The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MA°CH 22, 1913. The Billboard 105 — | More Publicity — Less Cost | FAIR NEWS SEE ciwenins vw |! JUST A MINUTE, PLEASE— N this week closed contracts for the Crown Point Pr, Indiana Fair. which they also bookt last sea son. x : Congratulations, Brother Carrutheis, you are _a certainly ‘ton the job.”’ 25 ey, STAUNTON (VA.) TO HAVE FAIR. ——— << Staunton, Va., March 14 (Special to The Bill 65% board).—The Shenandoah Valley Fair Association oe ; was organized here yesterday for the purpose of ‘ i? zy, © holding exhibitions at Staunton. H. P. Sproul re , was elected president, and C. B. Ralston, : . EN ae temntecnsiall ' ae ' secre tary. Fair dates for coming fall will be an = nounct later, for the other fellow to spring Dor ait + e se . e's AERIAL “AD” in your city. You HAVE DECIDED TO HOLD FAIR. ' : ‘ : CONYNE'S ARRLAL “AD So rem Se. se = se Investigate at Once the New and Wonderful yet. DON'T DELAY. Write at once for full Manitowoc, Wis., March 14 (Special to The ) infort Billboard).—The Manitowoc County Fair Asso ciation bas decided to hold a fair this year, cont SILAS J. CONVHE re to ee Dates selected are August ¥ cLe os . 26, 27 28. $508 Me HAVE NO AGENTS.) oaeneiatniar a J PREPARING FOR N. WIS. STATE FAIR. STREETMEN The Northern Wisconsin State Fair will be : held at Chippewa Falls the third week in Sep tember. This is the second largest fair in the Th 9 1 ] ve »eler , . We carry all kinds of goods for Street Corner i All the old officers were re-elected, W. e Oth Century 4 4 Horn, secretary; Jerrie Palmer, treasurer; 4 . . Worker, -La _ a An, NIB ts ’ Worker. Pinas Follower, Carnival orke Hoop A. G. Cox, president, and John Harrigan, suPhotographic i Sta. perintendent of concessions. The fair this year . ° CARNIVAL GOoDS will exceed that of any year. The financia! sensation condition is in good shape and the officers : Rubber Balls, Rubber Balloons, Balloon Whistles. | will spend a large amount of money enlarginz Whips. Canes, Dusters, Confetti, Slappers, Shakers | buildings, etc., this summer. A Plateless and Willow Plumes, Hats and Novelties of all kinds. | POODLE DOGS pig is, yeni saps ) 1 98.00 4 Boone, Ia., March 14 (Special to The Bill 2 sizes, $4.00 dozen, an onen. board).—The dates for the Boone District Fair Post Card this fall have been fixt and the fair will be held : Watches and Jewelry the first four days of September. Other dates Gold-plated Clocks and Metal Jewel Boxes, Optica) | 48teed upon by the association are as follows: < soods. Silverwear, Cutlery, Razors and Shears, Ching | Sac City, Aug. 12-15; Harlan, Aug. 18-21; Perry, C —_ ry Specialties ~ pais } Sept. 9-11; Jefferson, Sept. 2-5; Ogden, Sept. amera ] 16-19. A few of these dates conflict, but : Right Goods Right Prices | since the association wishes to get in good Makes Finished No goods C. O. D. without cash deposit. Catalogues | f@!1 weather it was thought best to arrange Ine , Post Card Free Write for your copy today. Do it now them 80, rather than have bad weather. ; > Fredonia, Kan., March 14 (Special to The Photographs i ryoc ws 0 0 10n » | Billboard).—Fredonia is going to have a county In One Minute at a New 1913 Catalogue ready about May Ist. FREDONIA (KAN.) WILL HOLD FAIR. fair this summer. The Fredonia Agricultural 822-824 A 8th Street, Association has been organized and incorporated for $2,500. The fair will be held in the munic oO ST. LOUIS, U. s. a ipal park. rene Sate ae i: KANSAS-OKLAHOMA CIRCUIT DATES. fe) AGENTS! STREETMEN! Eureka, Kans., March 14 (Specia! to The Billboard).—A meeting of the Kansas-Oklahoma circuit was held bere recently, and the dates set -. I] i CANVASSERS! for the fairs in the circuit are as follows: Her‘0 | or Ol . ington, Kan., July 21-25; Pratt, Kan., July 28 as Portable ; Photo ) 2 t t \ Aug. 1: Anthony, Kan., Aug. 4-8: Wintfie!l:'. Stu 10 i i Kan., Aug. 11-15; Eldorado, Kan., Ang. 18-2; i } ere iS 8 igges nap 8 ‘ Hutchinson, Kan., Sept. 15-19; Oklahema City, = . . ‘ Okla., Sept. 23-Oct. 4: Muskogee, Okla., Oct 4 ‘ , i . 6-10; Fort Smith, Ark., Oct. 7. ; r ) | p+ J manufacture and import Embroidered Patterns, os wort mete, Art et. 16-1 q : SUK Shawls, Searts, latest Fancy Goods. Embroid= Kobes, also a full line of Dress Goods by the FAIR NOTES. b yard, aud Ladies’ Ready-te-wear and Tailored-to: “a ; measure Garments Thousands of our agenis are The Dodgeville (Wis.) Park Association will making big mosey. Write for our big tlustraied Fash | hold its annual field days on Aug. 14 and 15. 2“ fon Kook containing 6ee actual samples of Silks | There will be day and night sessions. R. H. pala Dress Goods. Free of charge and express pre | Arthur is the secretary. : —, Investigate our merits at our risk and ezThe Grand Western Circuit, Mo., comprises | Brookfield, July 15-18; Chillicothe, July 22-26; | SCHWARTZ IMPORTING CO. eerily ae” pee ban Marshall, Aug. 12-16; The Odd Fellows Association of Kingston. N ' Dept. B, St. Louis, Mo. Y.. expect to hold a carnival and fair some time : in June. p h B lb f | The dates for the Red Willow County Fair ress t e [] 0 Profit! Indianola. Neb., are August 25-28. A new srt % : of officers has been elected, t / Secretary C. C. Beach, of the Montgomery a ; ' County Fair, Clarksville, Tenn., reports that Big money for vou this season. Before you do another thing— there will be no fair in Clarksville this year , TE TTS tT ONGOR a P ' 2 Fae > z ia IN FINE AND FANCY BOXES The twenty-seventh snoual Frontier Counts WRITE US AT ONC E—le arn all about this newest of wonders— Fair will be held at Stockville, Neb.. Septem the most marvelous creation of modern photography. Sc to $5 ber 16-19. L. H. Chene y ws Boceotaey. . f ea pee Read These Facts About the One Minute C write us what you use, and receive samples and Wen Che Werinenty Deine se 8 ire, ek ea ESE acts ou e ne Inu e amera ; elty is but one cent each in quantities, «x Prices by return Parcel Post ress pald, that’s going some. ° . ' No wonder streetmen are going hotfoot afte: This camera makes photographs on the Post Cards THE WM. C. JOHNSON CANDY 00. Ideal Back “wr eames made by Carl Brown, d:rect, without plates or films, ruby lights or dark room. , of Colummms. Carnival, Theatre, ‘Movies,’ Summer Resort Men, This butte is indeed an innevation, It ts meen —« wy > ic . 7" ste aYreA CINCINNATI ee ee iirash baricansire coeits It weighs about six pounds, is perfectly constructed, of excellent and neckties slide around collar freely. Then material and beautiful design. too, it does not press into a man’s neck like ; ' W Hl ST LI fi G he, on: tien the article sent ut It makes photos for immediate delivery on two sizes of Post > a fact is apnrectater yw strer XY, _ styurlac) ale 3 ‘ Oat torte certainly ‘heipe sell" the ‘goods Cards (4 styles) also on photo buttons. . pew ~¢: mg bee erg AL, G. FIELD, MINSTREL AND AUTHOR. It photographs anything that can be photographed and at all ' : ouble, Teeth, Straight anc ~ stances ~ 5 COCA, RO cso ae ee stances. | Finger W histling, taught by ‘ sien Rn Dang Meggan 4 cwates Yoneeet di _ . . . . | LESLIE C. GROFF Go Ry.” It is from the pen of Al. G. Field It is an enormous profit-producer at fairs, picnics, circuses, : + | Without previous announcements it was place! | | des busy street corners—in fact, everywhere The Human Song Bird.’ Catalog mailed en sale, and commanded tastent recognition. parades, US) Street corners—in lact, everywhere. 4 2828 W. Madi St., Chi -— i _ | Aspirants for advancements n every al o ; ten | nay ance pase hat which, immeie | NOT ONE BIT OF EXPERIENCE I$ NEEDED to become a successful | G T eres efforts. ° i $ ' , ° . . . . i The Creal sh bore ee meus 5 i yl io Seon man, _— eae een the gees one minut e photographer. Complete, detailed instructions with e ba $1.50 etaile $2.0 ‘ inet ©¢ ~“Iem: e saloon-keeper sees bimse 4 , Toe ae : ws “oR ao The Rock of Ages Sittc Pictures. Copy by mail | cnturl'ae hs makes himself. The politicians || every outfit. Your profits begin the very day your outfit arrives. Bo: Retails $1.00 end statesmen ‘“‘watch themselves go by.” we e with a mystic blue light all during the The naturalness of the characters and the : rho he darkest room. Startling! Novel! Myste| ccones is that which holds the reader until the On Ever 0 al 0u a Q N ou a e én § 0 a Everlasting! Special prices on dozen lots, end of the story, for story it is It is a novel { R PORTRAIT & P. F. CO., 1226 W. 63d St., Minot without a love theme. an re bee A og ° r . ll ll I lMnots = Afte srusing “Watch Yourse vo By. . s ¢ —. ¢ , > , ‘ ‘ ‘ ey fully realizes why it has become so quickly Just drop us a line—TODAY—and we will tell you all about Ee A R tea, popular, our proposition—and we'll show you how to get the hard cold * ’ 4s Padé bl Tr y Xr rn. Several steel-framed Hotel Cars for rent cheap. Thx George W. Ripley's Dramatic Company, under cash. WRITE THIS VERY MINUTE. ¢ el] Ne | canvas, opens the season early in May. This AM MENT e core to beweem. ARGS ONG cnanpens will travel by wagons and show thru CO., Schiller Bldg., Chicago ane “York and Pennsylvania. Mr. Ripley will eo a, AGENTS—Cost 20: Selt 250 |‘iwring theresur set The One Minute Camera Co. IAUOSSED LETTER CO., 236 West Illinois Street, _ TENTS cannivacs Panes te. |} Dept. 121 536-538 S. Clark St., CHICAGO, ILL. ‘OU see it in The Billboard, tell them so. M. MAGEE & SON, 147 Fulton St., New York City.