The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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168 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. CONVENTIONS (Continued from page 165.) Beattle—Nati. Children’s Home Socy. Jas. L. Clark, secy., 507 cago, lil. Seattie—Nat!. Conference of Charities and Correction. July 5-12. Alexander Johnson, secy., Angola, Ind. Beattle—Natl. Probation Assn. July 2-9. Albany, artes W. Towne, secy., The Capitol, Seattle—Employing Printers’ Congress uf Pacific Coast. July 14-16. A. W. Archer, secy., 500 Collins Bidg, Spokavue—l’acitic Northwest Hardware & Imple ment Aeen FE FEF. Imeas, secs Walla Walla—Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. F. 10. Louis F. Hart, secy., Tacoma, WEST VIRGINIA. 3 eo Commandery K. T. May 21 F. E. Nichols, secy. Fairmont—Great Council 1. T. H. Clay, secy.. Grafton—W. Va. 14-15. —. ho burg, W. Va Liuntington—W. Va. Sunday School Assen. Apr: 28-25. A. T. Arnold, secy.. Board of Trad Bidg.. Wheeling, W Va. July 3. Hearst Bidg., Chi June Wash. 0. R. M. May 9-16 Huntington, W. Va. Wholesale Gro. Asem, May McConaughey, secy., Parker Parkersburg—Grand Encampment I. 0. O. F. May 14-17. C. T. Simpson, secy., Hunting ton, W. Va. Teacoma—Grand Lodge K. of P. May 20-22. B M. Love, seey., Olympia, Wash. WISCONSIN. Ooerse lLake—Wis. Pharm. Assn. June 17-20. . B. Heimstreet, secy., Palmyra, Wis. ona du Lac-—Rebekah State Assembly. June 3. Mrs. Emory Perry, secy., Rosendale, Wis. Janesvilie—urai Letter Carriers’ Assn. of Wis. May 30-31. E. L. Demarest, seey. Waupaca. Wis. LaCrosse—-Brotherhood of American Yeomen. April 1 Cc. A. Willis, secy., Eau Claire, Madisep—Crand Council! Royal Arcanum o Wis April 30. C. D. Simonds. secy., 7 Marci Rieck “Milwankee Wis Madison—Fire Marshals’ Assn. of North Ameri ca. T. M. Purtel, secy. Madison—Wis. Music Teachers’ Assn. April 15-17. Mrs. Georgia C. Hyde, secy., 415 Park st., Madison, Wis. Milwaukee— Wisconsin Gas Assn. May 14-15 Henry Harman. secy.. 182 Wisconsin at Milwaukee— Wis. Doster Adv. Assn. 2d Wed bh May E. J. Kempf. secy.. Sheborgan. Monroe—State Firemen’s Assn. June 18-20, Benj. R. Buri, secy., Jefferson, Wis. Oshkosh—State Counci) K. of C. May 134 WwW D. MeGuire, secy., Baraboo, Wis. CANADA. Chatham. Ont.—-l’oster Adv. Assn. of Canada May 23-24 W. W. Scane, secy. Calgary, Aita.-Calgary Indus. Exhibition. June 30-July 5 bh. L. Richardson, secy. Montreal—National Council of Women of Can ada May 18 Mrs. Willoughby Cummings aecy.. 44 Dewson at. Toronto. Ottawa, Ont.—Awmerican Socy. of Civil Engineers. June —. Chas. W: arren Hunt, 220 W. 57th st., New York, N. Y. 8t. Johns, Newfound! and—Grand Orange Lodg of B. A. Last Wed. in May. Wm. Lee, 14 Berti st., Toronto, Ont., Canada. Toronto—The Retail Merchants’ Assn. of Can eda. March —. E. M. Trowern, 21 Richmont st., West Toronto, Ont., Can. a. Ont.—Canedian Fraternal Assn. _ W. F. Montague, secy.. Drawer Hamtiton Ont., Can. Toront tnt Am. Fed. of Musicians. Ma» 12 Owen Miller, seey., 3535 Pine st., S1 Lanis, Me Toronto—Ontario Educational Assn. March 24 27. Robt. W. Doan, secy., 216 Carlton st. Toronto, Ont.—Canada Order of Chosen Friends June 4. Wm. F, Montague, secy., P. O. Box 349, Hamilton, Canada. Victoria, B. C.—Grana Council Wash. Royal A canum. April 17. Tom H. Brewn, secy., 22 Rurke Bide. Seattle” Wash Winnipeg. Man.—Natl. Assn. of Real Estate Exchanges. Jniy 28-30. T. S. Ingersoll, secy.. 206 Andrews Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. [New Conventions 4 This list contains data procured by The Billboard during the past week only. ARIZONA. Elks Reunion, April 24-26. OsPease, secy., Box 116, ‘ucson, 9riz. ARKANSAS. Little Rock—Ark. Poster Advertising Assn. hy 8. Thos A. Hill, secy., Pine Bluff, rk, COLORADO. Colorado Sprines—American Assn. of General Baggage Agents. May 21. J. E. Quick, sevy., eare Grand Trunk Ry., Toronto, Ont., Canada. CONNECTICUT. Waterbury—Woodmen of the World. April 8. Chas. O. Nelson, secy., 2179 N. Main St. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Washington—General Federation of Globe—B. P. 0. ear L. Women’s Clubs. April 21-24. Mrs. Eugene oo secy., 508 Park Ave., Charlotte, N. FLORIDA. << eS ae Chapter O. E. 8. April A. FY. Carter, secy., Holly Hill, Fia. Gumabatecs~Siate Legislature. April 8-June 6. IDAHO. ®pirit ea lake Chautanqua. July 19secy. Aug. 10. Jas. H. Marskall, ILLINOIS. Chicago—National Federation of Musical Clubs. April 21-25. Mrs. W. J.. Gilfillan, secy., 2171 Union ave., Memphis, Tenn. INDIANA. Linton—Woodmen of the World, Jurisdiction Q. w. April 2-5. J. Cook, secy., 11725 Vernon ave., Chicago, Il. Fairfield—S. BE. 345. H. E New Orleans—State Teachers’ Assn. Boston—American Benefit Soc. April 9. IOWA. Iowa ‘Teachers’ Assn., . Blackmar, secy., LOUISIANA. April Ottuma, Ia. April 17-19. Nicholas Bauer, secy., care City Hall Annex. MASSACHUSETTS. Edw. L. Townsend, secy., 6 Beacon St. MINNESOTA. Minneapolis—Grand Commandery K. T. April 30. John Fishel, secy., Masonic Temple, St. Paul, Minn. NEBRASKA. Kearney—Travelers’ Protectiv Assn. Chas. L. poet, secy., 613 Brandin Bidg., Omab:, Nebr. Lincoln—l4th Div. Ry. Mail Assn. Apci) 22-25. Harry Hughes, secy., 1301 L St. NEW JERSEY. Atlantic City—Internationa!l Federation of Commercial Travelers Organi«alions. ane 15-17. D. K. Clink, secy., N. Voearbern St., Chica5s, Ill. Cape May—Commercial Law League of America. July 21-23. Ernest L. Kreamer, secy., 108 So. LaSalle St, Chicago, :1i. Trenton—Grand Council KR. & 5S. M. H. E. Deats, secy., Flemington, N. J OH.O, Cleveland—North American Skat. League. June 21-23. Oscar E. Schwemwer, secy., 441 Natiiaal Ave., Milwaukee, Wis. April 35. OREGON. Pendleton—Columbia and Snake River Waterways Assn. April 14-15. Wallace R. Struble, secy., Lewiston, Idaho. Portiland—World’s Christian Citizenship Conference. July 29-July 6. Dr. Jas. McGaw, secy., 212 Commercial Club. Salem—-Brotherhood American Yeomen. April 1. Loren Lorensen, secy., Amity, Ore. SOUTH CAROLINA. Abbeville—S. C. Firemens Assn. June 24-26. RB. 8S. Hood, secy., Sumter, 8. C. Sumter—State Sunday School Miss Grace Vandiver, 8s. C. AS8sn. secy., TENNESSEE. Lenoir City—E. Tenn. Medical Socy. May 23-24. H. P. Larimore, secy., Chattanooga, Tenn. Nashbville—Knights and Ladies of Honor. April 15. J. M. Fink, secy., Jonesboro, Tenn. TEXAS. Beaumont—Lumbermens’ Assn. April 8-10. J. C. Dionre, secy., Houston, Texas. Paris—Praetorian State Senate. E. Loonly, secy., Polytechnic, VIRGINIA. Roanoke—Select Castile A. O. WK. M. C. 8 R. E. Heekman, secy., P. O. Box 193. WASHINGTON. Seattle—State Homestead b. A. Y. April 3-4. Mrs. Caroline Zietz, secy., 117 Lincoln St. Seattie—State Dental Socy. *May, 1913. A. D. Remington, secy., 1007 American Bank Bldg. Spokane—Inland Empire Teachers’ Assn. April 16-18. T. O. Ramsey, secy., 1711 Carlisie Ave. CANADA. Halifax, N. S.—Chief Constables Assn. June 2527. Wm. Stark, secy., City Hall, Toronto. North Vancouver, B. C.—Grand Lodge K. of P. May 28. Emil Pferdies, secy., Box 220, Vic toria, B. C. LATENSER AND ZELIZ » April 2-4. Spartanburg, April 24-25. B. Texas. April WANTED Alto, double Mexican small part; B.B. Clarinet, B. & 0.:; car and canvas show; opening early in April; Harry Brown write. A-No. 1 Diamond Dye Palace Arch for sale. MRS. W. J. McDONALD, t Bex 127, Leavenworth, Kansas. BIG BOONVILLE (N. Y.) FAIR Wants Shows on Percentage; all kinds of attractions Wanted. August 19, 20, 21 and 22 1913. If you see it in The Billboard, tell them so. 1 =|\— | | Wm. H. Latenser—popular Treasurer Orpheum The| atre—Denver, and Miss Ruby Zeitz—attractive and | talented young Denver gir!l—-who are planning a venture into vaudeville in the spring — watts pos sesses a voice of unusual range i wh a low aritone and a high soprano, and their’ Loohe lle offering will include several team songs and dances— and solos disp!aying the unusual vocal range of Mias Zeitz Besides being a buck and wing dancer—Miss Zeitz is the only woman motorcycle racer in the West. | c— — ii = ce —ii | = — EEE LETTER — HEADS. ing Picture business. samples. 25 and 27 Opera Place, * the way of letter heads, write us. Handsome, appropriate designs, printed in two colors. The subjects are entirely suitable for any branch of the MovWhen you want something special in Send 3c for catalogue and THE CHURCH PRINTING CO., IL Cincinnati, Ohio. —ii— HF AN —jii 25 and 27 Opera Place, You know the value of attractive letter heads, and no | doubt have admired letter heads that were of a high clac-. It does not pay to use a cheap-looking letter head, when yo:: can have printed beautiful, ornamental letter heads at a pric> that is right. You can use any of our stock designs, man7 suitable for special acts, blank spaces for your cuts and reading matter printed in one, two or three colors. If you want something real special, we have the artists. Catalogue 3c. THE CHURCH PRINTING CO., “Ht Cincinnati, Ohio. Price, 25c. 25 and 27 Opera Place, Contains a big list of Vaudeville and Dramatic Agents. Managers and Exchanges, Amusement Artists, Opera Houses ‘hat book independently, Music Publishers, Theatrical Hote!s Lyceum Bureaus and Entertainers. No matter what capacity you are engaged in amusements, you can use this boot THE CHURCH PRINTING CO., =i =—_ii= Cincinnati, Ohio AN IN THE QUICK REFERENCE 5 and 27 Opera Place, A MARVELOUS REFERENCE WORK. Contains 112 newly-engraved Colored Maps, 52,000 names of places keyed to the maps can be found in stantly. Latest official population, 482 pages. 34x5 2-3 inches, closed. May be carried in pocket or grip. Indispensable to Theatrical Folk, Booking Agents, Traveling Managers and Advance Men. THE ATLAS Is a model of compactness arid condensation. = carefully edited so that they contain almost every place anyone (3) would ever wish to find. There are, INDEX ENTRIES. Every important geographical locality is referred to in its proper place on its Series of Maps. Price, Flexible Leather, $1.50, POSTPAID. THE CHURCH PRINTING CO., Pub'ishers, 5%x6™% inches. Over Full size, Its maps are u in fact, over 52,000 & =| Cincinnati, Ohio. fj =ii— —t =)