? nen? PRICE “AURO BARGAINS IN WORLD FAMOUS ELECTRIC FLAMING ARC LAMPS| Account of Reduction of Factory Prices ATTRACTS THE PLEASUREBENT PEOPLE These Lamps are made by Germany’s oldest and largest lamp manufacturers. DON’T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY! Write us what current you use—A. C. or D. C. and we will quote you STARTLING PRICES. CHARLES L. KIEWERT CO. NEW YORK: MILWAUKEE: SAN FRANCISCO: 165 Greenwich St. 114 Huron St. 19 Sutter St. ay ae MA CONCENTRATES THE LIGHT. SPREADS THE LIGHT. . Ai Ai, A, A, Ml, Mi, Ml, Ml, . A, 4, a, A, A “yw > Ain, 4 = * 8999999998989 88888 8 8 9 2 2 OS DE PP FS OS PD . | DRUMMERS © This high-grade orchestra drum direct from factory to you, for . $10. Shells, 3x14,solid maple; ‘* shells, 3x15, rosewood or walnut; f ten rods, kangaroo heads. Send ~ U. S. money or express order. If , you wish c. 0. d., send suffieient to guarantee express charges ° E. P. ZEIDLER DRUM CO., Dept. G, Cleveland, 0 4! — his claws had left their mark on Bomavita’s e o shoulders, Finally, after five minutes of ter rible suspense, the audience breathed a’ great ec 1c 1anos sigh of relief as Bonavita drove the twenty seven lions into one corner and kept them there, cowed and subdued, but still tremblin ii ha FOR SALE It was jusi such an incident that caused bis injury while working with Brutus before | 58. ana operator’s outfit, all in first-class working the camera at Tampa, Fla. Bonavita Was | order. Prices: 44-note, $40.00; 65-note keyboard, tuking the title role in a two-reel picture The 50.00, $65.00, $85.00; for the best Orchestrion Pi Wizard of the Jungle, produced for the Worl |’. | anos with pipes, $300.00. est Film Company. Brutus. who twice be J fore had attacked Bonavita without deing in ° © jury, had been carefully rehearsed to attack SLIDES j a party of English bunters, their rescue to In Get the best and forget the rest. That means NI WF — eS WASHINGTOR, B. 6. | Set, the pert, ond Senet tho gust, That meene <1 possessing ocult powers over the beasts of the catalog just out. ' jungle. One of the hunters was to be threw: from his saddle and attacked by Brutus. WANTED TO BUY—Moving Picture Machines and The horse was to rua away. while Bonavita Films of all kinds and makes We have any thing 8 was to rush in and drive Brutus off. Every you want in this line. Write us what you want. Ad thing was acted according to schedule until dress B. E. WILLIAMS Co., Jasper, Ala. trutus had twice pawed the bedy of the | wanpep—Good versatile Man and Woman for fallen hunter, Then the horse reappeared a> Talking Pictures; people with experience preferred. DO YOUR FILMS NEED RENOVATING? Ronavita dashed up from the opposite side. | grate in your letter what salary expected. tirutus, apparently angered at the horse's ap If so, send them to us. Our new renovating process ruach, vented his wrath on Bonavita by leap vill remove all DIRT and RAIN; besides, we will > at him. Ronavita’s right side was torn JAMES WALLINGFORD, MANAGER, carefully inspect and put all films in good condition. wide open and the muscles reduced to shreds HIPPODROME THEATRE, Price, $1.50 per reel; 12 reels or more, $1.00 each. — by the animal's claws. Finally the trame: | 263 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. | Write today to the LAEMMLE FILM SERVICE, 400 Sykes Block, Minneapolis. Minn drove them beck into the cage placed just beyond range of the camera . . . ’ 7 ;' #8 To-day, three weeks after the accident, and St | C | [ ht C : Me with another smenth of inactivity before he ' OuIS aicium | 0, . . will be wholly well, Bonavita ‘s again planEstablished 1871 <td ving to return to the trainer's cage He wil! meet the ge legged take a ae ee. Oxygen and Hydrogen Gas furnished in tanks for WANTED FOR CASH. onfront the same Priis Ath is t 8: > | Sereanticor oeving Pict ac’ _ . a ~ ao anon? eciteh = ice he has miraculously | Steteopticor and Moving Picture Machines. All orders | Must be in good condition Apply THURSTON, 4 if sesso . ww te to any part of the United States filled promptly. Also ¢ " 1 ¢ >rror F cos Is ' ' j ’ escaped, A : . sb von t areed and Gietmered Calcium Burners, Rubber Tubing. Condensing Lenses, ] » . « 7 scarre t an = “ . ‘ ) life. And ye , — me Paes "| Lime Pencils and Geletin Colors for sale. 516 Elm for life as the result of previous accidents. : but his nerve as steady and his courage not a Street, St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A. LETTER HEADS whit diminisht, he is already planning tricks ithe Rages i { , r Stock or Special Design; Contracts, Ticka and manouvers fer his great Dig shaggy pets one Stage Money, etc. Write for Samples The startled cry of a child, the bark of a BARGAINS IN FILMS AND SONG SLIDES ee ene Sib Se. Deasorn Me we dog, the whipping of canvas by the wind, a 100 Reels Film. elegant condition, $7 per reel and r flash of lightning. or the flickering uf an arc] .. j00 Sets Song Slides, perfect condition, $1.00 k T FOR MOVING light may spell death for this wonderful animal | per set, with music. Send postal for lists. Good Blac ents PICTUF wizard—but, fully conscious of his every risk. | Film Services furpished at sowest prices in the . " and aware that death lurks beneath the silken | sourh. Supplies. sSargains in new and second-hand |M. MAGEE & SON, 147 Fulton St.. New York City. (“ig paws of the great yellow beasts—love of it | M. P. Machines and Gas Making Outfits. Machines ny ~alling to the bandaged form in the | and outfits of all kinds bought. What have you’ i = hospital, "ena be wer gy P. O. BOX 1179, New Orleans, La. If you see it In The Billboard, tell them so. t Magician, as per route