The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913, is 8 The Billboara ‘ KANKAKEE (ILL.) FAIR. [se ates and the world’s greatest producer of Mr, Smith’s activity was displayed to full ad je and a weekly payroll of $115,000, the | New Jersey. Advance indications augur even *. amusement program will be given ach after Avgust home-coming weck should be a success. | greater success for George W Smith's 1913 noon in front of the grand stand, and will in Hi. W. Johnson is secretary . s y. spring and summer seasons, " , cinde the best outdoor attractions which mone) S Ai OES “i a Sad 4 can secure Everything from performing ani AN EXTRAORDINARY ORCHESTRA. Be + mels to a flying machine will be shown. Thers TROTTING OSTRICH NOVEL ATTRACTION. ‘ will also be three harness races and a running The Empire Women's Orchestr of Boston ‘ § race or two each afternoon. After the racis | conducted by Rita Mario is wnt ubtedly one of Hurricane, the famous trotting ostrich, which | "6 ® a horse show will take place on the track the greatest women orchestra agg: gations evet had a successful fair season in Canada and the Very liberal premiums will be offered on high | assembled Some of the wool fam women | Eastern States last _year, is now being bookt | school horses, saddle horses. fancy steppers. | soloists are embract in its ranks ont back| for season 1913. George Maichus, who man| > ®% drivers, ete The Kankakee Fair claims to be | grounds of spectacular vaudevil successes have aged Hurricane, will do so again this Season the pioneer in free attractions It started | influenced the selection of its members. and will also book parks, as this bird is handled twenty-five years ago with a Wild West Show For over twelve years this organization bas |im harness and trotted on the streets or any 4 | At that time the gate admissions were 25 cents. | bern before the public constantly and has pré open space as well as on an inclosed track ( season family tickets, $1, which would admit | vided the chief and, in many cases. exclusi Seiden: = 1 all of the family and as many of the neigh entertainment for big expositions They have " * bors as had the nerve to claim to be members | achieved the enviable record of being the on SOUTHERN FAIR CIRCUIT, of the family and their team every day of the | woman's orchestra that has played a complete TY) — gee ! ‘ fair Admission to the errand stand wus 1! | season's engagement on Broadway New York fhe Southern Fair Circuit offers exceptional cents, and. when filled to its capacity, would | and have been re-engaged for ten consecuti\ epportunity to the show people and concession ' told four hundred people. years to provide the musical entertainment for aires for a nine weeks’ engagement. The jumps ' This fair has gradually increased and en | the Boston Automobile Shows. from city to city are short. Each secretary | larged its amusement program, its races and Starring at expositions thruout the winter | P'#aning for a big fair and the outlook As | ‘ premiums until to-day it claims to furnish une | months and proving important attractions at | f@vorable in every particular All contracts will ; of the greatest outdoor entertainments given | prominent sumer parks, this organization is be meade with each individual secretary. Ex enywhere. The grandstand with a reserved | favored with almost cuntinuous bookings and hibitors, show and concession prople desiring wed ‘ seat capacity of 2.000, at 50 cents. and aj whenever they have strayed from the beaten moke Shrevepoprt, La., will be allowed to leave eneral admission of 8,000 more at 25 cents] path. such as their year’s engagement at the | 2%(kson, Miss., in time for the opening of thé P fs filled to the Himit. Last year’s gate re-| Hotel Schlitz, Milwaukee, they have introduced Ia uisiana State Fair. J. M. McDonald, Jack m ceipts were $24,393.25 Nothing but the best | so many novelties that return engagements were | 8°®> Miss.. is president of the Association of free attractions and the highest class paid | invariably offered. But, despite these alluring Scuthern Fairs and Expositions, and Louis N attractions are permitted, and the best carni-| propositions, they prefer to remain identified Brveggerhoff, of Shreveport, La., is secretary val companies are secured, Al! buildings are | with the indoor and outdour exposition fields. vmainted white A large force of men and : —e clean the grounds thoroughly every : DOC TURNER’S FAT GIRL. ’ morning This association last year carried KALAMAZOO’S BIG FAIR. / * quarter-page ads in sixty of the leading newsJ d Doc Turner, who last year had one of the papers within seventy-five miles of Kankakee. Kalamazoo, Mich., March 14 (Special).—Kala.| best pit shows in the business, wil] endeavor /* This fair offers such attractions and enter| ™azoo’s Big Fair will be one of the biggest ; to put out an even better one for the comin: u : + that the people want to ce. | 25-cent gate fairs in America. It will be | season, featuring Baby Doll, whom Doc claims o ' Len Small is secretary. bigger and better than ever and will be patron-| is the biggest woman alive. a%, ‘ ized by farmers to R. great extent. Ther easiest an : THE CHAMPION BOXING TOY will be big stock exhibits, many improvements ‘ = in buildings and cement walks. The grand SELF-CLOSING VALVE TOY BALLOON. , eee A novelty that is rapidly winning 1.vor has| Stand will be enlarged to accommodate at a, ss recently been placed upon the market by the | least. 4,000 more people than last year. Wm ’ One of the newest novelties in the toy ba! Hampden Toy Co., of Westfield, Mass. It is|PEngelman is the secretary, and the dates loon line, which has proved extremely popular 4 called the Champton Boxing Toy, and depicts | ate September 22-27. is the Gregory Self-Closing Valve Toy Balloon | 0 0 il Sue UWetle bower are cs waturcl co Tite i _ ieeenes’ qoavenes nog oe Fe 4 . -_ The little boxers are as natural as e in vn, ention o : * all their movements, and put up a_ perfect 4 Bees BOOK @ PO R. M. Gregory, head of the company, is fitted wit! hi, sparring contest, leading blocking. countering . 7 ‘ ‘ " tomatic valve of light-weight rubber ——— George W. Smith, one of New York's fore an au > and ducking swings and jabs in a manner aii musical managers. with Athens than 25 construction, which allows it to be inflated and 5 3 that would put to shame many of the so-called : : c . nutionally-known bands playing under his bus ae bias eee te ah = a fer ia PLAYING TO S. R. 0. THROUGH ay “white hopes ness direction and controlling two of the largest are ese balloons is that they can be sol ad . inflated. thus being easily handled. a larg women orchestras in the world. namely the Em — ‘ “ 7 W ’ ie" FOURTEENPARACHUTE DROP. pire and Imperial, te forging his way to un quis untity —— but little space. These bal | THE NORTH EST. : ’ ——so ia precedented success, as the never-ending thron ae 4: tr —_ ~ 4 — = anvertes ne i. a S. Ea _ of Elmira “ . ~ of visitors to his spacious suite of offices in | 2°¥elty. neatly pr nted with advertising matter 7 worid over oO aer e 8. me who has the , Putnam Building amply _ testifies mr. | 2¢8!gns or decorations. accomplisht the daring feat of making six, \ , bt » ‘twel on Rl t Smith, like all men of serivus business applica : 4 ® seven, eight and twelve parachute drops from | tion, tho eager to shrink 48 hours’ work into Ss i ha : " ‘s one balloon, will offer to the world of amuse-| 94 js never too busy to cheerfully , The Sumner County Fair and Sales Associa at te the mtesen @f SOIB the Garin feat chat with | tion, Gallatin, Tenn., will hold its tenth »y i . ' . ' 4 « an Nant P . . the many directors of Broadway musical at-| nual fair on August 28, 29 and 30 The one Fientetion _— Moers SeSeent; cme On: ~~ ¢ 5 of — yee Se 4 “pes man from | tractions who have contracted the habit of mak| sociation has never yet failed to pay a dividen: in © . ber a aes ny ~ Mo aa 4 > ae one balloon. The parachutes will be of differ-| ing his ofices their headquarters. The leaders to the stockholders. Last year, for the t | the Band ‘and. Free “Attrections £.000 people pa sed ~ ent colors, thus adding to the effect Hutchin-| cannot be blamed for this when it is remem time in the history of the fair. a carnival through gates last year at our first rar and it ’ "9 son has placed his act hy a Delt ? leadbered that his suite abounds with originals of | company was allowed on the grounds, It was er this year Address _ , ing fairs in Canada and t nited States. ere oe tee, atm 3 ~ one. . gvod, clean show and both made money on JESSE v"BOYLES. Secretary, Thomasville, Ala a sistoric musical albums and invaluable books of | the venture. No races are held. which mat ye A NOVEL IRON JAW ACT. reference—all calculated to interest real lovers | rially ‘ ; ‘ aids the concessions and shows mae | WANTEO—VAUDEVILLE SKETCH TEAM Resides tl acts enumerated. Mr. Smith 1 $2 A. ae —_ Fg a omeunt to over | Man and Wife preferred, as partners in overland » s 2 veside se acts © ated, Mr. Smith las 2, n cash ea year, which gives the /|tent show. Week stands. No capital required. Must 2, SS -y — A age sa imported many Gurepese feature acta, enere io] Sumner County Fair the reputation of being | furnish own transportation, etc. L. B. SIMONS, us, ~| work under his direction, an s su ying | one > , c ” _ elty act. This lady and gentleman. who hal! : 7 ; 9 ppiy'ne ne of the best county fairs in the state. W Fargo, Okla ,) a of music. A new novelty has recently been staged by from Denmark, possess a jaw development cabarets with attractions usually to be found | Y, Allen is secretary and H. Orman, assistant e ritt _ ¢ ices 4 evi) s . rarely shown by performers in that line included with eonty the choicest vaudevil bills | secretary. if you see it in The Billboard, tell them so. ce \ Their ability to Mft, bend and break heavy . “ * and cumbersome articles with their teeth eee : rinces them in the foremost rank of acts of fie. this kind. Those who have witnesst their 4 act state it Is one of the best novelties now Fe ye ee ** ‘ in vaudevil. : : ‘et a H % = CURTISS FLYING BOAT. i * ess From the standpoint of the spectacular the . ¢ Curtiss Flying Boat promises to outdo the fa: : a a : iG mous Curtiss exhibition fiyrers. This latest out ; : ‘I f » put of the Curtiss Company travels on the water ‘| . Bat a speed ranging from three to fifty miles : * per hour: while in the air it is capable of go: Z ing from fifty to seventy miles r hour, carry: uo ' te 1 A Al —B lli ] G b d—Whi 1 ind FY ing four passengers. , = ye onic t etes rl tantly ar e iT wi y Medal, offered by the Smithsonian Institute, and Pyramid Builders and Tumblers—Performers the Collier Trofy, ewarded by the Aero Club of — ee ee J » America. for the invention. fE di F. f S h ' a Altho the Curtiss Company has added the fiy0 xtraor inary eats 0 trengt » M ing boat and the hvdro-aeroplane to its list of + am) inventions. it has by no means given up the BOOKED A Shy mere familiar tyne of aeronlanes, but on the . contrary has bookt some of the most famous SOLID N vel fivers of the country for the coming exhibition T eranon WITH THE D | q r] f ni m BATTLE CREEK (MICH.) HOME.COMING. a Sia Battle Creek, Mich March 13 (Special to The RBillboard).—The Battle Creek Chamber of Commerce. will put on a. home products and © home-coming week for August 19-25. Paine’s ra contract submitted for day and night fireworks ealls for $8,000, and National Encampment of » Uniform Rank of Maccabees gets $1.000 for .. Prizes. Street carnival and free street attrac © tions are being bookt now. Battle Creek is , é one of the hest-advertised cities in the United ol * ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO 320 W. 34th St, NEW YORK CITY BOBKER BEN ALI, Manager, Owner and Center Athlete ALBURTUS the First and JESSIE MILLAR ¢ ~ > | -2 pee , Assisted by ** DOLLIE”’ i ) || Home Again After a Five Years World Tour Preventing “A SCENE AT THE FAIR GROUNDS” Glenn Curtiss has been awarded the Langley ] Season 1903-04, Season 1905-06 ason 1906-0 Season 1997-08 Orpheum Road Show. a tose Sts -Stoll Tour, England. MossStott Tour, England. Moss-Stoll Tour, England. eason 1909-10 Season 1908-09 Tour of WorldRickards, Season (911, Season 1912, Moss-Stoll Tour, England, Australia, ete. : Orpheum Circuit. ‘Stoll Tour, England. NOW, SEASON 1913—-ON ORPHEUM CIRCUIT. Permanent Address: 229 W. 38th St., N. Y. | | breakfast foods lv intage by the surprising number of band bovk The Kankakce (I1l.) Inter-state Fair w ill be This is their first big undertaking and as | it rs he secured last summer, including the held the first week in September this > | Battle Creck is a city of 30,000, with 8,000 | booking of Edouarde’s Band for Asbury Park -% The grand opening will be on Labor Day. An] p | ] a (' im | ae nem @ «ft