The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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vg? SF: a “aM s ole ad F es é@ o The Bi liboard MARCH 22, 1913. THE PARKER JUMPING HORSE CARRY-US-ALL The Most Popular and Profitable Riding Device in Existence Thirty-one Years Practical Experience Behind It Mechanically Perfect Artistically Designed Unlimited Earning Capacity Endorsed by Experienced Operators Everywhere Greatest Money Maker of atl Amuse ment Devices. Convinced, The One Perfect ‘‘Jumper.”’ There is Only One Successful PortaIts name is ble Carry UsAll, PARKER,” Investigate and be Scores of Pleased Owners Testify to this, c e stopped ake +hWia nh BUILT BY C.W.PARKER ONLY SUCCESSFUL PORTABLE JUMp. ING HORSE CARRY-US-ALL Important Features Patented Other Patents Pending Built for Service Quickly Erected Easily Taken Down Modern Safety Appliances light in Weight Ample In Strength Always the Center of Attraction Attracts and Holds the Crowds For Prices, Terms and Proofs, WRITE TODAY to C. W. PARKER World's Largest Manufacturer of Amusement Devices LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, U.S. A. PARK LIST (Continued from page 91.) Ashtabula—Woodland Park, J. C. Hurd, mgr. Cambridge—tElectric Park. Canal Dover—Sunnyside Park, E. V. Waguer mgr. and prop.; does not play vaudevil; plarbands; is not on a circuit. Canton—Meyers Lake Park, H. B. Ritz, mgr. Northern Ohio Traction and Light Co., props.; plays vaudevi! and bands; bookt by Harry Hawn Celina—Mercelina Park, August Hamburger, mmgr.; park plays some vanudevil; also plays bands Cincinnati—Chester Park, Col. 1. M. Martin, mgr.; park piays vaudevil and bands. Cincinnati—Comey Island, Coney Island Co.. props. and mgrs.; park plays vaudevil plays regular band Cinacinnati—Zoolog'cal Gardens, Sol. A. Stephens, mgr.; Cincinnati Zoological Ce., props.; does | not play vaudevil; is not on a c.rcuit; playe Cleveland—Luna Park, M. F. Bramley, mgr.; plays vapdevil; also bands. Cleveland—Coliseum Garden. Cleveland—Euclid Beach Park, Harris G. Shau non, mgr.: does not play vaudevil or bands. Columbus—Indianola Park, Chas. E. Miles, mgr.; park plays vaudevil and bands. Columbus—German Village Garden and Theater; park plays vaudevil: no bands. Columbus—Buckeye Lake Park, Will D. Harris, mgr. Columbus—Olentangy Park, J. W. and W. J Dusenbury, mgrs.; The Olentangy Park Co., props.; plays vaudevil and stock; plays bands; not on a circuit. Copneaut—Lake View Park. Dayton—White City Park. Defiance—Island Park. C. M. Murphy, mgr.; St. Ry. Co., props.; park plays vaudevil and bands Bast Liverpool—Newell Park. East Liverpoo!|—Rock Springs Park. Findlay—Riverside Park. Findlay—-Reeves Park. Galion—Seccaium Park, D. J. Quinn, mgr.; park plays vaudevil; also plays bands at times. Kernt—Lake Brady Park, D. G. Hartman, mgr.; plays vaudevil occasionally; plays bands on Sundays. Y Kenton—Lake Idlewild, A. V. Salisbury, mgr and prop.; does not play vaudevil; plays home bands: on Bellefontaine and Findlay circuit Lakeside—Lakeside Park, Arthur B. Jones, supt.; Lakeside C » Meeting Assn., props.; no vaudevil: band and orchestra, Lima—McCullough Park, V. H. Effinger, mgr.; park does not play vaudevill or bands. Lima—Hover Park, L Rogers, mgr. snd prop.; plays vaudevil and bands; bookt by Barrett Show Co. Lisbon—W1llow oe So. Mansfield—Sherman . Mansficld—Luna Park, Geo. W. Stattler, mgr. Mansfield—Casino. E. R. Endly, mgr.; owned by Street Railway Co.: no vaudevil; no bands. Marietta—Ferncliff La _ H. Young, mgr., does not play vandevil; plays q Mt. vorace,—-tilawatha Park, E. G. Blessinger. mer.; park plays vaudevil bands. Newark—Idiewild Park. Newark—Rigel Park. Niles—Avon Park. | | | | | | } | Plimpton—Lake View Summer Resort. Portsmouth—Millbrook Park. Put-in Bay—Midway Park, T. B. Alexander mgr.: Alexander and Myers, props.; plays vaudevil, Sandusky—Rye Beach. Sandusky—Put-in-Bay. Sandusky——Lakeside Park A. B. Jones. mer Lakeside Campmeeting Assn. props par does nut play vandevil; plays bands aml or chestras. Sandusky—Cedar Point on Lake Erie, G. A. Boeckling, mgr.; The Cedar Point Resort Co.. props.; plays bands; no vandevil. Sev'lle—Chippewa Lake Park. A. N. Beach, mgr.; Chippewa Lake Park Co., props.: plays bands and vaudevil. lark | Springfield—Zue Park, Chas. C. Pine, mgr.; park plays vaudevil; does not play bands. Steubenville—Stanton I’ark Toledo—Farm Park and Theater. Toledo—White City, Jas. J. Foley, mgr. Toledo—Walbrid—ge Park. Chas. A Nass mgr.; Nassr and McCormick, props.: park does not play vaudevil: plays city bands Toledo—Toledo Beach, Horace E, Allen, mgr.. Toledo Ry. and Light Co., props.; park doe= not play vaudevil: plays bands. Toledo—Lake Erie Park, Horace E. Allen, mgr.: Toledo Ry. and Light Co., props.; no vande vil; no bands. Vermillion—Crystal Beach. G. H. Blanchat prop. Willoughby—Willowbeach Park, E. L. Schmock, mgr.; does not play vaudevil; plays bands. Youngstown—Avon Park, Maurice Geiger, mgr.: park does not play vaudevi!l or bands. Youngstown—Idora Park, R. E. Platt, mer.: Youngstown Park and Falls St. Ry. Co., prope. ; plays vandevil and bands; on Keith's revit, Zanesville—Maxahala Park, Yearsley A. Price mgr.; Moxahale Park and Amusement Co props.; park plays vaudevil and bands OKLAHOMA. Ardmore—Launa Park. Bartlesville—Coliseum Park. Bartlesville—Duree Electric Park D. O. Duree and Bros., mgrs. and props.; park plays bands; no vandevil. McAlester—Lake Park. B. W. Hilgard. megr.; Choctaw Ry. and Ltg. Co., props.: plays vau devil and bands occasionally; no circuit. Muskogee—Hyde Park. Oklahoma City—Belle Isle Park, H. C. Mart!n, mgr.: Belle Isle Boating Co., props.; plays vandevil and bands: is not on a circuit. Pryor Creek—Whittaker Park, W. T. Whitaker, mgr. Sulphur—The Vendome Park. Tulsa—Orcutt Park, S. A. Orcutt, mgr. Tulsa—Owen Park, Chauncey Owen, prop. OREGON. Bayocean—Bayocean Park, T. B. Potter Realty Co., mgrs.; park plays vandevil and bands. Portiand—Counc!! Crest, Council Crest Co., megrs.; park does not play vandevil; plays bands occasionally. Portland —Oaks Park, John F. Cordray. mear.: United Amusement Co., props.; park plays vaudevil and bands. COMMERCE FOUR-COUNTY FAIR October 27 to November 1, 1913. J.B. HARDMAN, President & Secretary, ° Want good attractions. Commerce, Ga. THE GREAT BERTINI WORLD'S PREMIER UNICYCLIST. ascending and son as FEATURE FREE ACT with the Miller Shows All communications care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio descending a 65-foot Spiral Tower Engaged this sea SIX FLYING BANVARDS WORLD’S GREATEST APRIAL ACT Now Touring Europe Address, BERT BANVARD, Manager, care The Billboard, New York Oity FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. ee le