The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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=F ~ Stage gateR a ~~ . " 7 ’ The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. « Souvenir OF CONEY ISLAN2 PROMPT DELIVERIES. GET WISE! THE BEST 10 CENT PENNANT Size 9X24 inches. Good Felt. Designs in Colors. Any Lettering. WITH BEST QUALITY DEAL DIRECT WITH THE BIG HOUSE. FOR PARKS AND be $50.22 Per Thousand $60.22 Per Thousand HEAVY JAP CANES ANNIN & C0., Flag Makers, 99 Fulton Street, NEW YORK oceanrwenr s. THE MISSING LINK OF AMUSEMENTS. (Continued from page 31.) The day when a mild attraction will draw its box-office reward is dead and gone, if, indeed, it ever existed, which may be doubted. The modern public demands meritorious attractions, @erved with the same careful standard of utenBils it requires in its food eaporlums In other Words, an attractioin must be fundamentally Meritorious and, aise, advertised in a manner that will lead the public to know, beyond all Question of doubt, tuat it is extraordinary. And when it is finally displayed, it must be an extraordina:y a...acthou, tail by the waye. With such an enlightened public, pulling-power of passe fly be seen that a really dead to the attractions, 1t can read delphia, on the site of the old Penny Arcade, will be called “Shooting the Rapids."’ Vernon Keenan along with Mr. Miller, is erecting an exhilarating ridin: device to be known as “The Whirlpool Rap'ds’’ on the spot formerly covered by The Water Carousal. J. Finnegan, | fam liarly known in earnival and park circles, ; will have two or three girl shows on the ground, |and the theater which jJast year boused the Gir: in Black will be fronted with a big electric sign, emblazoning the wonders of the Gin in Red Henry Belden is working on a shooting gallery which, it is claimed, will be the largest and bigzest in the country. This new concession gives Mr. elden one more than be earried last season, for he still will conduct the three shooting galleries. The old bali room located just across the pike opposite the *“*Royal Gorge,"’ will be discarded, and a brand wonderful novelty would new one installed on the site of the old roller succeed beyond its originater’s fondest expecta| Skating ring. Although the policy will remain tions. For the oft-deceived public will never the same, the space will be considerably en be decept.on-proof when it comes to the an-/|larged and will measure 100x200 feet. An mouncement of something new anu original and | attempt to engage the most popular bands of will give a presumably meritorious, new con| national repute will certainly eventualize into ception its full measure of sincere support, | reality, fer the following names have already Thus, when the real novelty cs struck, (and | been announced: Johnny Hand, Martin Ball the gens exhibited in the outdoor amusement | man’s Symphony Orchestra, Weber's Prize Band, dela predicts that it wil be achieved ere long), | Navassar’s Band, Don Filipino and_ others. the public will do its share in supporting it Directly opposite the Casino, a quaint Japanese and +4 continue to support it as long as at| tea garden is in process of construction and remains novelty. The newer the conception, | when opened, will cater to ladies and children the longer it will last. The greater the oddity, | In all probability, the largest Hawaiian village the greater the drawing power. ever assembled, will be placed on exhibition Sometimes a new conception 1s really meri-|in Chicago's North Side Park. Still another torious but falls short of expectations because | Ingersol! Construction Company's installation of unforseen contingencies. One of the greatest | will be an amusement hall, modeled after the examples of this was the balloon. and its] Pit, which rendered Revere Beach in Boston so — pm ae Secause the balloon | everlastingly popular. could not be made to land roperly, so . attention was devoted to this oawhen a But few changes will be made in the list of that the marvelous nature of the achieve| Officials at Riverview Paul Cooper, Wm Ment paled into insignificance beside it; ana Schmidt, George Schmidt and A. R. Dodge when it was displayed to the public, peopie | Will return to the same positions they held would nod their heads and say. “‘Pooh! That daring the past season. 1 , » inventi hetew a cee ym agg ger yg Bog d . White City is equally as aggressive and far Sateen bie tae tebe ao oa es. ‘| reaching in its improvements. President Mor ait meneteell lan thing st ail.” ~ Teng bas Reco ris Beifeld announces the opening, Saturday, ation followed upon defects polnted a ‘| May 10th. This resort was the first to give the mest wan seek helt te wins ut and | public free grand opera performances and free , : at should still be] al)-star ballet and was also the first to in_ of the vreatest drawing cards among out-| troduce European cabaret performances into a oe — a 1 | the Western parks. A. F. Thaviu and his they actually discover “the ‘reat cae = Russian band will be the first organization wil! amusements up to a B name ona to occupy the ivory band shed at the extrem« will <p Poe Ftd a standard that) south end of the new Parisian gardens just hl all expectations of the show spec-| erected last season. White City’s own band tator, a careful endeavor to purvey the present | of fifty especially selected artists will follow a = Piggy ype the} the Thavin engagement and then comes the ssibe ‘vantage, without resorting to] musical sensation of the season—Emanuel of the anfair faking, will be a! the public can legitChicago Grand. Opera Company with a_ specig) imately ask for and expect to receive. worps of twelve soloists. The same Orient&! The circus world has progresst on the theory and European atmosphere will be exhaled hs that the simple addition of attractions extra-"| the South Shore resort,—sunken gardens, box: ordinary, if there are enough of them, wil | wood trees, strings of colored incandescents, make the show extraordinary The carnival | the product of H. Franche & Co., Chicago: World, instead of uaking the mistake of sup-| plants, ferns, and verdure indescribable, wil planting the carniva by a too elaborate enter-| relieve the white and green coloring of it< taiament of a different nature, is advancing On| buildings. This year, White City’s tower wil! the eory that uplifting the standard of the | east a golden halo from its lofty height, i ‘individual carnival attractions will mask the] stead of the white blaze, as every one oF tne earniva.’s advance The amusement park is; globes has been ordered bronzed. The stn still wildiy clamoring for the reat novelty, | pendous reproduction of the Battle of Mani but in a barm.ess manner and, while announc| will again be offered this season, as it wa: ing wonders, is quite content to give a peas-| one of the most popular installations ever ant entertainment along twre or iss couven| conceived by President Beifeld. Another mam tional lines. | moth concession of similar nature will be a After a this attitude ot careful advance | working model of the Panama Canal,—trne to the correct one. If it is rigidly adhered | the herculean Central American engineering to, the pub.ic’s contidence will be retained, | project in every respect. The personne! of the as heretofore. The absence of out and out) the officials remains the same as in 1912 fakes in most of the present-day slows is com| ‘They are: Mendabie and the support the public is giving | zs the shows demonstrates the public’s love of fair| Morris Beifeld, president and general manaplay Retaining the confidence of the public ger; Joseph Beifeld, vice-president; Ernest 1. Means that, when the real novelty is ach eved, | Belfeld, secretary and treasurer; Ralph T. Ket it will be supported in a way that willi make | tering. assistant to the president, and manage: its discoverers fee! that their efforts shali|of the press, advertising and convention bu got have been in vain reaus; Otto L. Little, general auditor; Robert In the meantime it is the showman’s dut Waters, superintendent; Claire Slavin, secre in lieu of finding the new, to give their Be tary to the president; Michael McCauley, ad the very best that can be obta.ned of the old. | vertisin ’ agent; Ella Rice, secretary to Mr. Great circuses have great attractions that act , Kettering. @s a magnet for the public, eager to enForest Park, the third and newest of Ch! tertained. The carnival of today has elaborated | cago’s amusement resorts wil! also have much its features so that the inner shows are better of the improvement in evidence to greet Grest, better written and better presented than , its patrons. ever before. The parks show a constant ten-| The West Side Park will install a creation, dency to eliminate what proved objectionable jjkewise a circus side-show, thanks to the en the previous season and substitute more merl-) ergy of Mr. A. Natt, of Rhode Island. A torious features. Careful conskleration of these | Chinese opium den and Eden musee will also facts forces the inevitable conclusion that the | pe installed. This latter concession will comgreat outdoor world is constantly approaching |pare very favorably to that famous Richard the point when, as serene daylight is ushered Holloman Institution on West 23rd street in into a calm sky, novelty, newer, grander, more | Manhattan. A gigantic shooting gallery wil: beautiful than ever dreamed of, will fill the | aiso be installed by W. F. Kingston of St. borizon of the outdoor world and entertainment |] oyis, and the Fire Show will be replaced by of all kinds will be successful y challenged | the latest type of motion picture airdomes. by amusement’s ‘‘missing link.’ ke The sentiment and sympathy of al! frequent ers of Chicago parks were tonched by the re CHICAGO AMUSEMENT MECCA. ea — 1 = _ lof San Sone s previously recorded, ils (Continued from page 38.) park passed a Ss paate a Ys mereenary market 0 rea estate promoters Hodge stands prepared to advise all that th’s | Orders have been issued to dismantle it, and | colossal resort w'll be a decidedly improved park | bY the time its sister parks have opened, San | the coming season. The two sites formerly | Souci will be no more. Like Luna Park, it has eccupied by Creation and the Battle of the | passed to the beyond, and with it go the fond Monitor and the Merrimac will house new shows | est regards of all whoever had the opportunity of an even more elaborate scale than their | of breathing in its deli-htfuat offerings predecessors. While both shows wil] be of a Thus in resume, one can see that Chicago sensationally spectacular nature, they have not will mean as much to the amusement business as yet received their 1913 names. A new water ride, installed by J. H. Miller, of the Ingersol Engineering and Construction Company, Phila in the summer as it has meant in This is more. the winter considerable and one can demand no T-LOZANO TROUPE-/ oo oo0o0o0o°o0 Largest and Fastest Troupe of Tight Wire Performers In the World. A FEW DATES OPEN in September, October and November, 1913, for PARKS AND FAIR DATES. Address MANAGER LOZANO TROUPE, Care Billboard, 1465 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. liebe a ieee i Gar ae 8 | (HURRICANE a The Famous Trotting Ostrich The Most Novel and Attractive Park or Fair Feature Free Act Now Booking Season 1913 This is not merely a free act but one that draws the crowds. TRY IT! GEO. MALCHUS, Manager 34 West Ashley Street, Jacksonville, Fla. T. J. Todd & Son write me. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.