The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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The Billboard x‘ MARCH 22, 1913. 7s s-¢ = Po sae Swe ee ee ee e = ~ = =¢ eee urecstele Application for mail addrest in this list must be signed individually by addressees. LADIES’ LIST. Adams, Mrs. Luella **Adame, Georgia Wolcott Aiken, Lillis Belle, Alexander, Mrs Earl H. Alien, Mrs. lona Angel!, Edythe Archer, Dorothy. Arnold, Mise Dot Ashley, Irene Baker, Miss Babe Baker, Lelia Baldwin, Mrs. Tillle *Ballard, Dot Banvard, Julia EB. Bartelines Baxtown, Kathryn **Reardsliey Sisters Beck, Mrs. L, C. Belknap, Mildred Belmont, Edna Ben Adic, Mrs. Florence Bender, Myrtle Benson, Caria Boardman, Lilly Bogart. Lottie Bolin Estella Bosworth, Mrs, J. Boyd, Mrs. Mazile Boyd, Laurette Brachard, Edna Bradley, Mrs. A. T. Bratton, Ivy A, Brown, Helen Loftus Brown, Nella Buedi, Delores Burbank, Miss Maud Burke, Minnle Burns, May Butcher, Mrs, B. Byrca, Helen Callahan, Mrs. L. W, Calipha, LaBelle ***Cameron, Grace *Campbell, Zelma Campbell, Lillian Carnes, Carselle, Effie May Carson, Mrs. Georgie *C arter, Winefred Cassidy, Mrs. W. EB. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Jack Cawki . C *Chandler, Julia EB. Cheviot. Mra, I. C. Chipman, Mabel Claire, Alma Clarke. Marie Clemence, Ida Coleman, Mrs. Geo. H. Connelly, Grace Connelly, Lenore Cooper, Mrs. May Costella, Madam Berna dine Ootrelly, Bmma *Cotton, Dorothy Courtland, Grace Courtney, Miss Grace Crane, Miss Louise Cromwell. Helen Crouse, Hattie Cummings, Helen Cunningh: Mrs. *. am, *Ourtis, Mrs. Jim Dale, Mias Sflvia Pn me Lonella augherty, Miss Irene Davene, Teday Davis, beneve’ Morgan Debaven, Mrs. Anna Deen, Mrs. Vern “DeLeon, Millie DeLeon, Miss Frankie DeLeon, Jessie *DeMilt, Gertie **DePalmurl, Bessie DePalmine, Bessie Derosa, Zenna DeVere, Caroline tha State xlie Girls Doh 1 Dollesta (Midget) Donaghue, Esther ***Downing Charlotte DuBarry, Estella Duclos, Elvie **Duffeld, Mrs. Harry ***Dure Wiese Nellie Early. Hazel H. Alice Eskew. Mrs. Dollie Eye, Hoxie Eagle Fairfax. Mable. Macd Mrs, B. Alyce Lovelace . Jewe) . Miss May . May **Poster Alleen Frank, Mrs. Gertrude **Frankell, Mrs. Anna **Frankel. Deneice Frikiri’s Dancers Boris Garcia, Madam Gardner, Gladys Germaine. Gertrade Giadys. Harriet Glasscock, Lonnie Goodrich, Mis« L ***Graney, Mand Gray, Mrs. Louise **°Gray. Lea tL. Grenter, Beulah Gurlin, Margaret Guyett, Miss Lottie Hadden, Lydia fiall, Miss Archie Hiall, Mrs. Kitty liardee, Gypsie Hartzell, Justice Hastings, Mise Lrene Hazen, Dorothy Henoderson, Xavina Herrman. Mise B, Hershberger, Mise Billy Hewitt, Ruth Hogan, Mamie Holland, Harriett Holland, Mrs. Kate Holt, Mrs. Dan. Hooey, Mra, Chas, ***Howard, Olive Howard, Olive Hoye, Pearl ingle, Flora Ivana, Miss Trixie Jewel, Vivian Jobnson, Mrs. Stella ***Jossie. Jolly Judge, Mrs. Gertie Katool, Ailia King, Dorothy LaBelle, Pearl LaBelle, Mary LaGrecia, Mile, LaReane, Mina ; LekKoy, Mrs, Hester LaVerne, Geraldine Lamb, Mrs. Owen **Langdon, Miss P, O. Leach, Miss Helen *Lee, Beth A. Leslie, Margurette **Lester, Florence Lewis, Jackquelune Livingston, Mrs. Edna Lofton, Halliene Love, Pearl Lyons, Mrs. Shirley *Mack, Naomi **Mack, Edna Mack Sisters **Mack, Mra. Chas, J. McPherson, Mary Marshall, Myrtle Marshall, Lillian Me ntyre Mrs. **Mcknight, Lillian **Macklemare, Mrs. MeMahon, Ethel McNutt, Mrs. Georgla Meaker, Sophia ***Means, Mary Mearton, Maggie *Melvin, Rose Merrihew, May Metz, Mrs. ©, B. Meyers, Mrs. J. L. Meyers, Margaret Miller, Mrs. Cora Miller, Mrs. Clara **Morentaite. Jessie Morgan, Lillian Morrell Mrs. A. L. Mulhall, Lucille Mullins, Dollle Murphy, Mrs. Marie Murray, Jennie **Murray. Mrs. Jennie Nagle, Edith Nava, Millie Netss, Mrs. Nellsen, Anabel **Neleon Mra. P. Neygus, Mrs. O. J. Nickels, Mrs. ©. Nowata, Mise Noxon, Thelma Olta, LaBelle Olivette, Madam O’Meers, Laura Osmond. Mrs. H. R. Page, Georgia A. Palmer, Madam Partridge, Hilda ***Pacemore. Wae **Paterson, Signe E. Perry, Phillins, Mra. Ray Philips, Mrs. Percy W. Pindar. Mre Fattte Porter, Marjorie Potter, Grace G. Ragsdale, Anna Renalls, Ruth Rhefl. Jone Rhodes, Lela **Robbins, Maude Roberta, TAgzie 8S. Roffery, May *Rogers, Dolly **Rees Mre Wm. Rozelle, Madam Ruoff, Mrs. Virginia Rvan. Anna Sanborn, Mrs. S. A. Sanders. Mre Geo. A. Sanderson, Mrs. JeasteA. Sanford. Mre Tennte Satterfield. Nola Saville, Lillie **eScherfell. Miss T Seeley, Ethel *Selika, Rose MayGrace Shaffer. Anna Shaw, Marton Shenard. Ethel Smith. Bertte Smnenlar, Florence + Male Goldie Stark. Tobie **Stark, Mable Sterling, Eleanor Stranh. FMith Strent, Allee Velyille **Stuart. Mrs. C. C. **Stnart. Mrs. Emily Snegs, Mrs. Crecle Summer Svivia Semmere VUre Stella **Suratt. Valeska ***Sntten. Luin *Sntton. Mre. Jack *Sykes, Lore *Talardeaux, Camille *Talaros, Mrs. Talford, Ruth Taylor, Leula **Temple, Da'sy Thackeray, Hilda *Thomas, Thelwa *Ticomb, Mari« Tillman, Ve'ma Tointon, Elgie *Travers, Belle Tulk, Mrs. John Tybell Sisters. Vail. Hazel Vincent, Viola Vitetow, Mae Vontello, Madge Walston, Loraine Abrahams, Joshua Acme Quartette Adair, Arthur Adair, Pete Adams, C, M, Adams, Wayne O. Adams, Albert Adams, Wayne 0. Adde & Coulter Addington, Robt. Adkins, Morton Alberti, Vincent Albright, Dan M. *Aldridge, Chas, *Alen, Albert Alen, C. M. Alexanders pane Alexander, J. Alford, Jack (pert) Alibrandi, Thomas Allen, Fred H,. Allen, Eddie Allen, J. C, Allen, Slim Allen, J. H. Allen, Max Allen, Ra!nh E. Almany, Eddy Alzeda, Prof, Ament, Capt. W. D. Anagonostickers, George Anderson, J. R, Angus, J. D. **Anson, E. A. Applegate & Hugo Archi, The Great Arizona. Trio Arminta & Burke Ash, Sam Asher, Jack Atherton, Artle **Wass, Gladys Webber, West nan, Mary bianch Whituer, Whittier, Grace EB. Willlams, Maude Wirth, Stella Wolf, Fannie Wood, Mrs. Wright, Kitty “Ww ‘urnell, **Youngblood, Cora Zallee, Mrs. Paul Zatner, Carrie Zeigler, L. E. Zeller, Emma C, Zeva, Mrs. Edwin GENTLEMEN’S LIST. Benson, J. H., Litho Co Berger, Ikey Berger, Edgar Bernhard, John Berris, Joseph Berry, Arthur B. Berry, Leslie Berning, Wm. H. Beverly, Jesse Biff & DeArmo Biggs, D. F. *Bigsby, Robert Billings, 8S. 8. Billingsley, Billy Billingsiy. Wm. **Birch, Frank Blais, J. D. *Black, Johnie Blessing, 8. C. Blondin Bros. Bloom, Robt. Bioom Ff. A Bloomfield, F. EB. Blue, Bily Bolton, N, Bonavita Bond, Fred Rosworth & Stainer Bosworth, Jesse C. Boyd. Gross K. Boykin, Major Bradburys, The Rrandeman, Geo. Breckenridge, Chas. Brennan, Robt. W. Brenner, Max Brinkman, August Nrown, Chas. E. Brown, L. F. Brown, Stanley Brown, A. E. Charles, King Oharley, Cheyenne **Chariton, Hobert Cherry, Frank 8. Cherry, W. 8. Cheste, Jas. *Chinpey, Bulger W. Christine, J. P Clare. Bert Clare, George Clare, Barnes ***Clark, Kupert &. Clark, Tom (Tramp) Clarks, Shooting **Clark, Billy Clark, Jim Clarks Dog & Pony Clark, Frank H. Claude, Capt. Clements, Joe L. Clements, Hugh L. Cleveland, Geo, W. ***Clifora, 4. W. Clifton, Harry Clifton, Great Show ***OClyde & Clyde Coburne, 8. W. Coburn, J. A. Cochran, Ben ***Coffman & Carroll **Cobin, Earle C. Cole, Sam Cole, J. F. Cole, B. H. Cole, Harry D. Cole Bros,’ Show Cole, Happie Cole, Jack Coleman, Phil Coleman, E. M. Coler, E. Earl Collins, Bert Compo, Ernest Conlin, Al Connell, Allen G. Connelly, Lloyd L. Connelly & Connelly Connor, —_ *Cooke, J. **Cooke, J. i yan Cooper. Allan T. Cooper, S. A. ***Copeland, J. M. Coreill, Vern Cornalla, Pete Cornell, C. C, Costello, Frank Coutner. Dave Coutts, J. E, *Coyle, Tom C. Craig, Barth C. Cramer, Joe *DeLyons, **Devall, Cal, DeWitt, Shorty Diamond, Chas. Dickson, Arkana Dilworth, Ollie W. **Dilimore, D. lnaideon, C. Donnelly, Don Donicker, George Doyie, J. ° *Drake, L. mat e eee 2. Drape . Driscoll, J. A. Drouillon, Frank DuBarry & Leigh Duble, Chas. E. Duffield, Harry Dunbars, Mystic Dunbar, Wilfred Duncan, H. A. Duncan, Harry Duncan, Chas. *es\urnbam J. M. Durham, Harry Dusch, John F. DuVries, Sam Dyer, J. West Earl. Albert Eastlack & Lee East, Claude Eckmann, Coy T. Eddie Family Edington. Prof. G. W. Edmonds, ° Edmonds, Ed. Edge, James Edwards, Henry Edwards. Junk Eilers Shows *Kliae, Harry **Ellet, Frank Ellett. Chas. Ell‘ott & Fossett Elliott, Foy Elliott. Louls A. **Eliiot, N. F acidrest, York, Chicago or St. In Cincinnati, to the branch offices, mail addrest to the members of the amusement prefession, kindly ASO RE AN I NR A IS I THE BILLBOARD MAIL FORWARDING SERVICE Persons desiring to avail themselves of The Billboard's facilities for forwarding mail matter to are requested to bear in mind that the headquarters for this gratuitous distribution of mail is at the CINCINNATI offices, where all such matter should be unless it is known that it will be more convenient for addressees to receive it thru the ne Louis bureau. a corps of experienced clerks is employed for the sole whereabouts of transients and handling mail addrest to them in care of The Billboard. The postoffices adjunct of the New York, Chicago and St. Louis maintained only for the accommodation of those who can procure quicker service by having mail — where they can call! for it in person, with greater dispatch than from the publication offices in Cincinnati. No attempt is made to handle branch offices without specific instructions, matter pass through the Cincinnati offices every week, and are remailed to ad tion at hand without the delay of holding and advertising these names in this In addressing mail to individuals in care of The Billboard, any) each one is identified with, or in what business he is engaged. All mail advertised in this’ Uist is being held | at the Cincinnati office unless etherwise indicated purpose of recording the bureaus of The Billboard are or from which it can be remailed to while thousands of pieces of mail from informawhat company (if Delvane, Doc oy the characters * (New York), (Chicago), *** (St. Louis), . Parcels at Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis offices, and amounts due: Cole, H. M. 4e Harris, L. R. 8c McInnis, Jne., 8 DeAlma & Mae Lamar, J. A., 10¢ Rose, H. H., Te Hardy, Theodore 5c Van Brunt, Walter, be Oe A A A << ee em ee ee Attewell, Hiram Brown, Arthur Crandell, Harry E. *Ellis, H. J. Babcock. Oscar V. Brown, Irving Crane, Bill Ellison, Will L. **Hackenstue. Willard Brown, Poke Craner, Ben Emboff, Ben. **Bacon, Bert Brown, Shorty "Crane, John E. ***kmery Joe Baderacco, Joe Brown, Irving ***Crane, Ernest & English, Paul Baileys, Three Brown, Leonard English, Roy ***Bailey, Joe *Brown, Fred Craner, L. C. English, W. P. Bailey & Larkin *Browne, Geo. G. Crawford, Wm. V. Krieg, 8. B. Baily, Ray Browning, Frank Creighton, Charlie Ernst, Easton Baker, J. F. Browning, Tod Cronin, Nell *Estoclet, Al, David Baker, Roscoe Browning, Billy Crow Chas. White Eye, Wm. Eagle Baker, Dick Bruce, J. T. **Crow. Chas. White Eylward, Jas. J. Baldoff. Peter **Rrockner, Al. Crum, Tom Fairley, George W. Zaley, Eddie Bryant Roy (Black) Cunningham, T. M. Farley, Capt. Ball & Marshall Bryant, Joe Cunningham, Thos. F. Farmer, Arthur **Bane, Billy Budge, Sperry Curran, Chas. Farnsworth, Donald Barnes, H. D. Buei. Joe *Curran, Chas, F. (Kandy) Barnes, Fred E. Bullinger, Joe Curtis, W. Harold Faust, Ben Barnes, H. C. Bunnell, Orville Curtis, Harry Fay, Edward Barnum, Sam Bumpus, B. M. *Cutting, Chas, E. Fay, H. C. Ranvards, pene **Rurches. Chas, W. Dal. Roy Harry (Rube) Feeley, Wm. L. tarcher, Burch, Floyd Dale, W. 8. Feinburg, Charley **Barclay, iow Burke, Billie Dale, W. 8. **Ferrante, Goseppe aring, Herbert 1, Bush. Albert L, Dalton, Lee Fick, Chas. Rarnard, Albert 8. Butcher, Enoch Danner, Fred Filley, De Barrett, Malcolm M. Butler, B. B. Dannie, the Yodler Fink, Peter **Karret? om Butler, Slim Darnold, C. E. Finnerty, Jobn Barron, Billy Buttons, W. R. Davenport, Harry **Fisher, Allen Barrow, Bert *Ryrnes. Jack **Davies, Willis H. **Fisk, Doud Barry, L. D. Byrne, Dr. B. A Davis, Lesley ***Fitzpatrick, James Bascom, H. K. Cateob. Paul Davis, Ed R. J. Baskins, L. R. Caits, Joe Davis, Mike es aA *Rassey, Sig. L. Caldwell, R. A. Davis, Indian Joe Teddy Ratilato, Joe Calkins, J. F. **Davis, F. H. Cc Baxter, Wille Callahan, Walter Day's Antmal Show William Ragzanella, M. Camm, Alf. DeRaresy. Baron A Flora & Mack **Reacham, Charles Campbell, Will (Snake) | Decker, Erwin Fiyon, Joseph E. Bean, G. C. (Bert) Campbell, Jos. C. A. Dee, Jack Ray Foley Tom Beard, Billy Campbell, Irwin R. *DeEKime Billie Ford, Thos. Beauregard, Frank O. Cantos, Dave Deem, P. W. Ford, T. A **Ree Ree, Mr. *Carle, Richard DeRellbis (Wire-walker) Ford, Vic *Been, Hamda Carl, Otto DeCora, Walter Foreman, Elliott L. ***Rehre. Julius Carlos, Don DeGroote & Langtry Forster, Col, Jack Relmer, Fred A. Carmen & Roberts **DeLacey, Fern ronlks. George W Belmont, Matt. Carrigan, Shorty Delano Bros. Fountain, Bobhy **Reldon, Milo Carroll, R. L. Dellinger, Harry Fowler, Dale B. Renedict. Great Case, Dell DeMott, Eunice Fowler, E. RB. Renis, Ben Casselmans, Minists. Devenport, B. L. Fowler, Ed. E. *Rennett, James Cassidy, H. E. DeVoe, Jack ***Fox, Joe Bennett, J. J. Cassidy, P. Delaney, Walter Jos. Frame & Johns Rennett, F. J. G. Caton, A. EB. Dellheim, 8. M. **Francis, M. Reaning. E. C. Challenger, Percy *Delmont, Fred A. Franceus. Ferdinand *Rentley. Harry G. Champlin, Chas. J. Delorde, Robert G. Franck, Joe Rerger, Harry Chapman Amuse Oo. Franks, Tom Freedman, H, Freeman, John R. **Frankel, Paw ff. J. Freer, Johnny **Fremans, kh. Y. French, J. A. French, Jack **Friedlander, Billy. re en Leo *rritz, John J. Fulton, Bag Puncher Gage, Roy Gage, Geo. *Gauisey, Kay **Garbell, Al. Garcinetti, Humberto Garland, M. T. Garland, E. D. Garrett, Sammy Garrison, Snapper “Gauss, Prof, ince way, Valier Geary, Joe Geary, Joe *Geuuare Gentry, Fred Gettman, E, Gifford, Fred Gilmore, Sam. Gilmore, W. F. eooull!, M. J. Gill, Frank Gillette, Alf Gilpin, Ed. 8. Glary, Montana Gleduill Trio Glenwood Amuse. Golden Jack Goodin, Ray Goouwin, Ben Goodwin, Wallace V. **Gordon, James C. Gorden, Vete A. Gordon, Cloyd woruan, A. Goss, Capt. H. Grant, Osby *Graham, Geo. R. Graingeer, James Grapen, Henry Gray, Fred Green, Phil D. *Greenburg, Abner Gregory. Charlie Grier, Oaty Grittitn, Jack Gross Shows Gruber, Finley Grundstrass, Karl Guymer, E. J. ***llaaver, J. E. **Haaver J. B. *Haberstick, Oliver Haddad, K. Co. | **Hagerman, Chas. | Halke, Hagan, Jim R. 8. *ilall, Geo. 8. Hall, James Hall, Doe ** Hallett, Fred J Halls, Musical | **Halworth, Jack E. *Hamilton, Geo. Hamilton, Prof. R. Hamilton, Lew Hammer, Harry Hamwey, Frank A. | Hanceck Hiram Handle, Geo. Handler, A. H. Haney, Rodger Wm. Hansells, Robbie **Hardin, Frank Hariaud, Ervine *Harris, Joe Harris, Nat. Harris, Bob Harrington & Dodson Harrison, Curtis Harris, Arthur Harters, Three Hartman, Edward Harvard & Cornell Harvey, Jack Hass, Chuck Hathaway, J. M. Haverstock, H. C, Hay, Unicycle Hayden, Frank Hayden, Sidney ***Hayes Jas. Heaston, Ed. Ileaton, Prof. 8. B. Heaton, F. M. Heckier, Col, Hedden, Albert Hedrick. A! Heldt, A. A. Held, rt Clinton Henderson, X. Hennings. Chas. Hennig, Charley Henry, Harry F. Hentzen Lonis Herberts, Flying Herndon, Coy Herring, J. L. Hessie, Al. Heyn, Henry ***Hiestand, Chas. F. Hilderra. : *Hill, Geo. M. Hilllar, Wm, H. Hillman. Chas Hilton & Bannon **Hodges, Wm. L, Hoffman, Joseph K. Hoffman, Louls Hogan, L Hogan, F. Holden, Ralph Holland, Elbridge Holman. 8. Holmes & Watdon Hommownn, Hosmer, J. Hotchkiss, Hones J Howard, Sam! Howard, Eddie **Howard Bros. Howard, Curry Howe, Lyman H, Hoxie, Frank Hinffman, Eddie Hughes, Chas, Zeb. Hunt, Hi Henry Hunt, B, F. Hunter, Wallace B. Hunter, Bud Frank v Prof. F. W. E Hyde, Raleigh Hyslop, Jim **Innes &* Ryan Ingersoll Amuse, Co, **lnter-State schools Irene & Morton irevand, Billy Isaac, Lester B, ‘ack, Texas Jack, W. B. Jack, Happy Jacobs, John C, **Jumes. Wm. A James, John Jamson, J. D. James, H. E. Jameson, Geo. Jason, Fred. Jennesen, J. C. Johusesn, Wm Johnson, Orrin M. Johnson, Earl *jJohuson, RK. B. Johnson, Billle Johnson, H. Johnson, J. W. Johnson, L. E. *Jobnson, Ashley Johnson, J. H. Johnson, Clifford E. Jones, P. M. Jones, W. R. Jones, George W. Jordan, Prof. H. C Jordon, John (Aerialist) Jordans, Flying Kalberg, E. M. Kalida, K. Kaiser & Lucas Kane, C. Francis Kantz. Harry Kashima, Edward Kaufman, J. *Kast R Keating, Thomas J. Keeve, Phillip Keith, Rayston Keller, Felix Kelly, S M. Kelley, Dan. Kelley, Chas. Stout Kelly & Bohme *Kelley, Mike Kendall, W. ©. Kendal, W. C. Kennedy. W. H, Kerkis, Harry "*kKerrigan, Werres Kidder Bert & Dorothy Kidwell, Ray Kieserling. R. King. E. C. Curley King. Adam P. King, Chas. Q. King, George Bernardo Kinsey & McKay **Kirby, W. W. *Wirehmen, Chas. Knapp, Chas. B. Knight. Harry Kritchfield, Mr. Krumpetz, J. H. Kruntz, Bernard M. Kuntz, Wendel Laberta, Oda, LaBreque, Harry E. TaClede, Louie Lackey, Willard lake, Frad. Landis, Billy Tange, A. EB. Lansing, Geo. Happy Lashley, Billy A. ee*raVerne, Virgil LaMont, Harry *Tamne, > Lampkins, Harry G. Langlois, Sylvain Langlois, Sylvain LaRene, Harry Tatham Dixte B. Landerdale, Orville **Laumn, Owen Lawrence, pl ; Lawson, Lew Lauther, Capt. J. ©. Teavy, Lonie LeBurno, R. ©. Lee, Mark. Tee, Wick Lee, Jack leener, TL. W. *Teteh JW. Letchton, Harry LeMoyne, Lorne LeNoir, Geo **Leon, Leo Seon, Chas. L. Leone, A. TeRoy, Fdward LeSage & Millette Testers, Must Tester, Wm. J. Lenders, Henry Lewts, Major Tewte A sg. Tewls, Mr. Lew's, L. B. Al (Mate) t Thiehman, Chee, Tichtstone, Manrice Little, Edward Lee Little, Harry Tittle. Faward Lee Tittletohne, The **Littlefield, C. W T Iwineston, Tivingston. T. J Toftus, Whittle Tagan, Joe Long. H. 0 **T otto, Fadle **Totto, Al. Tante Woentana Lovell, Ray Tneas, Lester *eeT nev Frank Tuite! Geo Tundy. Guy D Turglos, The Tather, Morr's A. Lyall, Darrell A. Tench Irfeh Jack Lyne, James ‘enn erry Tyman Twins Co, seeMieCarthy Luther MeMoav. Henry MeCollan, Jack VeCne & VMeKee MUeNedes, The *eVirNonald Walter *Weltenre Chase MeNatr, W. P.