The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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170 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. Film Synopses (Continued from page 70.) seeks sheiter in the cabin of a young prospector. A blizzard keeps them snowbound for days, during which time Jim falls in love with her. Later the manager finds ber and brings word that she is offered work in a Broadway production. She leaves Jim without saying goodbye. He still thinks of the little girl he befriended, even as the actress thinks of the man, in contrast to the brute, ber manager. Later Jim strikes it rich and goes East on business. There he finally finds Rose and marries her. HEROES ONE AND ALL (drama; release Mar. 20; two-reel special; length 2,000).—Jim Dorsey and Jack Barbour both love Jane, a telefone operator, each believing that he is first in ber affection. Jane, however, meets Fred Jackson, who falls victim of her charms and proposes marriage. She hesitates because she is not sure of her love for him. Later, a burglar enters Fred’s Office, after having set fire to the building. In the striggle with Fred the telefone is knockt over. Jane bears the struggle and later the cry of fire. She calls the police and fire department. Fred and the burglar are both rescued after a terrible experience in the flames. Jane then knows that she loves Fred and the lovers are left to themselves, when Jim and Jack, going to call on Jane, see Fred giving her the engagement MELIES. HONOR THY MOTHER (drama; releast March 20; length ——).—David’s father dies after giving David a note in which he tells him that the will of his first wife, David’s mother, is in his desk. Her money was acquired in a way not sanctioned by society. Dav'd, to protect his mother’s honor, burns the will. His step mother sees him and accuses him of trying to defraud bis half brother, Phil. David remains silent and is believed guilty by all interested in the case, including his own flancee. Later David leaves home. He becomes !1! and sends for his fiancee. Then she learns that she had falsely accused him of wrong doing. But It is too late, for David dies, PATHE-FRERES. DUNDEE’S BLIND MASTER (drama; relea-t March 20; length ). Dundee, a dog, is mastr: of Blind Bill’s newsstan:! One day Bill ts injured by a motor car. The m tor'st has the hospit.! surgeon perform an opera tion which restores Bill’< sight. Dundee, no longer finding himself of use, dix appears. 3ill later finsds= him attending to the There Dundee finds bis serv needs of a cripple. fees of some value, RASTUS LOSES HIS ELEFANT (comedy; tr least March 21; length ——).—Rastus, a circuattendant with an elefant on his hands, stops ov the street to greet Murphy, his friend. Lef to himself, Jumbo starts out alone. His ex perience with the. police are ludicrous in th» extreme. He is taken captiv only after he has created havoc throut the entire city. On the same reel is The Death Head Moth. THE DEATH HEAD MOTH (scientific; lengt! This @im gives an interesting study of the largest species of the butterfly family. WHEN THEY WERE KIDS (drama; relea~ March 22: length ——).—An old and long-ma: ried couple look back to the romantic days of their childhood, when he was courting the gir' he joved They recall how he, a ragged litt) boy, won the wealthy little girl, and thus gav himself the chance to get ahead in the world They agree that their married life has been an entire success so far as happiness is considered THE VENGEANCE OF THE KABYLE (drama teleast March 18; length ).—Messaoud, an Arabian land owner, takes advantage of the law and marries a second girl, with whom he !{s infatuated. The new bride forces the first wife to become her servant. The first wife, Foulka. is rescued from her master by an American. Later Messaoud calls upon the American and poisons his drink. Foulka, seeing an opportunity to be avenged upon her master and at the same time sare her benefactor, changes the drinks. Thus is Messaoud the victim of his own treachery. Telephone 1474 810 Straus Bldg. Allardt Feature Films Are ALL NEW—Right Out of the Can-—No Old Scratched or Rainy Pictures. YOU APPRECIATE WHAT THAT MEANS. We offer NEW FILMS—with a full line of New Advertising Material With subjects NEW in the following territory:—Indiana, Kentucky, Wisconsin (south of Green Bay),; []]inois (north of Springfield). We have Sole Rights in the aforesaid States‘for the Sherlock Holmes Series by Sir A. CONAN DOYLE THIS SERIES CONSISTS OF EIGHT SUBJECTS WHICH ARE COPYRIGHTED—AND EACH SUBJECT IS SEPARATE AND COMPLETE IN ITSELF. We have extra fine Lithos for these subjects, and can furnish one, three, six and eight sheets mounted or unmounted. Lobby Frames, Photos, Colored Slides, Banners, Heralds and Booklets. OUR PRICES ARE NO HIGHER THAN OTHERS ASK FOR OLD STUFF, OURS IS NEW. Order now, first come, first served. Write for full information and synopses for this series. ALLARDT FEATURE FILMS (INCORPORATED) ‘DANIEL W. McKINNEY, Mgr. CHICAGO Clark and Madison Sts. 7 THE ESCAPE (drama; releast March 19: length ——).—Charles Wendell, escaped convict. is wounded. He is nursed back to health by a farmer, whose daughter is engaged to one of the farm hands. Wendell wins the girl by promises of great wealth if she will only elope SCENE IN CYMBELINE eS A Thanhouser two-reel feature, to be released Tuesday, March 25. with him. The farmer prevents the elopement and sends the girl back to her lover. Wendell is driven out of the country. SELIG. LOVE BEFORE TEN (drama; releast March 17; length 1,000).—Willle and Katie, imprest by the wedding of Willie’s elder brother, conceive the idea of go'ng their elders one better by eloping Willie alds in Katie's escape from her home via the window and a stepladder. Later Whilie’s parents find a note saying that be and Katie are going to be mar ried. A hurry call to the police stat'on results in an Officer being sent out on their trail. They are found esleep in the railway station and restored to their parents. TURN HIM OUT (comedy; releast March 18; length 1,000).—Mrs. Mackintosh Moke, newly wed, hastens bome to her house to avold the attentions of a persistent masher. He, bowever, climbs into a window, bribes the cook and is lockt In a closet. Then cook appeals to Nicodemus Nobbs to assist ber to put out the ruffian. Just at this time Mr. Moke, master of the house, returns home. Nobbs promptly ejects him bod ily from tbe house, before he can explain Then Mr. Masber manages to pick the lock of the closet a escapes just as Mr. Moke re turns Moke is again ejected. Then he tries to gain entrance to hie home via the trunk delivery game. He ia thorois joerled ant taken away again, st! in the trunk. Finally matters are properly adjusted and the masher gets his just deserts. THE SHERIFF OF YAVAPAI COUNTY (com edy-drama; releast March 19; length 1,000).— Bud O'Neill, sheriff of the county, loves Nellie, daugbter of the wealthy Mr. Bowen. who is regarded as a god-send by the gamblers of the county. Bil) frequently saves the old man's money from the machinations of the card sharps, but in vain. They plan revenge and finally hold up Mr. —— take away al) his money. od appea scene and finally 8 is in catching the thieves after an ex FOR SALE OLIVER TWIST (two Is) $40. DAVID'S WAR WITH ABSOLOM (i400 “feet, lt PD. 6c noenks cn peennshenmios evecves 40.00 ROMEO AND JULIET (two reels) FALL OF TROY (two reels).............++-+ 00 Also 1,000 reels $2.50 to $10. 00 a reel. Send for list. WICHITA FILM & SUPPLY CO., Inc., 122 North Market Street, Wichita, Kansas. MOVING PICTURE SUPPLIES Edison Ex. Model Machine, complete, with M zines, Arc Lamp, Rheostat, Lenses, Take-up, No legs Everything in fine shape, $65.00. A few good Reels for sale cheap. Other bargains. Write for list. We carry full line of all Supplies. N. & T SUPPLY CO, 714 Paul-Gale-Greenwood Bidg., P. O. Box 978, Norfolk, Va. MOTION ICTURE THEATRE FOR SALE The only moderniy equipped theater in gun! show town of 5,000, In Wisconsin. Cause for health. A snap for cash. Must act quickly. d B., care Billboard, Chicago, Il pooe Address ~ WHY PLAY TO EMPTY SEATS? Our Souvenirs fill house to capacity. Sample, 10c Information free. Write today. OXFORD PREMIUM CO., 180 North Dearborn St., Chicago WANTED A good SWING for the season, one or two and some Concessions. Open April 14, at hang ind. MONARCH SHOWS, Covington, ‘Ind. FOR SALE One first-class Ratloon, with Parachute and all atam mg A $30.00. Write C. J. O'MALEY, DID YOU READ OUR “AD” ON ANOTHER PAGE? LIGHTING furnished for Fairs and Exhibitions. R. F. HARVEY, . . Brooklyn, N. Y. i pee