The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1918, The Billboard 95. a —_ . a 4 OCLARION \: WeBsTERciTMO OmaARSsHALLT °@ + 4 ie ps Ofcrinton nies Ye xeronas KEBERES 9 Se enema FAIR AND CARNIVAL COMMITTEES — . OMAHA O I OWA onenaes en NOTE THE — oe SEYMOUR G OMysT: rw an’ SPICKARD 0 UNION VE y, UK hj Oe.comanetey é MEMPHIE f= * ~ s — JOSEPH MONTGOMERY city VS. IS I aa [ N D. Pe ARMSTRONG O o wn 2 OSPRINGMELD = Orloainson OCiay Ce [e) Glas gour \e ' OTavLorwite u avi 4 OTERRE HauTe. i oP nl 5 Cal a” Cl OBE a OSAL'NA ie : re Sedali ° % Olas a9 annie $ KANS Have o.oo] Ootesance ae SO A r ‘ se fe) Ie: ae ne ' ONEVADA MOQ og we? ~ wrpubore $A io 1 Owicnara OCH Ap TE AARD . «oon Ong fl , +OMaria s ; wc . t) i OSPRINGFIELD fermi? e "O Noes x ¢ KY. OvorPuin . oe os VO Os O aM%et 1 oY x oe ef fo Of EVERY CITY INDICATED ON THE ACCOMOKLA. al F PANYING MAP HAVE RECEIVED ONE OR i st} MORE EXHIBITIONS FROM THE , | ‘ _ ™ OW *Alrster Pine Blatt fe) Ee. Arnansas C! CELEBRATED ”% , UWreernuiile Nauston Paton Donald so GULF of Treuge nertle AD he #ieu’ Urjeans MAEX1GO BENOIST AVIATORS WILL FURNISH BENOIST CROSS COUNTRY PLANES OR BENOIST FLYING BOATS FOR FAIRS, CARNIVALS, ETC. We will puton a whole circus with as many as six machines, flying night or day NAVAL and AIR BATTLES PARACHUTE DROPS OR ANYTHING WRITE FOR P&aRTICULARS ———————— BENOIST AERIAL EXHIBITION CO. 6628 DELMAR BOULEVARD, LOUIS, MO ST Allentown—Centra! park does not play vaudevil; Sundays. PENNSYLVANIA. Park, W. W. Beck, mgr.; plays concerts on | ; Philadelphia— Woodside | Philadelphia—W!!llow Allentown—Dorney Park, F. S. Kinsey, megr.; park does not play vaudevil; plays wal bands Altoona—Lakemont Park, J. M. Shuck, mgr.; park does not play vaudevil: plays bands. i Ashland—Woodland Park. / r Falls—Morada Park. i fonte-——Hecia Park j k-—Fairchilds’ H. W. Fairchilds, mgr. | ford—Lana Park. i—Rock City Park. Alameda Park, Tom E. Kerstetter, mgr.; itier Passenger Ry. Co., props. ambersburg—Red Bridge Park, H. B. Me} y, mgr. ar sburg—Caledonia Park, D. B. Fretz, bgr.: Chambersburg and Gettysburg Electric Ry. Co., props.; bands played on special oc sions only Ciearte\d—Clearfield Driving Park. i Colu ia—Chickles Park. Dul Rage nt Park, Abe Shalala ng { ,, Park plays vaudevil; also plays bands. ‘ Eas on-—Oakland Park, H. R. Fehr, mgr.; park | _ does t play vaudevil or bands. ‘ Eas Bushk Park, Geo. E. Chifle. mgr.; park not play vaudevil or bands. East ireater Island Park, H, R. Fehr, Easton An ent Co., props.: park plays vaudevil. au edies an I comic opera; plays local _ bands Sundays, Erie—Walde meer Park, Fr Creek Park, H. T. Foster. mg e park plays vaudevil and bands occasionally. Pact e—Winola Park, Car! Edwards mgr 1 prop park does not olay . > rT Woodland Park. a _ Oakford Park, 0. C. Hartley, mgr.; ‘ Ry. Co., props.; plays stock. fo. Har Eichelberger Park, E. M. Grumbine, = ma rk plays vaudevil; also plays bands. | a rs -Hippedrome Park. q | 7 Paxtang Park, T. M. Davis, mgr.; 1 ing Ry. Co., props.: plays vaudev!l; casionally: no circuit. Haale Park. Hershey Park, A. T. Hellman, megr.; lershey, prop.; park plays stock; plays band: Is not on a cireult. Cold Springs Park. i—Jacob’s Palace Park. 're——Nippono Park, C. B. vark does not play vaudevil; plays bands. ro—Lane Park, Park Haws, mer. ; Roxark Amusement Co., props.; does not McCullough, vendevil or banda, ‘g—Lenape Park, F. A. Moesta, mgr.: ‘t play vandevil; plays bands. | Lancaster—Conestoga and People’s Parks, John B, Peoples, play bands, Lancaster—Rock Springs Park. Lansford—Manilla Grove Park. Lewistown—Burnham Park Mauch Chunk—Flagstaff Park, J. mgr.; parks do not play vaudevil; F. Geiser, mgr.; Carbon Transit Co., props.; plays bands; vaudevil occasionally McKeesport—Olympia Park, 0. C. Hartiey, mgr.; West Pa. Ry. Co.. props.; plays stock. Meadville—Exposition Park, H. 0. Holcomb mgr.; park does not play vaudevil or bands Meadville—Oakwood Park. Milton—Milton Park. Milton—Riverside Park. H. R. Deeter, mgr.; park does not play vaudevil; plays bands. Mt. Carmel—Maysville Park. New Brighton—Junction Park. W. H. Boyce, mgr;. park does not play vaudevil; plays local bands. Newcastle—Cascade Park. R. E. Platt, megr.: Mahoming and Shenango Ry. and Light Co props.; no bands; plays vaudevil; Keiths e!r cult. Oil City—Monarch Park, F. D. Shaffer. mgr.; park does not play vaudevil; plays one band Philadelphia—New Luna Park, J. A. Bohme mer.; park plays vaudevil and bands. Park, W. C. Martir Estate Co., prop.; no bands: is not on a circuit. Grove Park, John R Philadelphia Rap!d Transit Co play vaudevil; plays bands Woodside plays mgr. : Real vaudevil: Davies, mgr.; props.; does not no circuit. Ph'ladelphia—Point Breeze Park, Fred W. Mc Clellan, mgr.: Point Breeze Park Corporation, props.: plays vandevil and bands; no cirenit. Pittshurg—Kennywood Park, A. S. MceSwigan, mgr.; park plays vanudevil and bands. Pittsburgh—West View Park. 0. C. MacKali mer.: does not play vaudevil; plays Toot bands. Pottsville—Tumbling Run Park. C. F. Crane, mgr.: plays vandevil and bands. Punxsutawney—Allaho Park. Read'ng—Pendora Park. Reading Carsonia Park, 0. S. Gelger, mgr.: American Amusement Co., props.; does not play vandevil: no circuit: plays local bands. Renovo—Farewell Park. Riverside—DeWitt’s Park. Sayre—Keystone Park, W. FE. Case mer. Scranton—Rocky Glen Park. Scranton—Moosle Lake Park. Seranton—Luna Park, T. M. Gibbons, park plays vandevil: also plays bands. Scranton—Northern Electric Park, Howard el, mgr.: park plays vaudevil at times; bands. mgr. ; Fravplays (Continned on page 98.) | THE SKILES FAMOUS ORCHESTRA sommencing about April |. Hotel or Theatre in the Address ROBERT SKILES, Clyde, Kansas. Desire Summer Engagement, South ot East preferred. AUDITORIUM, PATERSON, N. J. Largest Amusement Hall State of New basement; in com plete order; al! conveniences. Fine rathskeller, license to sell liquors, ete. Open for weekly or monthly engagements. Terms reasonable, or rented on a commission basis. For further information address R. A. MITCHELL, Owner and Manager The Auditorium, Paterson, N. J The Strong Boy of America AT LIBERTY To join a strong or weight lifting act. Age 19; height 5 ft., 11 inches; weight, 176 Ibs., Address JULIAN FRANCH, 283 N. Howard St., Akron, Ohio. Jersey; 300 feet long; 17,500 feet of floor surface; same size FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. ,