The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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Tees. Semis 3 > ia RES TGS LR e. 104 The Billboard b f MARCH 22, 1913. > , | AF 4 | _ Manager yo . Six years’ experience in Moving Picture business = § LEARI TO HYPNOTIZE! Wonderful.Mys-m Also A-1 Operator; can fill both places. Salary 7 R« fascinating! me reasonable Or will lease picture house in good ‘ ° ’ live town. State all in first letter Best of ref‘es erences Answer quick Address your friends and make yourself ou can BAKE HONEY by giving enterAL K BELT h 4 tainments, y, treating a one =o Pome or ° 9 teaching the art to others. veritable key to 5 health, happiness and success in life. YOU may | | GENERAL DEL. . NEWARK, OHIO. learn it! ery small cost. Success is sure. " Send for my illustrated FREE BOOK on Hyp+ 4 é notism, Personal Magnetism, l | Y : Magnetic Healing and other oc7 cult sciences. Just send your } —__—— " name and address and I will send it by return mail, free ” : and postpaid. Write today. ' \ . Address M. D. BETTS,Statlos 251, Jackson le Featuring the smallest Lady Aeronaut in Amer; Ps ica, LITTLE BERTHA. Open for engagements for , : : Fairs, Parks, Carnivals and other engagements. Reaee, a1 ; e : Be sonable prices. All mail answered. CHAS. H. SNYJ \ " ; Le 3 0B A DER, Manager, 1326 Home Avenue, Dayton, Oldo ‘ q ‘ Si VAUDEVILLE’S GREATEST COMEDY WRITER ) " a a naeanal | Will equip you with an up-to-the-minute, original 5 and funny Monolog or Sketch hit of any desired subbal ject, style or character, for $2.00. Send money or ' q s money order, together with letter stating kind de| The Most Oriental Flageolet Player in this Country, sired New Monolog on “‘Timely Topics’’ (any char| with his Drummer, want to hear from good Circus e acter), riot 25¢c coin. Don't miss it Address Last year with Yankee Robinson’ Circus Add ess ; . BOB CARMICHAEL, 657 W. Second Street, Winston-Salem, N. C. G. M. MAGARIAN, : ey Who is proving a big drawing card as conductor of SINGERS, YODLERS 60 Monroe Ave. Detroit, Mich. ‘ orchestras, regardless of what orchestra she directs. ; : AND DANCERS *) Seasons 1912-1913 she has been conducting the Em3 press Ladies’ Orchestra in their vaudeville tour, unAT LIBERTY— PIANIST ie Pca ial / , Lh der the management of Chas. W. G wi Goetz. Bookings H ; ; : | wi tty are now being arranged for Miss Chandler and an AFTER MA Meeting == — on their «= orchestra of 25 for the park season WE OFFER THESE FINE ORGANS AT A SAC| Strictly sober and_ reliable, a Ae: cues picEastern tour. RI tures Age 22 Reference furnished WU accept . ° position with A-1 Carnival Co., Tent Show, Airdome A J ‘ Because we have no further need of them, owing | or park for summer. ; F Mr. Bonbie R. Robison é to our Park being ogee saad ; 87-KEY GAVIOLI ORGAN. HUBERT MUCK, CrrEns i$ ; Rey GERMAN ILITAR pomceed 219 Mendoto Street, W. S., Pittsburgh, Pa. ‘! gy 43-KEY GERMAN MILITARY ORGAN. | = | All endless cardboard system. All newly painted | R and in first-class condition. 200 yards of Music \ included with each Organ. Call or write : : 4 One of the best-equipped ATRDOMES in the West, Fr ; LF CHESTNUT HILL PARK on Mair Street, between Post Office and Square, in fi 9 town of 10,000 inhabitants. Interurban services bringing people from miles around. Complete stag : PHILADELPHIA. Seating capacity, 1,5°0. Good Stock Company with i change of plays. ought to crowd this Dome every ; LIVE STOCK) © Rea cross Pharmacy. A. E. Johnson, Monmouth. lil. : =RRY-GO-ROUN SpillDARE DEVIL OLIVER Re, FOR SALE FOR SALE MERRY Go ROL ND, HerschellSpill The Wiock!'s ¥ Hi man, rock'ng horses, —, spec'al | orki’s Youngest, Highest P organ, tools, supplies, living tent, cook outfit, etc., end most Scuentiixc Backward CHIVER SCHWORM wer ell 7. | —. Re RS ee 9S ee Aye ready for road. Bargain at $700.00 for quick sale Somersaut Diver Wapiti Deers each» teen hog a sy 150.00 ED. LYMAN, No. 313 East High St., Jefferson City, : : Bison, each — bgt 2 Mgeaoay peer iad 500.00 Mo N. B.—Will pay cash for good baggage or ' European White Swans, pair .. IIIT, ge.09 | Rorse car; living end pestersed. ' et Sn, SE condsdcscsecsocvencusaueet 100.00 Peafowls, pair ........ jubaeanaepadid 25.00 OR SALE i Chinese Mandarin Ducks, pair ee eer 25.00 | TOROGGAN SLIDE AND CARS Track made of } Wood Pucks, pair ... oadietce ekonk 25.00 | iron rollers, in 12-foot sections, easy to reconstruct ‘ Goats, antlered, each .........-.0.e-eeeeeeeee 15.00 | An ideal attraction for an inland water resort. Cost w $1,200.00; will sell for $250.00 f o. 6. Vermillion : Si EDW. Ss. SCHMID Track 120 feet long G. H. BLANCHAT, Vermilaa Pet Emporium, lion, Ohio en ; me 712 12th Street, W.W. © Washington, D. C.| novsre Bovy Pig FOR SALE—Pig bas six legs. . one head and two bodies Born Cctober 7 A good jo attraction for a Five-in-One Remember, this is ar TIGHTS AND SHIRTS of every | not made of paper or plaster, neither is it stuffed. nr; ae description, Padding, Frog, | Price. complete with shipping case, $15 0. A. L. ) pe Snake and Monkey Suits, WALLACE, 220 Broadway, Lawrence, Mass | Elastic and Cloth Supporters, WANTED — Serpentine Dress . i a Gymnastic Pumps and Guiters, Must be silk, about 60 ards. in Bod condition. H t i ; subject to examination, and your price right. i | Spangles and Bullion Fringe. a care Opera House, Grand Forks, B. E | Send for catalogue and sample |c., Canada “ DARE DEVIL OLIVER The world’s youngest. highest and most scientific back-somersault High Diver, and U-NO, the world’s champion high-diving dog Special one-sheet lithos. of ti ts—2 , Outfit and wardrobe the best For particulars of tigh FREE With D. WILDER WILSON at the Piano. Fisher this combined act address OLIVER SCHWORM, 137 JOHN SPICER WHO W NT N N Circuit, Seattle Wheeler Street, Tonawanda, N. ; Successor to Spicer Bros., 88 Woodbine St, BROOKLYN, N. ¥.| Who Will Invest Up To $150? ‘TITUS FULLY LEGITIMATE AND LAWFUL | 1 * #02 Carnival proposition. No road experience A hustler. No bec habits State all first letter. To make your own liquors, whiskies, brandies and aaiiael * ‘ ; > cordials at home. No distilling, no apparatus. In a | STANLEY ST. CLAIR, Gen. Del., Rochester, N. Y. few seconds you can make the finest drinks at a sma!! part of the dealers’ price For $1.00 we will send FIRST VEG enough of this wonderful preparation to last for ten quarts of any liquor you name. Full directions with s h bottle. Agents, ber, th i fortune f R ll G Sh ao Ske de ar cn anton dae | ORE S reat ows y 7 Will open April 1, at Hartshorne, Okla This is a i FEDERAL IMPORT COMPANY, lively town, miners working all winter More good T R. °010, Jenkins Arcade Bidg., Pittsburg, Pa. | ones to follow. Will book Carnival Attractions, eight piece Band, Legitimate Concessions Carousel Men ’ write FOR SALE—Jumping Horse Carousel, with Military Band Organ Will book same on company = Small black Stallion Pony, four years old Mando “ ‘ Successors to Joseph Nolan lin attachment Piano Information on request Ad get dress F. A. ROZELL, Manager, Hartshorne, Oklahoma . MANUFACTURERS { 'd . et of Leotards, Tights, Shirts, Pictur | Tanner Carnival Co., No. 2 ‘ , ‘ sutte. 7 eutertean, ~* and — Wants two more Shows that don't conflict, and Conia key age +y-y-™ 7 UP | cessions. Want to hear from Panhandle Pete. Want a porters. Send for price lst. Free Acts. Write all in first letter. No gambling u ~, 65 and 67 Ellery St., allowed on this trick Carnival opens May 19, at ‘ Brooklyn, New York | Dexter, Minn Have twenty towns contracted for . = . — ge By ee mm. never close Write > TANNE ‘ ry, fis | $1,000 InN GOLD GIVEN AWAY -: ))* = : ; , 2 J No, we don’t do that, but are closing out 478 Concessioner’s Guides. Tells how crooked games are THE BEST AND FLASHIEST SONG BOOK « re ; run, how to give shows, 15 new legitimate money| For Magicians, Sideshows, Circus, Vaudeville and * t, making Games, 10 new Soft Drinks, Beers, new mon| Moving Pictures A come-back seller Contents of T ". © 3 J eymaking Lunches, Chinese Chop Suey, Cracker-Jack, | Professional Secrets, Ventriloquism, Hypnotism, For Candies, Twenty-five alone of these sell for $1.00 | tune Telling with Cards, 60 Songs, 14 Magic Tricks, T a F You get book full of Park and Roadmen’s in| How to do Punch and Judy, 21 Puzzles, ete. (Markd rmation Order now-—just 478 l0c coin, 12¢ | 25c each) Price, $1.00 per 100 My own book I 7 Satisfied, or money back HAVENS CO., | Send We for sample; none free PROF. J. H n ; 2 ’. 27th St., Indianapolis, Indiana. BARNUM, Magician, Knox, Indiana e : P obt ; 48 's How es ( . ’ INVISIBLE INK ARODIES “Rh KE. Lee, “That A yw I Need } + ns nan ESEB LE NI na. ate dnc ttle "-3¢| HEAD) AND HAND BAL' 2 dy in love social and business affairs — Le $1 00). +l oe m m oe sti 7, HIBBE LE R. 1911 T ilve 0 ge s ttle, oug rit *hicag BOOKED SOLID IN VAUDEVILLE = | cits)‘, 2ar8* camir Write “now, ENVISHBLE | BB Ave Chicago ANCING CONTORTION AC -g BUT OPEN FOR FAIR SEASON A RR SCENERY 0 Bargains in Scenery, new or second-hand. Also Car| @pen for Parks, Fair, wwe ot and Home aa fl y ‘ nival Fronts and Street Banners in oil. Bright col| ies. | Address LESTER FCSS, 904 North Ac “ . $28 Thirty-Eighth Ave OAKLAND CAL TABLOID PLAYS ors, up-fo-date and catchy designs. Write, giving | #™> St Peoria, 11 a , ? TWO DOLLARS EACH. size, kind and amount wanted. We'll quote you dirt ‘ JAMES EDWARDS, cheap prices. FAGLE SCENIC TRADES CO., 8th tb aaliyah ein teenie r K and Chandler Ave,, Evansville, Ind Why pay more for flimsy dressed paper-headcd F . R $7.50 per me gen gay Reem CARTER | Room 15, 31 N. Clark ‘st. Chicago, I. when you can get wooden head, classy dies-ed pro c ; BOCK AND NEWS CO., 311 South Broadway, 8t. fessional size for FINE DOLLARS’ HAYWOOD zs ‘ Louis. Mo if you see it in The Billboard, tell them so. if you see it in The Billboard, Tell them so. 302 FE 12mh St. New York City 7