The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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(« The Billboard | ~ Walter Harter | ‘aad | Aerial Gymnast, with one of the strongest Single Trapeze A before the public. Finishing with the sens s| Head Plunge from Cloud Swing to rr Especially re-engaged for Season 1913 with Heder 1 Greater Shows Permanent address, The I 1 RAY BURBANK That clever Impersonator, presenting a Dancing and Aerial Teeth Act. Would like to joina good partner after first of July. Permanent address —General Delivery, Detroit, Michigan. etc., Jos. Schieber| ett Schieber] is a popular and successful plat wma He has been identified during the years with most of the large carnival ganizations Can not state just now what his Dans are for the coming season The TANNERS BEN DELLA ROSE ists. Acrobata, Fancy Rifle Shots. fancy rifle shots, shooting an apple from her Tumblers, High Kickers and uring Little Della, six years ya head ma and a8 gown, shooting the buttons from her , NURSTON'S ILLUSIONS EXPOSED . “oe Fenton Piano, Prisoner of Canton, ctures, Crystal Cage, and 9 others. 0 50c. E ce : q INRAN, 2235 N. 4th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. sP! R A 1 y | GOBigh” 1 Que se i OF THE MOST ] SENSATIONAL In THE To Whom it May C SPECIAL NOTICE THE GREAT FUSSNER 1s ready to contract with Secretaries and Managers of Parks, Fairs, Expositions, wishing a SENSATIONAL FREE ATTRACTION. Greensburg. Ind., December 25, 1912. Concern: The Great Fussner presented his Spiral Tower and Aerial See-Saw Act at our First Annual Street Fair, and I can safely recommend the act to any one wishing an act that is really sensational and at the same time an act which is up in the air high enough never fails to draw. Especially do I take pleasure in praising the act as performed at night; I consider it one of the most sensational and beautiful acts of the For terms and open time address THE GREAT FUSSNER, to be seen by the enormous crowds which it day. Respectfully, CLYDE A. STAGG 103 Read Street, Evansville, Indiana TH FOUR LUCASES Above is likeness of THE with a new line of acts. good any place, write at once Those who wrote before, write again. Flagler, Colorado, Bigger, better than ever. Have a few dates open. FOUR LUCASES, Novelty Gymnasts, who are now booking fairs, etc., for 1913, Managers wanting free attractions and shows that will make You book direct with us. Satisfaction guaranteed. Regards to friends. For full particulars address THE FOUR LUCASES, FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. Miss Marie Milette A dainty little aertalist. route with Alferetta. The act is known as Alferetta Sisters. Charley Zipper Crain Now en That Cowboy Monologuist Cowboy Quartette. The Feature, big Novelty which is always working. Why? cowboys who sing the songs the people come back to with the Arizona Harmony Act, Because there are five hear. It’s the act so different. Al Marx THE HERCULEAN KING OF STRENGTH THE SPECIAL’ ATTRACTION WITH CIRCUS COLUMBIA, CUBA, FOR THE WINTER SEASON Also His Troupe of TRAINED DOGS OFFERS FOR THE COMING SEASON FOR ABOVE ACTS—AND ALSO “LEONORA AND ROSEIDA”’ To Permanent Address MRS. AL MARX 82 N. Water St., Ogdensburg, N.Y. “MINUTE MEN” I guarantee my developer formula fect black and white ferrotypes, or Don’t you have trouble? Prepaid, 5ic. MICK, 57 Centre Ave., Xenia, Ohio to produce perdirect process. ED. McCOR