The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MACH 22, 1913. The Bi llboard 113 ORANGEADE. , Ogden & Homan, ——: 308 Masymenn ¢ st., Ny oe ORCHESTRIONS. PAPIER MACHE. PATENTS SECURED. PEANUTS, ALL VARIETIES. PEANUT ROASTING MACHINES. PHOTOGRAPHS. corner Seventh ave. “PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES. PHOTO BUTTON CAMERAS. il P ho to > hine Co., PLAY BALL MACHINES. POPPING CORN (The POODLE DOGS. eee ee POODLE Docs, STUFFED ANIMALS, BOLLS & TEDDY oe POPCORN MACHINES. POPCORN POPPERS. PORCUPINES. PORTABLE ELEC. LIGHT PLANTS. —— POST CARD MACHINES. . Congress and Lefilin sts. POST CARD AND TINTYPE MACHINES AND SUPPLIES. (Of Pictorial Posters, ie Type Stands, Stream. oe 1706 Commerce st. (Of Theatrical Latteshente, Contracts and Pro Vases, China, Steins, Etc.) w. RACING COASTER BUILDERS. andi DEVICES. Park Engineering Co., § ROLL ata Ste is Cc osm: tle Co. : SAFETY RAZORS. 64.66 Murray st. SCENIC PAINTERS. (And Dealers in Scenery. Etc.) — ‘Sta ndard ga eater. John Herfurth, 2183 Boone st., SELF-PLAYING PIANOS. BerryWood Piano Player Co., M. Welte & Sons. 272 5th ave.. New York City 2udolph Wurlitzer Co., Cincinnati & Chicag». SHOOTING GALLERIES. Diamond Novelty Co, Schenectady, N. Y. E. E. Hipple, 809 Vine st., Philadelphia, Pa E. R. Hoffman & Son, 3317 S. Irving ave. cago, Ill. W. F. Mangels, J. J. MeCullough, land, N. ¥ N. Cc. W. Parker. A. J. Smith. Wm. Kansas City. Mo Chi Coney Island, N, Sheridan’ s Walk Coney Is Leavenworth, Kan. 3247 W. Van Buren st.. Chicago Wurffiein, 203 N. 24 st.. Philadelphia, Pa SHOW & POSTER PRINTERS & LITHOGRAPHERS. Planet Show Print & Eng. House, Chatham, SIDE SHOW CURIOSITIES. William Nelson, 60 E,. Springfield st., Mass. Ont Boston SOUVENIR WHIPS & PENNANTS. Advance Whip Co., Westfield, Mags. SPANGLES. Fulton st., Brooklyo Arthur B, Albertis Go. 7 Bm. Us SPECTACLES AND (Low-Priced.) 82 Bowery, New York City. SPIRIT GUM. Singer Bros., M. Stein Cosmetic Co., 120 W. 31st st.. N.Y¥.C SPORTING GOODS. Ulinols Sporting Goods Co., 160 N. 5th ave. Chicago, Il. STAGE HARDWARE. “aney, 1010 W. Belden STAGE JEWELRY. Albertis Co., 7 Fulton st.. STAGE LIGHTING APPLIANCES. J. H. Hallberg. 86 E. 234 st., New York City I. BC ave., Syracuse a. F a“. Arthur B. Rrooklyn My Be 915 B st.. N. E.. Washing STEREOPTICONS. Stebbins, 1028 Main st., Kansas City STICKERS. 8. Gilmartin, 54 E. 129th st.. Federal Book Cuv., ton, D, C. Chas. M, EYE GLASSES. STAGE MONEY—ADV. NOVELTIES. New York City. Cincinnati, O The Meyers-Carey Studios. Steubenville, O, STREET MEN’S SUPPLIES. The Ne w York Studios, 1101 Times Bldg.. New (For Fair Followers,) or ty. : E. Bloch Mere. Co.. 241-243 —_— » Seente Studio, 581 S. High st., Colum Francisco, Cal. ; 9 a at _ bus ilo serk Bros., 529 Broadway, New York City. Sosman & Landis Co., 417 S. Clinton st., Chicago | BrachmanWeller Co., 337 W. Madisen st.. Chi ™. oo and Scenic Co., 513 Elm st., st cago, Il, Auls o. Coe, Yonge & Co., 904 Lucas ave,, St. Luuis Toomey & Volland Scenic Co., 2312 Market st E. M. Davis Soap Co., 220-224 N. a St. Louis, Mo. ‘| st., Chicago, Il. 3 SCEN M. Gerber, 729 South st., Philadelphia, Pa. IC RAILWAYS. Goldberg Jewelry Co., 816 Wyandotte st., KanCoaster Constr. Co., 540 W. 2ist st.. N. Y. €. sag City, Mo. W. F. Mangels Co., Coney Island, N. Y., N. Y. | Gordon & Morrison, 199-201 FE. Madison st., Chi cago, Il. SCENIC STUDIOS. Holliday Novelty Mfg. Co., 27 E. 4th st.. New Richardson Guthmann Scenery Studios, 1314 York City. Loomis Place, Chicago. Levin Bres., Terre Haute, Ind. Austin C. Rowell, 1215 5th ave., Pittsburg. Pa. ——— Mfg. Co., 641 Woodland ave.. Cleve end, Ohio, ; SECOND-HAND FILMS. Rudolph Bros., 19 North Sth st., Philac*Iphia General Film Brokers. 168 W i ; N. Shure Co., 200 Madison st., Chicago, Il. Chicago, Ill. Washington st., rad & Karr, 320 South St., Phila. Shy roc “ld Co., S24 N, 8th st., St. Louis, Mo. SECOND-HAND SHOW GOODsS. Singer Bros. 82 Bowery, New York City. Crescent City Film Ex., 820 Py = Weisbaum Cutlery Co., 19 South 5th ave., Chi a lg , Perdido st., New cago, mn Dixie Film Exchange, Owensboro, Ky Western Punic Werks, St. Poul, inn. TATTOOING SUPPLIES. Prof. J. F. Barber, 1019 Vine st. Ed. E. Brown, 805 E. fleld, Ill. Cincinnati, ¢ Washington st.. Spring TENTS. Baker & Lockwood, Seventh sts., Kansas City, Mo, Columbus Tent & Awning Co., Carnie-Goudie Co., 307 City. Mo. Dougherty Bros.’ St. Louis, Mo. Fulton Bag & C. Mills, lanta, Ga. George B. Carpenter & Co., Chicago. Ml. Goss & Co., The Kunkely Tent New York City. and Wyandotte Columbus, Delaware sst.. Ohio. Kansas Tent Co., 109 S. Main st. Dallas, Texas, and At 201 W. Illinois st. Detroit, Mich. & Awning Co., 163 South st. W. H. Lushbaugh, Covington, Ky. M. Magee & Son, 147 Fulton st., N. Y. City. Murray & Co., Inc.. 640 Meridian st.. Chicago. Rehm & Co., 142 Fulton st.. New York Cit) "Fone, Cortlandt 70. Thompson & Vandiveer, 816 Pear] st., Cincinnati Tucker Duck & Rubber Co.. Ft. Smith, Ark. SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. U. 8. Tent & Awning Co., 22-28 N. Desplaines — & Lockwood, Seventh and Wyandotte st.. Chicago In. Nansas City, Mo Fnkeboll Art Co., 5305 N. 27th st.. Omaha, Neb TENTS TO RENT. E. J Hayde n & Co., 106 Broadway, Brooklyn. | Baker & Lockwood, Seventh and Wyandotte N. . ' Kansas City. Mo, A. W “Millard. Jr.. 2890 W. Sth st Coney Is Rehm & Co 142 Fulton st., New York City 2 ae es ‘Fone. Cortlsndt 70 Austin C. Rowell, 1215 5th ave., Pittsburg, Pa | THEATRE FRONTS AND CEILINGS. J. U. Tschudi, 728 8. Second st., St. Louis, M: U. S. Tent & Awning Co., 22-28 N, Desplaines | Kanneberg Roofing & Ceiling Co., Cantun, Chio st.. Chicago, Il THEATRICAL COSTUMES & WIGS. SILK FLAGS, PENNANTS) AND | chicago Costume Works, 143 N. Dearborn st STREAMERS. Chicago, Ill. Rehm & Co.. 142 Fulton st.. New York Cit A. Fueger, 521 Walnut st., St. Louis, Mo "Fone Cortlandt 70 THEATRICAL LUMBER. SKATES. John Gillespie L nnber Co... Lumber and Seward Ch » Roller Skate Co., 1128 Washbingtor sts., Chicago, Ill. ss Rivd.. Chicago, Il TICKET CHOPPERS. C. Hen ey, Richmond, Ind ig -rospec g ‘ It ich arisce “ 1g ‘Skate Co.. 311 West} H. V. Bright, Prospect Bidg.. Cleveland, Ohio Michigan st.. Chicago, I) TICKET PRINTERS. Argus Ticket Co., 412 S. Dearborn st., Chicago SLOT MACHINE SUBSTITUTES. Nationa] Ticket Co.. Shamokin, Pa Gisha Co 1022 Main st., Anderson. Ind Rees Printing Co., 10th & Harney sts.. Omaha Neb. M ar MACHINES. Royal Ticket Co., Shamokin, Pa. anufacturers and Dealers In.) Trimount Press, 87 Albany st.. Boston, Mass 2 —_ md Novelty Co.. Schenectady. N. Y Weldon. Williams & Lick, Fort Smith, Ark d Fisher & Cvu., 4234 2d ave... Pittsburg. I’a M. Wel te & Sons, 273 Sth ave.. N. Y. Citys TIGHTS. . Rudolph Wurlitzer Co.. Cincinnati & Chicae Arthur B. Albertis Co.. 7 Fulton st., Brooklyn Silean toccies «& ——— turing (« Ninth an ) oo Ogden sts. Philadelphia, Va TOILET REQUISITES & PERFUMES SLOT MACHINE SUPPLIES. Carl BE. W, Welcome, Box 302, Westfield, Mass Exhibit Supply Co,. 542 South Dearborn . TOY BALLOONS. Chicag Hl. Faultless -Rubber Co Ashland. Ohio Nasselle ~Bros., 32 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass SNAKE DEALERS. Q. Nervione, 448 N. Franklin st.. Chicago. Il Armstrong Snake Co., San Antonio, Texas George A. Paturel, 41 Warren st.. N. Y, C. Brownsville Snake Farm, Box 255, Brownsyi.l+ Shyrock-Tedd Co., 824 N. Sth st.. St. Louis, Mo Texas. Singer Bros., 82 Bowery, New York City W. Odell Learn, San Antunio. Texas W. A. Snake King. Brownsville. Texas TRANSFORMERS. Thomas A. Edison, Inc., Orange, N. J. » " : ’ — ce ae Wm, W. Pelaney, 117 Park Row, N. Y. City Acme Leather & Trunk Works. 163 N. Star SONG SLIDES. st.. Chicago, im. elon : B. B. & Trunk Co. 7 Wovd st., Pittsburre (For Illustrated Songs.) : . of , J. DeCommerce, 46 E. 14th st.. N. Y. City. P. C. Murphy Trunk Co., St. Louis, Mo. H. & H. Film Service. 360 Monadnock Block TURNSTILES. Chicago. MI. ‘acids ens Laemmle Film Service, 196 Lake st., Chicago : (Registering and Coin Genteciied.) : Evansville. Ind.; Memphis. Tenn.; Omahs.|H. V. Bright, Prospect Bldg.. Cleveland. Ohi Neb.; Salt Lake City: Minneapolis, Minn UNIFORMS. Portland. Ore.; Montreal, Que., Can.: Winn ’ peg, Man.. Can. DeMoulin Bros. & Co., Dept. 10, Greenville, Ill Moore. Hubbell & Co., Masonic Temple, Chicago | Western Uniform Co.. 214 8. Clark st., Chicas VAUDEVILLE AGENCIES. Pacific Coast Amusement Co.. American Ban Bldg., Seattle, Wash. | Ted Sparks’ Theatrical Exchange, Century Bldg Mo, | Kansas City. VAUDEVILLE (Mail Instructions). Frederic La Delle, Station G, Jackson, Mich WATCHES. N, Shure Co., 229 Madison st., Chicago, I}. Singer Bros.. 82 Bowery, New York City. WIGS, MAKE-UP & TRICOT MASKS Perey Ewing Supply House, Decatur, Il. WILD ANIMAL DEALERS. Putnam's Pet & Wild Animal Store, 490 Was! ington st.. Ruffalo. N. Y Louis Ruhe, 248 Grand st., New York City. WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES. Bennett Jewelry Co., 1645 N. 10th st... Phil» XYLOPHONE. Deagan. Berteau & E. Ravenswood Part Chicago. FOR SALE $35.00; Wolves, $12.00; Chipmunks, $10.00. W. T. HODGEN N 3. C. aves.. Pet Deer, Peacocks, Kentucky WILD WEST LIGHTING OUTFIT FOR SALE B. & W. Reflector and Arena A all good anc low price FASTMAN, care Iiboard, New Yord City $1.0 Campbelisvill: BILL YOUR SHOW PROPEKLY WITH THE BEST LINE OF STOCK PAPER in the country. We have it for any kind of an at traction. Prices low. WRITE AT ONCE TO THE DONALDSON LITHO CO. NEWPORT, KY. CARS AND SLEEPERS For Show Peopie pee Fe Southern Iron Equipment Co, ATLANTA GA. FOR SALE —— Two Box Ball Alleys, 36 foot, $50.00 each, M. F. WIEDEMANN, Burlington, lowa. FOR SALE 12-0z double twill top, push pole Tent, 50x60, poles and sidewalls complete $100. LOGAN COOMBS, Home ‘4 musement Co., Charlestown, Ind. HANDGUFF ACT, NEW COMEDY MAGIC, Spirit Cabinet and Mind Reading Acts. Also Magician’s Complete Outfits Gur prices will interest you, and our instructions will start you right Pariculars for 2c stamp GEO. A. RICE, Dept.. 4, Auburn, N. Y FOR SALE—1 Black Top Tent Practically new, wi poles, ropes and ladders. We | took this bargain in on a bad account Price, $1060.00 |} cast if sold immediately Guaranteed as repre sented Send mittance with your order. LAEMMLE FILM SE RY ICE ith Floor Sykes Block, Minneap olis, Min THREE BOOMERANG BOWLING ALLEYS FOR SALE All in good condition $40.00; cost $90.00 W. J. CLARKE, @ Mayor St., Montreal, Canada Mills Latest ©. K. Cabinet Gum Vender, $40; Mills Check Boy, $15.0 Mills Latest Model Operator’s Bell, $18.00 All Machines guaranteed ROYLER SALES Co Canton, Chio FOR SALE Ease Ball Batting Machine, used only two days; money-getter 12-0z army duck Tent, most new 16x30, with poles and = stakes Small Piano Orchestrion. H. RIVENB . RG, tox 125, West Boyl ston, Mass —FOR SALE— | Slot Machines of all kinds for sale cheap Address SICKING MFG C©., 193) Freeman Ave.. Cincin rath, Obto Slot Machines Bought and Sold Oldest and largest established dealers in the U.. 8. Gypsy Queen Fortune Tellers, $100.00. BRUNSWICK CO., 1039 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa SHOW LIGHTS FOR SALE B. & W. make, suitable for grounds or tents. perfect order: some with reflectors. MANTELL, Billboard, New York City in care FOR SALE Second-hand plete; one Folding Organ; and Power's Moving Pic ons Fifteen small Animal ca 3x4x5 feet Address JE rHRO x. ¢C Merry-Go-Round, comwo Stereopticons; Edison oo — Films, different sizes, up to ALMOND. Albemarle, FOR SALE Monkey Loop, nicely painted, greatest attraction for concer.; one 20x30 ft. sidewall, used two months; one 4¢€x€0 Square End, 9-ft wall, S-oz. top, used three months; one 22x28, 6ft. wall, 8-oz. top: one North Tonawanda Band Organ; several Performing Dogs, theroughly broken; one Mexican Burro. a chaser and bucker, young and sound; one fine Maccaw, and other show property. Will sell or exchange for Wild Animals, Baboons, Ponies ete State full particulars SEIBEL BROS., with auto; , 10 Watertown, Wis FOR SALE Fairy-in-the-Well Outfit, complete; Hand Striker and Magic, also Azra lilusion M. M. CRAMER, Garrett, Ind FOR SALE OR TRADE —1 Regal, 44, Electric Piano; 5 Rosenfield Phonographs, 10 Grip Test Machines, $4.00 each. Good order; 1 Watling Guessing Scale. Cheap for cash. or will trade. What have you? COFFIN AMUSEMENT CO., Bangor, Me FOR SALE Complete PENNY ARCADE, in good Summer Resort Very reasonable. CLIMAX SALES CO., 146 W. 23d Street, New York City FOR SALE—$75.00 takes complete Pop-corn Crispette Outfit Formulas, etc.. use of building, right to sell Lemonade, Peanuts and exclusive privilege on Popcorn in grounds of vest little amusement park in West Virginia. Address FRANKS, 3006 Gallia St., Portsmouth, Ohio. If you see it in The Billboard, tell them so.