The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MAaACH 22, 1913. The Billboard 163 site. ——eEeEOEH~7" Wort i. B., io The Ghost Breaker, Mauri Ce mgr.: (Lyceum) N. Y. C., 17, In f —Discretion, David Belasco, mgr.: ik » N. Y¥. C., Jan. 7, indef, Ye ket, The, Harris & Selwyn, mgre ‘I t) Boston, Mass., 17, Indef BURLESQUE. EMPIRE—WESTERN WHEEL, Aw kd. E. Daley, mgr.: (Trocadero) } » phla 17-22; (Empire) Baltimore 24-2 Au feddy Sleds, wgr.: (Columbias 8 17-19; (Orp nope) Paterson 20-22; | il N. ¥. C., 28-2 Big Keview, Henry P Dixon, mgr.: (Bronx) N. Y 7-223 yf x re) Brooklyn 24-20. ots Al. Lubin, mgr.: (Grand O. H.) St i 22, lay-off week 24-29. Cen Garis, lesy Grodz, mgr.: (Majestic) BI re 19; (Mieshler) Altoona 2 Cam b instown 21; (White's) McKeesport 22; (Ste Cleveland 24-29. Cherry mesos Arma(trong, wgr.: (Em pire) Newark 17-22; (Orpheum) Vaterson 24 26 wmbla) Seranton 27-29 Dandy Girls, Abe Gorman, mgr.: (Lyceum) Washington 17-22; (Lyric) Allentown 24; (A y) Reading 25; (Majestic) Harrisburg 26; (M er) Altoona 27; (Cambria) Johnstown Zs \hite’s) Meheesport 2 Dant Da ters, Chas. Taylor, mgr.: (Folly) Chicago a 22; (Avenue) Detroit 24-29 Poilies of » Day Jack McNamara, wgr.: (Star) Clevela 4 17-22; (People’s) Cincinnatl 24-29. . uls Oberworth, mgr.: (Empire) Brekiyo 17-22; (Empire) Newark 24-29. Girls From Missouri, Lou's Talbot, mgr.: (Em Balt.more 17-22; (Lyceum) Washington From Joyland, Sim Williams, mgr ‘Em Indianapolis 17-22; (Folly) Chicago 24-2. Prow Keno, James Madison, mgr.: (Stand ard) St. Lou's 17-22; (Buckingham) Louisville | 24-29 Hie fe In Burlesque, Chas. Falke, mgr.: (La fayette) Buffalo 17-22; (Columbia) dcranten 24.26. (Orpheum) Paterson 27-29. Jardin de Paris Girls, Morris Walnstock, mgr.: 7-22; (Krug) Omahs 24-29. Ts, H. M. Strouse, wgr.: (Avenue) (Star) Toronto 24-29 (Lafayette) Buffalo 24-29 (Howard) Boston 17-22; (Grand O. L.) Boston 24-29 Monte Carlo Girls, Tom Sullivan, mgr.: (Buckingbem) Louisville 17-22; (Empire) Indianapo Moulin Rouge (Casino) Brooklyn 17-22; (8th Ave N. ¥. C. 36-29 Kansas City 17-22: (Standard) St. Louls 24-29 Pace Makers R. E. Patton, mgr.: (People's) y ‘22; (Empire) Philadelphia 24-29 Queens f the Follies Bergere Couniban & Minneapedia 17-22; (Grand @. H.) St. Paul 24-28. Rice, Sum. & His Paffydtis, arthus Rowe Buda, Lewte Livingstrm, mgr. : Paterson 17-19: (Columbia) Seranten (Trocadero? Philadelpitta 2429. Stars of Stageland, Wm. Duna, mgr: (Empire) Philadelphia 17-22: (Castine) Rreo kiya 24-29. Tie LAltes, James Weedon, mgr: (Grand 0. Boston 17-22; (Bronx) N. Y¥. C., 24-29. Wate s Burlesquers. Dan Guggenheim. mgr (Gayety Miuwaukee 17-22; (Galety) Minne Apolis 24-29 Whirl of Mirth Bob Gordon mgr: (8th Ave.) N.Y. ¢ 17-22: (Howard) Boston 24-29. Tankes Domwile Giris, Alex. Gorman mgr.: (Em pir Chicago 17-22; (Gayety) Milwaukee 24 Zaliah's Own Show Harry Thompson, mer oa maha 17-22: (Century) Kansas City COLUMBIA—EASTERN WHEEL. anne an Be suties, Dave Guran, mgr.: on) Springfield 17-19 (Empire) Albany 20-2 a ‘yety) Brooklyn 24.29 outs Y th and Folly, W. V. Jennings, mgr.: ayety Wash'ngton 17-22; (Gayety) Pitts. yu 24.29 Ss w. Jack Singer, megr.: (Standard) math 17-22: (Gayety) Louterille 24-29 * Jesse Burns, mgr.: (Gayety) Detrolt (ayety) Toronto 24.29 Rurlesquers, Geo. H. Harris, mgr.: Davenport la.. 18.19; (Columbia) rth Edw. Schaefer, mgr.: (Star) | 24-2 Girls J H. Hedges mer (Gavety) nis, 17-22; (Gavety) Kansas City 24.29 — Bur esquers, Frank Burns, mgr.: (Gay| Ae Kansas City 17-22: (Gayety Omaha Cracker “ Harry Leon'. mer: (Gayety) ronto 17-22: (Garden) Ruffalo 24-29. . ers, The Chas. BR. Arnold, mgr.: (Gayety) real 2 (Emptre) Albany M26 _ Worcester 27-29 a urlesovers, E. Travers mgr.: (Gar der Buffalo 17-22: (Corinthian) Rochester Ga ety Girle. Bob Simons, mer.: (Columbla) N Y. C., 17-22: (Star) Rrooklyn 24 29 Gay Masqueraders Moe Messing mer: (Star & Garter) c hieago 17-22: (Gayety) Detrolt 24.20 nove Girls. Manny Rosenthal, mer.: (Gavety) en on 17-22; (Columbia) N. ¥. C 24-29 aris From the Great White Way. Dave Gordon mer: (Caa'no) Roston 17-22: (Gilmore) Spring field 24-26 (Empire) Albany 27-2 Girlie From Harpyland, FE. W (Park) Bridgeport 20.22 Pre vidence 24-29. Golden Crook Jas. C. Fulton Re chester 17.2 r Chipman, mgr.: (Westminster) . Maer: (Corinthian) 22; (Rastable) Syracuse 24.26 Lumber) Utlen 27.99 s Hasting’s, Harry Show: (Westminster) Prov! Jot we 17.22: swagety) Boston 24-29 Hi on Hes, Al. Rich. mgr.: (Empire) Albany 17 ; (Franki!n Sq.) ween 20-22; (Castine) Kosten 24-29, ~ kerbockers, Lonls Robte, mer: (Gayetyy lelphia 17-22: (Gayety) Paltimore 24.29 fie Makere, Tra Miller mer: (Empire) Pater _ 1-19: (Emntre) Hoboken 20-22: (Casino) vet adelnhia 24.99 r? y Ge © Rounders, Leffler Rratton Co.. mars.: nnire) Toledo 17-22; (Star & Garter) Chica zo 24.29 Noe Ton' 6 Evstetn, meri: (Morray Ft) aiasin C.. 17-22: (Park) Bridgeport 27-20 A . memneee. Wm. 8. Clark. mer (Co nbin Chicage 17 22: 8 ‘ ‘ , . nati Bean £ 7 (Standard) Clocin Queens of Parte. Jos, Howard, mer.: (Casino) Philadelvhta 17.22; (Hurtig & Seamon's) N, | Barnum YC, 26-29. ied ig ~ Reeves’, hy Pittsburg, 17-22; (Empire) Cleveland 24 Rob'nson (Olympic) N. Y¥. C., 17-22; (Empire) Pater gon 24 Al., Show, W. M. Leslie, mgr.: (Gay Crusoe Girls, Sam Robinson, mgr.: 26; (Empire) Hoboken 27-29. Runaway Gi ris, Peter S. Clark, mgr.: (Empire) CleveMind 17-22; (Empire) Toledo 24-29, Soctal Maids, Robt. Cohn, mgr.: (Gayety) New ark 17-22; (Gayety) Vhiladephia 24-29, Star & Garter Show, Frauk Weisberg, mgr.: Gezety) Brooklyn 17-2 22; (Olympic) N. Y. C., Sydell's, Rose, London Pelles, W. 8. Campbell, mgr.: (Gayety) Louisvile 1722; (Gayet St. Louls 24-29. tala Taxi Girls, Lou's Hurtig, mgr.: (Empire) Hobo ken New 17 ark 19; (Empire) Paterson 20-22; (Gayety) 24-29. Troeaderos, Frank Plerce, mgr.: (Gayety) Baltimore 17-22 Welch's ray Hill) N. Y¥. C., 24-29 rtig 7-22: (Gayety) Washington 24-29. Burlesquers, Jacob Lieberman, IBgr.: & Seamon’s) N. Y. C., 17-2: (Mur 1-22; WV iliiame’, Mollie Show, Phil Isaacs, mgr.: (Bastable) Syracuse 17-19 (Lumberg) Utica 20-22; (Gayety) Montreal 24-29, Winning W'dow, Jacob Goldenberg, mgr.: (Star) Brooklyn 17-22 pire) World of Pleasure, Dave Gordon, mgr.: 22; (Empire) Hoboken 2426; (Em aterson 27-29 (Gayety) Omaha 17-22; (Lyric) Davenport, Ia., 23-26. 17-23 STOCK AND REPERTOIRE. | Bowman ©o., G. B. Bowman, mgr.: Aseee, Ill., 2; Mt. Carroll, 24; Savanna. Bartlett's, b (Carleton) Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 10, indef, Buhler-Sabine Players, A. G. 25 Al., Musical Comedy Co., oe 3: Delamater, mgr.: (Auditorium) To ledo, O., Feb. 10, indef. Nancy, Co., Wm. Morgan, act. megr.: Asbury Pack, N. J. .17-22; Greensburg, Pa... Boyer, Redenbender, Carl, & Hia Peerless Players, M. Higdon, mgr.: Dallas, Tex., indef. Rarrett Players. 0. G. Munthe megr.; (Lyric) IAma, 0., indef Barret t, Edw., & Players: (Lyric) Mattoon, III indef. Chase-Lister Co. (Northern) Glenn F. Chase, Butte, Mont., 2-29. Chauncey Kelffer ©o., Fred Chauncey, x Middletown, N, Y., 24-29. = = mgr mers. : ‘ hicag Charlottetown, P. E. I., indef. Orientals Wm. C. Cameron, mer: (Century) | Eckbardt’s Ideals, Oliver J. Eckhardt Medicine Hat, Alta., Can, -22. Frank, Jobn E., Stock Co. Clarence mer.: . o Hillman’s Ideal Stock Co. F. P. Hil : Mefool Jet Eel | Cerleton Sisters Co., Varne Miss New York, Jr., Wm. Fegnessey, wgr.: | lar Gene Lexington, Ky., 17-22; Somerset, 24 © Stock Co., Chas. H. Rosskam, = Long Branch, N. J., 17-22. on Corne!l-Price Players. Cornel! & Price, mgrs Carriers Mille, I!!., 17-22, Colonial Stock Co..” Cortland Hopkins, mgr. mer Auskings (Grand O. H.) Superior, Wis., indef. Hilliman’s Ideal Stock Co.. Harry Sohns, New, 17-19; Guide Rock 20:22" Hayes, Luey, & Assoctate Players Luey M Hayes, mgr.: Eartham, Yows 17-19: Casey | 20-22; 29. ; Wiles Harringtom Stock (Co.: Mobile, Ala... Adair 24-28: Stuart 27 Operators Salesmen Dealers The Vulcan Match Vendor —IS THE— MOST PERFECT MOST ELABORATE MOST VALUE Of any machine now ‘on the market. MAHOGANY CABINET PIANO FINISH BEVELED MIRROR COPPER TRIMMINGS Absolute GUARANTY BOND with each machine. Write us for prices; they’re interesting. THE ALEXANDER MFG. CO. HAMILTON, OHIO. ammy Watson’s Barnyard Circus “ALWAYS WORKING” Just finished 9 straight years on U. B, O. time. Booked solid antil 1914. Well, look who’s here! None other than Sammy Watson and his barnyard of trained animals. Watson’ offering is well known in vaudeville and still delights both old and young. Watson's farmyard consisted well-trained dogs, cats, roosters and a donkey. Every trick they performed threw the audience into paroxysms of laughter.—N. Y. American. Press Agents, please use. His latest N. Y. hit is IKEY, THE GOOSE AND THE BOXING ROOSTER. Permanent Address, 333 St. Pauls Ave., Jersey City, N.J. New Westminster, British Columbia, Provincial Exhibition SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN PRIZES AND ATTRACTIONS September 30th to October 4th, inclusive Milwaukee, Wis. indef MINSTREL. W.F. MANGELS CO., CAROUSELL WORKS, Coney Island, New York | Horne’s Stock Co. No. 1, Horne’s A C. A. WELSH, Precident. oS ~~ Bet. ——— (Samuel's 0. H.) Jamestown; : n “. nde e Keres Sisters Oo. ©. A. Keyes, mgr.: lay-off 2 : ‘ : _ week 17-29. at Fairmount, W. Ve. e ° eens Lorraine, & Associate Players, He L. Neb. indef mgr: (Empress) Grand Ietem?.| posaing Man; Young Woman for Heavies; some ch Light Comedian: for specialties; 4 good snans —_ Sherman Sto k Co Gerre Be Sherman and Dancing Team, for parts. Your salary sure with this company. Address ier itsrand) Superior s [Lynn Stock Co. Jeck Lynn, mgr Wester |C. W. PARK, MANAGER PLANT CITY, FLORIDA Mass.. 17.29 ; ? an ne ee ee eOTITTTT I Obrecht Stock Co Christy Obrecht, mer.:|3 ” = tarts, Te. IS 18: Sheldon 2022; Alsons |= FUNNY STAIRS, “UNCLE SAM” GIANT SWING, = Ol ser Block Go. Otis Oliver, mer: Rokfor’.|E HUMAN ROULETTE WHEEL, CAKE WALK, = Pearl Stock Co. A. A. Webster. prop.: |= = toria y oe Va., indef es = TEASER CAROUSELL, = OEE Tee eee S Feentas, Vu.. is ELECTRIC MINIATURE RAILWAY, = bikin sng! 032. oeeoatre Sean," | SHOOTING GALLERIES, PARK SWING, Etc., Etc. 2 Reynolds & Ross Players. Rilly Ross, mgr.: |S = CGarvict) ~~ lake a A UL. indef = = J Ivwke 4 maton Y 2 ack gT.: edo = LEON % IEW AT S a Oe *y — hig ~~" ile cameal mowed — SEND FOR NEW CATALOGUE = VanDyke & Eston Co.. H. W.> VanDyke. mer = = = = _ ir le Busby’ geles, ¢ Evans Daytona, Fla.. 19; Orlando 20; Tampa 21-2: St wae Pet laha t's Georgia Merrymakers, F. Elliott, mgr.: MeCabe's Cabe, O'Brie J. M.: 1248 W. Jefferson St., Los An“al., indef. eo Honey Boy, Daniel Shea, mer.: > ersburg 24: Ocala 25; Gainesville 26: ssee 27; Albany, Ga., 28; Macon ay s, Minn G., Edw Conard, megr.: Pueblo, Colo., orado Springs 22 Wm., Georgia Troubadours, Wm. Me mgr Chelsea, Okla., 19-20. n's, J. C.: Georgiana, Ala., 19: Bvergreen 20; Greenville 21; Fort Deposit 22; Montcomery a4: Se) ma 25 Primrose & Dockstader’s, Earl Burgess, mer.: (Hammerstein's Victoria) N. Y. C 7-22; Poughkeepsie 24: Rutland, Vt., 25; Pifttebure N. Y., 26; Ogdensburg 27; Ottawa Can., 28-29 BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. Balimann's Symphony Band, Martin Ballmann, dir.: Foster Ave. Chicago. Bean & His “Rand, W. BE. Bean, mgr.: Lynch burg Turner Hall, Chicago; (Home) 1257 Va., indef. DelLaurentiis’ Military Band, Mary A. Steese, dir Reels, Ga., | Royal Cafe) ‘asino Rink) Baltimore, Md. Carl: Brewton, Ala., 17-22. Paduano's Band, Prof. M. Paduano, dir.: Griffin, 17-2 Ma rine Rand, Frank Gregory, dir.: (Odeon San Francisco, Cal., indef. Sabia's Famous Italian Band., Mary A. Stees dir.: Pa. (3rd Regt. Armory Rink), Phitadeiphia, _—— MISCELLANEOUS. Bros,, Magicians and Ventriloquists, H. Barnum, mgr.: Knox, Ind., indet. Carroll Comedy Co., I. Carrol, mgr.: Myersdale, } Walden, Dana, Magician: Repton, Ala., 19; EnPa., 17-22; Frostburg, Md., 24-29. terprise 21; Florala = ae oe Ga., a } ie : Alac , : " Roanoke, Ala., 25; Ashland 26; asper : ae 20; Baten 30 ae em Henderson, Tenn., 28; Alamo 29. : DuVell-Deering Shows, Grant DuVell, mgr.: Sanon . a o: = 2 born 17-22; Hendricks 24-29. right, mgr.: Malden, N. — . . burg 22; Clinton Hollow 24; Bulls Head 25; Fletcher's, W. J., Photo Ba ig W. J. Fleteber,| Rock City 26; LaFayetteville 27; Gallatinville mgr.: Winfred, S. D., 17-19. 28; Elizaville 29. Jenkins & Barrett's pt Co., Fred J. Jen-| Zenora’s Illusions, Geo. E. Sharp, mgr.: 418 kins, mgr.: Lake Crystal, Minn., 17-24. LaFond St., St. Paul, Minn., indef. Lingerman, Sam’). & Lucy: 705 N. 6th St., Phiiadelphia, Pa. Meyers Entertainers, E. E. Meyers, mgr.: NeADDITIONAL CARNIVAL COMPANIES. N. D., 19-20; Fairdale 21-22; Adams pene soos: isonhe sect Fordville 29-30. Howard Amusement Co., W. L. Howard, ,er.? or Smith Co., Albert P. Smith, mgr.: (CORRECTION) Doug!asville, Ga., 17-22 Drayton, N. D., 19; Fertile, Minn., 20; Lakota, | KaDell-Kritchfield Show, J. Kritchiield, mgr.: . D., 22; Cando 24; Mohall 25; Minot 27-29.!_ Adel, Ga., 17-22; Ashburn, 24-29. 2 Mascot, Educated Horse, H. S. Maguire, mgr.: ‘ Lachman Greater Shows: Winnsboro, Tex was (Pavilion) Blaydon-on-Tyne, Eng., 24-29; (Bm| Southern Amusement Co.: Austin, Tex., -22 pire) Horden 31-April 5. RS Oram & King Concert So° Gee: Orem, MEr-'| ADD TO ADD CIRCUS & CARNIVAL ROUTES. Parnell, G. W.. Shov, G. W. Parnell, mgr.: ‘ . C Great Seuthern Shows: aietieaen, Ala., 17-22. ore paul 3” intel. Hunt No. 3, with Doc | Jones Bros.’ World Toured Shows, E. H. Jones, W. W. Kirby: Ann mn ‘Mich. 17-22; wegr.: Eudora, Ark., 19; Lake Village 20; eo Cleveland, O., 24-April 19. burg 21: Crossett 22; Harrell 24; Junction City > ; > . 2 . 23. — ¥,, Haller. Ca) EES. 25: a Juvyenal’s Stadium Show. J. M. Juvenal, mingr.: Rule's Ree! Show, F. E. Rule, mer.: Silver Lake, (CORRECTION) Kentwood, La. 17-22. a Kans., 20-22; Soldier 24-26; Wheaton 27-2¥. Leonard Anunaas ney bens Tex. or ‘vs ¥ sic fs ows: Py Oss, wa8., —--* mast rl 8 > Seepee. Apnea, Sy. Ss err a teen Shows: Lampasas, Tex., 7-22. Slater & Fine h Road Show, A. E. Phillips, mgr.: | Noxon’s Hippodrome Shows, Dave Noxon, mgr.: Chicago, l)., 17-22 Mooresville, N. C,. 17 ; . * Thompson's Cameragraph, R. W. Thompson, | Parker & Son's Texas Combinat on Show, J. = mgr.: Bucklin, Mo., indef. Parker, mgr.: Bonaire, Ga., 24: Vowersville 2 Todd, Wm., Vaudevi) Show: Marion, 8. C., 17-22. Fort Valley 26; Knoxville 27; Yatesville 28: Tanner, De. B.: Vernon Center, Minn., 17-22. The Reck 29