The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1913. The Billboard 169 97 FREE TRIAL! | O. K. _ ) Automatic Self-Propelling Ball For Rinks, Dance Floors, Halls, Public Buildings, Residences, etc. Old or New Floors. Send for our Prices, etc. M. L. SCHLUETER | 109 No. Canal St., Chicago, IIl. LOOK Concession Men and Midway Folks Virginia Fair Circuit Here’s Where YOU Get the Meney—_Y@U Know It! GALAX—Sept. 3, 4, 5—G. F. Carr, Sec’y RADFORD—Sept. 10, 11, 12—John L. Vaughn, Pres., Roanoke, Va. TAZEWELL— Sept. 16, 17, 18, 1S—W. G. O’Brien, Sec’y. ROANOKE—Sept. 23, 24, 25, 26—L. A. Scholz, Sec’y LYNCHBURG—Sept. 30, Oct. 1, 2, 3—F. A. Lovelock, Sec’y DANVILLE—Oct. 14, 15, 16, 17—A. D. Starling, Pres. AND MORE FAIRS TO BE ADDED LATER P. A. Lovelock, Pres , Lynchburg, Va. J. P. Flippo, Sec’y, Roanoke, Va. Northcraft’s in, Galleries--Bigger and Better than Ever | “ete I make 12 styles of galleries to suit any plac and pocketbook Get description of my new road gallery, runs any place, any time; no motor, no gasoline engine. A card gets my new catalogue of amusement suppiles. Let us get together for business. A. J. NORTHCRAFT, 3033 Clark Avenue, St. Louis, Missourl. NOISEMAKER BANG CRACKER YOU GREATEST EVER All the People Buy It. DOUBLE OWEN K. TRUITT CO, WASHINGTON, D. C. YOUR MONEY Sole Manufacturers. 8 CENTS BRINGS SAMPLES POSTPAID. WANTED Location WANTED AFTER APRIL FIRST FOR THE BEST TABLOID STOCK CO. IN THE SOUTH. Alse Manager of Airdomes and Summer Theatres Playing Independent Vaudeville. Send Open Time at Once. CARL BEDENBENDER DALLAS, TEXAS S O A yer For MEDICINE and STREETMEN Get our prices and samples before contracting for the season, New price list ready April 1. Soap in bulk, ear tons of wrappers at lowest prices In America. Private brands our specialty. Twenty years’ experience serving medicine men. CRESCENT SOAP CO., (Successors W. & W. Soap Mfg. Co.) Indianapolts, Ind. UL BAL Bearing Electric Floor Surfacer' Wonderful Bargains NEW AND SECOND-HAND SPECIAL TENTS MAKERS OF CIRCUS CANVASES SINCE (880. We are overstocked on Special Tents, large sizes for Carnivals, F ssemb Extra made. In order to move them quickly, we make as anes = exceptional prices. ROUND TENTS 8-ft. Walls. PRICE. 2 50-ft. Round Tops, 10-oz. white duck, bail ring, DR ID hina wetstacncsdcaetareessad $126.50 2 60-ft. Round Tops, 8-oz. white duck, bail ring, 2 pieces, used five weeks .........ccccccese 160.00 P 1 70-ft. Round Top, 8-oz. white duck, bail ring, . SR I. GE Uo bn oc kividccnceccces 195.00 Ss 1 80-ft. Round Top, 8-oz. white drill, bail ring, 2 x oad a : age GReete,, GID GRE GOB. cc ccccccscacsdénccce 360.00 = : ogi bole Ne Ok 2 90-ft. Round Tops, 8-02. white duck, bail ring, ee a a 2 pieces, used six weeks.............e.eeeee 315.00 -a a r.* ss , oh; yes OBLONG ROUND-END TENTS too, Cake UBS > 8-ft. Walls. PRICE. >, ay tif ake 2 60x90, 8-oz white duck, bail ring, 1 middle, ae CYB 4 Y, Nes u NEN. SRP RD $243.00 B4r% VA \ NS ons 2 70x120, 8-oz. mite duck, bail ring, 2 middles, ZZ £4) LAO SES SNARES dese diouec scaracsctconcees 850.00 Re te Re SRARIRGe 1 80x120, $-os. “white drill, bail ring, 2 middles, a wis ee NS NL I don diuaath ce nubed cuacnaeees 0.00 * pin May f } 2 90x15, 8-o2. “white duck, bail ring, 2 middles, cod i pg? apt Wt NING C ovecunvarsesececivaccneses 560.00 57 . " ¢ ¢ a > cm fe Satin” oo * ay . : Vie, ot PRICE. 25 9x14, 8-oz. white duck, no walls, new.......... $ 8.80 3 9x16, 8-oz. white duck, no walls, new.......... 11.30 38 9x19, 8-oz. white duck, no walls, new.......... 12.85 12 12x19, 8-oz white duck, no walls, new.......... 18.00 14 14x21%, 8-oz. white duck, no walls, new........ 20.80 HIP-ROOF TENT 7-ft. Walls. PRICE used two — behececse 45.00 10 zone, 10-oz. U. 8. Army duck, pole, used three weeks. . 3 20x40, twhite duck, push pole, alae ee ee gence 48 cee ee le oe a. Army duck, push pole, used tackle, etc. e have s y used en very . ~— 7 oS dng cecccccecce wn ecccsvcccseccocs 95.00 cheap, all sizes, from 7x7 up to 90x150. Great 5 30x30, 10-02. white duck, push pole, used three bargains. Extra low prices upon application. Write for particulars. There was nothing ever offered to Circuses, Wild West Shows, Carnival Ged rec cecsadencsececoosscosescccese 108.00 Companies, Concessionaires, etc, to equal our 1 40x60, 10-oz. U. 8. Army duck, push pole, used House Wrecking prices. We supply Small a WED WO ccc cccncccccccccsccccccoccecs 145.00 Cook Tents, Horse Tents and special canvas for 4 — Mg oz. white duck, push pole, used two ‘onto Special purposes. 50x120, 8-05. khaki. bail rings, 3 middles, used two Weeks.............cccsscceescesesecssesene $350.00 3720 feet of 6-ft. Sidewall, 8-oz. white Quek, weed 3 WOON... cccccccccccccccccccccseccccce a per foot. 1764 feet of 7-ft. Sidewall, 8-oz. white duck, used 2 weeks 1540 feet of 8-ft. Sidewall, 8-oz. white duck, used 2 weeks 1320 feet of 9-ft. Sidewall, 8-oz. duck, used 2 weeks...........ccceccesereeceeeeceeneeences 900 feet of 10-ft. Sidewall, 8-oz. white duck, used 2 weeks TeeeeeeOECOOOCeCe eee eee eee We can furnish higher Sidewalls than specified on any of our Tents at 2%c extra per square foot. Don’t think of buying a Tent or anything in canvas until you get in touch with us. We can save you money, and give you satisfaction. Toledo, Ohio. THE HETTRICK BROS. CO., LARGEST TENT MANUFACTURERS IN THE UNITED STATES. The Greatest Novelty House in the World A BROAD REMARK BUT A TRUE ONE WE HAVE THE BIGGEST AND BEST LINE OF NOVELTIES IN EXISTENCE TODAY FOUNTAIN PENS. All kinds, all grades, all prices. The latest and best Self-Filling Pen on the market. NATIONAL BUTTONS have the Rep. NONE BETTER MADE. A SAFETY RAZOR that equals the $5.00 values, JUST OUT. Biggest and best seller ever produced. Retails at 25c; wholesals price, $9.50 gross, boxed. Get next. TEDDY BEARS and POODLE DOGS that are properly made. All sizes, at the Lowest Possible Prices. No waiting for stock, We always have them ready to ship. The X-Ray REVOLVER 1s the new flash to get the money. Pitch Men, Window Workers, Canvassers, Spindle and Wheel Workers, this is sometbing you are looking for. $12.50 gross. We have it if it’s in the Novelty Line, Rings, Pins, Razors, Razor Hones, l’eelers, Sharpeners, Jewelry Packages. ks, Combination OPERA GLASSES, Lock-stiteh Sewing Awis, etc My monument of success is r= te QUALITY, SERVICE AND PRICES. 8 Self-fillin Fountain Pe “MANOS” REGISTERED National Novelty & Button Co.Picun's. wancy: ror Wanted, Two Lady Swimmers and Divers For Tank Act, to play the best in vaudeville. Send photograph and in first letter. If you are inexperienced don’t ours. Address, J. H. McLEAN, care of Revere state ev erything full waste vour time an Hotel, Chicago. FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS. 22 acatg es.