The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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i “es oN ad oR <p oe me — = =: b ' fd Fe A . SES ee ee el ee ee bs ARCH oe, =F. eau = HINTS TO FAIR SECRETARIES. (Continued from page 33.) children’s playground, this might prove a great attraction for a carnival company to carry. A eugenics exposition could also be conducted in this way. It has been argued that attracions of the character mentioned should be done away with entirely at fairs; a few being of the opinion that the exhibits of various kinds, together with the races, should be sufficient to entertain the public. This is not true, however, as there are all kinds of people to deal with. Some care for nothing but the exhibits. Others are interested only in the races and never go near the exhibits. Again there are others who really care very little for shows of this kind, but after they have viewed the exhibits, attended the races and visited al! departments of the fair, they enjoy going to the shows on the trail, eSpecially if they are worth going to. If the different carnival companies on the road expect patronage in the future, they will have to give the people some thing new and clean. A fair crowd goes to the fair to be entertained, and while some think that the exhibits of live stock, poultry, agricul ture, etc., are enuf to entertain anyone, there are others who never go near such exhibits, and as these people pay to be entertained, their particular cases should bave attention as well as any other. The matter of free attractions is a much easier proposition to handle, as there is not the opportunity to put on poor acts to fill in like in paid attractions. It is possible to obtain some very good acts to be used between races. These are usually of a sensational nature, but spectacnlar attractions of any kind usually take with the public. If this sort of attraction has been used between races for several years, it is well to think up something different, as too much of that sort of thing gets old. Aeroplane flights are about the best attraction at the present time, and as there are sO many aeronauts in the field, thus making. competition so much more keen than heretofore, they can be put on at a very reasonable figure. Char‘ot and novelty races of different kinds are to be recommended for attractions between races, as they are not quite as common as the high dive, leap for life and similar acts. It is generally conceded that there is no attraction that draws like a pyrotechnical display, and every fair should try and have a display at least two or three evenings dur'ng the week. With good, clean shows, the very best band, or bands, that you feel that vou can afford. good free attractions such as mentioned, fireworks in the evenings, together with the greatest attraction of all, the exhibit of live stock, agriculture, horticulture, poultry, ete., of the best state In the Union (the state you live in), should make the visitors at your fa'r go home with the feeling that they have been royally entertained, and vow that they will come every year. FRANK W. MEREDITH, Oregon State Fair, Salem. RELATION OF MUSIC TO AMUSEMENTS. (Continued from page 29.) ample room and plenty of means to reap the benefit of proper music for the pictures, this outfit opens the way to every exhibitor for the latest of improvements. As a feature for outdoor amusement places and cabaret halls, the instrument appears to have a vast field. With th's device, proper music may be fitted to the rapidly changing scenes of a moving picture by any ordinary pianist. The AMERICAN Sec’y. Ball Game For Parks, Fairs, Carnivals and amusement places of all kinds. One of the greatest moneyearning gaming devices known. Entirely new to the world. Pat. March 11, 1913, The American — and Ball Game Co. Address T. A. UPTON, 2552 Breaguer. Toledo, Ohio. WANTED Electric Merry-Go-Round At ALAMEDA PARK, Butler, Pa. Se ride to park. No admission. We get the crowds. Other good Concessions to lease. Write MANAGER, Alameda Park, Butler, Pa. SUNNYSIDE SHETLAND PONY FARM Breeders of Pure Shetiand Ponies. Midgets, Feature and Show Ponies a specialty. Correspondence _solicitea. Beautiful and intelligent Uttle pets for children constantly on hand and for sale. Write for handsomely illustrated Pony Catalogue to MILNE BROS., 636 Eighth Street, Monmouth, til. FOR SALE CHEAP Devil Fish, Exhibit Tank and Banner. Everything guaranteed. Brand new, $35. I am a Ventriloquist. Will work outside. For particulars, write AARON MILLER, Mallet Creek, Ohio. FOR SALE A. G. Circlint Wave, Glass Wheel, Merry-Go-Round, Picture Machine. Black Top, 2(x50. Would buy Jumping Horse Machine and Pop Corn Popper. P. i. RUMBLE, Petersburg, Ind. OLD TRUNKS Strong Trunks, Theatre Trunks, Bargains aways. MYERS, 314 WN. (0th St., Philadelphia, Pa. 20 years here Buys or sells any quantity cash. Some cheap Bill Trunks; also Fibre, Light Weight, Strong. Bell and The Dreaded Monster at the Noep . a i Real Devil Fish Preserved to Keep as Natural as Life. The best Attraction ever offered for Store Shows, Fair Grounds or Museums. Price, $3.00 and up. If you mean business, send us 25c for photo and particulars. 903 C Street, FRED. EDWARDS & BROS., s2coma, Washington TRICK CARD A Dollar’s Worth for Fifty Cents. We now offer a set of 8 of DeLand’s a full deck, best card tricks and having backs to match, for 50 cts, (we pay postage), These cards are the real thing, Illustrated directions, A magician or anybody can mystify the sharpest people with them. Handy to carry in your coat pocket, You are always ready to show a good trick, Here are the ones you get. Any one mailed for the price marked. “New Phantom,” 10 cts; ‘‘Beat It,” 10 cts; “Old Phantom,” 5 ets; “Tip-Top,” 5 cts; “Pickitout,”’ celluloid finish, 10 cts; ‘‘Tokio,”’ 10 cts; “Spotter,” 10 cts; “Eureka,” 10 cts. Fine full deck to match 25 cts. The whole lot for 50 cts, Send coin or two-cent stamps (NO BIG STAMPS) THEODORE L. DeLAND, Publisher, King Station Philadelphia, Pa. The American Archery Game of “21” A PROVEN WINNER It gets the money at all Parks, Summer Resorts, Picnics, ete., etc. PAYS ITS COST FIRST DAY'S PLAY. Twenty target set, complete, including two Indian hand-made bows and one dozen avons, > $25.00. Can also be operated as a ball throwing A device, and has the old-time Doll Rack beaten a mile ree arrows or three balls for a nickel, small prize if they make the score of ‘21. Price without bows and arrows, $16.50. Descriptive literature FREE. AMERICAN ARCHERY COMPANY BONNE TERRE, MO. Wanted, Sensational Free Attractions VAUDEVILLE ACTS, See oroennews. ETC., FOR at's 44 8 OF FAIRS IN INDIANA, ILLINOIS, NTUCKY AND TENNESSE lowest FE an July to October. Airship <a with machine, write. Address TRI-STATE AMUSEMENT CO., Box 116, Evansviile, Indiana. Now Booking Fairs Let us Handle your ACT this season. Send descriptive matter when you write. Tent Shows and Concessions also wanted CO-OPERATIVE VAUDEVILLE ASS’N, Lyric Theatre, Minneapolis, Minn. 55th ANNUAL FAIR Of The Posey County Agricultural Society Held at NEW HARMONY, INDIANA, August 12-15, TRY, President; MRS. CARRIE MILLER, Secretary. anda Send circulars for mailing, Also small Wild West. 19!3. Member Tri-State Fa'r Circuit. EDWIN GEN p1238 Theriot Ave, = SNEEZE POWDER APRIL FOOL TRICKS —BARRELS Sunk Bombs, ‘igarettes and Cigars, Cigar Sneeze Powder, Teh “-~4 Shecting Bingine < birds. if, Pins, Bughouse and Panama Canal Puzother new ones. Six rank jckes sent illustrated catalogue, wholesale and Our prices are the lowest of them all. J. GRANDEFELD, Bronx, New York VENDING MACHINES We manufacture all kinds of Slot machines that sel) merchandise. We want agerts to sell and operate our machines. Write for circulars and prices. NORRIS MANUFACTURING CO., Columbus, 0. SIXTH ANNUAL Northern District Fair Cadillac, Mich. SEPT. 5 Is 17, 18, 19. OPEN NIGHTS, 17, 18. DA NIGH YS AND TWO ES pF big program of Special’ Features. WANTED—Carnival Company, Shows, Concessions. Only big fair in state now announced for same week, except State Fair. J. M, TERWILLIGER, Sec’y Cherokee Co. FAIR Oct. 28, 29, 30, 31 To be bigger than ever. Eve: made money at our fair last fall. We are doubling the size all our buildings and putting in an up-to-date half Sooner Dogs and Pills, Sat in the Bag, des, and man or 25c, with vetail. mile track. We are ready at any time to contract for our attractions, also to let out concessions. Address. DR. S.C. TATUM, Pres., Center, Ala, Wanted for Gordon County Fair Association The North Georgia Fair, that leads them all, Oc tober 20-25. inclusive. Free Attractions, Concessions, Wild West Show and other good moral shows. H. J. ROFF, Secy., Calhoun, Ga. WANTED TO BOOK EARLY GOOD CARNIVAL COMPANY, clean and first class, with riding devices and five or six good shows. A limited number of clean Concessions allowed. Four days’ Agricultural | ne We have the crowds and get the money. Dates, October 1-4. SHELBY COUNTY FAIR ASSN., 8. L. Chesnutt, Secy., tevallo, Ala. Emmet County Fair THE GREAT FAIR OF THE NORTHLAND. Will be held at PETOSKEY, MICH., September 1619, 1913, on a larger scale than ever before. More attractions and a large increase in premiums insures this. REASONABLE RATES TO GOOD CLEAN CONCESSIONS. This is the oe ae we a of tourists and resorters wait to E. A. BOTSFORD, Secy., Petoskey, Mich. WARTED-Attractions For Firemen’s Gusntet, ame, » Small oom. ete. dress 89 Coryell St , Comme Nw _ The Hamilton County jevicateral Society, of Aurora, Nebraska Will hold its Fortieth Annual Fair and Race Meet on August 26-29, 1913, at Aurora, Neb. We have built a splendid new up-to-date grand stand last year, and this season we will expend $1,000.00 on a modern show barn for swine. The patronage of reliable, clean Concessions solicited. R. L. MABON, President; 8. B. OTTO, Secretary. BOTTINI BROS. GREATER UNITED SHOWS Wants for Season 1913 Musicians on al) instruments. Leader that has music. Also Oriental Dancers and other Sideshow People. Wants also good Cook. State all in first letter. Those who have written, write again. Address all to JOSEPH BOTTINI, General Manager, Si! E. Dominick Street, Rome, N. Y PREMIUM RINGS! For the trust scheme, retail stores, R¥premium givers, carnival and fair : schemes. Sizes and half sizes 2 to 10 Rings guaranteed. Gold filled stock Price $1.80 per dozen. Sample and pilin for making money for ® in stam »* WALDEN & CO., P. 0. Box 404, cHical oO If you see it In The Billboard, tel them so.