The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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148 | The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. WHAT IS THE STATE FAIR TODAY? r (Continued from page 28.) | WANTED FOR the only une where the actual adult tax paycrs s can go to school. This will be corrected when e a the people know the truth. ome omin ee Our state fairs have passed thru stages of “9 progress. There was a time when, forced by & need of funds, the managers of many overiookt é education for amusement and were careless ] € about the character of their offerings This e e ration .? period has passed. In the leading state fairs * today the strictest censorship of all entertain 6 ane ment features is maintained. Freaks, fakes At FOX LAKE WIS . aud immoral shows are tabooed. All the man> . ee agers are seeking for entertainment novelties 2, ; but these must be high-class in every respect, (Drop Us a Postal Card) Jul 1 2 3 4 1913 r and the goal striven for is to present entertainy , , 9 4 = ‘ie ment that will teach as well as amuse and thrill, . + + Carnival Company. Concessionists, and other : Amusements will always be a part of our 35s sre Write at once to ' state fa‘rs, just as surely as athletic games will CHKISS, Secretary, Fox Lake, Wis. ’ be features of university life. ‘All work and «Bi St SAMUEL WEINHAUS CO a people are most easily attracted to instruce , tion by amusement. Right entertainment is ' the drawing power of our state faiis. Vast . audiences go to play. and remain to learn. Watches, Jewelry, Novelties, Etc. : Music, spectacles, feats of skill, strength ani 3 speed will continue on the state fair menu Bsa eS 122 Pean Avenue, PITTSBURG, PA Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2, 3 advance the cause of their state’s improvement. 2 ' Thus you wil] see that the state fair of today CHARLOTTE, MICH. has grown to be so big, so many-sided, that id he 4 age visitor, i s s . t th average visitor, interested in some on & t Th . * o “,: . . . feature or department, seldom gets any ade'T' 5 e Member Short-Ship Racing Circuit. quate idea of the size and scope of the whol = Tent Shows, Privilege Men and Conces: exposition t must sv because this is ar ——> ional Tri : age of specialists, and the state fair is a great sionaires. Write gathering together of specialties—a clearing (PATENTED DEC. 5, I91!) Vv. G. GRIFFITH, Secretary eh house of ideas for every worker. The managers ! are striving to build up an even stronger orA Realistic Conflict as Natural as| Mention BILLBOARD. ; ganization of experts who will dircet progress Life in All Its Actions. oc. in their departments and will so strengthen tin ! parts that the whole will continue as one of th« An Athletic Combat of Physical WAN T ED ‘’ leaders in the task of solving America’s really Strength and Agility. 7 p ° big development problems. SHOWS, SWINGS AND ALL OTHER KINDS OF 4 As a natural outcome of the serious purpose ae ne Beth ent Cal CONCESSIONS AT THE FOLLOWING of the country’s fair managers, the American istic Encounter. : Association of Fairs and Expositions has grown RETAIL PRICE, 25 CENTS | N D IAN A FAI RS inte a great, helpful organization. All of th: ° y : * heading fair associations are members of the Liberal discounts to the trade. Don’t a Sad... Faw ig 5 Rae a ee a a ae A | utral organization, and each year the meeti: fai! to see it. Greatest ‘Hit’ out for Nort Bip BF be Re” dee ss 1. & 9 * held in December becomes more prolific of good Streetmen and all Amusement Business. | °C" piciby, secy: Osgood, Ind., Aug. 12, 13, 14, 15 : The men who make the fairs, meet ont discus For sale by leading jobbers, or send 25 eg 44 Columbus, ag August 19 "20, iz plans and methods and exchange ideas. The cents for sample and prices by mail to supt. of priv.; Franklin, Ind, 3 nationa! organization has done much “and will d day. / }. 27, 28, 29, O. J. Shuck. secy.; Rushville, a, mure to help the various fairs to realize these » a ist 26 28, 29, W. King, secy.; atx « “rtunities for advancement along the ris Shelbyville, Ind., Sept. |S wee Geo. Parrish, +N lines amp en oy 0. secy.; Greensburg, ‘Ind., Sept. 16, in "18, 19, Dr. C. ‘ y ee oS ee Len V. Ainsworth, secy. THE AEROPLANE as AN ATTRACTION. (Continued from page 40.) FACTORY 3 Westfield, Mass. FLEMINGTON FAIR ASSOCIATION Merry-go-Round Men! August 5-6-7-8-9, 1913 Pe) “ATTENTION” Be up-to-date | rmst.gerss s7rRacioxs of gn kinds, wanteg Write DR. C. S. HARRIS, Secy., Flemington % ~~” ~~ &. “_ previous when aviation was newer —~———s 2 C A ee ; ’ _ * 5 Ta ee. . y if have shows "> 2 plainly hat aviation ‘~ most popular attraction of the day ont that as the years pass that !t is becoming even more i popular feature. AERONAUT’S )_ BALLOONS and a4 Don’t start out this coming season with your orgap out of repair; if you do you will be the loser. SEND IT TO ME NOW =| THE prt UNTY Have new music and drums put on; it will pay you. & = /4 Pes <9] —— wate, » —r* Py wm F =. 5 = Write for prices. Will be held at Robinson, ML, Sept. 22-26, 1913. 7 a pees] o Good clean moral Shows wanted on flat Beir. Con, cession people write. J. E. BARLOW, Priv. Supt., $ <p ARACHUTES a S —sCC. F. BATH, Organ Builder, Abilene, Kans. | is 'ss..2°8 S'iesiy’ citEMeR: £5), Site . canville. mn. — —. Pi cations New and second-hand. Best made goods in America. STOP, LOOK AND READ! Clarinda Fair a ED. R, HUTCHISON. And then send for Catalogue. We are fully prepared to execute orders for the eoming be 50 Foster Ave., Elmira, N, Y. seacon with a full line of Tintype aud Postcard Ma hnes and Supplies, and ere ab'e DATES ARE » List furn'shed to execute o:ders any time, day, night and Surday. To be vp to-d:te, send orders te .-. : : the most reliable and cheapest house. Se t 8 9 10 1 ] 12 it THE STAR PHOTOGRAPHIC MACHINE & SUPPLY CO tty. Sg Soageg Fag . * PRINGFIELD, VT. ' Concession Men Get in Line. Address 718-720 S. 7th Street Philadelphia, Pa. | J.C. BECKNER, Sec., Clarinda, lowa Fair and Races Sa ee SEPTEMBER 2.3-4.13 + —— THE GREAT —— mac |Corner’s Orangeade ,— ianeesiae Salat Fak : and LEMONADE (the Original Powders) Lye held at even Y October 14, WAN T E D Potind makes 40 gallons of dritk with a proft of $30.00." Price. $225-per pound’ sample gallon, loc, Write . $2.25 per pound ; “sample gallon, 10c. Write | C. Steck Hill, Trotting Se oe ‘eae. E. Frontz, Secy. NOW for quantity priees. THE ‘CORNER CO., 303 Maryland Street, Buffalo. N. Y. FREE ATTRACTIONS AND CONCESSIONIST, for eulkner County Fair. Dates, October 7, 8, 9, 10. ’ i . , : 33 ‘me Rall ig Ri i PORTAGE COUNTY FAIR, eee Caledonia County Fair : fe WANTED September 2, 3, 4, 5, 1913. Open Day and Night SEPT 9-10-11-12 razy House, Riding Devices. some clean Concessions | Privileges now selling. Want a few high-class Tent Shows. OVER ONE MILLION PEOPLE WITHIN |§ The Biggest Fair in Northern Vermont r son, at ELECTRIC PARK, North Char| THIRTY-FIVE MIL E RADIUS. D. R. HANNA, President; C. R. SHARP, Secretary. Address all com: J. M.CADY, Secy. _ Address MANAGER, Box 16. munications to secretary. a ENDLESS PAPER PLAYED ORGANS|ENDLESS PAPER PLAYED NO TROUBLE—RELIABLE—EFFICIENT UNSURPASSED FOR 0 RCHESTRAS Get the Money In Carousels, Merry-Go-Rounds, Parks, | Cafes, Moving Picture Theatres . . . a Carnival Shows and Roller Rinks ice Cream Parlors and for wa}? I would not advise any one to use anything, only the endless paH | FD per rolls; they are the best «ver put on the market. ancing a Any one in my section of the country wishing to know anyth'ng i about the North Tonawanda Musical Works Organs, that they don’t I have been in the automatic piano business for 4 & understand, are at liberty to write me a number of years, and for the money, I must say : >; Very truly, = that you have the best little instrument I have ever : 0. L. RANNFRANZ, heard, and I want to congratulate you on this PiProp. Grand Rapids Roller Rink, Grand Rapids, Minnescta. ano, as it is very simple, and the music is good. Write for Big Il/ustrated Catalogue Prices, Etc. ¥ eis | NORTH TONAWANDA MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WORKS BAND ORGAN, STYLE 192. NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y., U.S. A. PIANOLIN “A.”