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The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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ACH 22, 1913. The Billboard 165 SS onmmuaal : iot—Freight Claim Assn. June 18. W.| Fargo—Rebekah Assembly. June 3-4, Mrs. | saker—Twin Convention of Uregun Sunday-schooi | Nashville—Ry Develo ment Assn. 3 os rin secy., 1502 First Natl. Bank Bidg., Mary McLaughlin, secy., Hope, N. D. Assn. Apr. 21-23; Uregon Cily, Ure., Apr. 24 Ww. ay nm care K. er 4 ee Kk md, Va. ataua = Forke—Grand Commandery BK, T. of 26. Chas. A. Phipps, Szu Abingwno Bidg., Kansas City, Mo. Bri Supreme Council C, B, L. May 13. N. D. Apr. 22-23. W. J. Stockwell, secy., Portiand, Ure. Naslivilie—District Grand Lodge No. 7, 1. 0. B, J . Carroll, secy., 186 Remsen st. Fargo, N. Dak. Medford—Kebekah Assembly. May 23. Mrs. B. April 13. Nat Strauss, secy., 1208 Philip But New York Siate Assn. of Master | Minut—State Medical a May 7-8. H. J. ira Cooner, seev, Dallas. Ore. etreer, New Orleans, La. p vers, March —, Jno, J, Harrigan, secy.. Kawe, secy., Cassellton, N. Dak. Newberg—Dept. of Oregon G. A. R. —.| Nashville—State Medical Assn, April 8-10, rT jumbux ave., New York : iy. ne OHIO. —— — secy., 229 Labbe na ‘Port: Perry Bromberg, secy. But American Iron, Steel and Heavy W| akrun—Ubio Metal) Jewelers’ Asso. Sela » Ure, Sewauee—Diocese of Lenn. May 6-9. Arthur oat ge Bids vam ie ag ae kK. A. Bancroft, secy., Columbus, Obio. PENNSYLVANIA, Howard Hall, secy. ‘ A ouadienis “Assn. of Freight Agents. a Spanish War Veterans. Alvin a ey a lodge 1. UO. O. F. of Pa. TEXAS. uff Ames xT ee . cichman, secy. ay 20-23 suer A. Hall, secy., 1723 Arch ail ’ : s mh — secy., Il. Central BR. buverai yoo and Embalmers Assn. st., I’hiadelpbia, Va. ae gy — a Bem, t une 4-6 > arnhbart, secy., Findlay, O. | tty sburg—Kebekah Assemb! Third T i a ee (* . ‘ € Me Summer Schoo] of Amer ’ J. r ues. 1D | Corpus ‘bristi— } a Pr a Chas. Murray, secy., Canton—Brotherhood American Yeomen. April May. Mrs. Mary N. Jusiyn. secy., 1Z1lu Fair. Kidd caer a L + i t 2 st., New York City. G. D, Edgar, secy., 513 Third st., De Gettyab ah Fatieérienia. Va. ~ Te ’ 2 “e . ‘sons stown—American Institute of Electrical ,_ fiance, Ohio. | i : ettysburg—Pa vision Sons of Veterans. June! Cor, Christi—Pythian Sisters of Texas. 24 “a ook June 23-28, F. L. Hutchinson, | Cedar Polnt—State Teachers’ Assn. June 24-26, 2-28. Robt. Miller, secy. T: . in May. Mrs. Minnie Converse, secy., ec) :3W. 39th st., New York City. E. Kersuner, secy., Columbus, Ohio. Harrinvurg—Siate lurticuvural Assn. C. J. Ty 51> «ve. E, San Antonio. Texas ; Kaa! skill—American Library Assn, June Cedar Polnt—Order Kokoal. June 17-19. Chas. Pin Pai a Flora Dale. Va. Dalla. —Nat’l. Eclectic Medical Assn. June 19aater Geo. B. Utley, secy., 78 E. Washing E. Lester, secy., 1 Broadway, New York arrisburg—Pa. Funera] Directors’ Assn. June 21. Wm. P. Best, secy., 2218 E. 10th st. Invodhy Chicago oT City. _ ‘ ‘ am. vo R Albert Beatie, secy., Kingston, Pa. dianapolis, Ind. —— . ’ a . —_ Cincinnati—Ky. Mall Assn. Last of May or first “Diladelphta—Grand Lodge Shiela of Hubner of ‘ m Valley Fi A ie 2 4 Dall . 7 * 23. ° 2 I P. Batty. sec7.. ‘Amenis. x . ‘ed of June, Geo. A, Wood, secy., Portsmouth, Pa. April 21. — H. Nason, secy., 2128 ‘Stephens, ane. 700 Malo aie a Mohonk Conference Inter Mohonk Lake—Lake May 14-16. H. ©. Phillips, ba Arbitration. League Savings and Loan Archibald W. McEwan. New York City. New! b—State Aper June 12-13. acy, 2161 Bathgate ave.. New \ork—Int'l. Sunshine Soc. May 15-17. Miss Florence Layton, secy., 96 Sth ave. New York—Independent Order Brith Abraham May 27-29. Jacob Schoen, secy.. 37 Tth st. New Yo rk—Nat’l Machine Tool Builders’ Assn. Ma ar Oct C. E. Taylor, secy.. Hartford, New York City—American Carnation Soc. April 10 A. F. J. Baur, secy., Indianapolis, Ind New York—American Rose Soc April 510 Benjamin Hammond, secy., Fishkill-on-Hud son, N. ¥ New York City—American Guild. April — Walter Jacobs, secy., 167 Tremont 6t., Bos ton, Mase New York City—Loyal Assn. Second Wednesday in —. secy., College Sta., N. New York—Nat’l, Fire ee Assn. May State of N. Y. Wm. H. Oliver, 13-15 Franklin H. Wentworth, secy.. 87 Milk st., Boston, Mass. New Yo rk -Travel and = Vacation Sxhibition. Ma Robert. H. Sexton, New Grand Central Palace. New York—Shlield of Honor. June 3. Wm. T. Henry, secy., 400 Cathedral st., Bath, Md. New York—Natl. Assembly of Civil Service Com mission. June _ Jobn T. Doyle, secy., Washington, D. New York— Susie Publishers’ Assn. of U. 8. June 10 Walter S. Fischer, secy., 48-54 Cooper Square, New York City. New York—State Division T. P. A. of A. April. 12. L. C. Gosselin. secy., 327 E 63rd st. oo es ty Assn. of Clothiers. June 3-5. Wm. R. Corwine, secy., 13 Astor Place New York, N. Y. Rochester—Medical Soc. of the State of New York. April 28-May 1. Dr. Wisner R. Town send, secy.. New York City, N. Y. Rochester—Nat'l. Assn. of Employing Lithe graphers. May. 1913. T°. PD. Oviatt, secs 1222 Granite Kidée Rochester—Nat!. Bowling Assn. April 5-26. Frank D. Woodworth, secy., 1344 E. 17th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Saratoga Springs—State Music Teachers’ Assn. June 10-12. Edna Pearl Van Coorhis, secy., Fishkill-on-Hudson, N. Syracuse—State Pharm. Assn. June 24-27. B. June 10-11. me 8. Dawson, 125 Saline st., Troy—State Assn. of Postmasters. Geo. F Marcellus, secy., LeRoy, N. Utica—State Sunday-School Assn. June 8-5. Dr. Jos. Clark, secy., 80 Howard st., Albany, N. Y. Utica—W. 0. W. Edgar 0. Rose. Apr'l &. secy., Binghampton, N. Y. “NORTH CAROLINA Asbeville—N. C. Bankers Assn. July 8-10. W. A. Hunt, secy., Henderson, N. C. Charlotte—Southern Gas Assn. Heory Collins, chairman, and Electric Co, April 16-18 care Charlotte Gas Ureensboro—Grand Lodge 1. 0. O. F. May 20. B. H Woodell. secy.. Raleigh N. C Greensboro -N. C, Sunday-schoo! Assn. April = a J. Walter Long, secy.. 401 Banner dg Kittrell C. Teachers’ Assn. June —. Prof Pr. W ys secy., Elizabeth City. N. C Winston-Salem—Grand Lodge K. P. June 10. W. T. Hollowell, secy., Goldsboro, N. C. . NORTH DAKOTA. ‘amarck—Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. June 24-25. W. L. Stockwell, secy., Fargo, N. D. ie Cincinnati—Intl. Circulation Mgrs. Assn. June 11-13. J. KR. Taylor, secy., Grand Rapids, Mich. Cincinnati—Central Division A. A. uf James A. Townsend, secy., 1433 Piet Natl Bank Bidg., Chicago, Ill. Cleveiand—Nat’! iano Mfrs. Assn. June. Herbert W. Hill, secy New York, N. Y. ‘leveland—Natl. Assn. May or . 234 W. 23d at.. Piano Merchants of America. June 2-4. Percy 8S. Foster, secy., 1330 G. St.. N. W., Washington, D. C. Cleveland—Awmerican Seed Trade Assn. June 24 26. C. E. Kendel, secy., 2010 Ontario st. Cleveland—Catholic Total Abstinence Union. July 6 M. J. Cummins, secy., 95 Hall st. Akron, 0. Columbus—Young Peoples’ Alliance. June 2426. Miss Grace E. Diehl, secy., Marion, Ohio. Columbus—United Commercia] Travelers. June 25-28. Chas. C. Daniel, secy. Columbus—Grand Temple Pythian Sisters. June 10-12. Ella Given, secy., Sidney, 0. Columbus—Middle States Ice Producers’ Exchange. March 27-28. Jas. Cullen, secy., care Cin. Ice Co., Cine innatl, Ohio. Oayton—Grana Councli Keya} Arcanum of Ohio April 18-17. Thomas Butterworth, secy.. 70! Fourth Natl Bank Bldg., Cincinnati, 0. Daston—Nat'l. Cigar Leaf Tobacco Assn. 2d Mon. in May Chas. Emory Long, seey.. Lan caster, Pa loaytor i—Ohi¢ o State Eclectic Med. Assn. May 13 I. Dr. J. PF. Wuist, secy.. laxton—Ohio State Branch U. N. A. P. O. C. May 30. J. E. Davis. secy.. Marion. O. Fremont—Grand Lodge I. 0. O. F. June 17-20. C. H. Lyman, secy., Columbus, Ohio. Mansfield—Grand Counci] U. C. T. June 13-14. R. F. Somerville, secy., Algonquin Hotel, Dayton, Ohio. Marion—Homeopathie Med. Society. May 13 14. R. ©. Keiser, secy.. Colnmbns, O. Newark—Ohio Typograph‘'cal Conference. July 13. H. R. Witter, secy.. 1026 E. North st.. Canton, Obio. Portsmonth—W. 0. W. April §9. A. J. Sindear, secy., 214 City Hall, Cleveland, Ohio. Springfield—Soc. of Mechanical. Electrical and Steam Engineers. May 22-23. Frank E. San hern seer care State Univ.. Columbns. O. Washington C. H.—Sons of Veterans. June 17. Col. W. S. Matthews, secy., Columbus, Ohio. OKLAHOMA. Enid—Oklia. State Med. Assn. May 13-15. C. A. Thompson, secy., Muskegon, Okla valgate—Improved Order of Ked Man. April ” W R Hoedgens sees Potean Okla Enid—State Conclave B. A. Y. April 1. A. B. Chatburn, secy., Shawnee, Okla sulurie— Grand Eucampiuent . oh & FB, Okla. Apr. 1. H. A. Herwig, secy., a Okla Hobart—Head Camp W. 0. W. March 25-27. Fred H. Enos, secy., Marietta, Okla. McAlester—A. A. S. R. M April 29-May 1. W. Mark Sexson, secy., Masonic Temple Muskoger—Gt. Connett Okla. 1. oO. Ro M. April 21. W. B. Hodgens. secy.. Poteau, Okla. Muskogee—United Commercial Travelers May oR.->4 1 F VeClone eee OFlahoma City—Okla. Christian Endeavor Union June 16-19. Athie E. Sale, secy.. Enid Okla. Sapuipa—Grand Lodge K. of PF. Mas 13-14 FI 1. Sanders, seer. Webhers Fells, Ole Shawnee—Grand Chapter R. A. M. April 15-16, Leo E. Bennett. secy., Muskogee. Okla. Sth & Garfield sts. OREGON Albany—Oregan State Grange. Second Tues day in May. Mrs. Mary S. Howard, secy. Mulino, Ore. N. 9th st.. Phila., Mhilade ad dls Dl og Orie ptal Society. March 2-27 Vrof. A. V. Williams, Jacksen. Pa. Philadel phia—Daughters of the Revolution. April 28. Mrs. Herbert B. Henry, secy., 1383 Pacific st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Philadelpbia—State Dental Soc . Dr. Lutber M. June 24-26. Weaver, secy., 7103 Woodland ave. Pittsburg—Pa. Bankers’ Assn. June 20-21. D. S. Klass, secy., Tyrone, Pa. Pittsburg—State Assn. of Master Plumbers. April 15-16. G. F. Reichmann, secy., 241 W King st., Lancaster, Pa. Vonvsuiawney—A. & |! OF. Knights of Malta. Mar 13-15. J. F. Watson, secy., Box 363. Scranton—Grand Chapter O. E. S. June 10-12. Mrs. Rata A. Mills, secy., Duke Center, Pa. Wilkes-Barre—Pa. Poster Adv. Assn. June 5-6. C. A. Yecker, secy., Lancaster, Pa. York —Penneyivania Gas Assn. April® W. 0 Lamson. West Chester, Pa. RHODE ISLAND. ‘rovidence—Graud Lodge K. of H. R. I. "7 W TI Skell, secy.. P. O. Box 903. Providence—New England State Veteran Firemen’s League. May 6. Wm. H. Hathaway, secy., 14 Riverdale Place, Gloucester, Mass. Woonsocket—State Council O. U. A. M. April 22. O. C. Barrows, secy., 107 Torrento st., Providence, R. IL. SOUTH CAROLINA. Redfield—S. D. Retail JeWelers’ Assn. E. H. Prey, secy., Watertown, S. Spartanburg—Grand Commandery K. T. April 9. J. G. Johnston, secy., Chegter, 8S. C. Y ankton—Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. June 10-11. Geo. A. Pettigrew, secy., Sioux Falls, S. D. Yankton—Grand Chapter O. E. S. June 10. Mrs. A. L. Williamson, secy., 910 Lee ave., Madison, S. D. Watertown—S. D. Bankers’ Assn. June 25-26. J. E. Platt, secy., Clark, 8S. D. SOUTH DAKOTA. vlumbia—state Teachers’ Assn. March 16-i8. I'rof. L. T. Baker, secy.. University, 8. C. Rapid City—Grand Lodge Il. O. O. F. May 21 Ilarvey J. Rice. secy.. Huron. S. 1D Rapid City—Rebekah State Assembly. May 21Mrs. Hattie B. Borland, secy., Madi ° March June —. of 8. Car. son, 8S. D. Rocky Mount—Daughters of ange April 2¥ 1 N Maxwell, secy.. Salisbury N. € Sioux Falle—Grand Lodge K. of P. June 18 W. A. Roberts, secy., Hurvn, S. D. Watertown—State Dental Society. May 13-15. A. 0. Stutenroth, secy. TENNESSEE. Ubsttancega—Sou. Shee Retailers Assn. March T. W. Sherron, secy.. Memphis, Tenn. Chattanooga—Daughters of America. May —. 1913. T. W. Cunningham, secy., 300 Trentlan st.. Nashville, Tenn, Chattanooga—United Confederate Veterans’ Reunivn. May 27-29. J. F. Findlay, secy. Knoxville—E. Teno. Farmers’ Convention. (Mas 20-22. Prof. WH. A. Morgan, secy.. care State University. Knoxville—Tenn. Division U. D. C. May 14-16 Miss Sue S. White. secy., Jackson. Tenn. Knoxville—Summer School of the South. June 24-Aug. 1. Miss Ida Andrew, secy., University of Tennessee. Memphis—Tenn. Bankers’ Assn. M. Mapfield. secy.. Nashville, Nashville—I. 0. R. M. May 20. derson, secy. Nashville—Tenn. State Eclectic Med. Sor. VWiy 20-21. Benj. L. Simmons, secy., Granrille Tenn. May, 1913. F Tenn. G. B. Hen Galveston—S. W. Electrical and Gas Assn. May 21-24. H. S. Cooper, secy., 405 Slaughter Bldg., wallas, Tex. Galveston—Texas Bankers’ Assn. May 13-18, J. W. Hoopes, secy., care City Nat'l. Bank, Galveston—Texas Hiwe. Jobbers’ Assn. June -T. A. D. Hodgson, secy., Ft. Worth, Texas. San Antonio—Texas Womans’ T’ress Assn. Second week in May. Mrs. J. D. Alexander, secy., Cisco, Tex. Waco—Texas Sunday School Assn Wm. N. Wiggins, Dallas, Tex. March 25-28. secy., 408 Flateau Bidg., UTAH. Ogden—Grand Chapter 0. E. 8S. May 8-9. Mrs, Frances G. Shields, secy., 32 Harmony Place, Salt Lake City. Park City as of Columbus. May 13. J. A. Junk; secy., 3202 Wash. ave., Ogden, Utah, Salt Lake City—Grand Lodge K. of P. May 2021. H. C. Wardleigh, secy., Ogden.Utab Salt Lake City—lInt’l. Assn. of Ry. Special Agents and Police, June 17-19. W. C. Pasnell, secy., P. O. Box 282, Baltimore, Md. VIRGINIA, Hampton—l. O. R. M. May 21-22. Frank H. Couch, secy., P. O. Box 36. Lynchburg—State Y. M. C. A. April 17-20. Lynchburg—State Travelers’ of America. May 8-10. Lonstpts—State Retail Merchants’ Assn. May Protective Assn. Lynchburg—National Commissary Managers” Assn. May 21-23. Norfolk—American Fun. Ben. Assn. April 1. Harry T. Brown, secy., 922 Madison ave., Baltimore, Md. Old Point Comfort—Va. Bankers’ Assn. June 19-21. Walter Scott, secy., care Planters Bank, Farmville, Va Richmonhd— Wholesale Saddlery Assn. of U 8 Mav 13-14. Henry Othmer, Commissioner, 30 LaSalle st. Chicago, Il. Richmond— Grand Council R. A. of Va. Apr. tg James B. Blanks, secy., Petersburg. a. Richmond—tTravelers’ Protective Assn. June 9 T. S. Logan, secy., 915 Olive st., St. Louls, Mo. Richmond—Hardware Assn. of the Carolinas. ~~, 8-11. T. W. Dixon, secy., Charlotte Richmond—Playground and Recreation Assn. of America. May 6-10. H. S. Brancher, secy., 1 Madison ave., New York City. Richmond—Natl. Y. W. C. A. April 9-15. Louise W. Brooks, secy., 600 Lex. ave., New York City. Roancke—Grand Encampment 1. 0. 0. Fo Mew 12. E. WM. Roench. seey.. Lyroehbore . Ve Staunton—Christian Endeavor Societies of Va. April 29-May 1. Miss G. Buckingham, 1008 Rivermont ave., Lynchburg, Va. VERMONT. Barre—Grand Lodge of Vt.. New Engand Order of Protection. Apr. 22. H. A. Bartlett. secy. 3 Caledonia st.. S.t Johnsbury, Vt. Burlingten—Rehbekab Assembly. May 16. Mra. Loulse L. Boyce, secy.. 46 Elm st.. Barre, Vi‘. WASHINGTON. Aberdeen—Grand Chapter 0. E. S. June 12. Libbie J. Demorest, secy., 3317 N. 209th st., Tacoma, Wash. Aberdeen—Grand Lodge F. & A. M. June 10. Horace W. Tyler, secy., coma, Wash. Bellingham—Wash. Bankers’ Assn. August 79. FP. C, Kauffman, secy., Tacoma, Wash. Masonic Temple, Ta (Continued on page 168.) PARK MAN IT’S A SCREAM lave you room for it? Are you enterprising and up-to-date enough to get in on the big earnings of the latest sensation—the most talked about and positively the biggest money getter in the ride world? ———=———— ABSOLUTELY SAFE AND A BIG REPEATER. As “our Zconstruction capacity isfli imited, "AC P FQUICK Sand befone,of the Yortunatefew to COIN The Miller Aeroplane Ride Co. 131 Washington St. PROVIDENCE, R. I gather jin} the j_this season.