The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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a The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. s am: CONVENTIONS, = | "u273-Spat lett Me 4.9, 9! unnserA ; e April 2. Wm. A, Jones, L oO. 0. F a Norfolk—State Pharmaceutical Assn. June 244 ; ‘temple, Baltimore, Md. Crookston—United Commercial Travelers, June 26. J. G. MeBride, secy., University Mlace, ; J (Continued from page 161.) Baltimore—Kastern Assn. Car Service Officers mt 14. J. M. Dresser, secy., St. Maul, Minn, Neb. @ — eae oy is March 27. F. B. Higble 8 C. 8. Ft. W uluth—Grand Lodge 1. 0. U0. KF. Juue li-lz, | ssaue—Grand Council Royal Arcanum of Neb. F dA oines—Dept. of lowa G. A. R. June 1023d New York. N. Y. A. L. Bolton, secy., St. Paul, Mina. fourth Friday im April. Geo. 8. Powell, secy ee og et ge tsa de Baltimore—State Council 0. U. A. M. June 11, | Duluth—Kebekab Assembly, June 11-12, Lucy | 688 Paxton Bik., Omana, Nev. Py / 1913. Geo. E. Whitcomb, secy., Northwood, | paras: Stein, secy.. 917 Franklin ot. Duara f Fg mabe urend Commandery Knights, ‘I-uplar hi. cowa. p: " peeaeen, “eocy. be ae > oo) il. “Castuce. secy. 820 Temp eG we 1608 ‘Capitol, ‘ove.. Guan. Neb — Oy Bee Moines—Grand Counce Royal Arcanum.| Maryland. — > CASS G., Daltines, Deleth— Minn. B.S. Asso.” March 20-80, A. M.| “maba—Miss, Valley isturical Asse. May 8d = 5. A. Snyder, secy., Waterloo, | Baltimore—Grand Lodge K. of P, Aprii 8. Jas. — sSecy., S71 Snelling ave., St. Vaul, 10. Clarence 8. Paine, secy., sta, A.. Liny Be : M. Hendrix, secy., Baltimore, Md. ua. coln, Neb. : ty x= _ Pee. dane. soot — Jd. ee Lodge Knights of Honor. eo Genera! Coufereuce se Chapter 0. E. 8. 2nd Tuesday ae r ee State Firemens’ ‘Assn. ‘June, 1913, Bldg. A. H. Jackson, sucy., O81 Calvert MchKoight Biag., tne Eo —_. = Sist i Se, ae. ts © G. K. Swift, secy. Frederick—Grand e K. P. Mdinveapolis—iatl. Bowling Asan. Mareb 15-24 ymaha—Neb, State Dental Soc M S. Loag’ . ; . 2 : 12-15. bs oe | — and i Interurban Ry. main of Md. April 8. <r Fn T. J Gronewald, secy 25 Court Meuse. BI. Dr. W. A. MeHlenry, secy., ekeen: Me. j. Ascn. April 26-28. H. E. Weeks, secy.,| secy., Gay & Hendrix ets., Baitimore, Mu. Paul, Mine. mmaha—Urang Lodge K. of #. sud Tues. ip avenport, lowa. Hagerstown—State Council of Jr. 0. U. A. M. of | “i#teupulis—American Academy of Medicine. May. Will H. Love, secy., Pythias Temple, _* KANSAS. Md. April 15. Charles S. Davis, 114 N June 13-15. Dr. Chas, McIntire, eecy., Easton, Lincoln Neb 4 Emporia—Grand Lodge huights of Pythias, May | g,P2t®_st-. Baltimore Md. war’ a i Omaba—Federation Neb. Retailers. March —. wv. N. L. Mullowell, secy., 407 Husted Bidg., | Vestermport—Szate Firemen's Assn. June 11-13, | “!mneapolis American, Protelogic Soc. June 16-| 3. Krank Bart. seey, be gghatans Cita, Ran Baw. Btevensoa, seacy., Lonaconing, Ma. | wing sae tesa idee Bene ae i. | OPE, Wits, seek, A608 "chpiibi She, 200° ® vtchiusun—t “i ‘ — eric Medic s-n. une : + Be apitol ave. ; Ww. —“? "an gg gg ge 6-7. MASSACHUSETTS. a A. . Cralg, secy., 535 Dearborn ave., Sh a Liquor Dealers’ Assa, : Independence—huights of Coiumbus. M 13. | Boston—United Order of P ee , . — enry Keating, secy., Krug Theater J. SM. Stefan, secy.. Neadesha. Ken. April 2. Nathan Crary, cccy, 204 Meoes a ge eo te 9 lola—W. o. , Sastniletion 5. Steven 25. N. ot., Lawrenes, Mass. mf if " ven, secy., 47 State at., Troy, NEVADA. : bs Jol fr seCy., 2 , sas nam 1. J . » : A ge Secy., 429 Kansas ave., Topeka, "ile akon, ae Be “Ss. ~ wy St. Cloud—State Federation of Labor. June 16-| Elko—Nevada Rebekah Assembly. June 17-18. e Kauinnn city —Fed. ot Catholic Secieticn of | on. Mens. . ipaluth. Alon, secy., 610 Manhattan a R. Mudd, secy., 118 Island ave., Reno, + aos. May, 1913. Anthony iiubn, secy., Hays, | Soston—Grand Council Royal Arcanum of Mass i. , . : mene April 26-25. William L. Kelt, secy., 10) | q5 °R’ Ginsu, pte Lave Conterence. June NEW HAMPSHIRE. Lamreace Kansas Pharmacesticsl Asse. May} . Tremvat st. Bestea, Mass. —_—_ a ee! t-te ot Te, So ~~ 6 6 . a 4 Riesen, secy., ~re dep Kan. | 8 ston—Grand. Lodge A. U. W. of Mass | st. Paul—Woman's Kelief Corps. June 10-12 Elliott, secy., Concord, N. Hu. Se "Sou. b gy a ~ oa —y 365, vrelis a ban — Ms "Rearing, —— Pe a A. Scale, secy., 380% Selby ave. 5g a a oe ee rarth. Kan. sti sina Sad poo = . Paul—Dept. Minn. G. A. R. June, 1913, |. Sullivan. secy, worth. Kan Boston—Knights and Ladies of Honor. May 7 deny P 2 ws Yonco ; 23: ? Salina—Grand Chapter 0. EB. 8. May 15-16. Sam'l. Hathaway, secy., 218 Dumont ed Orten S. Clark, secy. "oo “ may Sa ae —“7 Bennett, secy.. Topeka, Kan. Koston—Rebekah Assembly. May 7. Sarah A MISSISSIPPI. a é opeka— Kansas jaunderers’ Assn. March 24Barry, secy., 47 Monument Sq, Charlestown. S NEW JERSEY. ; 25. U. G. Balderston, secy., Dodge City,| | Mass. "E. Meten, nour. Hiattie — aiggt a > > Kan Boston—Grand Commandery United Order of éeridiau—Graua Luuge roe r a Mi 3rd as. ws 2 ee < 4 KENTUCKY. Golden Cross. April 23. Walter G. Crowther, Wed. May. WP a sear os oe wien 16 Mo. April 2%. Robert H. Alberts, secy.. — Prankfori—Ky. Railway Surgeons Assn. May) p00’ Det of Mass, G. A. mt, April 8-9, | S¢fidlan—Miss. Retail Haw. Assn May’ 19-21. | sopory Verh —orend, Racecspmest.of Petslenehe . ‘ —. j Kincaid, secy., Lancaster, K ante, atagaeg te geet pr # + c ial .. Z " . ‘ et FN ra 4 — c. & W. A. Wetherbee. secy., room 27, State _ Jno. z. Sommers. secy., Clarksdale, Miss. i. 0. O. F. May 6. Frauk K. Jummel, secy., JY, io mia Se thn cnr © ‘+ fol ee Miss. ~aee = Assn. April 21-23. A. Box 390, Trenton, N. J. ' ¥ ts-14. J. M. to One7., . <= . Jones, secy., McComb, Miss. Asbury Park—Gen. Synod Reformed Ch FF Main st., Louisville, Ky. a Foresters of America. May 20-21. W.| vatchez—Miss. Press Assn. 3rd Wed. in May. America. June 5-10. W m, i. te yen — (C Lexington—Ky diate Dental Assn. 4th week H. Stafford, secy., Room 19. Pollard Bidg.. J. G. McGuire, secy.. Yazoo City, Miss 1072 Arlington ave., Plainfield, N. Y ig : of May. C. R. Shacklette, secy., Atherton |, Lowell, Mass. St. Joseph—Gt, Council Degree of Pocahontas. ! atlantic City—N. J. Banke “o. Ma ‘ Bidg., Louisville, Ky. Greenfield—Protestant Episcopal Church. April |“ ‘ryirg Tuesday in May. Mee. Nellie ‘Thomp | — Win. J. Freed aecs.. Jersey City — : : ee 4 State Councl] Knights of Colam ~# —— > o . _ St. son, secy., 2513 Linwood st. Kansas City atlantic * City—Amer Big EE see bo us. ay 8 Geo. A. Burkl 30: , 2 , Mass. F 2, 5 — Columbia Bidg.. Louisville. Ky. Haverhill—Daughters of Liberty. May 14. | gM ; oe ee . ea, oe g.. Lou e. Ky. ver . y 7 St. Joseph—Mo. Bankers’ Assn. May 20-21 lehem, Pa, q Louisville—Ky. Educational Assn. April 30se A. Davis, secy., 1 Davis st., Marlboro. W. F. Keyser, secy., Sedalia, Mo, | quiantic City—N. J. State Assn. of Asst. Post; , . May 3. TT. W. Vinson, secy., Frankfort, Ky. i aa 4 RB : wae 3t. Louls—Brotherhood Interurban Trainmen. masters. June 14. H. Emerson Doughty : 7 Louisville—Grand Lodge Knights of MHonor.| '%29—Mass. State Branch 0. N. A P O. C May 14-17. W. R. Rutledge, secy., 1501 secy.. Haddonfield, N. J . ii April 8. A. J, Hess, secy., Columbus, Ky. May 30. C. J. Lemingban, secy.. Fall River.| Cobesset ave.. Cleveland 0. ‘ Atlantic City—Int’l! Assn. of Master Dan v Louisville—Motion Picture Exhibitors League.| , “#5s. 1 Sg Sees © 14..P. i. ale, coer, 18 eben yy April 23-24. L. J. Dittmar, secy. ee ee 0. E. 8. of Mass MISSOURI. chute aaa y, secy.. 15 eech st.., +‘). a a Council Boyal Arcanum of Ky ~~ & < — nag A Fe secy. 6 | gxceisior Springs—Grand Lodge 1. 0 O. F Atlantic City—American Nurses Assn. June 23pr ex, M. Woodruff, secy., 604 Co! > May 20-22. R. L. Rates. secy 27. Agnes G. Deans, sec 858 Brush De eS, umbla Bidg.. Louisville, Ky a gy vos Peo. hs 2 Excelsior Springs—Head Camp W w. troit Sieh pecmesna bets exsctiaees f 0e—ts ofa -4. ne . Smith, milton, N. Y. > : I. CitwMet? = a “eo ‘nest. Ot ik . be -~ = Geet tem. ee dg em a 2nd —— 25-27. E. M. Shields, seey.. Sedal'a, Atlantic City—Nat’l. Brotherhood of Operative . nt, secy., e st.. Covington Sunday in May. B. J. Curtin, sec oa Pent Potters. June, 1913. John T. Wood, secy., — Ky. Office ere late $s: Joplio—Me, Music Teachers’ Assn. June 19, 1913.| Box 6, E. Liverpool, 0. ats LOUISIANA. d MICHIGAR A. G. Bubach, secy., Studie Bldg., Kansas] Atiantic City—Natl. Assn. of Jewish Social : Alexendrie—Loulsiana Sunday-School Assn ? City, Mo. 4 Workers. May 30-31. Philip 1. Seman, seey., ¢ Aprij 2224. Van Carter, secy.. 713 Maisor | Bessemer—Swedish-Finnish Benevolent Assn. of | Kansas City—Mo. & Kans. Funeral Directors’ 174 Second ave., New York City. * Blanrhe ttidsn Nee swirem a America. June 26-28. John Soderback, secy., Assn. June 16-18. €. A. Schoene, secy.. Mi | Atlantic City—Assn. of America Ry. oe 4 as Baton Rouge—Woodmen Circle Grand Grove. 1510 Oliver ave., Escanaba, Mich. lan, Mo. Officers. May 28. C. G. Phillips, secy., T a March 25-27. Mrs. Ida Draughan Schwartz, | letroit—cCornell Alumni Assm. of Mich. R. ©, | “#nses City—Grand Council Roya! and Selec Dearborn st., Chicago, Ill. : a) Kentweed. La. Hargreaves, 53 Rowena st., Detroit, Mich. —_ of the State of Mo. April 22. Robt | Atlantic City—Brotherbood of Railway Mechas“4 Baton Reage-—State Medical Society. April 22-| itroit—Michigaun Arsu. of Marter Kaaers Stev ° Q Pine st.. St outs ics. May 19-20. Geo. T. Witworth, secy., 24. L. R. DeBuys, secy., 141 Elk Place, New| April. kK. A. Heide, secy., Saginaw, Mich. ‘ , 117 Winchester Place, Wilmingtes, Bet. ye Sheen La. Detroit—Michigan Fraternal Congress. April al Assn. July — | Cape May—Penna. Bar Assn. June 24-26. Wm “ 4’ Baton Rouge—Head Camp W. 0. W. Mareb 10-13. Grant Slocum pres., Detroit. Mich. . A. . arrensburg. Mo. H. Staake, secy.. 648 City Hall, Philadelphia, ' + 25-27. L. C. Butler, secy., Shreveport, La. Detroit—Nat’'l. Assn. Garment Mfrs. Frank R St. ye A. ; . Pa. > “4 Hanna--I, 0. R. M. Great Council. April Hamburger, 135 Jefferson ave. St. Lovis—Natl. . gue. April 8-9. Fg ere Association. April 15. John in* 14-15. Geo. A. Treadwell, secy., 4939 Chest-| Detroit—American Baptist Home Mission Society , 1210 Locust st. 4 Ferrell. 49 Graham ave., Paterson, N. J. I) nut st.. New Orleans, La. May 15. N. L. Morehouse, secy., 23 E. 26tb| **. wk May 69. F. M.| lersey City—N. J. Poster Adv. Assn. April, A Minden—lLa. Homestead League. April 25-26. st.. New York, N. Y. Roston. Mass. 1913. =. F. O'Mealis, secy. ‘. S. D. .Marks, secy., 211 Camt st., New Or-| Netroit—Natl. Assn. of Manufacturers, May 20. St. Lovis—Nat. Cooper s*iisea March —. Free | Long Branch—State Exempt Firemer’s Assa. A. # ‘leans, La, Geo, 8. Boudinot, secy., 80 Church st.. New st. i. Adoms. ercy.. 169 Herth ave.. Plainield. . New Urleans—United Ancient Order of Druids. York, N. Y. exposition Maret V3. « June 9 Henry Keith, secy., Druids Home. *vetroit—Tri-State Convention of Master Bakers. e. secy.. Coliseum. Newark—New Jersey Housing Asse. March 28. ~* Sheevepere Grane "4 Knights of Pzteies June 3-5. W. G. Herboid, secy., 443 EB. 6th MONTANA. _— pA -\ & secy., Bergen ave.. Aprt 4 John D. Brown, secy.. Bor st., Cincinnati, O. Leag ersey UY, N. Ge ye Gray, La. Detroit—Prof. Photographers’ Socy. Harry E. cay ny ue, June 19-22.) Newark—American Physical Eitucation Assa. ‘ , MAINE. Nix, secy., Big Rapids, Mich. Kalispell—Grand Council R & SM Jens March 26. Dr. J. H. Me@wrdy, 88 Westford ae. ' Grand Rapide—Michigan State Dental Societys Cornelius Hedges, Jr., Helena, Moat. | ..2v¢:> Springfield, Mass. ‘< Bangor—New England Order of Protection. April 10-12. 6. Ward Hawlett, secy.. Jack ma, Bost. ‘hillipsburg—Grand Commandery A. & I. 0. : April 2. Forest E. Ludden, secy., Auburn.) aim mich ; au tee Mont. Woolgrowers Assn.| Knights of Malta, Mar 1 Frederick &. Res aine. 3 4 a © Geo. ° ’ . eon «ery Row % Stillwater W Lewiston—Grand Commandery Knights of Malta. = oe ~~ Pe eee oe NEBRASKA. Spring Lake—Medical Secy. of N. J. ‘gene 10-12. June 11-12. Thos. D. Sale, secy., 45 Exchange Cite Mich. vie 7 = teatrice—Nebraska State Branch U. N. A Thos. N. Gray. secy., East Orange. N. J. st.. Portiand, Maine. Grand Rapids—Mich. Assn. of Asst. Postmasters P.O. C. April 22. Harry A. Stearns, secy, | Summit—N. J. Press Assn. June, 1913. Jobe Portiand—Great Council D. of P. April 17 June 7-8. John J. Williams, secy., Saginaw, 1116 G. 8t.. Lincoln, Neb W. Clift, secy. Cora M. Platated, secy.. 11 Charles et. W. 8., Mich teatrice—Nebraska State Assn. of Letter Car NEW YORK. MONTANA. Flancock—Arbelter Unterstuetzungs Verein. June ~~ RS ow 22. J. Homer Clark. secy.. Lin Miles City—Montana Stock Growers’ r 11-14 as rst, secy. coln. Alhany—Grand Counct] Royal Arcanum of N April 2998, J. B. Collins, secy am mes ae Eclectic Medical Socy. June | “remont—East Central Teachers Assen. March Y. April 22-23. J. Y. oo. secy., 81° Miles City—Eaatern Montana Woolgrowers’ ar _—. os, E. G. Waddington, secy.. 1080 W 27-20. Miss Hannah Johnson, eecy.. Albion. Vermont at Ruffalo. N sociation. April 21. J. B. Collins, secy. Warren ave., Detruit, Mich. Neb. Albeny—Grand Commandery %. T. June 17-18 . R 4 e Lansing—Grand Lodge F. & A. M. May 27 | Lincoln—Neb. Funeral Directors’ Assn. June 10John H. Bonnington, secy., 27 EB. 2ist st., New MARYLAND. Lou B. Winsor, secy., Reed City. Mich. 12. R. B. Skinner, secy., Neligh, Neb. York City. , Annapolis—Md. State Teachers’ Assn. June 24-| Lansing—United Nat’l. Assn. of Post Office Lincoln—Nebr. State Assn. of Postmasters. Albany—Ph! Upsilon +s April 346 27. Hugh W. Caldwell, secy., Chesapeake Clerks. May 21. Clyde Elliott, secy.. Anr June 10-12 Louls F. Etter, secy., South Chester B. Bahn, secy., 831 Butternut st., City, Md. Arbor. Mich Omaha, Nebr. — Syracuse, N. Y. Baltimore—Grand Council Reyal Arcanum of Md Wuskegon— Mich. _ State Nurses Assn. May —. | Yorfolk—North Nebraska Teachers’ Assn. March Binghamton—State Undertakers’ Assn. June 24April 22-3. Wilbur F. Smith. aecy.. 18 W 1913. Miss S. Kreuger, secy., Harper 27-29. Lottie N. Robertson, secy., Plainview, 26. Geo. L. Gilham, secy., 78 Greenwich ave., Saratoga st.. Baltimore. Md. Hospital. Sone. Mich. Neb. New York City. TENTION! ATTENTION! TEDDY BEARS For Fair and Carnival Workers SPECIAL NOTICE TO TEDDY BEAR BUYERS—Thie following is an abstract of an article in The Billboard of March 15th, page 7, column 4. : For the benefit of its readers, Thé Billboard wishes to state in reference to an advertisement for the sale of Teddy bears in its issue of : March 8, that a representative called upon the advertising firm in question and failed to receive any proof that such a quantity of bears as 300 gross was in existence Any paddie-wheel man knows that such & quantity represents an investment on the manufacturer's part approximately ' $40,000, and that it would require for packing about 600 cases, each about the size of a plano case, and it is extremely improbable that any ’ manufacturer or combination of manufacturers has such a stock on hand With regard to the immediate deliveries of anything like the aia | quantity ef Teddy bears stated, there were no assurances forthcoming. +: This abstract is here shown for the protection and in the interest of possible buyers of Teddy Bears. If YOU 3 WANT Bears—if you want them actually delivered—and if you want the flashiest and best made, full size Bears | : on the market, Order Now of the big makers, who GUARANTEE THEIR GOODS and DELIVERIES. 4 You KNOW US. Compare our Bears with those of other manufacturers. Deposit required on all orders. New Toy Mig.Co., = 28th West 20th street, New York City.