The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard 89 t s Prepaid, 75c, ag se Exp ~ ith Collect” 80c. ITH Tht BASES FULL | /ERYBODY SCORES WITHiTHE “BON TON TEN”’ reg sition for AGENTS, CREW MANAGERS, FAIR AND CARNIVAL FOLLOWERS, PADDLE WHEELS, ETC. We pf and the agents “get away with our propositions with plenty of “long green”’ in their jeans. ie $3.35 Value. Costs You 45c. UNCLE SAMUEL, OUR SILENT PARTNER, who delivers your orders to us. The entire output of our six-story factory Is sold through the mail, our agents being the only middlemen from our factory to consumer, . A Hot $1.00 Seller The box cover hides the purple padding on the inside lid of the carrying case. The case itself sets the box off in fine style. The sample case, as shown, is not furnished with each box, but is furnished with the sample and coupon offers made below. When you call on your customer with this neat sample case, which you can carry under your arm, open it up and show the purple padded lid and the gorgeous cover of the BON TON TEN, which looks like it was tied up with green satin ribbon, you immediately have the woman's attention. She is curious to know what it contains and you will surely hold her attention until the cover is removed and the array of our fine toilet goods will dazzle her eyes. If she ever coveted anything in her life, she will covet this package and when at the end of your spiel you state she can have it all for the low price of $1.00, you can almost knock her down with a feather. Give her time to recover herself and the $1.00 will be yours in a jiffy, even if she has to borrow it from a neighbor. Quantity and quality considered, this is an amazing offer for the price of $1.00 which we place in your hands for 45e. SPECI AL OFFER To give you a start on{the BON TON TEN, we will send you 23 boxes, allowing you the 100 box price, which would amount to $10.25, and a display case, worth $1.00 free for $10. YOU CAN MAKE THE MONEY THESE MEN and WOMEN MAKE EXPERIENCE PROVES THIS LINE BEST. ¥F have handled enlarged pictures for years, and several other things from time to time, but I have never taken orders and delivered anything with the W. H. Fleenor, of Va., has been handling our goods for about two years, and doing nicely on Lucky “Leven. He ordered a sample of Bon Ton $68.00 SALES ONE DAY. “Sold 68 boxes at $1.00 in one day in territory that had been worked twice before.”” Yours truly, M. B. WHITE, L—-, W. Va. 8 HOURS 90 ORDERS. “I have canvassed 9 hours and taken 90 orders. I solicited them on positive guarantee that the goods will be as samples.’’ Cc. A. WALKER, B-——, Miss. WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS? “Hope to do big things with your line, and if 1 do not, I will ask the Governor wo give me a pass to the Poor House, as there would be no chance for a man to live if he can not make it with the Bon Ton Ten.” Very respectfully, H. ROBERTS, P——. Fila. $25.80 PROFIT FIRST DAY. “Will sell lots of goods. 43 orders first day's work by myself.’’ Yours truly, 0. F. WRIGHT, C . &. Cc. THIS MAKES SUCCESS CERTAIN. “It is a great pleasure to have orders receive such prompt attention, and I am greatly obliged to you for it. Goods received yesterday after dinner, Saturday. The order was mailed here after 6 P. M., Thursday.—Quick doin’s.—Your goods give generally good satisfaction. That's everything—even more than repeat orders.” CHARLES BRANDON, S——, lowa. MADE $52.00 ON FRIDAY. 1 am sending you an order for 250 boxes with Shears . . . Say, I am getting $1.50 for the box and Shears. That gives me a very good profit. Last Friday I made $52.00. That is good for me, is it not? F. ROLEY, B—, Ala. Ten some ten days ago, and yesterday sent us J order for 1,000 boxes, cash &ccompanying the er. KEEPS ON DOUBLING. Gentlemen:—Am highly pleased with the sale of your propositions, and believe 1 have done pretty well, considering, starting out with $30.00 worth of your goods, and a Jack or Burro and a pack saddle. Sold 100 boxes of soap and shears, and realized $78.00. Sent that for more goods, sold them, and realized $200.00. The present stock is partly sold out, but I bought a wagon for $63.00, and now am looking for a good horse so I can get around faster, and expect to keep on doubling my business. JAMES LAWSON, P-—, Calif. Dear Sirs:—I took orders for 16 boxes in two hours this afternoon. JOE E. NELSON, S——., Nebr. I have worked two days and taken 36 orders. INO. G. HAITHCOX, N. H—, N. C We have 203 orders taken in 3% days. Yours for business, E. F. NEWCOME, D——., Va. 14 HOURS—6! SALES—PROFIT, $36.60. Have been out two days—seven hours each day— and made 61 sales. My profits, $36.60. Am going to work the county. F. B. HESS, G——, Ohio. A MONTH'S SALARY IN A WEEK. “My order amounts to over $45.00; profit $60.00. ease I handled this soap. Thirty orders yesterday while delivering. I am working on limited capital, but look out when I get a better hold and a few boys on the road. E. C. SMYTHE, C—. N. C » $7.50 IN TEN MINUTES. The first day I .went out I sold $7.50 worth in ten minutes. I was out two hours the first evening and sold $20.00 worth. LORENZO RATLIFF, M—, Ga. INSTRUCTIONS HELP TO SUCCESS. 1 have read you book on ‘“‘Salesmanship,’’ and it is grand. Your book is very instructive; it gives me new ideas. Very truly yours, F. L. GIBSON, P——-, Pa 27 ORDERS FIRST DAY. Dear Sirs:—Received samples on the 15th, and found them all 0. K. I was out yesterday and took 27 orders. Yours truly, W. R. McCURDY, W . Pa $15.00 SALES, 21 MINUTES’ TIME. I have sold some of your goods and find them fast sellers. I sold $15.00 worth of the razors or — Outfits in 21 minutes. How is this for rd reco F—— M-——, Wyoming. 150 ORDERS IN 26 HOURS—$90.00 PROFIT, Gentlemen:—I am having excellent luck, as 1 have taken 150 orders in 26 hours. Yours very truly, LEONARD W. WEST. P-——. IIL. BIG DAY—PROFIT $12.75. This is the result of one week's work. Your goods Please give enclosed order prompt attention. To go like hot cakes. Easy vacation and‘ a good | day’s sales amount to $20.40. The “‘Lucky ‘Leven’’ month’s salary at that in a week.’’ and Tension Shears sure is a bargain at $1.35. JOHN NUERNBUBG, O——., Wis. N. R. NORTHCUTT, G-———, Tex. $18.60 DAILY PROFIT—WHY NOT YOU? Am doing very nicely here. Took thirty-one orders yesterday. UGH POPPE, F—, Wis. If this package isn’t worth $1.00, it isn’t worth a cent. Tlie consumer can discount our prices two-thirds and still show more than $1.00 value. If people have the money, and the reports show that they have it in abundance, they are sure buyers of BON TON TEN. OUR USUAL SPECIAL $5.00 COUPON For a “five spot’ we will send you GET MORE COMPLETE DETAILS TODAY IF STILL IN DOUBT. Our $5.00 Coupon Offers are always popular. They are made f{for, quick action. Profit by grasping this one. Regular Cost. Sells For. 2 oa _—— , ee $5 64 $12 00 on Ton Ten Display Case.... 50 READ OUR GUARANTEE <A ie wi 7 moreby guarantee that any person purchasing one of our packages at dies price —at any time—from any one of our agents— may, in the event idol 's not satisfied with it, return it to us within ten days from date ase and we will refund the amount paid. a my ots concern offer such a definite, clear, sweeping guarantee? This should conYt beyond the question of a doubt that our goods are right—that we are right—that ui ; Bo Meht proposition for you to handle or if But there won't be any kick. ly ave v ~ m ° ° . “e° your profit, and we square ourselves with your consumer— if there is any kick Our goods satisfy. Street Cost you $5.00; Profit $7.00, besides sample case free. NOW SHOW YOU ARE GAME. . M. DAVIS SOAP CO., 640 Davis Bldg., Chicago. I am game. your “V,” Shoot on your Special Offer to me by...................... Express. E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO. E Here’s We are the only ones who can lose. You will vis Bldg , 224 No. Desplaines St., Chicago. Rais Only allowed to new customers, for quick action, and only once to each when accompanied by coupon. pmerya