The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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. x —? a are eed = i ‘ ; aS is toe. . ee oe ios -s . "agen > Smart ie ee - ( \ 232 a 136 T e Bi llboard MARCH 22, 1913. a AGAIN BREAKING RECORDS PAIN FIREWORKS In a Blaze of Glory Across the Entire Country—from the Panama Canal to the Golden Wheat ields of Alberta—from Maine to California. INCLUDING ALL GREAT STATE FAIRS AND CELEBRATIONS IN UNITED STATES WE ARE NOW CONTRACTING THE FOLLOWING GREAT SPECTACLES “LAST DAYS OF POMPEII”—“MEXICO”—“PIONEER DAYS”—“BATTLE #%: CLOUDS” Awarded Greatest Contract of Year — All Pageants, Special Proposition for COUNTY FAIRS. Floats, Displays —‘‘Perry’s Victory Centennial.”’ Let Us Hear From You. THE PAIN FIREWORKS DISPLAY COMPANY OF AMERICA b NEW YORK CHICAGO (1320 Wabash Avenue) SAN FRANCISCO ACME PENNANTS FOR ADVERTISING OR SOUVENIRS Your Trade Mark Reproduced on Felt in One or More Colors iin Our NEW PROCESS Produces Beautiful, Lasting Pennants at Very Low Prices Write for Catalogue It’s Free COMPLETE LINE OF NOVELTIES FOR ALL PURPOSES Side-line Salesman Who Can Furnish Good Reference Wanted Webb-F reyschlag N Merc. Co., Kansas City, Mo. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION, Toronto, Can., March 14 (Special to The Bill board).—The Canadian National Exhibition is making preparations for eclipsing all previous records. and when it is noted that these records consist of a total attendance for the two weex last year, of 962.000, and of a single day's at tendance of 153,000. it will be this is no small task The removal of the admitted that live stock barns to new space furnisht on the Garrison Commons, wil! ive the required accommodation to the steadily ncreasing crowds and recognizing that first-class music, to keep these crowds alive, is the great est attraction the fair can possibly offer, a rangements are being made to bring two first class bands from United States. to occupy the with daily concerts. The midway has been enlarged. er Shows, In front ecmmodated from the band stands and one three England and the Park will furnish its principal attractions of the grand stand. which has acaudiences of over 29.000, arrange ments are being made fur the greatest vaude vil and spectacular entertainment in the hes tory wf the fair. Me Burning of Rome will tx the scenic feature, and with its scope for intro duction of chariot races, gladiator contests and yrotechnic display, something entirely dif erent to the ordinary may be anticipated. Fit teen hundred people will be used in the produc tion of this historical spectacle. Added to this will be massed band concerts, with 1.000 musicians and a vaudevil show, taking in the stars of three continents. The demand for space for exhibits and con cessions. is away beyond anything in previous years, and justifies the management in going to great expense, to provide for the amusement vf the greatest crowds that ever gathered at an exhibition in America. The dates for 191% ere August 23 to September 8. RECREATION PIER FOR BUFFALO. Buffalo, N. Y.. March 13.—Assemblymau Small’s bill to provide for a recreation pie and casino on Buffalo Park property, has been Passed by the New York State Assembly at Albany. The bill of Senator Ramsberger. of Buffalo. appropriation $150,000 for the Perrr Victory Commission has been passed by the New York State Senate. EXPOSITION. NOTES. E. J. Chapin, a railroad and steamship man of wide experience, has been appointed traffic manager of The Panama-California 1915 Exposition, at San Diego, and has assumed the du ties of the office. Over 100,000 trees and plants have already been set out in the grounds of the San Diego (Cal.) Exposition, and a million and a-half plants are now growinz in the nurseries for the eame purpose. Construction work on bulldings, Dridges, etc., progresses satisfactorily. FAIR NOTES. The plans of the Minnedosa Agricultural So clety. Minnedosa, Man., Can.. for the 1913 sum mer fair are not yet complete, but will be as extensiv and un-te-date as ever. The event wi! be held July 24 and 25. G. T. Turley is the secretary. The entrance to the fair grounds of the Cuba (N. Y.) Fair and Racing Association wil! be changed to the paved street, which will give a better midway. all of high grounds Georg H. Swift is secretary of this year's fair, which will be beld September 23-26 The West Kentucky Fair Association, feu, Ky., will Mayfield on July 3, the reguar fall Mayhave a running race meet in 4 and 5, and will also hold | horse races | fair and harness on Oct. retary. The Fifty-first Annual Fair of the West Liberty (lowa) Fair will be held August 18-21. Some improvements will be made this year which will be announct later. W. H. Shipman is gecretary. The Clermont tion. Owensville, 8, 9, 10 and 11. R. F. Pryor is sec County Agricultural AssociaOhio, will bold its fair from August 19 to 22. J. E. Christy is secretary. This is a county fair and conducted along the usual lines. It attracts about twelve thousand people, This year’s dates of the Cumberland County Agricultural and Horticultural Society, Gorham, Maine, are September 16, 17 and 18. The secretary is C. H, Leighton. The society was iveorporat:d February 4, 1832, and the fair this year will be the seventy-fiftn held. The Grangers Picnic Association, Osterburg, Pa., will give four free outdoor evening entertainments from Tuesday to Friday, inclusiv, consisting of moving pictures, comedy sketches, etc. The dates are Aug. 18-23, with George W. Oster, secretary. The North Missouri Fair Circuit consists of the following members: Knox City, ane, 12-15; Green City, Aug. 19-22; Trenton, Sept. 2-5; Pattensburg, Aug. 25-29; Plattsburg, Sept. 0-12; Smithville, Sept. 16-18. Timpson has three railroads and seven passenger trains daily. During the fair special! trains will be run to accommodate the trave!. The dates are Oct. 8-11, and Stephen Chamness is secretary. The Calhoun County Fair Association, Ca! ieun City, Mass., will bold its fair this year October 21, 22 and 23; races each afternoon The premiums have been greatly increast. both in size and number. Secretary, Tilden Pryor At a recent meeting of the Buffalo Poultry and Pigeon Club, committees were appointed to advocate the naming of «a New York State Poultry Board, and the placing of a poultryman on the New York State Fair Commission. The dates of the fair of the McLeod County Agricultural Society, Hutehbinson, Minn., are Aug. 26, 27 and 28. being held the week before the Minnesota State Fair. H. E. Butler is secretary. Charlie Johnson, the bounding tight-wire artist. has changed his name to Cavara. He is planning to play parks and fairs this season instead of circuses as has been his custom heretofore. Preparations have already begun as to the Yonkers (N. Y.) Industrial Expos'tion and Pure Food Show, to be held from May 24 to June 4, inclusiv. The Whitfield County Fair, be held this year from Oct. 10 to 18, inclusiv. The premiums were boosted more than $300, and will be well over $1.000 this year. Dalton, Ga., will AVIATION SCHOOL IN CANADA. Buffalo, N. Y.. March 13 (Special). —A Ca nadian report says that Saskatoon, Sask., is to have the first aviation school in Canada Men of that place are putting up £20,000 to back the enterprise. AVIATION NEWS. The Curtiss Aviation School, tiss at its head, is in activ Island, across the Bay from San Diego, Cal. Several army aviators are in attendance, and practice flights may be witnesst on any favorable day. It is believed that recent experiments made at the camp will result in the promulga tion of important news to the aero world before a great while. with Glenn Cursession at North HAVIU AND HIS BAND The Musical Organization That Always REPEATS! Summer Season of 1913 Booked Solid Ten Weeks Booked for Season 1914 A. F. THAVIU, 4137 Calumet Avenue Director CHICAGO, ILL. AIKEN DALE SHOWS Opens April 19th, a week earlier, on account of one of the best cities of 50,000 in Indiana wanting the Show Four cities now booked to fo'low We play no gates, and this show is too large for the sticks Now booked 127 people, including all. Here is the frame-up, with cash deposits, held by us, from one and al) a they will be there, and have confidence in our ability to put them to the money: Deatrick’s Band, what *arker says is one of the finest Carousals he has ever built, carries 300 of its own lights, Ferris Wheel, High Dive and Balloon, Mile. De Leon, the original Girl in Blue Now, Mr. Committeeman, don't construe this show as a cheap Girl Show This is a dancer of some renown, classing with Fatima, La Afa and Little Egypt An art, a dance appreciated by the better class She carries a first-class wardrobe, and wili ve ably assisted by her entire company. Mr Davis will have his 6-in-1 show wth us, the daddy of all gorillas, and a pit featuring Andola, of Big Snakes. This Show has a 100 ft. front. The Big Plantation. under the management of Fred Lewis. The Fat Lady Show, Messrs Clark and Stevenson's Musical Comedy, a real show, Mr. Roses Under the Sea, Mr. Thompson's Vaudeville A good Dog and Pony Show wanted and then it looks to us that this frame-up, as it is, is goed enough for any city Of course, Mr. Showman, if you have a good show, we will place you, but if it be a fake, you best not come on, for these shows are framed right, and each under management of old, tried showmen. China Wheel, Canay Wheel, High Striker, Fortune Teller, Hoopla, Lunch Stand, Shooting Gallery, are sold exclusive. All others for sale Mr. Committeeman, of Northern Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin, if you are thinking of holding a celebration, and desire a big. clean show, conducted strictly on business methods, leaving the gates of your city as we come into them, all clean, a show you won't have to apologize for later, and one that will make you money and please your assem))ly To book us, you must show us a live town, a committee of business men that are not afraid to advertise, and one that have some prestige within to construct a real show We now have it, and now, Mr Carnival Company, here it 4s Now, you greater cities, AIKEN DALE SHOWS, Will E. Aiken, Bus. Mor., We have left undone nothin Committeeman, you have hollered for a rea let's see you support it. INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. their own city Box 298, FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTIS"RS