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The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboarc — LIST OF CONVENTIONS CONCLAVES AND ASSEMBLIES Compiled By Means of The Billboard’s Unequaled{Facilities, and of Special Interest to Novelty Manufacturers and Dealers, Street Men, Fair Followers, etc. ALABAMA. Birmingham—Grand Lodge 1. 0. O. F. May 18 14 «6. C. Pollard, secy., Huntsville, Ala. Birwingham—Ala. Funeral Directors’ Assn. Apri! 7-8. D. DuPre, secy., Attalla, Ga. Birwingham—Dept, of Ala, G. A. R. March 31. Cc. C. Chapin, secy., 206 8. Twentieth st. Dothan Ala. Bankers’ Assn, May 810. M. Lane Tilton, secy., Pell City, Ala. Guptsyi\ie—Alabama Sunday Bchoo! Assn. Apr. 16-17. Leon C. Palmer, secy., 625 Beil Bidg., Montgomery, Ala. Jesper—B. Y. P. U. April 22-24 Alvin M. Douglas, secy., Birmine am, Ala. Gelma—Ala. State Federation of Labor. Third Monday in May. Lewis Bowen, secy., P. O. Box 180, Birmingham, Ala. ARIZONA. Globe—Arizona Medical Aesn. May 27-28. W. Warner Watkins, M. D., Secy.. Phoenix, Ariz. Phoen'x—Grand Army of the Republic. Third week in April. A. J. Sampson, asst. adjt.-gen. Phoenix, Aris. ARKANSAS. Bot Springs—American May 68S. E. M. Hansen, secy., St. Joseph, Mo. Little Rock—Ark. State Dental Assn. 11 Dr. I. M. Sternberg, secy., Ft. Transfermen's Assn. April 7Smith, Ar Little Rock—Ark. Assn. of Public Utility Operators. May 13-15. W. J. Tharp, eecy., 115 W. 4th et. Marisona—Ark. Press Assn. Earle W. May —. Hodges, secy., Little Rock, Ark. CALIFORNIA. %. 2 a é secy., care Y. M. Preano—State Bprunger. geies, Cal. rie te 9. " a Waterbury—State Council] 0. U. A. M. May 8. S H. Adams, secy., 4 Grove st., So. Norwalk. oun. ey ag Dental Assn. April 15-16. Vv. Prentis, secy., 139 State st., New Cite. Conn. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. 'tushington—American Therapeutic Bociety. .ey 56. Dr. Louls H. Taylor. secy., ¢-0 ne Cecil. Wasbingtou—Brotherhood of America. May 13. H. B. Walter, 2208 Franford ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. Washington—Persian-American Educational Sec. June —, 1913. Jos. H. Hannen, secy., 510 McLachien Bidg. Washington—Nat’l. Assn. Sheet Meta! Contractors. June 10-13. E. L. Seabrook, secy. 261 8S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Washington—Nat'l. Speech Arts Assn. June 30 secy., July 4. Grace E. Wakepeace. secy., 1019 Starkweather ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Wilmington—Grand Temple of Del. First Monday in April. Mrs. Jobn Palmer. secy., 1900 Delaware ave. Wilmington—Dept. of Del. G. A. R. May 1. J. & Litzenherg. secy.. 302 Concord ave. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Washington—Nat'l. Assn. for Study & Preven tion of Tuberculosis. May 810. Dr. Liv ingston Farrand, secy.. 105 E. 22d st., New York City. Washington—American Cotton Manufacturers’ Assen. April 8-10. C. B. Bryant. secy.. Char lotte, N. OC. FLORIDA. facksonville—Grand Chapter 0. E. 8. A. H. Carter, secy.. Holly Hill. Fla Apr. 9. Jacksonville—S. E. Dist. Aerie F. o E. June | 17 H. F. Beaver, secy., P. Box 555 Augusta, Ga. Chicago—Stove Founders’ 2d Wed. in May. Thos. J. Hogan, secy.. Auditorium Tower. Chicago—Knights of Columbus. May 13-14. MM. 1702 Michigan ave. E. Dalton, secy., Chicago—Rallway Storekeepers’ Assn. May 19 Box C.. Colling 21. J. P. Murphy. secy., wood, O. Chicago—Master Boller Makers Assn. May —, 1913. H. D. Vought, secy., 95 Liberty st., } # New York, N. *hicago—Natl. Railway Appliance Assn. March Natl. Defense Assn. 1400 15-21. Bruce V. Crandall, secy., Ellsworth Bidg.. Chicago. Chicago—Ill. Grain Dealers’ Assn. June 3-4. W. Strong, secy., 905 W. Green st., Urban» Ill. a eo Electric Light Assn. June 2-6. T. C. Martin, secy., 29 W. 389th et.. New York City. Chi sane—dilineis Gas Assn. March 19-20. Hor ace H. Clark, secy.. 115 N. Oak Park ave., Oak Park, Il. Decatur—Grandé Council Roya] Arcanum of I)! inots. April 23. John Kiley, secy.. 20 W Monree st.. Chicago, Ill. Granite City—tl. State Aerie F. 0. E. June 16 18. John Tuelbie, secy. Jacksonvillie—Gt. Connci! I. O. R. M. May 20 Oo TT. Whitmer, secy.. Suite 408 Myers BRiijc Springfield. 111. Moline—Ill. State Letter Carriere’ Assn. May 23-24. Clarence W. Becker, Springfield. IN. Peoria—Grand Encampment I. 0. OO. F. Tis Sam J. Baker, grand secy., Olney. Il. Peoria—Il!. State Med. Society. Mayr 20-22 | E W Weis, seey.. Ottawa, Ill. | Peorla—Ill. State Undertakers’ Assn. June 3-5 | H. M. Kilpatrick, seey., Elwood, T11. Peoria—lIllinois Ice Dealers’ Assn. March 24-26 Fred D. Ansley, secy.. 1225 Clybourn Place Chicago, Il. Readers will oblige us by calling our attention to any omissions or errors in the Con vention List. CONVENTIONS TO BE HELD IN (City) The blanks below may be used for that purpose. (State) —= = =" NAME OF SECRETARY NAME OF ASSOCIATION DATE | | ADDRESS OF SECRETARY -_ | sy los Angeles—Grand Lodge 1. 0. 0. F. of Cal. | Palatka—Grend Lodge? O. F. of Fla. April | Quincy—Ill. Pharmaceutical Assn. June 24-21 a9 13 H. DL. Richardson, secy., 7th and | 15-16 386A. Cc secy., Gainesville. M. B. Day, secy., 74 E. 12th st., Chicago, 1)! I sts.. San Francisco, Cal. Tia. Quincy—Ill. State Dental Soclety May 13-16 “< “Ang es—Cal. Christian Endeavor Unies. | Paiaisa—Florida Keb. Assembly. Apr. 8 Mrs. Henry Whippe, secy. J i De y est 14. W. P. Willimott, secy., 921 S. st., S. Davis, secy., 919 E. Lee st.. Pensacola, Fla. | po-x Isiand—lilinois Master Bakers’ Assn. Mas ;, resno, Cal. Tampa—State Pharm. Assn. June 11-13. J. H. 13-15. Edw T "Clissold meee. dan Oe Bene di, es *—Traln Dispatchers Assn. of Amer Haughton, secy., Palatka, Fla. born st.. Chicago, Ill , oe F Revell’ ee ta v. re Becy., Tis | GEORGIA. Springfield—Ill. State Historical Society. May avéatin..iiana ie te | . . 1913. Mrs. Jessie Palmer Weber, secy.. Stat foals Ay ) Slate Sunday-schoo] Assn. | Awericus—Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. June, Capito! . Spr. 15-17. C. KR. Fisher, secy., 628 Pacific 1913. Sol. C. Johnson, secy., 1009 W. Broad INDIANA Sidg., San Francisco, Calif | st., Savannah, Ga. : ‘ ares “0 Diego Cal. Bankers Assn. May 22-24. F, | Atinvla—ta, Ketall Hdw. Assn. May, 1913. Jobp a aap gigas aed May i Colburn, secy., Savings Union Bank Bldg 7 I. Moore, secy., Madison, Ga meilieeiattins «daa ‘State amen a 3 fe San Francisco, Cal, | AUlanta -~Gen. Assembly of the Presbyterians a ae ~ es a ay San Diego—Grand Lodge K. of P. of Cal. May Church. May I4June 1. Rev. Wa. ‘ A Dr. Otto U, King, secy., Huntington —, 1913. HH. Schaffner, secy., 111 Valencia Roberts, psi 515 Witherspoon Blidg., Phila. “ cn ‘oa ee. Sal, ; A ae Geo ia Federation of Labor. Apri! "he 5s geate ia i or rancisco Eclectic Med, Society of Cal. ugusta—Georgla eration © pre acca! M ‘ May 27-29. H. Ford Scudder, secy., 125 Ca 16-18. E. W. Thomas, secy., 214 Houston st “axe songs 0. o. ie = Wy jou st.. Redlands, Cal. Brunswick—Ga. Branch Int'l. Order Kings’ Sons Ria Leedy, secy., 12 dd Fellow> ‘ater PO : $ Corne ldg. ss Nae ———— Goa, B & SM. Apr. o eae a Rng 191° Cornelia L. Brewer Indianapolis—Fraternal Order of Eagles. June wos avies, grand recorder, French | «.+ ee _ Cc . 45. Chas. A. Rigdon, secy., Warsaw, Ind. se Re Bidg., 110 Sutter st., San Franoe een ee Cum, Seas Binns is—Ind Ketai cealaee Assn. ‘June ctlaco vio. ° A Ds c O12 ‘ non oa 540 San Francisco—S0th Annual Convention of K. T. | C®lumbus—Grand Commandry of K. Tf. ¢ Ga. saleamee = M. Squires, secy., 812 Main st., for. as 6 Wm. A. Davies, grand secy., — Chas, S. Woods, secy.. 10 Taylor), rayette—State Reunion Assn. B. P. 0. E. , Rooms 501-2-3, French 8 $ . . 7 -2: ; . Bidg.. 110 Sutter st. San specs Savage Seas Columbus—Gt. Council I. 0. R. M. June 18. aay a T. G. Hedlan, secy., Indlanap San luis Obispo—United Ancient Order of | .M. J. Daniel, secy., Griffin, Ga. bsg IOWA Druids. June 16. C. A. Glegiielmont secy,, | Columbus—Ga. Pharmaceutical Assn. June 10x : . 611 Laguna st., San Francisco, Cal. " 11. T. A. Obeatham, secy., Atlanta, Ga. Burlington—W. 0. W. Jurisdiction R. Apr’! fea Kafael—Marion Co. Teacters’ Inet. Firet | Dublin—Grand Qouncl) Royal Arcanum of Ga 1-3. E. B. King, secy., 419 Brady st.. Dav week April, San Rafael, Cal April 1617. R. A. Lister, secy., Covington PR ent Raney a ae P : a. enterville—Gran une ya reanum o : COLORADO. Savannah—Grand Lodge 1. 0. O. F. May 28-29 — April 15. H. A. Snyder, eecy., Water venver—Colo, State 8. S. Assn. June 2-8. Joba C. H. Dorsett. secy oo, ta. \. Carwon, secy., 312 17th et. ; Waycross—Knights of Pithias. M. Leapold, | Council Riuffs—Retall Grocers’ Assn. May, 1913 Denver—American ' Institute of Homeopathy. secy., Savannah, Ga. R. H. Huntington. secy. July 6-12. Dr. J. Richey Horner, secy., CleveIDAHO Council Binffs—Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M land, Obie, . June 10-12. N. R. Parvin, secy., Cedar Rap Glenwood Springs—Colo. Pharm. Assn. June| Moscow—Phythian Sisters. June 18-28. Mre.| ids, lowa. Saar — J. Clayton, secy., 1775 HumM. Eva Habn, secy., Coeur BD’ Alene, Idako. Davenport—lIowa State Funeral Directors’ Assn. * comune ILLINOIS. May 20-22. Chas. Emerson, secy., Creston. CTICUT. lowa Alton—Il}inois Retail Mechants Assn. Apri! : ° flew Haven—Degree of Honor A. 0. U. W. 21-24. A. G. Hambrock, secy., 167 N. Clark | Des Moines—lowa State Assn. Registered Nurses Fourth Wed. tn May. secy.. 16s Exchange at. New London— Grand Lodge I. 0. 0, m. 8, ~— Bec Haven, Con Mrs. Carrie J Mann, F. May 21 ® Crown st.. New st., Chicago, Ill. Chicago—Ili, State Eclectic Med. Soc. May, 1913. Finley Ellingwood, secy.. 82 N. State et. Chicago—Ill. Homeopathic Med, Assn. May 13 17. G. M. Cushing, secy.. 6400 Howard ave Miss Jennie Johnson, secy.. Sionx City, Is Des Moines—United Commercial Travelers. June 5-7. H. W. Conant, secy.. 640 Sth ave., Shetdon, Iowa. (Continued on page 164.) PARK and FAIR MANAGERS, TAKE NOTICE! The Horse for Free Attraction, TEDDY The Dancing Horse This wonderful Equine, a sensation wherever showa, in the cleanest and best dressed HORSE = = the business. Write quick for open time. after Aug. 1, 1913. Address MISS TULIA “ALLE 4830 N. Front St., Philadelphia, Pa. Wagner and Lee ACROBATIC JESTERS The above cut is a good likeness of Wagner and Lee the Acrobatic Jesters now playing a successful tour through the Central States for Western Vaudeville | Managers’ Association Direction Marie James. Alice Blair and Joe Woodman Presenting’ their original study of everyday. scew@s of* the Underworld. Capyright, Class D.. XXc., No. 32357. Permanent address, The Billboard. MERRY-GO-ROUND FOR SALE CHEAP Stationary sud Portable Jumping Horse Machines and traveling machines; dina, ie = OSKAR guere Manufacturer, 85 Fulton Street, Jamaica, N. Y. we oa