The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. e —_— —_i. McNeil, Chas. *Patton, Jack Serrel, George T ***Tuman. Everett ar a ea ee\cNulty, d. 3. Pearce, ©. D. Seymour, Harry & Tumber, Wm. R. SHA Fe $2 { ”. PTE e*\icNut, Louls Pearlman, Nat Anna Mae Turman, L. C. Ens Mcirde, Danny Peeler, R, M, Sha, M. ee*Purner & Smith ispob avis & We ee —. Shannon, % A. **Tyler, H. D. cate Seatons, The eudieton, *Sbannon, : & Updike, Roy N, Ms _ Capt. Ringman Pennelton, big, Blackey | ***Shaw, Joe Valerio, Rosa en Me Billy Perry, Harry H. Sheak, Fred Vallie. Wm, A. : Mack. Geo. E. Pete. W. M. Sheftall, 8. B. Van, Billy Empey Mack. Al. Peterson, J. Q. Sheilds, John H, Vance, Earl Macklin & Talbert Picard’s, Oapt., Edu-| Sheldon, James Vancox, Albert 8. Maxee . cated Seale | Sheppard, Varney, Edwin Ma nelll, Signor Arturo Pickering, Fred Sheppard, Bob Verdun, John Mains, Chas Pierce, J. O. Shepherd, R. R. Vernons, Frank&Lillian Malone, Steve Pierce, A. F. Sheridan, W. I. Vervalin, Chauncey Mano, Billie **Plant, Robert Shipley, James **Vocell, Jno. Mannose, Philip M. A. Pleiss, W. A. Shives, Chas. Vontello & Nina Mark, Col., 3 Co. Pleiss, W. A. Shoat, Jesse M. **Waivers, Nick A Markle W. , Polar Short, J. F. Wakfield, John Merkel, W. Tk Pollack, Irving J. Silverstein, Sam Walden, Mack Markley, G. E. & Go. Pollow, Chas, *Simmons, Cress Walker, Lew M Geo. 8. Posa, Geo, *Simons, Bob Walker, Musical Marsh, Roy **Potter, Harry *Sivernons. Francis Walker, Tom Marshall, Al. Poulson, A. T. Sklower, Dave Wallick, Frank Marshall, Leon, W. Pratt, Howard Small, Matom Wallock, E. N, **\lartin, Bob Price & Butler Stock Smith, Verne Walrod, Harry Martin, C. EB. Smith, Oscar R. Watsh, R. L. Marx, W. F. Price, Capt. J. W. Smith, H. W. Walton, Leonard vi Tony Proctor, Geo., Dick & **Smith, Rector **Ward, Bill e**\athews, Billy Emma | Smoke No More Co. Warshaw, Jack Matthews & Crose Prior, Harris H, Snell, Bud Warren, W. s*Matiera. Guy aaa. LS 4 Snider, Hank Watkins, Berth Mavfield, Josep! affin, Fran ow, J. B. ***Watkins, Bert Mazetta, Jack Ragland. L. az Xpake, Eawin n Watkins, Edward OPEN FOR PARKS, BURLESQUE OR SUMA ER STOCK—Have 10 Med ns bg ee ae ge ng ee pt mage ag K. changes in Musical Tabloids—Would consid ~ First-Class Carnival Co. Mell. Arthur Raymond & Sartonia Spessardy, Prof. Paul **Waynne, Jack W. use two more small Singing and Dancing Giris. Address Mells, Marvelous Recklan & Hasmer Spring, Tony Weavers, Great Mells, Chas. H. Reed, Ben H. Sproger,, Geo. Weaver. Billie vole ae Kesh ger" /Sitton yattee"” Ewe aes‘ | GEO. E. SHARP, 418 Lafond St., St. Paul, Min Melville, Bert Reed, Ben tanton, Walter **Webb, Harry H. n **Menzel, Bud *Reed, Ben H. Starnes, Alex. Webster, rl ° = + ] 89 ‘ L] ‘ Merrill & Otto Reese, John St. Clair, Chas. Webster, Fred **Meyer, Chas. B. Reeves, R. J. St. Pierre Bros. Weeks. Prentis Mick, Harry Reid, Herman **St. Giles, Robert Wendel, Otto Miles, Ben J Reid, Chas. Steele, Austin B. West, A. C. ea rn oO a Ee Mills, J. B **Rembrey, Alden *Steele, Austin B. West. John H. Mills, Steve Remington, Joseph Sterling Bros, Westlack, W. D. Mills, Harry Rentfrow, J. N. Stevens, Harry Wheeler, Oscar Mills, W. M. Rensing, Herman Stines. A. ***Wheeler, Andrew Miller, W. T Reynolds, Yellow Stockman, Col. Jake White. Doe ag sas Miller, Chas. *Revnolds, Farle Stoddard, Whitecrow, Eagle J +] Miller, The Aertal Reynolds, John *Storey, rg D. Whiteing, Joe **Millers, Dancing Rhodes, Walter A. Storace, Leon Wiggenus, Ed. Miller, Raymond Richarda Cant, Geo. I] Stout, Harry W. Wiggins, A. H. . Miller & May Beresville Richards, Jack *Stickney, Ronrert Wilbur, B. W. J o Miller Harry (Rube) Richardson, Three **Stickney, Robt. Wildt, Leslie u Nette Norbert ***Richardson & Ber| Strickland. J. H. Wilks, Mente lllette ed, b 4 Yilkinso 7 . Mit wo, 3 pa **Richison. Runch acré veel a? wien B Our improved method turns out that classy, flashy work. Our complete outfit for making hand-tinted, tinsel Mitchell T. ¢@. Riddle, J. R, Stump. Cleo Red Williams, Rollie or felt finish. Will teach you the business. Big money. Quick results. Vieasant work. Send 25¢ foe **Modelsky Troupe Ridge, Frank A. ***Style, Leonard A. Williams, Fred. J. samples and particulars. Do it now. **\Monle, Al. Riley, Bob Sulliger, Guy Williams, L. V. DPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHS, To expedite prompt handling of mail, please make all requests for forwarding Always give forwarding address far enough in advance to reach Advertised letters are held for 30 days, and if unclaimed are forwarded to the dead letter office. DO0O00000000000000000O0COOOCOCOOCSOD you. on postal cards. **Momo, A. Montague, Fred. D. Monteayo, F, Moore, Zipp Moore, H. T. Moore & Bonn Moore, Eddle R. **Moran, J, T. Morrow, To m Morton, Frank Morrison, M. M, Morse. H. M, Mosely, H. Cy ***Mueller, Andrew Mullins, Johnie Munson. Hal & Marion Murdock, Bob: **Murphy & Kemmer **Murray, E. W. Murray, Harry Murray. H. C. **Murray, Bob Myers, Frank R. Myers, W. H. Nagle, I. W. Napoletano, C, Nardep. Nat Nelss, Maurice Nelss, Victor I. Nelson, W. T, *Nelson, John Nelson, Arthur Nervo , Nesi, Cesare Newsum, Goldle Newton, Clifford Nock, H **Norman, Carl Nugent. J. W Oak, Mighty O'Brien, WwW. C. Ogden, Chas. T. Oller, A. Oliver, Dare Devil Oliver, Prof. Geo, **Ondvke, F. A. Osmond, H. R, Osterling. Geo Overton, Harry R. wens Pace, W. Packard. Thad. Palmer, Thomas Panahaska Panzer!, Prof. Cesare Paoliseo, Francesco Par, F. H. Parker, Oliwep Parker & Parker Porks, James Parton, Phil. L. W. Patterson, A. L. Patton, Robert w. r. Cc Rinaldo, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Roberts, Robertson, A. dD. Robertson, Geo. P. Rebertson, Frank A. **Robinson, G. L. Robinson. J, Milton Rogner, John Robr, Eddie Reok Bill Roselle & Haynes Rosellas, The **Rosa Chas. Ross, George Rossmyn, Holly Rouchi, Irwin Raver Fred Rozell, Harr, **Rozell, Chas. Ruark, Eddie Rubel, Frank Ruff, Frank Russell, Rob Russell, Rube Russells, Famous *Russell, Robert L. Russell, Robert L. Russells, Seven **Ruth, David Thomas Rutherford, Burt Ryan, John Salender, Willle Sandel, A. B, Sandford. Mark Sarsfield, R. H. *Schalbley, M. L, **Scharding, J. Scheck, E. A. Schetch, Adam Scheller, Geo, Sehilder Schiller & Hurlburt Schmidt, George Schnelder, Geo, *Schrever, Dare Devil Scoggans, Tom Seott, Wm. Scott, J Scott, Scott, Scott, Capt. Scott, Seaton, ‘Day Dayso Sebastian, Romeo : rel Norman Ww. G. eRe Iman, Serpeno *Sullivan Vincent Sumner, Bennie E. Swain, Thomas Sweeney, J. W. Swift, Chas. Sylvester, Harry Taggart, Oscar Taliaferro, Frank Tarte, Taylor, John Taylor, Chas. H. Taylor, Tom Teddy Alice Tendehoa, Mr. Terrell, Carl Texico **°Thatcher, Bert Thomas Bros. Thompson, Hix Thornton, C. F. Thrush, John T. *Thurley, John Tibbils. W. H. Tiger Bill pene Tinns. HB. **Tipton. pa Todd & Son, T. J. Tops, Topsy & Spot Townsend, J. M. , *Tozzi. John Traband, Louls Trafton, Frank H, *Treadwell Harry Trimble, Harrys Tronsdale Bros. Trout, Ollie Tueker, N. E, Tucker, H. L. **Williams. Bill Wilmarths, The Wilsen, Harry Wilson, Frederick Wilson, & Earl Wilson, W. J. Wilson, G. A. (Baldy) *Wilson, Frances Winters, Jack *Winton, Bernard Winters, S. A. Wiskliffe, John D. **Witfud, Fred ***Wolford. Henry Wollcott, Mark Woodyard, W. T. Wrightman, Frank Ybarra, Richard *Yost, Wm. Young, Geo. R. Young, W. Earnest Young, Johnnie H. Younkin & Dearden Zeitz, Christopher J. Zelaya, Alphonse Zenos, Great Zern!. Chas. Zarelda, Count **Zelaya, Alphonse Zeva, Edwin Zimmerman, Max. Zipp, Henry Zwickey. Jack **Zbyszko, Mr. WA For Week Stand Vaudeville COMEDIAN for sing and put on acts; NOVELTY PERFORM! RS ORC HE STRA — — . double band. Car Show; r s all ye r 1 ad all in first letter Address THE KaDELLKRITCHFIELD SHOW, Adel, Ga., March 17-22; Ashburn, Ga., March 24-29. Permanent address, Marseilles, UI. NTED —— FOR SALE —— Movi: Picture Show 1 Power's Machine No. 5-A, me Opera Chairs 1 Stage Curta Aluminum; every 4 ‘all or write for ‘information. MRS. E “DANSER, 618 Seventh St., Parkersburg, W. Va. G. & G. ART CO., PARK MANAGERS! CONCESSIONAIRES ! Here is the GREAT CRAZE, FUN-MAKER and MOST SENSATIONAL Walk-Through Amusement Device Ever Known to the Amusement World The Giggler! A Continuous Side-Splitting lau® Tt can be run at a Nestor Bidg., Seattle, Wash. Device for Parks and Summer Resorts. BIG STUNTS. The Giggler pleases all classes. A Walk-Through Amusement from Start to Finish. : TEN expense, has a capacity of 800 per hour. It is the safest investment of its kind to-day—a positive _—— maker. It attracts the crowd and holds them; hundre are attracted from a distance by screams and laughter, which makes THE GIGGLER its own bally-hoo. This device can be installed in any sise building. FOR SALE—RIGHTS, PLANS AND = BECLIFICATIONS. Patents and copyrights pendin Get the GIGGLER in your park this season. a corker! A whirlwind money-getter! WM. . OESTERLE AMUSEMENT COMPANY, 240 East sath St., Park-Managers:F airs SENSATIONAL SMITHSON WORLD’S FAMOUS ‘“‘LEAP-THE-GAP”’ ARTIST Acknowledged by all to perform the most hazardous and thrilling Bicycle Act in ame. Featured everywhere. A-1 drawing card for Parks and Fairs. Now booking coming season. For open time and address SENSATIONAL SMITHSON, 116 W. North St., Indianapolis, Ind., until May tt. 1913. Wanted, for Sweet’s Big Tent Show Actors and Musicians, Band Leader, Piano Player double Brass; one, two and three-night stands in Illinois and Indiana. If you can’t make good, don’t answer. I want only good, clean, sober, reliable people. Open near Chicago about May 10th. Address GEO. D. SWEET, (425 Ruger Ave., Janesvifle, Wis. Great Southern Shows WANT New York City. HARRIN GTON————— DODSON Two more Shows. Good opening for Seven in One, Ferris Wheel, Cane Rack, High Striker, Cook House, Photo Gallery, Long Range Shooting Gallery, or any other neatly framed concessions Will furnish tops, or equipment, for any other money-getting shows or amusement devices Want to buy 70 ft. car four or five state-rooms. We are booked solid, under the best auspices, for next ten weeks. Anniston, Ala., Baseball Assn., week 17; Piedmont, Ala., Merchants’ Gala Week 24th; route on request. W. T. HARRINGTON, MGR. CENTRAL AMUSEMENT ASSOCIATION c. E. FULGHUM, Manager. G. H. SCHARF, Secretary-Treasurer. Wanted for season 1913, First-class Free Attract . Riding Dev of all kinds. Also Paid Have immediaie open time for Musical Comedy Company, Burlesque Compeny, Dramatic Company TERRE HAUTE, IND., 612 Ohio Street, Room 2 of ions ices Attractions. sell is ywing essior Raby Rack ¢ we _ Glase eel, Vase WI ool PT ’ Gallery, Te ddy Bear Ww ee Hig Strike Sr t ‘ efore, write agai We play Do hi la., week of March 17th; West Point, Ga., a arch — #. 4 uspic c y niform Rank x of P. Lodge. Would like to er sual or = 7 ‘VITTLEJONN, MGR. World HIGH BASEBALL BATTING TEVICE POPPING COR Highest Grade Crown BRADSHAW CO., 286 Greenwich St., New York. High Football Kicking Device, Ball Throwing, Speed Indicating Device. New and up-to-date money-making games for amusement places. SULLIVAN & CO. 650 Sherman Street, Richmond Hill, N. ¥ Littlejohn $ United Shows Concessions Pay