The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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q 172 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. —_ 4-Kilowatt Direct-connected Outfit. Very many readers of “The Billboard” are using the Brush Electric Lighting Sets A good many others are not. We want everyone to know something about the best and most dependable generating sets ever placed upon the market—the only one that makes a perfect light. We now make theseLighting Sets in sizes 2 to 10 kilowatt, both direct-connected and belted. Send for cataloguc. a The Chas. A. Strelinger Co Box B-3. DETROIT, MICH., U.S. A. IANIST Plays Seven Instruments At Once THE BAKTON PIANO ATTACHMENT makes it possible for a pianist to play any or all of the following instruments at one time—The Piano, Musical Bells, Marimba, Xylophone (Orchestra (Snare or Bass), Tom-Tom, Storm “ts, Cywal, Triangle and Auwtohorn. Low operating cost; sold on easy payments. A postal will bring descriptive literature. —THE— OSHKOSH METAL PRODUCTS COMPANY, 95 Ceape Street, Oshkosh, Wis. SECOND. HAND FEATURE FILMS BOUGHT AND SOLD International Film Traders Largest Dealers in Films in the United States, 5 W. 14th St, New York City For Rent---Films In fine condition, with posters, at $1.0u r reel. Try and see for yourself. Best —in the Country for the Mone INDEPENDENT FILM EXCHANGE. 538 So Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. If you see it in The Billboard, tell them so. ! the part of a bear and chases papa up a tree. Then Joe gets papa’s consent to marry Geraldine provided he keeps quiet about the cowardice exhibited by papa in the bear bunt. ECLAIR. A NIGHT OF ANGUISH (drama; release March 26; length ——).—Mrs. Lind say, on her way to ber sou in the oi] fields of the West, misses ber train and is compelled to rewain for the night at the country railway station, where live the station master and bis wife. Mrs. Lindsay takes ber grip in herself and this arouses the curiosity of the station master who resolves to investigate. The ladies retire and the station master sits outside the bed room window. He dreams that be took Mrs. Lindsay and tied ber to the railroad track. The passing train awakes him and he believes theu that he has killed his own wife. Later he discovers that it was only a dream and then ends his night of ang DAMAGES IN FULL (drama; release March 24; length ——).—Morton, crippled for life in Asbton’s mill, sues for damages but loses the case owing to Ashton’s influence. Later Morton’s little girl becomes very friendly with Ashton’s child, who, a learning the cause of her friend’s poverty, appeals tu ber father for a whole lot of money. Refused the money, she sets out to beg for it on the street. as she has seen blind men do. Her father comes along and finds her. She tells him the whole story and he pays the Morton family twice as much as they would have received, had they won the case at law. TO RENO AND BACK (comedy; release March 27; length ——).—King, angry because his wife takes too long In getting ready for ‘the opera, goes alone leaving his wife her ticket with in structions to follow. She. incensed at the slight. senls Ler maid in her place. The Maid behaves disgracefully and bumiliates King to such an extent that he leaves home to live at an hotel. Jane then goes to Reno. King catches the same train and tries very hard to effect a reconc'liation but in vain. On their arrival in Reno they go to the same hotel. Here dark rooms, smoky furnace, grouchy landlord and everything else combine to make Jane miserable and finally brings about a bappy reunion. NESTOR. THEIR COMBINATION SUIT (comedy; release March 24; length —).—Eddie and Lec. almost down to their last cent, apply for and get the positions of private secretary and gardner at the wealthy Van Courtlandt’s. They buy a suit between them and Eddie gets it, winoing the toss up. Eddie filrts with the daughter of the bousebold, while Lee falls in love with the bousewald. Then be demands that he be allowed to wear the suit. Eddie’s girl sees him with ft on talking to the maid and thinks that he is Eddie. Later she scorns Eddie for his supposed duplicity, and it is only after the boys explain that they own but one sult between them that she sees the joke. The course of love then continues smooth till the wedding bells ring. POWERS. CHEATING (comedy; release March 26; length ——).—Fern, engaged to Jack, is enraged because she finds him flirting with another girl. She breaks the engagement. Later she and her gir! friends have an outing and agree not to have anything more to do with men. The other giris all flirt with a man who bappens along. He arranges with therm to met him at a given time and place. They all appear on the scene. When Fern finds out that ber friends are cheating, she too becomes acyualuted with the man. Now she takes her outings all alone with ‘“‘him.”’ THE CALLING OF LOUIS MONA (drama; release March 2S; two reels; length ).—Louls Mona, reared in monastery, desires to join, but is compelled by a rule to travel in the wor!d for a year to determine his future course of action. He leaves his home with many m'sgivings as to the future. On the road he meets a beautiful girl and goes with her. Thro ber influence he secures a position in a bank. Gay life causes his downfall and finally drink claims him for its victim. Meanwhile he has become very much attacht to the girl, who frequently goes to the hospital to tend the sick. Later she catches a dread disease and dies. Then Louis returns to the monastery to find rest and peace from the cares of the world. HER NEW CHAUF FEUR (comedy-drama; release March 30; length .— John, calling for his sister at a dance, gets into the wrong automobile and runs away with the wrong girl, who of course is Betty, h's sister’~ best friend. She screams and a cH) arrests John, and takes him to fhe station house, where Betty, attracted by John’s good looks, withdraws her charge and pays his fine. Later John becomes Betty’s chauffeur. Then he saves her father from ruin at the bands of a gembler. His identity becomes known and his escapade ends hap pily in bis marriage to the lady of bis caates. § SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS STATE RIGHTS NOW SELLING New York’s Society Life and Underworld In Three Parts. FEATURING THE WHITE MAYOR OF CHINATOWN. CHUCK CONNORS You get action, excitement, tense dramatic situations, actual scenes in Chinatown, the Howery and New York gang and political life. The photoplay is superb, and the leading parts are handled by resi artists of much picture experience, and many genuine East Side characters take part in dozens of scenes Eiaborate 6-sheets, 3-sheets, 1-sheets, I’hotos, Siides, Heralds, Cuts and everything necessary to help sou git big profits. THIS WILL DRAW LIKE WILDFIRE. Free in every respect of the slightest taint of offense. Photography as clear as crystal. Are you alive? Do you know how many men are maaing fortunes with state right features? Now is your chance. EXCLUSIVE FEATURES 24-26 East 2ist Street, NEW YORK CITY. J. WEINBERG, Manager. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ For March SUPERLATIVE AND* RISTOCRATIC F EATURES Excellent Western Dramas with G. M. ANDERSON Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, 621 First National BankgBidg., Factory and Studio:"1333 Argyle St., CHICAGO, ILL. FLAMING ARC LAMPS AND CARBONS FULL STOCK OF REPAIR PARTS The Weinsheimer Company 109 N. MARKET ST., CHICAGO, ILL. FOR SALE Three-reel FEATURES, in Grst-class condition, with Lobby Display, at 4c per fout: HUNTING IN THE JUNGLES. FAMOUS DETECTIVE ADVENTURES. N AFRICA T THE CIRCUS. ROOSEVELT |! ° A AROUND THE WORLD IN NINETY MINUTES. PECK'’S BAD BOY. WORLD'S GREATEST AUTO RACES. OVER AND UNDER THE SEA. LIGHTS AND SHADOWS OF NEW YORK. HUMPTY DUMPTY. CHILDREN’S FAIRY TALES. '; WHITE SLAVE. ARABIAN NIGHT STORIES. H. C. DANGERS OF PARIS. ALL-STAR VAUDEVILLE. Big Laugh Show. THE PASSION PLAY. Washington St. hicago, sll. C-C FILM Co. COMMERCIAL FILM SERVICE 12 reels weekly, $15.00; 18 reels weekly, $21.00, including sign service. Customer pays expressage both ways. Send for our mammoth lists. Ask for our list ef unrestricted features. LIBERTY FILM RENTING COMPANY, 105 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa 167 VW. c 4 REGARD» TO ALL_—_—__—"Y_— CHAS. W. ROBINSON Lecturer and Talker — FOR SALE-—— ‘Modern Jerusalem” In two reels. This is an exclusive feature, never before in this country. Price, $150.00. WESTERN FILM BROKERS, 538 0. Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL Address, Fowlerton, Texas, until April 15 POS SSSSSSSSSSSSCSSOSSOSOOOS® REPAIRS Modern shop and dest ~aowowoworereeee” ? pieture machine repair men to the coun.ry guarantee you Promeptest Service and Complete Setlefeetion We sell everything for the te show ing. (Meenas woving PICTURE SUPPLY @0., 8. Deerters St. Chicago, |Minols. DO YOU WANT TO MAKE MOVING PICTURES? NOTICE |! We sell and rent Moving Picture Cameras, Mrinter | We buy ant «ll Moving Victure Machines. ns and Verforators, new and second-hand. Educational | ¢haire and Filme THEATRE BROKERAGE ° Films made. Advertising Films taken to order. Lo| CHANGE. Suk South Dearborn Street, Chicago. SVECIAL EVENT FILM INC., 248 West 35th &., cal Films our specialty. MANUFACTURING CO., New York City. If you see it in The Billboard, tell them so. a a ALE A