The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard At £00.S No.3. DADDY HAS A SWEETHEART. My FOR BIC NOISE 102-104 W. 38th St. | Dance Orchestration Ready Special Price, !65c. NEW YORK CITY Hilda Peterson THE LITTLE SWEDISH VIOLINIST Who is now making a big success in the .East, will soon appear in her new novel act, with special scenery and electrical effects. devices and a strong line-up of iegitimate concessions There will be several sensational free attrac tions including Harry Six, the world’s cham pion high diver, and the Flying Albinis. a clever Italian aerial act, and Signora Carolina Pasterini, a wonderful soprano, who will sing with the show's band of 15 pieces tiv roster of the Greater New England Shows includes Harry Six. general manager: Ike Freed man, general agent; A. Muskevitz, secretary and treasurer; George Whiting. anditor; Martin Hamilton, general press representativ; Arthur Lee, assistant press representativ; D. D. Dally. contracting agent; Joe Murphy, master of transpertation: Gale Kunkle, master of construction, | and Fred Gilmore, Will H, Reed, contest and | lecal promoters. The Greater New England | Shows will open the season on May 3. The execu HEPP JOINS HERBERT A. KLINE. Chicago, March 14 (Special to The Billboard). | Charles McDonald, known as Joe Hepp, will | next season take charge of the animal show with the Herbert A. Kline Carnival Company. Mac indeed proves an important acquisition for the Kline outfit, as he brings with him old expertence and vast acquaintance. In addition to the ani mal show, it is understood that McDonald wil! | als take care of the management of another show It has not yet been announct by Herbert A. Kline. At the present time Mac is in Chicago | ps rking under John Warren at the Sea Cow Store Siow TORONTO PARKS, Hanlan'’s Point, the Coney Island of Canada *tuated across the bay at Toronto, Canada, wil! open its season May 19. The crowds of amuse ment-seekers who will frequent this park this season will find many new and unique attrac tions A splendid playground has been equipt With all new devices especially for the kiddies -~ wssitating a large expenditure of money. The “taclam, an immense structure of steel, has an \nurtous seating capreity. Here are held the some games of the Tvronto Baseball Club. and other athletic contests, lacrosse matches | Manager L. Solman. well-known thruout Canada and the United States as a very suc cessful amusement promotor, is booking an un Usually fine list of attractions, Hanlan's Point ts the vldest summer park In America and was e home of Edward Hanlan. the noted oarsman A feet of fourteen steamers will be put in com ——— to carry the crowds to and from thr Searboro Reach Park, Toronto, superbly sit cated on the blue waters of Lake Antario jnet east of Toronto, will open its gates for the ses eon May 19. The aplendid and spacious ground wil be in excellent condition for the opentne The Johnstown Flood feature, which proved sue! * fenomenal succers In past seasons. wil! be r h'nced by another novelty of sterling quality Jpen-alr motion picture shows will be anoth “ature of the park this season. Just outsid * park are the grounds of the Searboro Ath ‘tle Club, also under the control of the park’ *nagement. Here are held lacrosse eames ane ther athletic contests during the season. Th ‘ronto Street Railroad Company, noted for un “xcelled service, will furnish its usual good rensportation to and from the park gates. Ric ete REATER HARRY SIX, GEN. MGR. NEW ENGLAND SEC. & TREAS. A. MOSKOVITZ, H. FREEDMAN, GEN. AGENT SHOWS We can place a few more Shows capable of GETTING THE MONEY. We already have WATER *| CIRCUS, TRIP TO MARS, PLANTATION, ILLUSION, INDIAN VILLAGE, ; ORIENTAL and TEN-IN-ONE SHOWS. . COULIHAN & DERKIN FURNISHING ALL RICING DEVICES WANTED—SENSATIONAL WATER ACTS OF ALL KINDS! OPENING WEEK, MAY 3-10 (Two Saturdays), OSSINING, N. Y. Under the auspices of the Cataract Hose Co. MAY 12-17, STAMFORD, CONN., Auspices B. P. 0. ELKS MAY 19-24, DERBY, CONN., Auspices B. P. 0. ELKS DIVING GIRLS WHO CAN DIVE. PE aa MAY 26-31 (Decoration Day), WATERBURY, CONN. Under the auspices of the Anti-Tuberculosis Society. AND THE FOLLOWING WEEKS WE WILL SHOW IN MERIDEN, CONN., HOLYOKE, SPRINGFIELD AND WESTFIELD, MASS. _THEN COMES 4th JULY WEEK— ia JUNE 30 TO JULY 5, PITTSFIELD, MASS. ($3,000 For Fireworks the 4th) f Under the auspices of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. FREE ACTS—HARRY SIX, HIGH DIVE, PROF. SANTI D'AQUILA’S REAL CONCERT BAND, SIGNORINA LORITAUX, LADY SINGING WITH THE BAND WE WILL POSITIVELY PLAY THE BEST FAIRS IN NEW ENGLAND THIS FALL SHOWMEN, WRITE, WIRE OR CALL AT OUR OFFICE— SUITE 5 HOLLAND BLDG., 1440 BROADWAY GREATER NEW YORK CITY , NEW ENGLAND SHOWS OWING TO THE BIG STRIKE OF SILK WORKERS AT PATERSON, N. J., WE CHANGED OUR OPENING STAND TO OSSINING, N. Y. : DON’T FORGET THE OPENING WEEK HAS TWO SATURDAYS. VAUDEVIL NOTES. ‘s Animals are bookt on the United Pn 3 the first of June, with Orpheum time following. They will locate at San Diego, Cal., zoological park. x Le Haller bas d the manag n ee Rousiere the magician. The company will tour thru South America for a few months and then play Califurnia. Billy Ward has secured the contract to stage the Florida Troubadours, a colored aggregation of 15 players for the New England Shows for the coming season. The Cycling Brunettes have had their Western time set back as they have received a number of weeks that will keep them busy in the East for some time. Frank Whitman, the original dancing violinist, opened a 25-week tour of the Orpheum Circuit. at Duluth, February 16. Hlarry Martine. of the team of Harry and Mable Martine, is at Hot Springs, Ark., for his health. Mr. Martine will work alone and play parks this summer. Lemuels and Lemuels, blackface comedians. have closed with the Orpheum Comedy Company. and are now on the Sam Massel] time thru the South. Stith and Garnier are meeting with big success on the S. & ©, Circuit. :: YOUNG’S HIGH FLYERS :: | World’s Greatest Aviators g NOW BOOKING EXHIBITION DATES Address Young Aeroplane Co. 304-306 East 15th Street KANSAS CITY, MO. WANTED— FOR THE Owls Indoor Circus and Congress of Curiosities To he held at Erie, Pa., Saturday, March 29 to Saturday, April 5. Any Show or Concession that can work inside. First Indoor Carnival ever held here. 1,700 Owls boostin 5 Attractions by Jolly Trixie Amt. . Shows. Address Tom McGuire. Concessions write Red Warner, both 1602 Peach St., Erie, Pa. Fotir good ones to follow; then under canvas. OMAR SAMI, write at once.