The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. , who has one of our Champion Cameras. With the Minute Picture Business. ” So says J. A. MeMillian, of Nettie, W. Va. more money than you’ve ever made before—quicker and easier—this is the business for you. No matter where you live or what your occupation, you can coin money right from the start. If you want to make Experience Not Necessary Photo Post Cards J H Arnold, Rock Lake, N. D., writes: “Received outfit O.K. Took it to a little town, set it up for 2 hours and took in $12.35.” “Made $25 yesterday,” writes Arthur Neely, Alvardo, Tex. “First day did $30 in business,” says B. Basha, Bell Island, Newfoundland. $50 Christmas’ —C. V. Lovett, Fort Meade, Fla. Vernard Baker, Hollbrook, Neb. “Made “Had an excellent business of $29.90’’— All the Rage at Fairs, Picnics, Carnivals, Resorts, Schools, spot, in broad daylight. others. The an hour. take in. No Dark own boss. eral Offer, ete. Dept. E-421 erywhere. Camera takes pictures size 2%x3%, 134x2% and one-inch buttons. Photograph persons singly or in groups, houses, animals, autos, beautiful scenes, etc. Make them on the No gallery, no rent, no profits to divide with Champion Minute Picture Machine takes, develops and finishes perfect pictures in 30 seconds; 200 Room. Nearly 85c profit on each $1.00 you Get into this lucrative business at once. Travel if you like—see the world and enjoy life. Quit working for others; be your An opportunity like this does not occur every day. Take advantage of it and write for Free Book, Testimonials, Lib merican Minute Photo Company ee © Made $28 in One Day” “I Don’t Know of Anything to Compete Price $7.50 Up. rhs ” oe A Ogden Ave. & Leavitt Street, (The Largest Manufacturers and Distributors of Minute Picture Machines and Supplies in the World—because we sell the Best) Factories, Depots, on Streets—anywhere, ev “THE LATEST BUTTON FRAME” CHICAGO, ILLINOIS on the market. Will fit all oneinch button plates. Only $1.75 per gross. ‘Brazel Novelties and Big Busi “4 . just what he will ao next. We manufacture “Aerial Advertis'ng —COINCIDE.”” hess : @ Stunts,"’ Aerial Novelties of all descriptions, Rubber Gas Balloons, Send Ge Postage for our b Carnival Novelties, Flags, Decorations, Fireworks, Advertising No se DAT 72 Spring Catalog Will especially interest the managers of celebrations or the business advertiser, who constantly keeps the public on their mettle to know Makers, and Specialties of merit. In line with “‘Signs of the Tim s”’ WA ///7 write us today. Our catalog is a handy thing to have about the Wy place. BRAZEL NOVELTY MFG. CO. 1700 Ella St. CINCINNATI, OHIO. “aatra Did You Get Yours ? AGENTS, STREETMEN and FARM PAPER AGENTS HERE IS A WINNER ’ zg HENDERSON'S LOCK-STITCH SEWING AWL retails at 35c Over 200 per cent profit. Has all i the features of a $1.00 Awl. Detachable needle. Bobbins of thread any size; sewing machine needle : used for small jobs. A regular pocket sewing machine. Sews Harness, Buggy and Auto Tops, Canvas, Tents, etc. Try this as a premium with a farm paper. One dozen, postpaid, $2.25; three cozen, © postpaid, $5.50; $20.00 per gross. Sample, postpaid, 35c. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. HEND SON, Manufacturer, 23 East i4th Street, New York City. 4 i PUTT CCC WANTED GOOD, SOBER MAN TO MAKE OPENINGS and DO MAGIC MUSICAL ACT, CONCERT ACTS that double brass, BAND MASTER, to furnish 12-piece Uniformed Band; good sober BILLPOSTER and CANVASMEN, COOK and CAR PORTER (white), Fifty-two weeks’ work; eat and sleep on car. ELBCTRICIAN that understands Moving Pictures. HAGENBECK-WALLACE SPECTACULAR SHOW No. 1 J. M. HATHAWAY, General Manager, 643 Marauette Bullding, Chicago, Iilinols. MCCUE LLULULULULULULULLLUL Lg CIRCLE SWING MANAGER WANTED Experienced, reliable and competent, to manage my Swing at Lakeside Park, Denver, Colorado, entire seasen 1913. No fares paid. Kindly give fullest particulars in first letter as to age, experience, etc. Enclose Dheto If convenient. RICHARD GARVEY, Park Hotel, St. Louis, Missouri. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. ta:| BRATIONS. Committees, write. CONCESSIONS--CONCESSIONS --CONCESSIONS of every kind and character granted for CONFEDERATE VETERANS’ REUNION ONt BATTLEFIELDS Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mt. CHATTANOOGA, TENN., MAY 27-28-29 Probable attendance, 150,000 to 200,000-——Write COMMISSIONER T. C. BETTERTON, CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Want for Herbert-Gilpin Show Electric Show, Snake, or any show that don’t conflict with what we have booked. Can also place Ferris Wheel and a few Concessions. Geod opening for Cook Huuse, High Striker. All concessions exclusive—$10.00. WANT PLANTATION PEOPLE and Vaudeville People that can change often. All state lowest salary first letter. Show opens May 3, near Chicago. Free Acts and Band all engaged. Route furnished to interested parties. Address HERBERT & GILPIN, Chicago Heights, II!., Gen Del. At Liberty HIGH DIVERS LADY or! GENTLEMAN, for PARKS, FAIRS and CELECHAS. WILLIAMS, 2652 Rutger Street, St. Louis, Mo: ATTENTION Park Managers and Fair Secretaries FOR THE BEST RESULTS GET THE BEST OBTAINABLE. ARTHUR M. BLACKMORE, the youngest and most sensational HIGH WIRE < ARTIST in the Universe, in his startling Comedy Act and fifteen Marve'ous $ Equilibristic Feats on a one-half inch wire, any height. For particulars address to 65 Brooklyn Avenue, Toronto, Ont., Canada. AT LIBERTY FOR NEXT SEASON, 1913-14 A GOOD, LIVE AGENT Want to locate permanently with some good house or with good Burlesque show, or any good show that can use a good, sober, reliable working agent. HARRY JOSEPH, 810 Grand Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. see, SOE >