The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard —_—_ Fair Workers and Streetmen’s New Goods JUST OUT A Write for our new \ No. 100 SPECIAL CATALOG. j } Just off the press. net | Mailed free to your address. Send for = it today. It will prove to you that we have the latest and best selling goods. at positively the lowest prices. A FEW OF OUR SPECIALTIES. The new combination seven-in-one Opera and Field Glass, per gr. .$19.50 DD. > Scarf Pins and Studs, set with electrical diamonds, per gross.... 8.20 Fancy Mtg. Scarf Pins, set with prilliants, per @TOSS .......... .15 Large assortment of Ladies’ and Gents’ Rings, set with electrical diamonds, per §TO8S .......++.+ 8.25 BARGAINS IN FOUNTAIN PENS. The biggest value ever offered for the money The Watersen’s, extra heavy, full size, 7% in., put up in boxes, with fillers, per dozen, $1.20: per gross, $14.00 As above, fancy, gold-mounted, per gross, $15.00. We are headquarters for Watches, Jewelry, Fountain Pens and Novelties. ALTBACH & ROSENSON Wholesale Jewelers The Home of Novelties. 205 W. Ma“ison St., erreai a SSDS caries 6D a datne she al CHICAGO, ILL. WATCHES For Premiums and Schemes of all kinds We are headquarters for Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Razors, Novelties and Premium Goods, for Auctioneers, Traders orStreetmen. CATALOGUE SENT FREE. Here is one of the best and most satisfactory Watches you could offer for Premiums, Schemes, etc., regardless of price. FULEO Gents’ 14 size gold filled, very latest thin model, open face, screw back and bezel, plain polished, dust proof case; also engine turned with shield. warranted 20 years stamped in case, filled with a T-ruby jewel patent lever movement, guaranteed an accurate timeKeeper, latest style gold ray lined dial, stem wind and stem set. Also ladies’ small “‘0"" size, plain polished open face jointed case, with white enamel or gold dial. Order a sample today. Sent id upon receipt ot $3.95. wa JOSEPH HAGN & CO. Wholesale Jewelers, 300-306 W. Madison St., Dept. E, Chicago, lil. QHEN'S ALL-NATION HANDKERCHIEFS Suse silk. full size represents fifty-one nations of @ world A pippin for men working fairs and for the followers of Expositions VERY ATTRACTIVE ARTICLE. SELLS ON SIGHT EVERYHERE. SAMPLE SUBMITTED, 25c, postpaid rour MONEY BACK IF NOT WORTH ITS VALE. This is our full particulars, so save your Ost age. All You need now is the sample. WRITE ODAY. GUSTAVE W. COHEN & BROTHERS, I ters ’ . : og of Handkerchiefs, 496 Broadway, New CARNIVAL--INDUSTRIAL-PAGEANTS ~FLOATS~ ALL STYLES AND DESCRIPTIONS. ST. LOUIS FLOAT & SCENIC COMPANY ST. LOUIS, MO. The Oldest Studio in St. Louls. ~ NOTICE TO CARNIVAL MANAGERS es contracted with ©. W. Parker, of Leaven ". Kan. for a two-horse-abreast Jumping Horse to be complete by April 15, 1913. The Yr 1913 model, with 24 large horses, ee ree 2 rabbits, lovers’ tub, ca at ae orgar _* =, electric lights, steam power, $775.00 Sign up wiping perfectly new. Would like to had erperterie yy 800d Carnival Co.. one which has BERRY Breen the business. ee POTNERS, : Toluca, Hlinols, slocte _ Flag, Bunting and Set Pieces, for CarntBull “treet Fairs, Shows, Dances, Celebrations, of rye, Ste» installed or rented. My assortment Flags Tat Decorations, Streamers, Set Pieces, Writ, unting and other Designs most complete. ¢ ‘or prices and designs for your occasion. we. H. GOUGH, Syracuse, N. Y. '' vou see it in The Billboard, tell them so. band. Meeker’s performing goats will be one of the free acts. C. R. O'Conner will have the candy wheel, Charlotte L. Barr, palmist; W. H. Bailey, doll rack; £. G. Gause, china wheel, knife rack and hoop-la, Chas. Carter, vase wheel; Doc. Howard, Teddy bears, Jas. Heaton, ball game; Jimmy Weider, pickaninny game; Eddie Linton, watch wheel; Mrs. Linton, feather flowers; W. J. Murphy, poodles, and Florence Weider, hoop-la. Executive staff——Wil!l H. manager; Frank Meeker, Lucretia Weider, treasurer; retary; Thurman Weider, leges; E. E. Edison, trainman, Thos. Dewese, jot man; Belle Weider, queen contest; Harry Bell, lithographer, and Geo. Wallace Kirkland, general agent and promveter. CARNIVAL NOTES, H. W. Wright writes as ‘follows, viz.: Just a few of the large attractions who signed contracts with the National Conservation Exposition this week. John G. Robinson’s five big elefants, also his entire zoo, for the exposition period of two months. Kindry’s Indian Congress with 75 Indians, two bands, one composed of 17 Weider, owner and assistant manager; Besse Weider, esecmanager of privi Indian men, the other, 12 beautiful Indian maidens, This attractions is an exposition feature. A large vaudevil theater to be erected by Mr. Bacon, of Gadsden, Ala., which will have entire change of acts each week: one of the largest wild west shows in the United States whose name I don’t want to divulge at this writing. Also Ellerey’s famous band of 45 pieces, with four European singers; they will give open-air concerts every afternoon and evening during Ex period of two months. This exposition will open In a blaze of fireworks, the water carnival using $10,000 worth of fireworks alone. " FP. Kennett and wife, Mozelle, the ma‘d of mist, have been engaged. The midway will be made crescent shape, so that every show will stand out as a feature. This will get the people in front of every show, giving each show ap equal chance. Three big riding devices will be placed. one at each end and one In the center of the midway. This will make one of the most beautiful midways ever arranged, with its large platform for the free acts located so every person on the midway will be able to see every act perfectly. This will be some exposition, the directors are sparing no expense to make this a huge success, The Great Cole Shows will open at Kokomo. Ind., in April, under the ausp'ces of the Red Men Ed. M. Smithson, general agent, returned to the winter quarters recently from a ten days’ trip to the East. Phil McLaughlin now has his Parker carry-us-all and ocean wave ready for the opening. Seven shows, three riding devices, three free acts and Professor Beaning’s Concert Band will be carried. Indiana will be played during the months of April and May, and Michi gan after that. Among the recent additions to the Whitney Shows are Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Colton, to do high dive, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prettyman, Jas. White, Peter Wynegger, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Carmichael, to put on a big spectacular electric show, and Huff »ros. and Moss with their Hippodrome Snow. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bertini, who have been with the Whitney Shows al! winter, will join the Miller Shows about April 1, with which show Mr. Bertini will be featured in his big spiral tower act. Sinee the close of the La Rose Electric Foun tain Attractions in the South just before the holidays, George La Rose has been spending thie winter at his home In the West. After a hur ried trip to the South Mr. La Rose will return East to Cincinnati, Pittsburg, New York and other Fastern cities to complete the anrrange ments for his two companies, both of which wil! be newly equipt. The Kennler Shows opened at Bogalusa, La., March 8 with seven paid attractions, to good business. Johnny Irvin's band furnishes the music. Two more shows are expected to join shortly. Mr. Keppler announces that he wil) again play Independence, La., this season. This will make the tenth consecutive year for Mr. Keppler at Independence William McConkey and company will ge out with the Great Arabian Show this season. The show will carry 18 horses, seven ponies. tent 70x10 feet and 10 wagons. John Ferguson will be in advance, while William White will be his assistant The show w'l!l open in Michigan Avril 26. Michigan. Indiana and Ohio will be covered. J. F. Pinfold. proprietor of the Central States Shows. purchast the animal show from Messrs Day and Dutter, and intends to make it one of his leading attractions. The show has been playing Mississ'pp! all winter. Mr. Pinfold will add a merry-go-round in a few weeks The show started Nortth March 16 The Great Bertini fs not w'th Carroll's United Shows this winter as it was reported. Mr. Ber tint left them January 1. and since then has been with the Whitner Shows. NEW NOVELTY FOR STREETMEN. A desk fountain pen that is practical and which may be turned ont at a price which per mits of its distribution for advertising purposes has been placed on the market by W. H. Hollister & Company, Chicago. This fountain pen ifs made with a barrel like the ordinary pen holder The lower end of this holder is hollow. within which is placed a rubber reservoir for the ink The ink feeds down to the pen with the sam> action as in the ordinary fountain pen. The pen comes supplied with the regular 14-k. gold pen, but any Spencerian pen may be substituted if desired. The time which this pen saves by making necessary the constant dip dip of the or dinary pen makes It appeal to the man whose time Is valuable. The attractiv colors fn which this pen Is supplied make {t an ornament to any desk. The pen {s instantly refillable by slipping off the holder, twisting the rubber reservoir dipping the point In ink and releasing the rub r. Miss Clara Turner and her players closed at the Orpheum, Watertown, after 24 weeks, the house go'ng Into bankruptey dune to some trouble with the estate that held the lease. Miss Turner and her players are offering all the big royalty plavs, carrying a complete production for each play. The Great J. H. Rovers Jesse James Show will take the road about the m'ddle of April, and tour continuonsly until 1914. The show fs now perfectly equipt with new furnishings {fn all their cars and will rank as the best traveling dramatic show under canvas on the road. The show bas alwaye made money It’s 21-23 Ann St. KELLEY NEW YORK. There’s only one KING in any line in the Fountain Pen line. Get my latest Catalog and Prices Before buying elsewhere. Balloonist At Liberty Can furnish from ONE to SLX parachute leaps from one Balloon by one Aeronaut, Lady or Gent. From TWO to TWELVE parachute leaps from one Balloon by TWO Aeronauts, Lady and Gent. Balloon races with from TWO to SIX Balloons, all to leave the earth at the same time. Night Ascensions with Fireworks display also a parachute leap. We use SELF HOLDERS and do not pend on the public to hold the BALLOONS while we fill them. Address CAPT. FRANK T. COLEMAN, MAIN OFFICE: 1510 Nichols St., TRENTON, MO. BRANCH OFFICE: P. O. Box 339, MORRISTOWN, TENN. References: First National Bank. At Liberty High and Fancy Diver Would prefer joining some good Water Carnival or firstclass Diving Girl Show. Positively no boozer. At liberty after May Ist. Address, P. J. RINGENS, Permanent address, The Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. KELLEY—THE swrosres"—You That Know Me Know also that I never handed you a lemon. Get my Spring Catalog. It’s chock full of brand new specialties EVERY ONE A WINNER. KELLEY, The Specialty King, 21-23 Ann St., New York. nw ,