The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MACCH 22, 1913, The Billboard THI REAT GANTON MYSTERY (drama; ).—Henry Ganton, Se ch 27; length — riologist, is murdered by a mald in pis bh old for revenge. Another bacteriolo ist x , clue that the murderer is the maid. ipder 5 lypnotic power, she tells the whole story; ' w she bad met Ganton, while be was a stu to Paris, bow they bad become Iintlmate birth of her baby and lastly Ganton’s erve!) desertion: The hypnotist finally threshes vroblem and renders a decision that he J = ~ ‘nd positiv evidence of foul play. Thus fg the | saved from the gallows, becanse he believ: vat she bad already suffered enuf for ber crs VICTORIA. THA!’ LOY FROM MISSOURI (comedy; release ) h 28; length ——).—Harvey Ham'iton, Missovur’ farm boy, sets out to visit his uncle in New York. He arrives with all bis traps while the folks are having a party. Dorothy, the guest and the lady love of Claude, Harvey's cousin, alone greets him kindly. Later Harvey shows them «a! that a Missourl boy can play poker, drink snd even woo the girls with great confidence. lie easily wins Dorothy away from Claude, and marries ber, to the utter chagrin of the entire family. MUTUAL FILM CORPORATION. AMERICAN. MATCHES (comedy drama; release April 3; length = 1,000).— Jack Kerrigan, a good matrimonial catch, is introduced to Jessalyn Van Trump, as the lady fit to be his future wife. Instead of falling in with the plans of his elders, Jack falls In love with Miss Oldrock, whose father its pledged not to marry as long as bis daughter remains single. To complicate matters, Miss Van Trump falls in love with ber own chauffeur. Then later the chauffeur turns out to be the scion of an English family. They marry much to the bride’s mother’s satisfaction. Then Jack and his lady love are united in holy matrimony, which event leaves old Hardrock free to marry Mrs. Van Trump, to woom he has been paying constant attention. THE MUTE WITNESS (drama; release April 5: length 1.000).—Jim Regan, fotografer sent to the mountains to take fotos of wild game, falls in love with one of the pretty daughters of Bariow, a trapper. Carrie, the other daughter, loved a mounta'n scamp, Ralph Conway. Later, Jim sets his camera to take a snapshot of a bear, arranging detais so that when the bear trap goes off, the picture will be taken. Barlow is examining the trap when Conway asks permission to marry Carrie. When Barlow refuses point blank. Conway fells him with a blow. Conway ‘s caught {tn the trap. Later, Jim, going out to examine the trap, finds and releases Conway. Then he shows the developed negativ to Carrie thus proving to her that Conway bad struck her father. She now believes that Conway is not worthy of her love. THE RENEGADE’S HEART (drama; release March 31; length 1,000).—George Fifield. renegade, is pursued by a posse, and passes the home of Violet Blake, who inspite of the $5,000 reward offered for the capture of the wretch, secrets him In her room, The renegade, out of gratitude for the girl's kindness, gives her a banikerchief, with the request that if ever she beeis anything to call on him and her request shell be granted, if in his power to do so. The time came, when Violet’s father. coming home drunk, confest to embezzlement of $5,000 When Violet hangs out the handkerchief, the renegade comes in and surrenders himself. The girl then collects the reward and saves her father from prison. MUTUAL EDUCATION. THE SUITOR AND THE MONKEY (comedy: releast March 20; length ——).—The Viscountess s is puzzled abont which of her suitors she should accept. She has recently lost a pet mon key and so she comm'ssions the two men to get her another. promising to marry the man wh» gets a monkey most like her lost pet. The wealthy suitor hies himself to an animal dealer. where he buys a monkey, a very extraordinary monkey. At the lady’s hume the monkey free bimself from the cage and chases the suftor out of the house. The Monkey suddenly hecomes Mr. Other Suitor. Bess ts decided and then and there accepts him to be her lord and master. On the same reel is Cossacks in the Ural Countrr ‘OSSACKS IN THE URAL COUNTBY (to) leal; length \.—Th's film gives oe a very interesting picture of the Cossacks those won derful horsemen who live In Southera Russia. THANHOUSER. BABIES PROHIBITE! (comedy; releast March 16; length ——).—The birth of a baby to a couple. happy in their country home, causes them to move to the city, where this most remarkable child can re ceive its just benefits. Bverywhere they meet ' the ‘‘bables prohib!ted"’ e'gn till tn desperation, the lady lies to the Janitor of an apartment house, where she found & desirable flat. They move in without the baby. having arranged with the grocer to de liver it with thelr @rst supply of food, The Janitor frustrates the plot and consigns the baby to the ash can with the other robbish. Then he ev'cts the unhappy couple as they very justly deserved. They extract their baby from the com and retreat to thelr country home, when once again ther are happy and free from the threatening Janitor. . THE HEART OF A CHILD (drama; release March 18: length ——).—A Httle cripple boy, the son of a wealthy mother, decides that he 's In the way and a burden to his mother, Se be takes a little tenement house child to hls home, and installs him in his nursery. He writes a note to his mother saying that this hor is to be here instead of himself. He then raves home thinking to make a living for him sclf In the hard and ernel world. This he finds * not so easy as he at first imagined, and then be Is bronght home to his mother, who relleves his feel'nes by asking the qnestion, “Did von think, dear, that anvone could take rour place?” WON AT TIE RODEO (W. drama: relenst March 21: length ——).—The motherless dangh. yA SISTER BEATRICE : ~ FORMERLY ADVERTISED BY US AS THE MIRACLE | Played at Garden Theatre, Washington, D. C., for one week where the proceeds were $1,000.00 daily. This was just a picture theatre. aan Unlimited opportunities for State-right buyers in either Motion Picture & Houses or larger Theatres. Some very good territory still open. “Pac heet-. Une of The Maguincent scenes in Sister Beatrice, NEW YORK FILM Co. ‘ ' . 145 West Forty-fifth Street & New York City s . a i THE ONE BEST SOUVENIR STANDING ROOM ONL This beautiful Souvenir S ple and concrete p EVERY NIGHT ir n is guaranteed Solid Silver Plated French vers d Finish and the latest‘design. Write today for samns that will fill your house to capacity. $5.00 Per Hundred UNITED STATES FACTORIES CO., Manufacturers, °° S'*** da%es 2% U0. ..» FEATURES FOR RENT... We hold exclusive Illinois rights on: INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY (three reels) PALACE OF FLAMES (three reels). THEFT OF SECRET CODE (three reels), (for isc. and THE HUMAN R INT GRIP OF THE VAMPIRE (three reels) IN THE CLAWS OF THE LEOPA THE RACE FOR THE MILLIONS. THE GREAT AERIAL DISASTER (three reels). THE PASSION PLAY. COMING: THE MIRACLE! Write or wire for our Catalogue. Complete Lobby Displays free. We also have some Features for sale. M. & F. FEATURE FILM CO., 167 W. Washington Street, Chicago, til. NNR, GAANE. .ceciscs<s bv sits priasincbeads 100 Slides Sn ioc airs dan wceauene 40 ROSENTHAL MURDER................ se BULGARIAN-TURKEY WAR ..........". 100“ MEXICAN REVOLUTION ............... 100“ WILSON’S INAUGURATION ............ 50.“ ete ene aE 50 Sacred Songs Illustrated. J}. DeCOMMERCE, 46 E. (4th St., New York City. ter vf a California hoted proprietor returns t her home from boarding school and settles down | to help her father in bis work. She is very fond of horseback riding and in one of ber long jour neys is rescued from danger by a gallant cowboy when ber borse runs away. He is a contestant for a prize at the ‘‘rodeo,”” which Is a contes) ‘mn horsemanship. The girl hears of a plot to cripple his horse at the last minute to destroy his chances of winning the prize. She frustrates the plot, and the cowboy wins more than the prize—the hand and love of the girl. FILM SUPPLY COMPANY. GAUMONT, . HYPNOTIZING HANNAH (comedy; release March 27: length ——).—Tiny Tim Buctoo is so tmprest with the wonders of the circus and especially the hypnotist that he resolves to be come the greatest practitioner of hypnotism that the world has ever known. In vain he attempts to hypnotize the gold fish and the cat. Then he remembers the cook. He succeeds in getting her under bis newly acquired power, and then he persuades her that she ts first a Spanish omelet, then a mustard sardine, a masht potato and lastly some ae. On the same reel !s An Amateur Sleuth, HALLBERG “The Economizer. Man” Furnishes complete J. H. HALLBERG, 36 East 23rd Street, New York. Write for Free Catales BR. 30 Make Your Own Moving Pictures ! Our Motion Picture Camera does the work! It ts simple to operate, and does as good work high-priced machine. Just the thing to make local subjects. Send for full infermation. Price, 5.00. : MOTION PICTURE CAMERA GOMPANY, Dept. B.. 5 West {4th Street, New York City — 600 ir REELS HAND-COLORED WESTERNS, COMEDIES, ORAMAS AND OWE-REEL FrATURE:. ERS FOR ALL. FOR SALE CHEAP McINTIRE & RICHTER 23 EAST 14TH STREET acw Yorn. F'ilrm Titles And Announcements in Any Length 3 FEET FOR 25c Printing and Developing for the Trad« GUNBY BROS., Inc. 199 Third Avenue, NEW YORK Great! Glorious! Wonderful! The feature films and other films now be ing produced by the Universal people show a marvelous improvement They are now easily the Dest in the whole world. If you are not getting them, you are overlooking the best bet in the susiness. Come in and see the program, or wire for details immediate'y! It is important that you ACI QUICKLY! CARL LAEMMLE, President . The Laemmle Film Service 204 West Lake Street, Cbicage, iit. Sykes Block, Minneapolis, Mice 1312 Farnum Street, Omena, Ned 421 Wainut Street. Des Moines, fa, ‘The Biggest and Best Film Renter in the Wertd, if you see it te The Bitibeard, tell them so. MALLU sy |