The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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154 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. : DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL. City, Big B United Piay Co. mgrs.: Chicago, “in oliet 23. ‘ A Fool There Was, G. D. 1 mgr.: layCort, Je off 17-22; Columbus, 0.. 24-29. ~— Chieags "a2 deka mge.: SSeViek. Alma, Where Do You Live? ochay Co.) Saul = » Burstein & W. Nat Royster, mgrs.: Wiia an. coves —, aor: Se 7 . mington, N. C., 22; Raleigh 24; Sumter, S. . @ ae _— > SR om , 28; Sacramento 29 aie C., 26; Orangeburg 27; Columbia 29. Chapine: Winnipeg, Man., Can., 21-22; Brandon yo Atma, Where Do You Live? (Joe Weber's) Or24-25: Regina, Sask., 26.27." ‘ mond H, Butler, mgr.: lay-of week 16 22; Collier, Wm., in Never Say Die, Lew Fields ° 4 Calgary, Alta., Can., 24-26; Edmonton 27-29.| mgr.: (48th St.) N. Y. C.. till Mar, 22; New. oun r l e « Auction Pinochle, Adolf Philipp, mgr.: (57th ark, N. J., 24-29. "S4 st.) N, Y, C., Dec. 30, indef. Common Law, A. H. Woods, mgr.: Detroit, ; Adams, Maude, in Peter Pan, Chas. Frohman, Mich., 23-29, ° . mgr.: Bloomington, I[ll., 19; Springfield 20; | Carle, Richard, & Hattie Williams, in The Gin : oi Hannibal, Mo., 21; Quincy, Ill., 22; Burling from Montmartre. Chas. Frohman, mgr.: lay ervice ry tun, Ia., 24; Davenport 25; Cedar Rapids 26; off week 17-22; Toronto, Ont., Can., 24-29. Ni Dea Moines 27; Sioux City 28-29. Cherry, Chas. & Marie Doro, in The New Secre , Arliss, George, in Disraeli, Liebler Co., mgrs.: tary, —_ Frohman, mgr.: (Powers) Chi(Broad) Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 24, indef. cago 17-22. ° ° a be . Bachelor's Honeymoon, A, Gilson & Bradfield, | Cohan, Geo. M., in Broadway Junes, Cohan & O Motion Picture Theatre 1s too " mgrs.: El Paso, Tex., 23; Carlsbad, N. M.. Harris, mgrs.: Providence, R. 1., 17-23 ‘ \ 24: Artesia 26; Roswell 27; Clovis 28;. Amar Damerel, Geo., in The Heartbreakers (ifort H large or too small to use Gena illo Tex., 29. Singer’s) Sam Myers. mgr.: Stratford, On. _ ‘ ° Pp = Bought & Paid For Chas, D. Wilson, mgr.: New Can., 19; Woodstock 20: London 21; Brantford eral Film Service. Theatres in Haven, Conn., 24-2 22; Hamilton 24; Belleville 25; Ottawa 26-27, d | iti | th t > Baby Mine, Harry 3. Jackson, mgr.: lay-off Brockville 28; Kingston 29. crowade § ‘ week 16-22; Bardstown, Ky., 24; Shelbyville Diverce Question, The oe | & agg + a cies ved th res in remote : 25; Cynthiana 26; Maysville 27; Ashland 28; Walter Loftus, mgr.: lay-v week 16-22; y , Charleston, W. Va., 29. (Victoria) Chicago, I1l., 23-29. = ‘a ages se serve wit 1 equal facility ’ Betsy Bobbins, with LAllian Mortimer, J. t..| DeKoven Opera Co,. in Kobin Hood, D. V. Ar ual , > ee Veronee, mgr.: Dayton, O., 24-26; Indilanee mer.: Pittsburg, Pa — . y our orty five brane h offic es scat apolis, Ind., 27-29 yrew, John, in The Perplexed usband, Chas Bird of Paradise, The (Oliver Morosco’s) Ben Frohman, me ae City, —~ 17oy tered through the principal cities. ‘ M. Giroux. : Cc land, O., 17-22: P ~oln, Neb., 20; maha 21-22; onver, Colo., 4 _ hd ngs ag Pile] pote, Boe Every theatre is served according to Black Patti, The. R. Voelckel, megr.: St. Louis, | Dressler, Marie, in The Banquetters (Weber : eek Fett, The, B. Vosttbel, me fies) Negi. G02. ae its individual requirements and alw ays Baby Mine (Wm. A. Brady's Eastern) FE. F.| Daughter of Heaven, Liebler Co., mgrs.: ash‘é ; Girard, mgr.: Honesdale, Pa., 24; Carbondalk ington, D. on 17-22. with courtesy and consideration’’— \ 25; Berwick 26; Bloomsburg oT: Sunbury 29.| Eli & Jane O©o.: Stronghurst, ~» " p Bunty Pulls the Strings. Messrs. Shubert & | Eltinge, Julian, in The Fascinating Widow, Jack the factors that have contributed so ’ preey. mars lay-off week 16-22; Charlotte, Pierre, megr.: Indianapolis, 17-19. Grand | + 24; Winston-Salem 25; Danville, Va. | Rapids. Mich., 20-22: Cleveland, 0., 24-29. argely to the success of General Film | 36 ‘Gmeonsbene, N. C., 27; Durham 28; Tar | Exeuse Me (Eastern) Henry W. Savage, mer : ’ bore 29 Paris, Ky., 24: Mt. Sterling 25; Winchester Service. =. Bernard, Sam, In All For The Ladies, Sam A 26: Frankfort 27; Owensboro 28; Evansvilie, “1. ’ at ; Lee Shubert, Inc, mgrs.: (Lyric) N. ¥. C. | Ivd., 29. A striking feature of General Filna ’ aos 30, indef Iixeuse Me (Western) Henry W. Savage. mer “ . t] | . ’ n-Hur, Klaw & Erlanger, mgrs.: Columbus Pueblo, Colo., 23; Colorado Springs 24: RockSe ‘ Ld N a9 17-22. . ford 25; Hutchinom, Sas.. 26; Salina 27: athe 1S hib; re ae at no extra > ndness 0 irtue, Wm. Morris, mgr.: St. Abilene 28; Topeka 2¢ ‘§ ‘ ' Paul, Minn., 16-22; Milwaukee, Wis., 23-29 Everywoman (Eastern) Henry W. Savage, mer: Cc arge to exnl itors, Oo o. Bilne Bird, The, _ Messrs Shubert, mgrs.: Pitts lay-off week 16-22: Detroit, Mich., 24-29 j burg. Pa., 17-2 Fverywoman (Western) Henry W. Savage. mer 4 Burke, Billie, in Mind-the-Paint Girl, Charles Joplin. Mo., 19-20; Parsons, Kan., 21: Wichita e “a Frohman. megr.: (Illinois) Chicago 17-29. 22: Topeka 24-26: St. Joseph, Mo., 27-29 F M It | R | k "te Brian, Donald, in The Siren, Chas. Frohman. | Faversham, Wm., in Julins Caesar, Leonard L our u ip eee S per wee ite. mer.: Los Angeles, (al., 17-22; Santa Barbara Gallagher, mgr.: lay-off week 17-22; (Gar Se TE Ss Bs whe 24; San Diego 25-26; Riverside 27; Redlandrick) Chicago, 24-April 5. yi) 28; San Bernardino 29, Fertune Hunter, The (Cohan & Harris’) Frank +. Bohemian Girl, The, Milton & Sargent Aborn Holland, mgr.: Washington. D. C., 17-22 | For the! ?week “of * *March 24th, “the ’ a mers Davenport, Ia., lay-off week 17-2 22. Philadelphia, Pa., 24-29 Iti ] < ff i> Broadway Jones. Cohan & Harris, mgrs.: Su| Fernum, Pnstin, in The Littlest Rebel (A. 1 4 , perior, Wis., 20; Duluth, Minn., 21-22 Woods’) Fred F. Fleck, mgr.: Orlando, Fia.. mu ip e-reel O erings are 4 . Bunty Pulls the Strings, Messrs Shi ube rt & 19; Daytona 20; Palatka 21; St. Augustine 2. *” Brady, mgrs.: Brooklyn, N. Y., 17-22. Savannah. Ga.. 25: Charleston. S. C.. 2; sé ° > +t Country Girl, The. Thos, Aiton, mgr.: Pleasant Angusta, Ga., 27; Columbia, S. C., 28; Greenarc 24— auine Cushman x o ; City. O., 19: Barnesville 20; Lore City 21; ville 29. . ee . ts Zanesville 22; Crooksville 24; Moxahala 25: | Forty-five Minutes from Broadway, Chas. A —Selig war drama in 2 reels pe ?. Corning 26; New Lexington 27; Nelsonville Burt, mgr.: Quanah, Tex.. 19: Frederick 20: 28; Locan 29 Mangum Okla.. 21: Hobart 22: Elk City 28: M h “Th e , ky County Sheriff, The, Wee & Lambert, mers.: Clinton 24: Enid 25: Perry 26: Guthrie 27; arc 26 e oons Iner $s Last : wy “= .. Can.. 4? eee 20; Brant El Reno 28; Oklahoma City 29-30. ” P | = : ¥ ord 21 tarrie 22; idiand 24; Orilla 25: |] Preckles (Eastern) A G. Delamater, mer.: Sag S d —t!"s . , Le ay North Bay 26; Haileybury 27: New Liskeard inaw. Mich., 19: Flint 20: Owosso 21: Jacktan athe drama in 2 reels ip 28: Cobalt 29: Sudbury 31 son 22: Hillsdale 24; Angola, Ind., 25: Nap‘“ ” o Chicago Grand Opera Co.: San Francisco, Cat., » 26; LaPorte 27: Valparaiso 28; KoM h — Th M d P d al oN leago Grani pance 26; LaPo P arch 28 e Modern Prodig Crane, Wm. H., in The Senator Keeps House | Freckles (Central) A, G. Delamater, mgr.: Ham—_ U / (Jos. Brooks’) A. E. Morgan, mgr.: Chico. fiton, Ont., Can., 1819: Guelph 2: St Vitagraph drama i In © 2 reels * ja Cal., 19; Red Bluff 20; Eugene, Ore., 22; Port Thomas 21: London 22; Port Huron, Mich.. 24: 31 6 ” 4" land 23-26: Aberdeen. Wash.. 27: Tacoma 28 Pontiac 25: Mt. Clemens 26; Tecumseh 27: M h — H 0 d All rs . 29. Ypsilanti 28; Charlotte 29. arc eroes, . ne an . ie —Lubin drama in 2 reels ty! SUELO CCC bh hhh h hhh : bd ia . a Mr. St Richts B E And, as a special for Tuesday, April ie. r. State Rights Buyer, Everywhere Ist, i iP GREETING : By ° e as f ; h The Most Extraordinary Film t In my first advertisement I made the statement a, ver Produced that schools, clubs and colleges, in addition to the theatres and moving picture houses would demand monde ERT GE A.. cinree That prophecy has been fulfilled. During the past week I have been flooded with letters asking, WHERE CAN WE BOOK HIAWATHA ? Kalem’s sensational triumph Detective William J. Burns “The ne of the Land Swindlers” SS Three ~~ of intense dramatic inter_ Has it occurred to you that the demand for a picture est. A feature that every exhibitor z° like this will continue for years ? will want. Book it NOW! 3 SOME OF THE BEST STATES ARE STILL UNSOLD ° . ie General Film Company a Write or wire for terms ........ 200 Fifth Avenue, _ F. E. MOORE New York a? 1212 Times Bidg., "Phone Bryant 2663, New York : : TUTTTEEEEE ETE TEEEEELEEEEEELEPEEELELEEEL EEE oi INAUGURATION OF WILSON , ‘* 4 ope, Pun Plain permeemmcc sence ; Colored” pevedeveretnuviers bbhebbu saan were! Sleaze JACK KLINE. mh. Ny Bapeaetentesetseorsessseery | . ye ||\““Live Wire” Vaudeville Manager Gue-ahecr’Lithes, Advance’ tides and’ Latty Display free with each ‘sat salf-cxplaining’ or with inawe 1482 Broadway, NEW YORK et A. J. CLAPHAM, 120 West 37th Street. NEW YORK Representing GREEN VAUDEVILLE AGENCY, Boston, Mass.