The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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. ‘ _ aay Sn — aS a See x eee dan Se OS = Raw oe ve tee Dette Png ee he te 5 “ + me The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913, WE INVITE YOU ALL TO HAVE A LOOK THE JOS. G. FERARI & B. Hl. PATRICK GREATER SHOWS AMERICA’S PREMIER CARNIVAL ORGANIZATION 15—HIGH-CLASS FEATURE ATTRACTIONS—15 Every Show equipped with a Gold or Silver Carved Wagon Front. Each show complete in every detail, from the Ballyhoo to the Stage. Three shows with large Berni or Gaviola Organs. Merry-go-Round atest and most up-to-date, beautifully carved, gold-painted, its own lighting plant, automobile center engine, Berni Organ. Will furnish Wagon Front for one good show that does not conflict with what we have. A SHOW THAT WILL COMMAND THE ADMIRATION OF THE PUBLIC AND THE CARNIVAL WORLD HAVE A FEW OPEN DATES, WHERE A High Diver for free attraction, two good Comedians REAL SHOW IS WANTED WE WAN and people for London Ghost Show; Freaks and Novelty Features for finest Ten-in-One Show in the world; Glassblowers with outfits; Man Fish for party with glass tank who works under water; Trainmaster, Boss Canvasman, Canvasmen and general workmen Above, address JOS. G. FERARI, Mariners’ Harbor, N. Y. Concessions, address B. H. PATRICK, Hotel Plymouth, W. 38th, N. Y. City. This Will Be a Show That Will Make The Amusement-Going Public Sit Up and Take Notice Carnival News. GREAT SOUTHERN SHOWS. Whiie paging Seg, Ala., recentiy, the local lodge a E. entertained all the members of —% Geoat Southern Shows witb a spread which jasied till wee sma’ hours. Managers Dodson and Harrington made a fiying trip to Atlanta recentiy and purchast a @0foot Pullman car, which will be added to the show at Talladega, Ala They also purchast a SO-foot bargage car, making this a twelveear show now. Twelve paid at: ‘ctions, 37 concessions, two free acts and a .welve-piece Roya! Band ere being carried. Eddie Wilson, last season with Copping's Greater Shows, joined at Opelika to succeed Louis Burger as secretary. Mr. Burger is now especial agent. Among recvent visitors at the show were Joe Thonet and L. D. Lynn, advance of the Metropolitan Shows; Oliver Smith, of the Littlejohn em, and Ruben Gruburger, of Montgomery, a. The line-up of the feature shows is as follows: Due Sisters’ Water Show, Holland and Holloway's one ring circus, Dodson and Harrington’s Musica} Comedy Show, Kelly, the armless wonder; Plant Show, six-piece band, Selina, the Wild Girl, and three rides. NOTES FROM PARKERS. The Con T. Kennedy Shows will come ont frou the Parker factory April 1, complete in every detail. The train will make a splendid appearance in the colors of yellow and blue. The Wortham & Allen Shows will be in read iness April 6 and will be resplendent in two shades of red. The 8. W. Brundage Shows will be out of the factory April 10° with everything in the finest of shape. Everything with the shows has been entirely overhauled and rebuilt and a great deal of new equipment of al! kinds constructed for the coming season. The California Frank Wild West is being en tirely overhauled. Mr, Hafley is s pleased with Leavenworth as a place to winter that he will purchase property here for a home and win ter quarters. Tho California Frank goes out with a rival organization he is extended all the courtesies pos sible at the Parker headquarters and made t feel at home Additional land has been purchast adjacent tv the factory making a total of 18 acres. Another story will be added to the factory as gvon as spring begins, being necessary on accoua, of the large increase in business. Work on McDonald’s Big Shows ts progressing very rapidly, and they will be ready to open their season about April 1. Cc. A. Wortham will make Leavenworth his headquarters until the opening of the Wortham & Allen Company. Nine carnival companies and shows are wintering in Leavenworth this year and next winter will see abvut 18 here. Dolly Evans. who bas LaZorla, a masical comedy with the Con T. rived in Leavenworth to remain until the opening. He has an excellent show framed up. W. F. Spencer is another new arrival. He will be chief electrician for the Wortham & Alien Shows. Greek George has opened wne of the dining cars at the winter quarters and wil! have service for 60 men, later to be increast to 100. A large force of employes lave been at work for the past two months placing the Backman Show property in the best of shape. April 1 will see the show spick and span. The big vr gan, which ts one of the features of the front of the show, is undergoing a thoro overhauling. Captain Curley Wilson is the busiest man around the Backman quarters. He has prepared a number of new acts this winter. several of which will be seen with the Gollmar Brvs.’ Circus. A new act is now in preparation for Backman’s own show. This will be the last act to be broken this winter. A group of performing cockatoos have been received from New York. Madame Hoechester, a celebrated Ger man trainer, will soun arrive from Germany to take charge of an animal act for Backman. ’. A, Wortham spends all his time at the Parker factory where he is personally supervising the rebuilding of his shows. Nick QOhefalo will have the motordrome with the Kennedy Shows this year. It is being constructed at the Parker factory on lines lata down by Nick. A number of high-class riders have been engaged. George Howk, who will have a number of Gir! in the Moon Shows this year, will place Bud Boyer in charge of the one with the Wortham & Allen Shows. Mr. Boyer has been with George for the past two years and has attained considerable success. The shows havxe been new ly bullt under the supervision of Mr. Howk and many improvements are nvted in their construction. They are now complete and ready to go out, tho the first to go will be with the Kennedy Shows early in April, under the direction of Mr. Howk himself. WEIDER AMUSEMENT CO. The Weider Amusement ——g = 23 its eleventh season at Jackson, 0O., 10 under the Fraternal Order of Eagles. way Turner, sheriff of Jackson, is chairman of the committee. This is the Bagiles’ first attempt te give a carnival. In addition to the carnival there will be an auto parade, fraterna! contests, baby contest and a public marriage. There will be excursions on al! railroads for this spring festival. All shows, riding devices and concessions will be located on the public square around the court house. The second stand wil! be Nelsonville, O., the week of May 12-17. It is claimed this city basn't had a carniva) for six years. This event will be under the auspices of the Board of Trade and Boosters’ Club. The latest arrival at the winter quarters is Geo. Wallace Kirkland, genera! agent. Shows already signed for the season are Lou Miller's School Days Show, W. H. Pease’s Jesse James Show, Verna Wallace's five-in-one, Col. Bailey’s Illusion Show, Cap. Stewart's $5,000 man-gorilia, Ernest Gomeville’s museum of freaks, Welder’s plantation and two platform shows, Chas. Helm’s jumping horse carousel, Albert W. Salzer’s ocean wave, Robt. Witmer’s Ell Ferris wheel, and M. Marranjini’s Italian somearje cozy, SSParks, sterner Peoples$ A = _ BIGGEST AND COOLEST MONEY GETTER WILL PAY FOR ITSELF IN ONE WEEK. Something NEW that is @ Novelty. It will make your mother-in-law laugh. One of the best MoneyMaking and Entertaining Amusements ever invented for Parks, Fairs and Carnivals. They all laugh coming out, shaking the SNOW from their hats and clothes, which draws the crowds. Then they tell their friends that they were chased by the POLAR BEAR caught on the FLOATING ICE, caught in the SNO STORM, saw the ESKIMOS, passed through GREENLAND, and at last arrived at the none POLE with the WIND BLOWING SIXTY MILES AN HOU A novelty that repeats and speaks for itself. Requires space 35x35. Can be built for $300,00. NORTH POLE AMUSEMENT CO. 687 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Mass. PILBEAM AMUSEMENT AND MIDWAY COMPANY WANT for Season 1913, to open early In May, in Detroit, Mich., where we show for five weeks. think! Five weeks without a R. R. jump and every spot o good one will tell you the same. WANT PARKER JUMPING HORSE CARRY-US-ALL. Want a good show we can feature, Wild West, Educated Horse, Illusion, Electric, Plantation, Freaks, Fat People, Midgets, Crazy House, Motordome, or anything that’s new. PRIVILEGES. here is where you get the coin. Can place Novelties and Confetti, Lunch Stand, Popcorn and Peanuts, Palmistry, Spot-the-Spot, China, Vase, Glass, Poodle D Teddy Bear, Candy Wheels; Ten Pin, Jap Roll Down, Ball Games and others. WANT FREAKS AND NO ELTIES for our own big FIVE-IN-ONE and OLD-TIME SIDESHOW. Two distinct shows. Glass Blowers, Musical Acts, Midgets, Fat and Lean People, Punch and Talking Figures, Fire Eater, Magic, Snake Charmer with Snakes, or any thing suitable for Pit or Platform. Want man for Pit, Wild Girl Show, five good Door Talkers, good Promoter that knows Canada and New York State. Can place two good Free Acts, High —. or Double Trapeze preferred, man and lady; MUSIC a for Band. Would like to hear from Bert Sam Davis, Capt. LaBell, Shery’s Working World, L. J. (Larry) Davis, Rifkin, the Novelty Man, Joe Blake. John Robertson, why don’t you answer my letters? PILBEAM AMUSEMENT & MIDWAY CO., Middleville, Michigan. tons WHO WANTS GEORGE Yate Lecturer Publicity Talker THIS YEAR? Advance GEORGE C. CHAMBERS 5 Years—Lecturer and Manager Igorrote Villages. 3 Years—MANAGER Edmund A. Felder’s Attractions throughout Europe.§j YEARS—Of JPractical JExperience.} ~ Correspondence pa eno Liberty March 25th. Address, 728 St. Charles Street,”,New Orleans, La, PATENT PENDING. Just stop and Any one that has made Detroit with me a eer