The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard 123 /UST THE SONGS YOU'RE LOOKING FOR “Oh, Lucinda Lee” Melodious and very catchy. ofrain can be used as @ single, double or quarSend for copy. Only 15c, postpaid. Address Publisher, 958 Dunham St,, Grand Rapids, Mich, Attention, Vaudeville OUR BIG BALLAD SUCCESS EILEEN FROM OLD KILLARNEY Chorus of this great song apThe song that gets atest Od song. Your or the asking ‘ his issue. Try : 3 Published by ALLEN SPURR MUSIK vt B. CO., Marion, Indiana Pi Pl ers ut sic 1 will send you 100, all different, the 39c » kind, Sheet Music, for $1.00; $7.00 per 1,000, ol es, Ive. JOHN H. SMITH (Music Dept.), Cohoes, N Best Sellers on Earth Agerigaade Meoe Jokes. ote Be ol) mute ‘ ot 221 w. Madison St WAROLD ROSSITER ‘wusic 60. Chicago SONG POEM onl ater | —_ of dollars @ year to successful song writers. os > us YOUR WORK to day, with or without music. Acceptance guaranteed, if available. Large book FREE DUGDALE COMPANY, Dept. 25, Washington, D. C “ The real Summer DEAR OLD CONEY ISLE” Wii Se Ses for a copy. You won't regret it. Enclose progra and stamp for professional copies Regular copies, 2c ERNEST E. NELSON, Pub., Chadron, Nebraska GIFFORD’S “MEMORIAL HYMN TO THE DEAD OF THE SEA” (In commemoration of the Titanic Disaster) Ready about April 1 All music dealers. SHEET MUSIC Upon receipt of only one dime, we will mail you three good sample copies (vocal or instrumental) and our catalogs. P. MILLER, 211 Reisinger Ave., Dayton, Ohio. THAT BEAUTIFUL WALTZ BALLAD Hh] HERE'S THE CHORUS: 66 I could live without sunshine, 1 could live without light, I could live without springtime. And summer's sweet. night I could live without knowing Luxuries and riches, I could live without most “everything, INSPIRING MELODY and LYRICS 7 _ FOU SEND FOR PROFESSIONAL COPY AND ORCHESTRATIONS 1913.) THOMPSON & CO.,, 145 N. CLARK ST., CHICAGO, ILL. Molly Brown’ THE SWANEE RIVER RAG Is the real hit of 1913. It is original and rivals in beauty the old time plantation melodies. Great quartette song Chorus will be found in this issue. The words tell a pretty story of home life and love on the old plantation by the Swanee River. Send a two-cent stamp for professional copy Orchestration, one dime. Regular copy, 10 cents. Representatives wanted everywhere. Music Publisher NORFOLK, VA. yt: H. Olander, YOU WIN WHEREVER INSTANT 46 M AY B = 9 gy YOu USE IT. POPULARITY. CLEAN, BRILLIANT. It's on the player-piano rolls (‘‘Vocalstyle’’), it’s going to be on the street-piano rolls, and it’s going to increase your salary-roil NOTICE! STARS! ::" MUSICAL COMEDY CO’S! Watt FREE ADVERTISING IN THE BILLBOARD Scns. It's up to you. You know The Billboard reaches the fellow who pays YOUR salary. Get prof. copy of above. Stamps and programs appreciated. G V. CRISTMAN, Publisher, Dayton, Ohio Wanted Concessions, Shows and Up-to-date Riding Devices FOR SPRINGFIELD ZOO PARK Located in the city of Springfield, Ohio, about seven minutes walk from main part of city, and best of street car service to same. One of the best money-making parks in the State of Ohio for up-to-date attractions. Large crowds daily, with plenty of money and willing to spend it. If you have neat and attractive frame-up, I will have a place for you. Everything will be sold exclusive, and this is a park where you work every day in the week and overtime on Sundays. Rare opportunity for Moving Picture Theater, Crazy House, Laughing Gallery, ete Bowling Alleys, Pool Room, Skating Rink, Dancing Pavillion, General Refreshment Stand, Photo Gallery, large Vase Wheel, Ball Games, Knife Rack, Cane Rack, Palmist, Candy and Poodle Dog Wheel, Novelties and Souvenirs; in fact, will place anything in the amusement line which is legitimate, moral and up-to-date. I place everyt hing on percent. WHY? Because I know it is good. Tell all in first letter; just what you have and what you want. Address all communications to E. LYNWOOD CUMMINGS, Box 164, Kenton, Ohio, until April 10th, then Springfield, Ohio. SCHLIESS & BACHMANN THEATRE ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS Let us do your designing and you will get the best in theater construction for the least money. Our work of a number of years in this line enables us to do this work in the shortest time possible,and have all work of the most modern type in architectural convenience and durability 557-559 HOUSEMAN BUILDING GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. AT LIBERTY, MARCH 17 An A-l Violinist, A. F. married. Experienced in | can deliver the of M., 24 years old and vaudeville and pictures. and have no bad habits. Here is chance for a real Violinist. Have library of music. Write or wire. W. P. WALSH, 503'2 No. Sixth St., Springfield, It. AT LIBERTY A-1 Advance Man and Billposter Attend strictly to buaiJAMES JOHNSON, Mul goods your No Boozer or Cigarettes ness No Wagon Shows vane, Kansas. BIG MONEY IN ILLUSIONS FOR REAL ILLUSIONS That have Spectacular Effects, and honest workmanship, come to “CHARLES CATULLE,” the FranceAmerica Master Builder of all Illusions. Address 152 AUSTIN STREET, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Phone Canal 3258-W. WANTED-—A man with 15 or more row boats, for Glenwood Park, Batavia, Ill. This park is located 39 miles from Chicago, on Fox River. A big amusement park, owned by electric R. R. Big pienies every day from Chicago. <A good proposition for @ sober man. Also for sale, 1 ten-horse power Go-Round Engine, 50 foot round top, 40 foot track, 16 Merry-Go-Round wheels and eccentrics. This can be had cheap by applying to ¥. J. ROACH, Mgr., Glenwood Park, 1316 South 8th Ave., Maywood, HL if you see it in The Billboard, tell them se. ss SONG HIT OF 1913=SHAPIRO ——~—~ST THE TRAIL OF THE LONESOME PINE By BALLARD MACDONALD and HARRY CARROLL i | The Most Sensational Song Success This Country Has Known i in Ten Years SHAPIRO MUSIC PUB. CO. LOUIS BERNSTEIN, Managing Director Broadway & 3oth St, NEW YORK It is an easy matter for always a ‘“‘hit’’ the moment it was written. every advertisement that ever appeared in this Published the week before, but “THEN Isa ‘HIT’! The evidence is before you! A HIT BY PROFESSIONAL DECISION! a song writer to say that a song is a hit! in this case SINGERS HAVE DECIDED that LL STOP LOVING By McCARTHY, GOODWIN and PIANTADOSI In fact, every song. lever written by. anybody was It is equally as easy for a publisher to say that a song is a hit paper about a song said that the song was a “hit” even if it was only In fact, You” Go into any big time house and you will hear a big act doing the song and getting tremendous applause after the rendition of each verse and chorus. “THEN I P VING YOU" is the only ballad recently written that is worthy of being classed with that wonder of all ballads of STosgess THAT'S HOW | NEED YOU,” and it is by the same writers, too! and issued by the same pe eieners: LEO FEIST, Ine. i3r°W.Ssren &. BOSTON, 218 Tremont St. Western Office, 145 North Clark St. NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA, 50 No. 8th St. SAN FRANCISCO, 701 Pantages Theatre ‘Building 7