The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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— pam. a ) 4 J ae te Lae oom vs sas is 130 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. Moving Picture News. INDIANA EXHIBITORS’ LEAGUE BUSY. Indianapolis, Ind., March 14 (Special to The Billboard).—The 1918 session of the Indiana Legislature is over and the Indiana Motion Picture Bxhibitors’ Leogue, thru its officers and legal department, have succeeded in preventing all unfavorable legislation that would apply to their business. There were many bills presented to the legislature that would have been detrimental to the picture show business, and very expensiv to the managers, but no new laws have been passed and the managers can conduct their bus!ness in the future as they have in the past. The censorship bill was defeated by the league. Had this bill become a law the managers would have had to leave it to the Censorship Board as to what pictures they could show and what they could not show. A provision was made that a fee of five dolars be paid for every reel examined. The bill requiriug a high state license was ee. The regulation ventilating bill also e¢ Mr. Walsh, the Indiana State Factory In spector, presented u very drastic fire bill to the legislature and made a strong fight to have it passed Had Mr. Walsh been successful about 85 per cent of the Indiana exhibitors would have gone out of business, and the other 65 per cent would have been compelled to expend several hundred dellars each to have complied with the provisions of this proposed law. Another bill which was defeated was a bill requiring a city fireman in attendance at all pic ture shows, fireman to be paid by the manager of the show at the rate of $2.00 a performance. The league was successful in everything under taken before this legislature except the bill | which they tried to pass legalizing Sunday pic ture shows. 4 The officers of the league, J. M. Rhodes, presi dent; A. C, Zaring, secretary and treasurer, were in fuli charge. ; “TALKIES” DRAW CROWDS. New York, March 15 (Special to The Bii)dboard).—-Thomas Edison’s Talking Pictures — proven themselves to be the best house filler seen along Broadway for many moons. Since the installation at the Keith, Proctor and otber vaudevil theaters, by the American Talx ing Picture Company, patrons have been turned away daily and in one instance the fire commissioner was compelled to limit the number of standees admitted te the performance. The talking pictures are not an extremely new thing, but the perfection of the talking and projection machines to a point where the action and the spoken word will synchronize, is something entirely new to the public. Many machines heretofore tested have produced a sufficient velume of sound but none has ever accomplisht a perfect synchronization of the sound and movement except for a very short period of time. The Eidsun machines accommodated a consid erable length of film and furnishes much more m a novelty for the public to inspect. me machine is called the Kinctephene by son. It ie being handled thruout the United MOVED IN! New York, March 16 (Special to The Bil.board) The Thanhvuser Eastern forces moved into the newly furnisht temporary studio at Main street and Echo avenue. New Rochelle this week The eastern section includes the maj number of Thanhouser workers, since Los Angeles is a producing studio, only, employing just a few factory peoples The new tempvurary , buildings are fireproo as has been stated here tofore and even each room is walled in con | crete The executiv offices are in the front of the building, looking out on Main street Then come the factory departments, and the produc States and Canada by the American Talking Picture Company of 1498 Broadway. The general management is in the bands of W. E. Waddel] at the company’s headquarters. REPRESENTATIV AT LONDON EXPO. New York, March 15 (Special to The Bull board).—The exhibitors of America will be represented in the forthcoming convention of Eng lish exhibitors in London by F. E. Samuels of New York City League. Mr. Samuels sailed for Southhampton today aboard the American Line steamer Philadelphia. Mr, Samuels if one of the activ members of the convention committee of the New York Cit) Exhibitors’ League and is managing the of fices of the exposition committee in the German National Bank Building. He will attend the convention in London which takes place from March 22 to 29 and is known as the Interna tivnal Exhibitors Conference and will be held at Olympia Hall, London. lis object is both to represent the American Exhibitors at whe convention and to work up in terest in the exposition and convention to be held at the Grand Central Palace this summer. ing department is located in an all-glass studi at the very rear Lawrence Marston's Easter Company expect to take a picture in the new home before the week expires Four larg« stages which can be operated simultaneously are the temporary studio’s ‘‘capacity,’’ and twe open air stages will weather comes. be added when the warm ESSANAY NOTES. The popular leading lady of the Essanay Eastern Stock Company, Miss Ruth Stonehouse, has been confined to her bed for the past ten days, suffering from a slight attack of scarletina Her doctor states that she will be able to con tinue ber work in a few days. Miss Ruth Hennessy, a member of the Eseanay Eastern Stock Company, is an accomplished toe dancer, which was proven during her engagement in Chicago some time ago with Joe Howard's production Love and Politics. Miss Helen Dunbar, the ‘‘heavy’’ character woman of the Essanay Eastern Stock Company, is spending her two weeks’ vacation at French lick Springs. This is the first time in two years that Miss Dunbar has been absent from the company. Wm. Walters, the ‘“‘heavy’’ character man of the Essanay Eastern Stock Company, was called upon to play an Indian. This is the first time he appeared as an Indian. Y TTT) WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR EVERYTHING IN THE Moving Picture Business Machines of all makes. New and Second-hand. Seats, Curtains, Carbons, Lamp Houses, Lamps, Tickets, Condensers, in fact, everything you need. We also catalogue will be out in a few weeks. Largest Repair Shop in the Country and guarantee all our work to be first-class in every respect. GEO. M. HOKE SUPPLY CO., 176 N. State St., Chicago SESSERRERES EERE have the Our large Write for one. Don’t Fail To Book THE GREAT TWO-REEL FEATURE LOVED BY A MAORI CHIEFTESS A magnificent production, taken in the wonderful Geyserlands of New Zealand, employing only natives of that You cannot country in the leading paris. SPECIAL RELEASE, MARCH 14. afford to miss this Remember, it’s a 1, 3 and 6-Sheet Posters’ MELIES FILMS Greatest Sacrifice and Of MOVING PICTURE FILMS in the whole world. Prices, $2.00 to $10.00 per reel. Song Slides, 25 and UNITED AMERICAN FILM BROKERS, American Bank Building, Knoxville, Tenn. Slaughter Sale Most of these Films will be almost GIVEN AWAY. 50 cents a set. | The Biggest, Grandest and Most SensationalFeature Film ever made by Man WILL SHORTLY BE RELEASED BY US Every man, woman and child will want to see it. How could we help obtaining control of this most wonderful of all films without motto and reputation to live up to? Watch for further announcements and get ready to act. ECLECTIC FILM CO. 145 West 45th St., NEW YORK CITY K. W. LINN, General Agent ‘*The Cream of the European Market Selected for America.’”’ $325.00 WILL PUT YOUJIN THE FEATURE FILM BUSINESS Get “THE WIZARD OF THE JUNGLE” mmozc omocoonv mica rrezoOR ym AND CLEAN UP A FORTUNE. A4UPO NO ZO~H-<yAMVCH Po-<rPZ0OW KXO>PSO Get our mailing list for regular money-getters WORLD’S BEST FILM CO. 1610 Broadway, New York City.