The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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e wt = —_— “— ee oe 156 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913, TALES WITH EASTERN PARK MANAGERS. | (Continued from page 43.) Games in connection with their outings, coupled with the fact that there is no field within the city mits available for local athletes, convinced the management that an athletic arena would be a valuable addition to the park and would increase the afternoon’ sttendance to a markt degree. As a@ result, one of the largest and must complete athletic flelds in the country was planned and the work is now rapidly nearing completion, Encouraged by the showing made by the park last summer, several of the present concessionaires have signified their intentions of installing @ number of new devices.. Samuel W. Gumode bas started work on a building to house ® great 10-in-1 freak show. Fred W. Mc ellan, general manager of the park, has an innovation to introduce during the season in a European novelty, A Lake of Fire. Mr. MceClellan bas secured the exclusiv rights in the United States for the production of this wonderful effect from the owners in Austria. A. W. Wolford, who has just been granted patents on a new water device, called The Tidal Wave, has been allotted space for this concession, and expects to begin work shortly. A prominent Philadelphia landscape gardener apd nurseryman has been given carte blanche to ace trees and shrubs wherever needed and he as already outlined a scheme that will require neal 1,500 trees and evergreens in its development. Point Breeze Park is destined to become one of the most popular resorts in Philadelphia. Its close proximity to the heart of the city is bound to place it in the front ranks of American summer amusement parks. Now hold tight, my boon companions, for We are about to make a sudden jump of great distance. Your attehtion this way: North Beach, L. I. This beautiful summer resort, located on the North shore of the Sound, is making great preparations for its inaugural as the season approaches. Every clear day carpenters, painters, landscape artists are busy at their respectiv work. New attractions are being added to those already located at this popular resort, with some noticeable improvements that are being made about the beach as well as in Gala Park, it can be deduced that the whole place will be more beautiful than ever before, and should find greater favor with its patrons. Gala Park is, without doubt, the garden spot of North Beach. Upon entering its gates you ere at once imprest with the well-desizned flower beds, the winding paths and walks, the well-kept lawns and fine shade trees. Cleanliness is the watch word. The amusements at Gala are high-class feature attractions, kept up in appearance to harmonize with the natural surroundings. The colossal chutes, with the mammoth lake, is considered one of the finest in the country. A combination Wild West and Indian show is announct as one of the new features. Also free vaudevil and fireworks displays. Holdover attractions listed at North Beach are: Chutes, Oesterles Greater Attrac tions, Barre! of Fun, Mirth Factory, Happyland, carousel, teboggan, circle swing, swimming pool, vaudevil theater, moving picture palace and many smalier concessions. Right across the bay is the always-crowded, ever-wideawake Classon Point, N. Y. the enly park in the Borough of the Bronx, drawing from a population half that of the Greater City. All of the efficient staff, who helpt to make Classon Point a winner last year, have been reengaged. Clinton Stevens, affable, genial and able, heads the list. He will be assisted by the “Pride of Westchester,’’ Happy James Gumear. The park has been thoroly renovated, from its historic taveru to Gilligan’s Dance Hall. A new Travers’ Gyroplane is being installed. The trolley eervice—take it from Mr. Stevens—will be greatiy improved. From us you may take it that it could be worse than last year, but we can not, for the life of us, figure how. But nothing—sect even a rairoad—can stop the success of this White City, which sprung up in a night, as it were, because of its incomparable location. A record-breaking excursion season is eagerly anticipated. Boats will run to every possible point, going as far north as Providence, and as far South as Philadelphia. A few miles up the sound is Gien Island. If it were for us to decide for you the question “‘which is the most beautiful park in the Bast?’ We would answer unhbesitating!y, **Glen Island.”’ Indeed, there are few pieces of island scenery in the world that can compare with this garden of the gods. The late John H. Starin appreciated its marvelous possibilities, and, with the work three-quarters done by nature, rounded out an ‘Isle of Dreams.”’ Glen Island was recently offered for sale, privately, at an astonishingly low figure. Conducted by a real park man in an up-to-date manner and along decent lines, there is a marvelous opportunity for the growth of fortune on this beauty spot near New Rochelle. Keeping on to the Northeast, an hour’s ride in the trolley or an bour and a half in Fred Wenck'’s steam jacket line up the Sound, we reach the pure white sands of Rye and Oakland Beach. Brother Magner wil! not have charge of the Oakland concessions this year—we know be will be missed. Rye enjoyed wondrous popularity last year, and this season should be increast by the additions now being made by Louis Berni, the “Organ King.”’ Mr. Berni lans to spend upward of $30,000 on a Crazy Jouse and Third Degree, beside putting In two mew carousels. There must he hope for a place that draws such an outlay from so astute and keen a park follower as Louis Bernt. Right on up the Sound, then inland a bit, is White City Worcester, Mass. which has been open for ei:bt years and Is now being entirely remoleled by the Coaster Construction Company of New York, for the Bigelow Estate, owners of the park. The company is putting in a big new racing coaster, rebuilding the scenic railway and theater, putting in a new bandstand, rides, and adding to the general concessions. The theater is being remodeled and a new carousel will be installed. The chutes bas been taken out. Cc. H. Bigelow, vf the Bigelow Estate, is at present activ bead of the park, but it is said that a new manager is beins sought to take care of the big business that is anticipated and to boost the park thru publicity and railroad excursions. Harry Westfield’s Park at Westchester, had a banner season last year owing to the new trolley Hine which runs to his gate. The dinners of Madam Westfield have me famous, and prosperity, richly deserved, seems to have dropt in to live at the Westfield Hotel. And now, gentlemen, good fellows all, our tour is complete, and if I have been able to tell you anything at all that was interesting or helpful, The Billboard is more than repaid for the expensiv journey it sent me out on to gather the news for you, and I may hold my job. Farewell! on See | Gs © | oe ee ae = Oe Everything Electrical for Theatres . UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO. AT LIBERTY YORKIE The spieler, trainer, advance agent, and all around wagon showman. 46 years in the business. Address BILLIE SCYRENTAU General Del. St. Louis, Mo. AT LIBERTY A-1 Motion Picture Operator Four years’ experience. Good references. Address R. L. NILES, Suttenberg, lowa Look, Mr. Manager! I. H. KRIDLER The Guy who put the Swing in Swinging Wire. An original Juggling and Swinging Slack Wire Novelty. Permanent address 12? Townsend Street, Syracuse, N. Y. 1A Lady Six foot tall, weight 150 pounds, wishes a position with some good show for the season. Address MRS. CLARA TEEGARDIN, R. 4, Orleans, Indiana. WANTED AT ALL TIMES LIVING FREAKS Of nature. Animate and Inanimate Curiosities. Platform Acts. Novelties of every description for WILLIAM MORRIS’ W ONDERLAN New York Theatre, Broadway and 44th St., New York. Address WILLIAM MORRIS. A MERRY-GO-ROUND 46 ft. in diameter, first-class condition: two inside rows jumpers, outside stationary; also a handpower Kazzle Dazzle, a set of 6 Tortable Swings. Address HILLCREST, care Billboard, 1465 Broadway, New York. WANTED—REP. PEOPLE. Of all kinds, for summer season, under canvas. Those doubling band given preference. Make your salary right in first letter, Address NATIONAL PLAYERS, BRENTON, I ELECTROVA tion. Automatic-Electric Coin-Operated.. ... —FOR— Moving Picture Theatres, Skating Rinks, Dance Halls, Cafes, Ice Cream Parlors, etc. PIANOS Known Everywhere as ‘The Money Magnet” Because they are a Constant Revenue-Producing Attraction and 1e-pay their cost very rapidly. tion assures Exceptional Durability and Facility of OperaIllustrated catalogue on request. Simplicity of Construc The Electrova Co. MANUFACTURERS 117-125 Cypress Avenue Cor. Southern Boulevard (Bronx) NEW YORK, U, S. A. CARL EDOUARDE, Conductor. EDOUARDE AND HIS B-A-N-D The Representative Band of New York City. Past season Woodside Park, six weeks; Asbury Park, ten weeks. CARL EDOUARDE, 121 West 42d St., New York City Endorsed by The Royal Conservatory of Music, Leipsic, Germany. “The Leader of Band Leaders.”"—-Philadeiphia Inquirer. The Japanese Cigarette Roller PATENTED. Rolls Cigarettes, Large or Small, Hard or Soft AGENTS AND DEALERS The Japanese Cigarette Roller sells everywhere—to see it is tw buy it. Nothing like it ever offered the public before. If you want the greatest seller of the century, write at once. THE FINCH CO., 163 Canal St., New York your wants. Write for list of our features. batic Acts, Cycling Acts, Animal Acts, etc in three days. Notice, Mr. Manager We are now contracting Fairs, Parks, Home-Comings, 4th of July Celebrations, etc., and can supply WANTED—Globe Acts, Wire Acts, Gymnasts, Contortion Acts, Trick Houses, High Diving Acts, Acro MR. PERFORMER, send cut of your act for our Big Catalogue of Out-door Features. Will return cut State your permanent address and very i UNITED THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, 69 Wisconsin St., Milwaukee, Wis. ywest salary. Everybody address PAR K ENGINEE RING CO. 30 Church Street, New York ALL KINDS OF PARK AMUSEMENT DEVICES.