The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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134 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. BURLESQUE NEWS. are concerned, is weak in singing quality an Pat White show a few seasons*® agé, “and. who altho weak on the singing end, did nicely in a gingery acrobatic dance which went over. Lets All Go Up to Mollie’s, by Alta Phipps, Was another well received nutmber as was, Uu on the Ocean of Love, by seatrice Loftus, and The Ghost of the Violin, which actually stopt the show while Fred Mauny, the leader went thru a lDaganini-like virtuoso on the violin which put to shade such celebrities as Rinaldo and Violinsky and the rest of the demon fiddlers. Mr. Manny worked from the orchestra pit and with the aid of a yellow spot helps the Devil's Ball to a wondrous success, in fact his wonderful fiddling was the real hit of the show. It is seldom that a show leader has been known to |} do a specialty from the music pit, but Manny does this and more for his work brought the house down t looks very much as tho iss Phipps has been taking ’ t : show ide as lie ist made t Violin in earne squeak out a notes of the horus i Phipps may »y be seen vl y be sald tha hey could easily frame a really acceptable act The Widew Wis by = Ine is another winner and the girls are t the best in black gowns and fe £ plumes < hats Just befo the finale came an added feature thee Myre ak ‘ dians, eig numbe u w i offering that is i f 1ughs rhe a vas in bad fy as i some of “ infest « ees. The et is os sil funny at iid of a Samibes is r tures it \ a gvoa laugh-g I ames of ! is are Beatrice ls is, Ca May Anna Meyers ertha Lina, Gs Marsha Ila Shells louis Westen, Belle Mor ~ Margie Hk Male tich ardson, Kitty Campbell, Agnes Daniels, Nellie McNamee, Sarah Marcus, Mildr« Shelly, Dor othy and Julia May, May LeNoir, Emn Drake in tta I | ‘ Altho we hate to speak unkind); f an at traction it must be said and with all ean |} dour, that the Winning Widows as it now stands is far from a good show and it will need a deal of bolstering and perhaps several changes of cast and material before it can ever hold up |its head as a true demonstration of what Co lumbia Circuit attractions should be 7? > , HELEN VAN BUREN FOR VAUDEVIL. 7 — oy New York, March 16 (Special to The Bill , board).—Helen Van Buren, tie well-known bur ‘.% lesque prima donna. and now withsJames Cur © tin and Sim Williams’ Rosebuds.<is preparing ba for a tour in vaudevil which yw begin imine| vw’? diately after the close of The Rosebuds, with ti. Which show she is now making a big hit wit ! Western Wheel audiences . ; “ +s a WITH THE MERRY MERRY. iy (Continued from page 52.) | . Pp {. The beliboys ar some hotels, ' and it looks to me ; encouraged a’ by some of the gi \ ws ahead ef . this one If horus girls would learn to keep 7 these precocious youngsters ir heir place, the | = regular fellows that have » follow them in 4 would have less trouble with them. | : 4 If ever you get a ance, catch Etta Pillard ; or Stone or whiateve it nal ~ er won Gerful wildfire dancing wit! Social Maids That George of hers has ceria nade a regula: | of her. | SPOKES IN THE WHEELS | : (Continued fron ge 52 } of information and iden 5 overed the country from Coast to Coas Yes, Ed. bas a ° great stock of stories There are few more “n-tempered ‘ Mttle women on ti noie Burke, the popular /iti soubret s H. Wal4 P G@ron’s Trocadero's t . ind it for ‘ this very reason that Minnie is so well belovea Pe by those who work with her Always happy and ; ) emiling, she seems to take life in a manner as 4 7¢ @gensibie as it is philosofica Our very best ‘ ; wishes, Minnie ’ | Pi COLUMBIA THEATER, NEW YORK, ‘ = im New York, March 11 (Special to The BillBoard).—Since honesty is said to be always the | ‘ best policy and with every good intention of | i! being fair and impartial, it must be said t vt, the New Winning Widow, which opened the ' week on Monday, is far from a mode! burlesque | Re attraction, and altho there are many redeeming | A features it must be said, and In all candor, that | , 4 the show falis below the average of this sea| {! + @on’s standard on the Eastern wheel. | rh I> the first place it lacks real comedy and is | Dia @hort of origina! situations much ef the mate| wi ‘ rial being timeworn and hackneyed and the « edians too weak to hold up the show. The B4 ection is slow and the book insipid while the | 4" chorus, altho well selected, as far as good “| @evera! of the wardrobes change are cheap and tawdry. The attraction is which is also show, titled billet? as a Max Spiegel The New Winning Widoy the title of the book, for which eredit is given to Frank Kennedy with W. H. Heelan as the writer of lyrics. Sam Micals end Harry Rogers carry the brunt of the com ay seth working hard to keep up their ends but falling short with the material at hand and @eeming unable to get the laughs which are essential to the success of a good. live bur lesque show of the modern type. Alta Phipps, leoking as stunning as ever and equipt with @owns enough for a tour of the world, made a great appearance and helpi the show material! with her excellent work, which, however, wamot up to her usual quality on Monday, Miss Phipps’ voice being in bad condition, possibly @ee to a bad cold, whieh must also be said ef Mae Rose, who altho clever and hardworking as we!! as useful woman was impossible a fa ber part, that of a French actress, a charecter which should have been given to some one with an idea of the dialect Barry Lamont, in a French light comedy character part, does well and stands out all thru the show, altho bie dialect is far from the true Frenchman, savoring often of the Italian rather than the Frenchman. Mr. Lamont in a Prench line says, ““Mon cherie,’’ an error in Wrench grammar that it would be wel! to correct. ™ Clyde T. Kerr, in a juvenil straight part made mas excellent showing and it seems a pity that he ien’t given more to do He is an actor, with @B appearance and ability to lead numbers and fs one of the most valuable people with the show. Daisy Davenport, to do, did it well and distinguisht her places, part alariy in Are \ A om Fellow and with Kerr, in Kentucky Days. Mike Dowd, in a Bd blackface part got away nicely but failed to 7 get as much out of his part as might be exsy pected. Jack McNamee n several bits d‘d as ' } well as anybody and would possibly make as a showing as a Jew or Dutch comedian es he did as a policeman and chauffeur. Sarah : “ Marcus, in a nurse gir! bit was also fully as ' 4 worthy of praise as any of he ge and it might be we ® mention Ed Hur who ap f peared once or twi d made andl About } 1) the only legitimate laugh in the show is the slate ae Bit. An old bunco gag wit = a new guise ... This bit worked by Mi s, Lamont and Rog 4 ers, with the aid of Mac helped the secaay ond act wonderfull l he andience fron sy @ gloomy siesta a s] f good nature. Sam < Micals said that he wasn't ticklish but Yiddish, , rf @ line that has been killed for the past two og be @easons and which should be laid to rest Rog fe era uses the old, I'm going outside to loo gti for myself, etc.’ which went over the heads ’ ef the dozing audince and shot right thru the os a front door on to Broadway ° The show is saved by the liberal quantity of iy gsembers and their frequency and if the pajamas ; iy and the oywralls could be renlaced by some be tte ch wardrobe the show would be benefitted. There fe much to criticize in the Winning Widows wi dat we wil! pass over the unpleasant discrepan: cies and look for the pleasing qualities, if by " Chance there are any to mention ' r There are some excellent pumbers and those ‘ that found the most favor with the matinee 7 audince on Monday were, Are You a Real Good : Fellow? I Am A Winning Widow, by Alta * Phipps: On the Mississippi, by Julia May, a ' " echorister, who did remarkably well: Take Me to That Swannee Shore, by Haze! She another “ ehorister, who made a strong impression with ’ this number as well as with some very fair y @ancing which awakened the Columbia andience ve to a sense of enjoyment Parisienne, by Harry = ‘ Lamont and Mae Rose was another favorit as * was a neat march led by and You're My Baby, : also by Mae Rose In the second act there is ec a pleasing dancing «specialty by three English °3 " girix,. whe ‘t seems that we have seen with the Pape | I \* A BLUE Li5T PRUvciPALs BueLesoi ts lp CRC “CRUSOE GIRLS.” CHARLES ROBINSON “FAMOUS CHARACTER COMEDIAN.” produce Musical Tabloids for the coming season. “IT’S NO JUICE; IT’S NO JUICE.” HENRY P. NELSON GERMAN COMEDIAN Re-engaged for Two Yeare Hurtio & Seamon. Featured? Dot's Nice JAMES FRANCIS SULLIVAN & C. RCUIT, CHIC Featured With PERSONAL DIRECTION RAY. MERWIN CHAS. ROBINSON'S CRUSOE GIRLS. FLORENCE BENNETT “THE COLUMBIA GIRL.” WITH SAM HOWE'S LOVE MAKERS DAINTY MARIE “THE LITTLE WONDER,” AT HAMMERSTEIN’S ON will WHO MADE GooD HER OWN MERIT HELEN VAN BUREN “THAT MELODIOUS RAG-TIME RIOT” Vrima Donna. THE ROSEBUDS Then VAUDEVILLE. ene MLLE. ROSE EDYTH —-——y DANSEUSE AND BALLET DANCER. eturne from Europe on the S. S. Kaiser Wilhelm De Grosse = h scenarios of five ballets, to receive early production n this country starring MLLE ROSE EDY TH as principal dancer. Permanent address, P. 0. BOX 135 Fast Northport, Long Island, N. ¥ Walter Raub Balloon Co. CONDUCTORS OF SCIENTIFIC ::: BALLOON ASCENSIONS Sensational Parachute Acts and Balloon Races. NOW BOOKING Tampa, Florida, until May 1st; after May ist, Columbus, Ohio. WANTED— Burlesque People AT ALL TIMES, FOR BURLESQUE STOCK AT NEW ORLEANS. Address: SOL MYERS, Greenwal!l Theatre, New Orleans, La. $$ MONEY FOR YOU NOW and MONEY FOR YOU ALL THE TIME $$ The Biggest chance for you to make big money this summer with our well-known Tintype and Post Card Cameras, which takes all size f Photos, either Tintype or Post Card, without the use of negatives. No experience necessary. Pictures taken, developed, toned and finished instantaneously Why hesitate another season. Get started now—at once, and don't keep working for salary any longer, but become your own boss and be independent, to go wherever you please, and find big opportunity io make money fast. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST, FREE. JAMESTOWN FERROTYPE COMPANY DEPT. 145. 1113 S. Halstead Street, Chicago, Illinois Martens & Kennedy's Aviating Girls MINIATURE MUSICAL COMEDY PEOPLE DIRECTION OF JACK KLINE ST. LOUIS CONFETTI CO. The Largest Manufacturers of Carnival Novelties in the World 12 12 Confetti, Serpentine or Streamers, Paper Shakers, Paper Hats, Paper Horns, Slappers, Squawkers, Blowouts Red, White and Blue Canes, Enameled Crook Canes, Moss Paper Festooning, Wreathes and Horse Plumes If you use any of the above novelties in quantities, write us for prices. ST. LOUIS CONFETTI CO. 12 S. Commercial St., ST. LOUIS, MO Wanted for the Starnes Stock Co. (Under Canvas.) Comedian, with specialties; General Business Man, with specialties: Musicians, B. & O. Band and Orchestra Leader; Clarinet, Tuba, double string bass; Baritone, double orchestra of stage. Uther musicians, write. N B.—This show never closes. On our way North. Indiana and Mlinois for the summer, ALEXANDER STARNES, week March 17, Brooksville, Fla., week March 24, Live Oak, Fla. WANTED FOR FREDERICK THOMPSON’S ‘CRAZY VILLAGE,” Luna Park, Coney Island. Any unusually or peculiar-shaped folks, under or over-sized. Odd featured physical novelties. Freak animals of any kind; also novelties for Circus and Outdoor Show Diving Girls. Apply GEO. R. WHITE, 1441 Broadway, Room 20, New York. Rep., Frederick Thompson. Wants Vaudeville People and Musicians. Orchestra Leader, Clarinet, Trombone, Bass, for B. & 0. Musical Act, doubling band Vaudeville Acts, all kinds, suitable for high-class 2-Car Tent Show. Must change often. Preference to those doubling band No fancy salaries State very lowest for a season of over 40 weeks. Roganville, Texas, March 22; or per ad., Box 1029, Beaumont, Texas Cc. L. Erickson, send route)