The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1918. FREE! FREE! FREE! We have confidence enough in the value of the Novelty Advance Slide to send you a SLIDE GRATIS Write on your letterhead the name of your next feature picture. We will at once mail you a beautifully colored, handsomely designed Novelty Advance Slide to advertise it with. Novelty Slide Company 20 E. FOURTEENTH ST., NEW YORK. PILOT FILMS ONE-REEL FEATURES ONE EVERY WEEK TO THE TRADE:— A good film always finds a market. Pilot films are selling everywhere, simply because of their good quality. Your best guarantee of our quality is that PILOT is not BACKED BY ANY PROGRAM but is SOLD STRICTLY ON ITS MERITS. Many Exchanges have already made a place for it on their buying lists and so will you when you know how good it is. GEO, A. MAGIE, Secretary. Release of March 20th Release of March 27th TILL DEATH US DO . WHEN LINCOLN PART. WAS PRESIDENT. (TwoReels). (One-Reel Feature). Powerful Domestic nec pate Drama. Historical Drama. PHOTOGRAPHS for lobby display of all our players can be obtained from us or from the Kraus Manufacturing Co., 14 East 17th Street, New York City, at uniform price of six for $1 00. i. PILOT FILMS GORPORATION 120 SCHOOL STREET, YONKERS, N BRILLIANT PRIMO LIGHTS The most efficient, simple, durable and popular gasoline show lights for under canvas and out-door use in America during the past nine years. Many improvements and new items shown in new 1913 —_— now ready. Write for one for one st SPECIAL LIGHTS FOR TENTED THEATERS, MERRY-GO-ROUNDS. STAGE LIGHT MACHINES, FOOTLIGHT MACHINES, CANDY COOKER'S CIRCUSES, WILD WESTS, TABLE GAS RANGES CARNIVAL CONCESSIONS, for Clrous and Camp CARNIVAL MIDWAYS, Cooking. STREET SALESMEN'S Handy Alr Pressure Torch that sells on sight. THE HYDRO-PHOTO PORTABLE LIGHTING MA. CHINE which makes first-class night photog. raphy practical and profitable. MANTELS —best in mn quality ai and price. WINDHORST & 00., 4° "ST. Louis, Mo.” FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALE With Stewart's Improved Height Meter, the finest and most attractive weight-teller ever made; takes three times more money than any other in Parks, Carnivals, Penny Arcades, etc. Price $175.00. Paddie Wheels, the most aitractive and best made, ball bearing and perfectly balanced, $10.00. STE ART’S I. 8. M. CO., 301 N. 8th 8t., Phila., Pa. If you see it in The Billboard, tell them so, citing chase thru the mountain. He regains the stolen money, returns it to the old man. All is peace thereafter. THE DANCER’S REDEMPTION (drama; releast Ma-ch 21; length 1,000).—Magdalene, a cafe dancer, loves Jack Wilde. Jack’s father refuses to give his consent to the marriage to the girl. She thereupon takes a part in a > play, hoping that she will be redeemed the eyes of the boy’s parent. This fails in its purpose, and the girl then enters a convent where her redemption is made certain. THE EX-OONVICT (drama; releast March 20; length 1,000).—Wilber Stone, convicted of murder on circumstantial evidence, is railroaded to the pen. Here be meets Frank Fink, a hardened criminal. Both are set free at the same time. Whiber secures honest employment, but is blackmailed by Fink, who threatens exposure unless Wilber ‘‘comes across."’ Later Wilber's brother dies of heart failure in Wiilber’s office. The resemblance between the two is so remarkable that Wilber decides to disappear, allowing his brother's dead body to be mistaken for his own. Fink appears in Wilber’s office at this juncture, stumbles over the body, and is cap‘ured at that moment. He is accused of murder and about to be convicted when Wilber returns at the eleventh hour to save the innocent man. Wilber’s employer advances him in his service and the parasite disappears, troubling Wilber no longer. VITAGERAPH. LOVE FINDS A WAY (comedy; release March 26; length ——).—Bess s of to boarding school. Jack follows her and manages to get into communication with her. She tells him of a sheet and pillow case party the girls are to have that night. Jack attends and is drest like the girls. All goes well till he eticks his feet from beneath the pillow case. Then he is discovered and sent out of the building. Later the girls catch the principal and lrofessor Dinkey spooning. They threaten exposure unless permission is granted them to see the boys. Jack is then recalled and told that he can see Bess at least once a week. GETTING A PRACTICE (comedy; release March 27; length 1,000).—Young Dr. Lyons gets very tired waiting for a practice to come to him 80 he resolves to go out after It. With the ald of several friends he gets some invaluable advertisement. Then patients come from far and near to take treatment from the celebrated Dr. Lyons. He not only gets a very lucrativ practice but he also gets the girl he loves better then his own Hfe. THE BLARNEY STONE (comedy; release March 28; length, 1,000).—John Bull takes his daughter to Ireland in the hope that she will forget a love affair with George, a young man he does not like. George takes the same train with the girl and her father, and they all arrive at Blarney Castle at the same time. John Bull insists that he will kiss the stone, and with ald of a rope lowers himself over the cliff. George then turns up and threatens to keep him there until he gives consent to his daughter's iwmediate wedding. This he does and is hauled back to solid ground again. He then gives the happy couple his fatherly blessing. On the same reel is Jean and Her Family. JEAN AND HER FAMILY (topic; length ——) —This film shows some very good pictures of Jean, the Vitagraph dog, and her little family. THE TWO BROTHERS (drama; release March 29: length, 1,000).—Pasquale, one of two twin brothers, is a good-for-nothing fellow, while the other, Romaine, is very successful in his chosen career, the army. Pasquale, in a quarrel, kills his father. Romaine, owing to circumstantial evidence, is accused and convicted of the crime. IIe Is sentenced to be shot. On the day of the execution, Pasqaule, conscious stricken, returns to bis home. Romaine’s sweetheart sees him and kills him, thus avenging the death of her lover. BEDELIA BECOMES A LADY (comedy; release March 31; length 1,000).—Bedella, a girl of the farm, spurns her country lover, and leaves for the city, where she believes she will become the leader of the fashionable set. When she arrives there, her lack of good manner and the necessary polish to make her a lady of society, show her the uselessness of her ambition. Then she returns home to her country swain. UNIVERSAL FILM COMPANY. 101 BISON, THE LIGHT IN THE WINDOW (drama; release —;: length ——).—Richard Haley, the son of old-fashianed Southern parents, runs away frem home,ecause his favorite slav, old Mose, is brutally beaten by his father for no offense whatever. His mother is prostrated and confidently expecting the return of her boy, each night places a light !n the window. The Civil War breaks out and Richard enlists in the Union Army as lieutenant. He ts sent South and by a trick of fate succeeds in taking his own father capt'v. His father recognizes his son and then seeks to escape. He fs killed and then Richard learns his identity. Richard now plans to see his mother, and while creeping up to the house to escape the Confederate lurking near, be is shot by his own mother. Mose discovers the body but does not tell his mistress. Richard's mother aga'n puts the light In the window, waiting for the son who will never return. CRYSTAL. THE DRUMMER'S NOTEBOOK (comedy; release March 30: length ——).—Pearl, Insanely Jealous of Chester because she thinks that he is paying attentions to another girl, Is advised by Violet to flirt wth another boy — thus oo Chester to his senses. Pearl does th'e to . fection but, as luck will have it she flirts with Violet’s best bean. Then Violet gets angry when she finds the two together. She leaves Pearl's honse taking her beau by the ear. Later explanations unite the lovers and all ends well. On the same reel fs It’s A Bear. IT’S A RBAR (comedy: release March 30: length ——), —Joe Geraldine’s bean is refused permission to marry her, because her father wants a brave man Iike himself for a son-inlaw. Later a bear escapes from the zoo, and papa and Joe go to hunt ft. Joe’s chum takes UNCLE SAM INSISTS THAT The Greater New York Film Rental Co. Stay in Business to Supply Licensed Film and Specials to all Exhibitors JUSTICE HAS BEEN DONE You need no longer fear the dictation of “The Powers That Be.” The Greater New York Film Rental Exchange is now ready to serve films at popular prices in the following states: STATE OF NEW YORK STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA STATE OF N. H. STATE OF NEW JERSEY STATE OF MAIN STATE OF VERMONT STATE OF MASSACHUSETTES STATE OF RHODE ISLAND STATE OF CONN. You can select your own program. You can book ten days ahead. You can take what you like and if you don’t want it you don’t have to take it. We do not try to dictate what you must exhibit in your theatre. Only pictures released by the licensed manufactuers of the Motion Picture Patents Company are supplied by us to exhibitors. You have the choice of 42 regular releases and 4 specials per week when booking with us. Our object in bringing this ad to your notice is to let you know what a good, dear uncle you have in The Greater New York Film Rental Co. 116-118 East 14th Street, NEW YORK. Write, Wire or Call for Our SARAH THE DOOM OF HE GUNMEN OF NEW YORK THE FIRST OF THE BIG uby Combination Features You like the title—eh? Now listen: Here are a few of the men who appear in the picture: WILLIAM J. GAYNOR, Mayor CHAS. S. WHITMAN, Disof New York. trict Attorney; New York. FRANK MOSS, Famous ProseSUPT. WALSH, Children’s cutor. Society. CANON WM.S.CHASE, Crime DR. HOWE, People’s Insti Crusader. tute. And more whose support means much. This feature is clean, educational —we do not deal in blood and murderous sensationalism. Full line of lithos—State Rights going fast ! Ask The Billboard who L. J. Rubinstein is, and what his name means inmoving pictures. WIRE IN FOR TERRITORY; QUtCK! ‘RUBY FEATURE FILM CO. (INCORPORATED) 145 WEST 45th STREET, NEW YORK. 4 FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.