The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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VOarc 167 The Five Flying Moores Would like to hear from _ reliable managers at all times. This act has given perfect satisfaction at the largest expositions and state fairs. Especially engaged for Toronto Exposition as feature, also the Appalachian Exposition. The Moores have played our fair three times and have given satisfaction to the people and committee. T. ¢. BASEY., Rockport, Ind. Our business relations were so pleasant and your act satisfactory. I give you the prefer ence season 1912. L. B. BACKENSTUOE, FLYING MOORES, 800 F Street, Muncie, Indiana. Helen——Leach and Wallin Iron Jaw Wire Act. There are others trying to do this act. Working? Yes, thank you. Sells-Floto Show Season 1913. Regards to friends.¥tt EIGHT HUNDRED second-hand opera chairs at big bargain while they last. W. A SHOE SEATING CO., Albany, N. Y. Doing original if you see it in The Billboard, tell them so. ‘ CIRCUS OPENING DATES Bac kman's Anima! Show: « early in April. Barnes’, Al. G., Ci ; March 8, » “Circus: Santa Monica, Cal., Barnum & Bailey Shows: \ den, N. Y, ra Mare “4 eanmons Square Gar ~—e «& Pommier Show: Richmond, Mo., April Buffalo Bill-Pawnee Bill Shows: ange Bidg., Philadelphia, Pa., April's. U&**fe*t Christie & Leonard Show: Henderson, N. C., (date not yet decided u Clark, M. Ze. ~~ & Sons’ Shows: F oi. Mane 8: Dona Ana, Gellmar Bros.’ Show: » fi in on Milwaukee. Wis., Colorado Grant Show: Sparta yet decided upon). . ee Ae a Dashington’s Vaudevil, Dog & Pony Show: Moline, Tll., May 15. : DeVaux's Dog & Poney Show: April 6. Haynes, Cal., mewete «& Wheeler Shows: Oxford, Pa., April se & Pony Show: Clinton, Tenn., Fowler & Clark's Dog & Pon : Me abet at od pny Show: Belleville, Haag, Mighty, Shows: Shreveport, La.. March Hagenbeck-Wallace Show: Coliseum, St. Louis, Mo., April 12 Heber Bros.’ 28. Greater Show: Columbus, 0., Aprti He Ned "s J. E., Show. San Antonio, Tex., March maneat Bill's Show: Quenemo, Kans., March 29. wt Wild Animal Shows: Hot Springs. Ark., Ds 15. Idaho Jack's R. R, Show: Muncie, Ind., April Elkhart, Tex., Kennedy Bros. & Shields Show: Feb. 22, Kennedy’s W. W. & Gray Bros.’ Cowboy Cir cus: Winniwood, Okla... March | Kirby's Novelty Sensation Show, Foosland, I)., May 5. LaMont Bros.’ Show: Salem, I). LeClair’s Dog & Pony Show: early In May. Littleton’s, Prof., May 3. Riverpoint, |) & Show: near Cleveland, v., April 5. Livingston's Supreme Show: Bronson, Mich., May Lorenzo's Modern Shows: May 10. Lucky Tull’s W. W. & Dog & Pony Show Oklahoma City, Okla April 1 Miller Great Show: May 1. (town not yet decidea upon) Miller Bros. & Arlington's 101 Ranch W. W.: Hot Springs, Ark., April 5. Nazor's Overland Shows: Ontario, O., May 14 Oklahoma Bill's W. W. & Indian Congress: Point Breeze Park, Philadelphia, May 17 Old Dominion Show: Funkstown. Md.. April 12 Orton Bros.’ Refined Show: Bristow, Neb... May 3 Ventz Bros.” Cireus Ringling Bros.’ Show I April 5. Rimmel Bros.’ Show: Brazil. Ind., May 12 Robbins’ Frank A., Show: St. Louis, Mo., Apri! 19 Pittsburg. Pa Anril 19 Coliseum Bldg., Chicago, Rebsoen Bros." Show: Reading, Pa., Santelle, Sig, Nine Rig Shows: April 17 Courtland. N Y¥., May 2. Seair’s Animal Show & Museum: Ephrata, ta. May 15. Sells-Floto Shows Albuquerque, N M March 29 Silver Family Show: Crystal, Mich., about Mar 10. Smith's, BE. G., Colossal Show: Atwater, 0., Anril 26. Smith Greater Shows Angusta, Ga.. March Staats Bros." Show: Washington, N. J., May Swift's, Jack. Shows: Casey, Hl., about ‘anri Bs Teeter’s Mighty American Shows & Bnffalo Bob's W. W. Combined: Ardmore, Okla., March 8 Wintermute Bros." Wagon Show: Sonthern W'seo sir ear'y In May Woody's Combined Shows: Afton, Okla., June Wyoming Bill's W. W.: Philsdelphia., April 24. Yankee American Show: Sheboygan, Mich., about middle of May. Young Ruffalo’s W. W.. Col Fast & Seaver’s Hippodrome: April 23. DeWitt C. Millen and Don 8S. MeIntyre, of the Whitney Theater. Ann Arbor. Mich... are enbliehing a magazine called the Whitner Theater Magazine. In the Interest of their hovee. Th's naner will contain pictnres of well-known players. and also a story written by Vr. Millen, entitled, One-Nieht Stands. This story will contain hie exneriencee of ten years ago, while playing with Thos. W. Ross tn On the Quiet. Opens in Cummins’ Far Peoria, M1.. “~~ edited Harry Ross. who has had a very snecesefnl season over the Sun time. nas again foined hands with his former partner. Tony Jenaro. The team wi!] be known as Jenaro and Ross. MINSTREL WARDROBE—For «ale, cheap. End. Circle Suits. and two sets Parade (Coats. all A-1 condition, The biggest bargain ever ff sold at once. w rite for yertiowtens DeVERE,, Springwater, — © **TAv. LESSONS GIVEN' “* In Feather Flowers and Preserving Natural Flowers. \. HUTCHINSON, 208 Lemay ave., Detroit, Mich. AGENTS WANTED To handle the Roadman’s Guide, a valuable book of instructions, for Show, Privilege and Concession people. Send for free catalogue. J. C. KLOOTWYK, Grand Rapids, Mich. J. AUGUSTUS JONES, WANTED — Ki llposter, Musicians. few good Performers, Bos* Canvasman, Rlacksmith, Cook. Ford write me care Gen'l. Del., Birming ham, Ala, FOR SALE—BILLPOSTING PLANT In city of 10,000; all steel boards. This is 2 good proposition for a live man. Several small towns that can be taken in. This city Is ex pected to increase to 30,000 or 40,000 population, owing to the building of the big puwer dam ait Keokuk. Owner has other interests and must “hl Addres = “So. Ww. STORMS, Fort Madison, Towa. TO DIRECTORATES OF SUMMER RESORTS PARTICULARLY With the approaching transition Of the extensive interests of THE LATE FRANK C. BOSTOCK To the owne rship of an English Syndicate, HARRY E. TUDOR Appreciates the overtures made him To continue the Directorship of THIS NOW ENORMOUS UNDERTAKING; But, with the terminating of ELEVEN YEARS of world-wide travel As Personal Representative, Aide-de-Camp And General Manager for the late “Frank C.,” He has resolved to apply The experience achieved in these capacities (Embracing eight seasons in Coney Island), And of his former successful engagements In all and every branch of the amusement business Throughout the United States, London and the British Provinces, Australia and South Africa, IN SOME DIRECTION AT PRESENT UNDECIDED UPON In the U. S.., Preferably In or near the hamlet of New York. He is now en route for England To resume the control of the Bostock interests, Until their transference—a few weeks hence, When he proposes returning To New York. AT LIBERTY. The New York Office will immediately cable of The Billboard, 1465 Broadway, particulars of proposals from those whom this advertisement may interest, who are solicited to give fullest particulars, Theatre Building in Kansas City For Sale Located close in. Good for any class of attractions. Size of lot 132x144. Besides theatre, three stores, 20-room hotel, two large rooms, now used for dramatic school. Leased now to one tenant for about two years, $10,000 a year net. Lease absolutely good Price $100,000.00; $50,000.00 cash, balance on time 5%. WERBY REAL ESTATE CO. 222-23 ARGYLE BUILDING, KANSAS CITY, MO. Siegman & Weil 77-81 Wooster St., (Bet.Spring and Broome) NEW YORK ——______-MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF THEATRICAL GOODS Theatrical Tights Theatrical Jewelry Theatrical Hosiery New S. & W. Satin Theatrical Symmetricals | Featherweight Spangles Gold and Silver Brocades | Spangles (All Colors) Gold & Silver Trimmings | Wigs, Beards, etc. We allow NO DISCOUNTS as we sell at WHOLESALE PRICES to the PROFESSION Samples and Catalogues upon request Secor Sparkler Latest patented novelty. Entirely new and distinctly novel. Big seller. good profits. Sample llc, postpaid, with quanti price. ;SECOR MANUFACTURING com PANY 522 East 23rd Street, New York City CORNET, TUBA WANTED—Fb or RRD Base. cheap for cash; or Lead and Base Violin, Ross Canvasman, Lady Per| will trade en gl 4-horse battery. Model Motorcycle, ~ t hat you have. . for Geo. S. Ely’s Big Wagon Show. Write. | Machine ,~ good 1 as new. Write me w i ee April Ist. BERING, Polk _Co., T Texas. Address GUY V. ENGLEMAN, Greenfield, Mo.