The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard + STERN & CO.'S _ Bic NOISE HIT PROF COPY FREE. Orchestrations, (0c. Ea. for Mailing | JOS. W. STERN CO. Wi Yore cary | | FROM i CONSTANTINOPLE] SIC. 0). . HIT No. 2 7 GILLESPIE and WILLIAMS SEE TOP PAGE 122 FOR 102-104 W. 38th ST. | Dance Orchestration Ready Special Price i5c. aa Musicians to 5 Complete Band ’ Riders and Ropers JACK GOLDBERG \ ica BILL SKENNEDORE | V"tezme 27th Season of Unparalleled Success. BUCKSKIN BEN’S FAMOUS SHOWS Two Cornets, Trombone, Tuba and Baritone. Music and}be'able to play, as we are not running a Conservatory of Music but a show. That can do things with horses and ropes, not the kind that want to pose all day. This Siow will be with “The Wortham and Allen Shows” Isn’t that a Record? CAN USE FOR SEASON 1913 Must read I furnish instruments and costumes. wae or ie BUCKSKIN BEN °*"88Rct cr. NOW BOOKING SEASON 1913 CAPITAL CITY AMUSEMENT CO. LEW HOFFMAN, General Manager. HARRY S. WHITE, General Agent. THE LARGEST PROMOTS OF AMUSEMENT IN THE NORTHWEST —— TRAVELING IN OUR OWN SPECIAL TEN-CAR TRAIN Our route is worth your consideration. Show opens in St. Paul, Minn., May 12; then through Minnesota, North and South Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon and Canada. The Northwest is the place for the money this summer. Those States all had a bumper crop last year. FAIR SECRETARIES <=: To r= COMMITTEES We specially solicit contracts to furnish all the Amusement Features, Sensational Free Acts, Concert Bands, Midway Shows, Riding Devices, Concessions for State Fairs and County Fairs, Street Fairs, Reunions, Picnics, Centennials, Old Home-Comings, Expositions, Celebrations, ete.,ete. You have but to signify that you want attractions, and we will send you a representative. WANTED — Can place First-class Ballyhoo and two Platform Shows. Will make good proposition to Strong Animal Show. WANTED—Few strictly up-to-date, legitimate Concessions. Only a limited number carried. Can use Sensational Free Acts; those doing two or more acts given preference. Want Musicians and All-day Grinds, Canvasman, Conderman Ferris Wheel Operator (must thoroughly understand his business), ag Sag ew Engineer. Useful people, Carnival experience, write. Have Privilege Car for rent. NOTE ADDRESS—Until MARCH{29, LEW HOFFMAN, GODDARD HOTEL, HOT SPRINGS, ARK. After then, PERMANENT ADDRESS, 14 West Sixth Street, . . ST. PAUL, MINN. Opens On or About MAY 25th WASHINGTON LUNA PARK WASHINGTON, D. C. Washington’s Big Amusement Park Plans have been made to spend $100,000 in improvements this season. This is going to be the biggest year for parks since 1906. 1906-7, 1913, the banner year. New change of faces in Washington, and all have got to be amused. We want everything and anything that ts good. Concessions of all kinds to let. Let us know your wants at once. Booths built to sult. No dead ones wanted at any price. Play Bands and Free Acts. Splendid car service, 12 minutes from center of city to park entrance. Write for space NOW. EDWARD S. WHITING, Manager, Washington, D.C. ICHTHYOLOGICAL WONDER. (Continued from page 45.) feet; girth, 23 feet and 9 inches: thickness, § NOTES OF THE ROAD. Harry Rouclere, magician and Frederick Hal len. vaudevil artist have joined hands and pbe feet, 3 inches; mouth, 38 inches wide, 43 inehes ‘cep and when open 31 inches between jaws congue, 40 inches long; tail, 10 feet from tip to tip, pectoral fin. 5 feet long, 3 feet wide; gills, 4 feet long; bide, 3 inches thick and it» ‘ver weighed 1,700 pounds. It was devold of scales but possest thousands of true teeth and had swallowed another fish or *nimal, also unknown to science, weighing 1,500 pounds, } It had no bones, the dorsel vertabre being 1 evissly touf substance akin to a stiff. bard glue when dry, J. S. Warmbeth sent to Miami by the Smitn sonlan Institute gets credit for the masterly mounting of the specimen. Natural , history has been enricht with its first cold-blooded mammal in this remarkabre “nd which is absolutely unique—truly it's like ‘Alsts not anywhere upon the face of the earth and there is no assurance that another will ever e dragged from the depths of the ocean. _ The National Museum is still, six months otter publication, being deluged with Inquiries (roms scientists from all over the world for the rocbure in which the description of the strange “tormous fish-beast is embodied. A new name, a new order, a new genus and a new species will bave to be created for it but science moves slowly and cautiously in these ‘matters and it may be several years before they sre decided upon.—Watched. gan a spring season of 12 weeks at Fredericksburg, Va., February 20, after which they wil! olay thru the south. Moffat-LaReine and Company, marvelous electrical wizards, opened on the S. & C. time at Detroit, February 16, as feature attraction. This company will show thru Europe, opening in September. E. M. Fritz, the popular Iowa band and orchestra leader, has been engaged to take charge of the orchestra of the Chase-Lister Amusement Company, under canvas. Mr. Fritz has been with this company since 1908. The Beechers were compelled to cance] their engagements in the South, owing to the sudden illness of Miss Beatrice Beecher. This clever team has been meeting with great success in the Southeast, Harry Squires, who has been stage manager for Thurston, the magician, is having a 25-foot cruiser bullt, in which he intends to take a much needed rest this summer, Rob Jewell, vf the team of Jennings. Jewel! and Barlowe, who was taken to the Fenway Hospital, Boston, February 27, to undergo an operation, resumed work March 17. Andrews and Thompson have returned to this country from Europe, and are now playing thru the Soutt for Sam Massell. of Atlanta. The Delno Troupe of acrobats are meeti with their usua! success on the United Time. Whenthe Call says 3A.M.— knock the edge off the early morning gloom with a Fatima—the biggest selling cigarette in America—you ll know why once you try one of these delightfully mild Turkish-blend smokes. A real natural tobacco flavor— wholesome—satisfying. Get a package today. Rigg Agere Toba Ce rA\ ATS 49, Q NO Ne) “Distinctively Individual”