The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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-_ Sy MARGH 22, 1913. The Billboara — —— Kokou Athletic Park, Kokomo, Marion and ‘Western Traction Cor. mgrs.; does not play fi . plays ba LaFayet'e aye seh Trail Park, L. 1, Lefler, park does not play vaudevil; plays mer bands ° Sunday. LaPorte oegeler’s Park. LaPorte—! uffside Park. vorte—Alr Line Park. oe :—Kienly’s Island, T. hs mgr. ate Spencer Park, A. W Black, supt. Ft. Wayne gad Northern ind Traction Coe. yPops ws not play vaudevil; plays bands Michigat City—Washintgon Park, F. M. Boockling, mer.; park plays vaudevil and bands. Montpelier —Me ontpelier Fair and Driving Park, Cc, L. Smith, mgr.; does not play vaudevil; lays bands pa) Cc. Westside Park, R, Andrews, Muncie k plays bands. ule h bet Gienwood Park. New Cast e—Biue Valley Park. New «Interurban Park. New Cast! e—Shiveley’s Park, W. A. Shiveley, New Castle—Hdlewild Park, 1. A. Jennings, hain Lake Park. South Ber i—Springbrook lark, Eph. P. Dalley, mer Northern Ind. Ry., props.; no Bs me © circuit: plays bands. Vincennes _Lakewood Park, C. O. Gosnell, mgr.; park does not play vaudevil; plays bands OL Sundays. Wabash mgr. South Bend -Boyd Park. IOWA. Arnolds Park, A. L. Pick, prop. park plays vaudevil and bands, Barlingto D 4<rapo Park, C. H. Walsh, mgr.; park plays vaudevil and bands. Burlington— Madison Ave. Park. Glen Hagan Park, J. Mace Hagan, YWnterv lu Cer —_ ds Park 1 me 4 bautauqua Park. Bayside Park, Clear Lake Bathing mgrs.; park does not play prop. # Cherokee Clear Lake and Amusement Co. vaudevil or bands. Counc] Biuffs—Lake Manawa Park, H. M. Barnet, mgr pare plays vaudevil and bands. Davenpo cheutzen Park. Des le: Ingersoll! Park, Geo. W. Macartney, mgr.; park plays vaudevil and bauas. ubuque—Union Park. 9 MadisonPeake’s Amusement Park, J. A. Peake, mgr. Newton—Oak Park. Sioux City—Riverside. Sioux City—Woodlawn Park. Villisca—Tyler’s Park, Tyler Bros, mgrs. Waterioo—Electric Park, H. R. Parker, mgr.; Waterloo Amusement Co., props.; plays vandevil: no bands; on 8S, & C. cirenit. KANSAS. Atchison—Foresi Park, Wm. Vance, mgr.; park t play vaudevil; plays bands Baxte! ‘Sprit ugs—Reunion Park. Emporia—Sodens Park, Dunsworth, mgr.; par k does not play vaudevil; plays bands. Gunn Park, Oscar Herold. occasionally ; by city; plays vaudevil bands, Horton City Park. on—Riverside Park, K. C. Beck, mgr.; « vandevil; also plays bands Indepen lence—Natural Forest Park. a ¥ Fo est Park, Mayor and Council, mgrs.; es not play vaudevil. Pi ool g—Idle Hour. Topeka—Garfield Park, Chas. C. Mathews, mgr.; park ore Renta. : et ewood Park. Wi -hitafoaderiand Park, J. T. Nuttle, mgr.; park ae vaudevil and bands. KENTUCKY. Ashiand—Clyffeside Park, G. N. Wilde, mgr.; park does not play vaudevil; plays bands. Bellevue—Queen City Beach. Frankfort—G) anwoes Park. Lexington — Blne ass Park, manager not vet Vine Grass P ark Co, . props park en yay indevil: plays lecal bands Louisville—Fountaine Ferry Park, Harry A, Bii” mg park plays vaudevil and bands, Ts Fiverview Park, Lam Simons) mg plays bands. ~ Ludlow —Lagoon me J. Weaver, mgr.; park own 1b ‘ ompany; plays vandev'l and Owensboro in Seas Park, Mr. Siliman, mgr.: does not play vaudevil; plays bands; Owensboro—Chautauqua Park, Winchester—Massie’s Park. LOUISIANA. Crowley —City Park. u les—The Shell Beach Casino Le mp te—Moore New Orleans—City park does not Park. Park, H. play vaudevll; Bernard, mgr.; plays bands. New Orleans—Spanish Fort, Jules Bistes, mgr.; plays bands, New Orleans—West End Park. New Orleans—Andnbon Park, Sam Marshall, owned by city: no vandevtil; plays band Shreveport—Gladstone Park. MAINE, Cape Elizabeth—Cape Cottage Park Caj » Elizabeth—Cape Cottage Casino. La Lake Grove Park Nors Central Park, A. P. Bassett, mer. and oe pays vaudevi!l and bands ‘Siand—Caseade Park, Wm. J. Hand, mgr.; piays vaudevil at times; and loca! bands Sundays. 0 0 ird—Seaside Park Alex F. Fiseher, Coney Island Realty Amusement Co .; plays vandey 1 and bands; United I ' Riverton Park, C. F. Berry, mgr.: ays vaudevil; also plays an orchestra. gan ~amowene Park, H. L. Sweet, mgr,; ‘floes not play vaudevi!l; plays bands. MARYLAND. ore—Herman’s New Electrie Park, J. A , itn & Sons, props. : re—Weber's Park. ' re-—North East Park re-—-Stoddard's Palm Gardens, Jas Stod ore Hoffman House Casino re—-Kiine's Shore Line Park. re W iverly’s Summer Gardens hore--Greater Hollywood Park, Weat Nel| , » Mgr: park plays vaudevil and bands, hore-Flodd's Park, W. H. Truehart, mgr.; k p “ys vaudevil and bands. r tlectric Park, A. N. Elrod, r “rs Exhibit'on Co,, propa.; no bands: no elreuit. megr.: no vau tr er ‘ ' tlm . eng Ng Gwynn Oals and Bay Shore Parks J ’. Pratt, mgr.: United Ry. and Electric props; park plays vwauderil and bands: ne clrenit, mgr.; | mgr.; ny: | | This view taken’at White City, Chicago, during a thunderstorm. over the tower. AND ALSO THE LATEST, THE BEST 10c EXCESS PER LAMP Over the price of clear lamps. You pay for Color Caps at least 12c PER LAMP WHEREAS Guaranteed the life of any lamp outdoors, will Ic PER LAMP Merely a dip. Six beautiful shades. Transparent and brilliant. MANUFACTURERS 440 Orlgans St. White City has used our coloring for years. THE CHEAPEST | You pay for Natural Colored Incandescent Lamps at least CEFCO WEATHER PROOF LAMP COLOR Packed in 7-0z., Sold by all leading Electrical Supply Houses, or by C. E. FRANCHE & CO. Note the streak of lightning cost you less than 15-0z. and 30-0z. cans. CHICAGO, ILL. Braddock—Braddock Heights, R. lau! Smith, | Milford—Lake Nipmue Park, W. L. Adams, mgr. mgr.; park plage ' vaudevil and bands. Cumberland—Merryland Park. New Bedford—Lincoln Park, 1. W. Phelps, mgr. ; Frederick—Lakeview. Union Street Ry. € props.; plays stock opera | Frederick—Braddock Heights, John W. Poole and bands; no circuit. mgr.; Frederick R. R. Co., props.; plays | Palmer—Forest I ome al Harry Bates, mgr.; bands: no vaudevil. Wm. Rohan, proj plays vaudev'l, stock Glen Echo—Gien Echo Park, L. musical au ‘d ‘bands; no cireuit. B. Schloss, mgr.; } Revere—Luna Park park plays bands | Glen Echo Park Co., props.; and vaudey!l; no circuit. Revere—Ocean Pier, L. F. Sherman, mgr.; park Ocean City—Ocean City Pier. A. A. McDonald _ does not play vaudevil or bands, mgr.: park does not play vaudevil; plays Sa vor Salem Willows Park, M. J. Doyle, mgr.; bands plays vaudevil and bands. River rside Grove Park. 10 «6=Park, F. J. Williams, bands. Springtel d Ocean City —WIndsor Resort, Daniel Trimper. tought Glen mer. and prop.; plays ban ds and vaudevi! not on a circuit. _ mgr park plays ; Overlea—Baster’s Park, Geo. C. Easter, mgr.; | Taur ton Sabbatia Park, Bay State St. Ry. Co., park plays vaudevil and orchestra. Boston, props.; D. J. Horgan, park mgr. Webster—Beacon Park, Edgar S. H mg? MASSACHUSETTS. Beacon Park Co.. props.; park plays vande Atho!—Brookside Park. _and bands. Attleboro—Tallquega Park. Westboro—Lake Chauncey Park Auburndale—Norumbega Park, Cari Alberte, | Westfield— Bequot Park. mgr.: Norumbega Park Co.. props.; park plays Worcester—Woodland Park. 10 bands; is not on a circuit. Worcester—Pinehurst Park. Atiantic Park Co. | Worcester—White City Park, Geo. Highland Park. gher, mgr. F. GallaBrockton Dedham—Westwood Park, Bay State Ry. Co., Worcester— Lincoln Park, Geo. Goett, mgr.; park Boston, props.; park plays vaudevil. plays vaudevil and bands. : : Dighton Rock Park, G. Wilbur, | Wrentham—Lake Pearl Park, Wm. L. Enegran, Dighton mer.: Bay State Ry. Co.. props.: plays bands | mer plays vaudevil; also plays bands on and vaudevil occasionally: Keiths circuit. Sundays. Dracut—Lakeview Park, Jolin J. Corry, /*; MICHIGAN ay S “o. rops.; pays vaudevil and == ‘ Bay State Ry. Co., prop pay | Battle Creek—Goguas Resort, G. Macard, mgr.; bands; no cirenuit. 4 i } = hn, Fall River—Sandy Beach, A. V. DuBols,, prop. nels not play vaudevil; Fitehburg—Whalon Park, W. W. Sargent, Mgr.; | pay City—Winona Beach, Lew. H. Newcomb, plays vaudevil; plays bands on Sundays. mgr.; park plays vaudevil; plays bands very Gloucester—Long Beach Park. osléem . . 7 | H rhill—The Pines. . =e Holyoke St. Benton Harbor—Park Springs of Eden, Israelite | Holyoke—Mountain Park, | mgrs.; does not play bands. House of David, mgrs.; park plays vandevil: plays own bands. plays bands oc Ry. Co., ull—Paragon Park. Geo. A. Dodge, mgr.; At aeatic Pork Co., props.; does not play vaude Calumet—Crestview Park, F. W. Taylor, mgr.: vil or bands; not on a circuit. Keweenaw Central R. R. Co., props.: park Lakeville—Lakeside Park, Bay State Ry. Co does not play vaudevil; plays bands Boston, props,; park plays vaudevil. Detroit—Wayne Casino. Lawrence—Glen Forest Park. Detroit—Riverview Park, Milford Stern, megr.: Lexington—Lexington Park. Riverview Park Co., props.; plays bands; vanu devil oceasionally: Sun's time. Floating Bridge Park. Lynn Kast tawas—Tawas Beach. FPlint—Lakeside Park, J. D. plays bands; no vaudevil; Grand Rapids—Ramona Stuart, mgr.; park not on a circuit. Park, L. J. De Lamar ter, mgr.; plays vaudev'l; no bands. Hillsdale—Bay Breeze Park. Hancock—Electric Park, Frank 0. Mayotte, ngr.; park plays bands on Sunday. Ishpeming—Union Basebal] Park and Cleveland Pienie Park, W. MeCor kin, Mgr.; does not play vaudevil; plays bands. Jackson—Hague Park, J. Albert Odell, mgr.; park does not play vaudevil; plays pands at times. Kalam izoo—Oakwood Vark, Ed, Esterman, mgr.; Michigan United Traction Co., props.; plays bands; no vaudevil. Lake Orion—Park Island, W. J. piays vaudevil; also plays an orchestra. Lansing—Waverly Park, H. P. French, megr.; park does not play vaudevil; plays bands. Lansing—Pine Lake Park, Walter J. Wheaton, Ingr., does not play vaudevil; but play» bands. Muskegon—Lake Michigan Park, W. J. Mulholland, mgr.; French and Mullolland, props.; park plays vaudevil and ba | Orion Lake—Park Island, Ru Crawford, mgr.; ll BP. Winter, mgr.; Lake Orion Summer Houses Co., props.; does not play vaudevil. | Owosso—McCurdy’s Park. | Port Huron—Keewahdin Park, A. A. Graves, mer.; does not play vaudevil; plays bands. Saginaw—Riverside Park, Lew H. Newcomb, mgr.; park plays vaudevil; plays bands occasionally. St. Joseph—Silver Beach. Louis D. Wallace, mgr.: Drake and Wallace, props.; park does not play vaudevil or bands; not on a circuit. MINNESOTA. Austin—The City Park. Duluth—Lester Park, J. T. Condon, mgr.; park. does not play vaudevil; plays bands. Duluth—Chester Park, owned by the city. Mankato—Rivera Park, Guy Flanagan, mgr. Minneapolis—Lake Nokomis Park. Minneapolis—Lake Minnetonka Park. (Continued on page 90.)