The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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° = Se : CES Ene oa ~g# —— “Ss =e oe ef ewtatss ie _ Rt ey ets one ~~ ‘s y 7 i ara el t——— #7 120 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. HARRY W. SPINGOLD “Manager of Standard Vaudeville Acts”’ DESIRING TIME THRU THE WEST FOR NEXT SEASON ALL ACTS COMMUNICATE WITH ME IMMEDIATELY. HAVE REPRESENTED THRU THE WEST THIS SEASON Emma Carus, Thomas Q. Seabrook, Edna Aug, Jack Gardner, Conroy and LeMaire, Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Fisher and others. Present Address: New Offices After March 31st: 601-603 Chicago Opera House Bik., CHICAGO ILL. 512 Fort Dearborn Building, "Phone, Franklin 1424. 5 S. Clark and Monroe Sts. T M A News rockin ae aan os Ge taet Ral eet Only Three Years Old--BUT—Watch Us Grow! process of our common life without weakeuimng or sentimentalizing it. This means that Jolnny Lyons will have President Wi.son as a guest at VALENTINE GROSCH DIES. his moral shows in the Academy of Music Go — to it, John. ‘Valentine Grosch, well known to members of 0. O. Seattergood, circulation manager of the the ‘ mfession, died at his home in Rochest r Louisville Herald, is givins theatrical folks aormenss im — "Iw re > > T N.Y March §. Mr. Grosch was familiar.s | every chance to secure eaceilent publicity with NOW PRESENTING THE FOLLOWING ATTRACTIONS OF MERIT known as the “Pinch Hitter,’ because of hi< | advance ideas in the columns of his paper. The big heart that always opened to one in trouble He was 38 years of age and was a member of cae ain ie a et | “THE ARAB,”’ “THE SERVANT IN THE HOUSE,”’ “THE the T. M. A. and the International Alliance of After attending several shows in Chicago. 39 66 a9 Stage Employes. For many years he played in| Which showed the workings of the underworld, WOLF, TESS OF TH E STORM COUNTRY Eight Pells, but for the past four years had | Barrett O'Hara. lieut.-governor of Illinois. made se 3 been stage carpenter at the Shut rt Theater in| @p his mind that the wages of the depart a nd TH E vi RG ! N ! ANS Rochester The funeral was held Tuesday. | ment store girl should be made a public-spirit|} segs March 12. . ed argument, and he told Vhe Billboard repre ia ADDREss setianitinenestidhntsiimeintpintis Sentative so. Guess the brilliant statesman r asn’t talking for campaign purposes, for if ite 30, Grand Opera House Bldg. . Chicago, Ill. WASHINGTON LODGE No. 7. pmol Tl egy: Sg pee er te | Suite 30, Pp g-; go, reports from Chicago of late aren't seen hru bivwe glasses, the leut.-governor is igh Pres'dent Joseph Becket youmets the birth | * we t gover of a daughter March 4. sit so the name Wileone a w FAVORITE RENDEZVOUS FOR REPRESENTATIVE SHOW PEOPLE phd mca 9 a The store owners © fater street in a cer a, eee fer the newly arrived babe by tle New Eas ow reall fae case a ie e r se ral = in ers ft No. 7, Br ther Becker an window until first consulting that dandy ad ’ y = the name of his daughter as Cass mere vertising manager, Robert Henshaw Clark. That's | a ~ Sante: of — ; oe =e the way Clark has trained the owners of store< E. D. CUMMINGS, Manager ee ere showered on Brother Becker, who re to use lithos Maurice Cain and many others ported that m ur and child were both getting wi vouch for this are my tt ka CHICAGO, Il | 48 Ss. A. George Smith, rhea failed to put over his | of Buffalo Lodge No ladder ct o e h's cireuit, has returned to | the inanguration festiv-| the Barnum & Bailey. ndvanoe Gowan ne European. Cafe and Buffet Service Unexcelled. VISIT THE INDIAN ROOM MeGuire w'tnest the fully recovered from “the injuries suffered by | Otfcial “eadquarters for The Carnival Managers’ Association of America Wiison falling off a step-ladder while tacking banners. | vas anot naugura Pie asant summer, George, and send us a card } TA so oot ve ones sas, The Talk of Chicago The Great Northern Hippodrome will get at a momet a ea Ittle ‘has been. 20 cc WE WANT Feature Acts of every description, Big Circus ‘ (Continued from pace 57 \ ttle has been f drop sik Se eee Cee wee oP oma us a line, Otto, f etter is long overdue Novelties, Sensational Acts, Spectacular Singgl ee om . re or saw | Otto has inserted rea ronolitar leas inte ~ a come ta hie teker omen ghietty, broilers thet | the workings of the Orpheum, so brot «eos |ing and Musical Novelties nN 0 ne s icket offic and. say it is sou relate, and we believe everything good we | : C > 10 > . op oO KE 2) inev ~ (hie n smile. Whr. ‘f he wenid smile itke that at | hear about Otto for we know him |} Address THE GREAT NORTHERN HIPP ROM Quine iw the convention lhe eould wv invihing he wants Bill Thompson has absolutely denied that | ~~. it wen d be impossible to refuse him. Now |} he is hunting up a theatrical ange! for ar aes ne title of ] was wrong. It should . ! ; season in Duluth. Bob Lee should observe this | have been, “Wh: Are Glasses Made For an? scoop. What Goes Them.” He would sway crowds ill Fulwood, since his departure from Chiwith that es " . ; } ; has gone into seclusion Your history is One was acting as mat i well related in the corridors of the Ris —_ ean SHOWS , ow, small Wild West. Lady Minstrel or vaudeville « j : — one who was sick | marck, Bill Walter Loftus smiles every time | He e, Freak Show "fa thing at can get the money, CONCESSIONS that are legitima hin : read necks thus loudly o» | your name is mentioned, so what do you de| o s here. Open May 2 near Rochester. Route on applicatio our ror outside, like that” | sire? r, N.Y. —" of Daniel Webster. He must hav | Everett Wilson. the gentlemanly assistant | = 2. KARLAND: Gen. Mgr., Suite 205, 62 State St., Rocheste wen looking at a telefone book : treasurer at the Grand in Kansas City, is conTem 0” the m rning te to you! ty _ the bear’ | templating compiling a new book with facts of Casey's goat. IT wish you Erin Go Rraugh | christened, “Shall it be Henri or Henry?” Frother Donavan they cell mi You had sore 4 Kindly send us the early edition, Everett, ol ANT rs greet annual hall T read an acconnt of *& | scout, and we will announce your wishes at the In the St. Ton'ts Star Whv dida’t von knock “ly offices ; i Fiynn in Boston. the end ont of the building so von woul’ Jack Murphy and Jimmie Sheehan were seen a t Sister Te: Sing i Iba ng Soubrettes Spanish and Serpentine Dancers Girl " I na eve had more reom ton’ et a little ~ | talking r the other day on Broadway re : “Se a4 courtesan ’ State lowest «alary firs like oe it ston von ; siebuck.s size ~ to This nage conspiracy sure Send photo deaesay tien : .— professional and ambien anaes ” A hb of brothers at the club the othe | Glad to note that Ray Ward will assume | letter. Loraine and ‘Ibornton Sisters, please write. Address nigi t ~ ed oa little game of cards It laste’ | charge of the boxoffice at the Chicago Oner ai night and until 11 a m One of th : W trovar, Ray Js smane os.” atemember the ster | THUROW & LEIDNER AMUSEMENT CO., 1424 2nd St., Milwaukee, Wis. broth: rs went home and his boy said. “Mm noon, tay. that the ‘“‘bug’’ came into our wait ti!) mamma sees you. Your going to er’ | midst and bought out the house? Oh, pivots of it.”’ His wife met him and said. “Whe excitement and then some? did ven get back from the inanguration? Di Ran into John Fisher's well-organized comyou heve a good time?" The next dav >» | pany, playing The Red Rose, the other day in eee postal come to the theater, It read. “‘Dea« | Missouri. Zoe Barnett is making the scribes A mome bome. evervthine is forgiven Lave on the one-night stand newspapers peep into Wife and Kiddies." He said he i “0 ce to » dic y to pi vords so tt FI ida Krom who wonte if ae he would Weak | they can ahnut thelr prataee’ sor eis vans's |1Q Feet by 32 Feet. Address P.O. Box 246, Daytona, Flori ledger for h'm work. Lee Parvin is i ; doing excellent work in One «f the brotvers, who is a prenertr man | advance of this troupe for a steck company playine one of the then Ralph Kettering is ready to lay down bets | ACTORS MAKE MORE gs ed Our ee | ters, did a lot of dirty work, and never wore | that it won't rain the opening day at the White |" A collec jon As noe aan rm mony ans: ome ee Se oe One day the stage man City in Chicago We'll be there, if plans don’t Reeiion ge > ye fer 25 omits ‘Order NW, ager said. “Whe don’t yon get yourself a svit | co astray, Ralph, rain or shine, and as a hodyF. WASKA, 4418 Fulton Street, Chicago, Ilinois of clothes? ‘De von want me to get one?’ | guard we'll have Bob Lee. “Yes.’’ sa'd the stage manager: “get yoursel! George Sidney noticed a reduction in the size you have faith in Astrology, and a good snit."’ The next morning the property | of his company the other night. Wonder what ASTROLOGY Et my instructions, success is man came in all dolled up. He looked like t~ | agent will be first to smile? almost certain. Send l5c and birth date, for a true We haveagents that owner of the eunnany On Saturday nich: Astrological Guide Address D. Daniels, 26 Court easily clean up $5 an hour the property man handed in his bill and at th = achiev ashs St., Brooklyn, N. ¥ with our wonderful compiete hettom of it was “One snit of clothes £90." lie aineh shoneasr coat pees ne MOA THE SHOW GIRL. and ssid. “What does thie mean?’ “That ts alright.’""’ said prons: “dia von net tell m Line closed on Saturday night it ended in Free Sample You can do as well. Just go out 4: i. me (Continued from page 57.) . . h oureswe!) /ine of a blaze of glory and an entertainment and pick up $5 an hour wit ot ws — t+ get a new suit?’ “I will not nav it’ ; + ‘ , . . " ‘rowd Made-toMeasure Hand~~ seid the maneger. Next week the prop hil! of the majority of the moral element|at the Elks for the carnival crowd, * .c8 $9.00 up, Pants $2.50 up. acain read. “One snit of clothes $20." 77 because he makes so many false|and a vote of thanks to the manageYour Suit FREE « oy Ayn yy Ae =e The 9 starts to gather the mooks, and when| ment, and a request to ‘Come Again’ You'll be the center of attraction i © E week prons sent in a big bunch of nerishah’ | he put up his hands with the finger| from the Terre Haute Board of Trade! _oSe aan. It's good , « | age A Om a yg Po Bae aa © ‘| tips together. the moral element be“It was a great week for Terre advertising for us to do it! " e stage manager who said. ‘“‘Now mt | ‘ ene . the wor, T do not see that snit of clothe: | lieved he was saying a couple of ‘Now-| Haute and that’s why, as I tell you, Send No Money on here this week.” ‘*No, yon don’t see it” I-Ley-Me’s’ before he did his big fall.| here, in the middle of March, I gets Your name brings everything, seid) prons “hnt It is on there alright’ ee : ; ’ 7 shipped—Express Prepa t the Preps got his moner “This attitude of prayer imprest the|a yin for spring, anl feel the call of absolutely free. ‘Everythi ng guar . R “ *' ve 1 4 better element that the whole carnival. | the carnival. the pull of the park; and a. epee. eter manry v2 ck WALTER s. DUGGAN’S COLUMN. from Demoro. the high diver, down.|that is why the smell of circus saw‘ELK TAILORING CO ‘Continned from page 57.) 702 Jackson Blvd. Chicago Charges aii . ; : aint was an exhibition for the educated] dust is sweeter to me than the fraletter writer of ‘the theatrical world’ Bimer| and a show for the sensitiv and re-|grance of the violet in the dell considers five words a long letter fined. The string shoe merchant was “Gee, kid. ain't you glad that spring neat nassace from Pres'dent Wilson’s !nan geri reads: “‘Onr dnty is to cleanse, to recon| Side-trackt, and when the carnival | is, caming?” If you see it in The Billboard, tell them