The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1918. The Billboard 179 mn = . Rouble (Empress) Los Angeles; (Bm-| Wyson, Leslie EB. (Lyceum) St. Joseph, Mo. ee) San Diego, 34-29. Wells Comedy Co.: New Orleans. ‘ Demon ters Bijouve (Empress) ooee ress) Portland Ore., Snyder, Bud (Empress) Sacramento, Cal.; press) Los Angeles, 24-29. peor, Bert & Viola (Shubert) Utica, MN. Y¥.3 (Colonial) Dayton, 0., 24-29. never & Williams (Orpheum) Calgary, 20-22; (Orpheum) Edmonton 24-26. razuc & MeNeece (Majestic) Houston, Texas; (Plaza) San Antonio 24-29. Stith & Garnier (Empress) Victoria, Can.; (Bm, Tacoma, Wash., 24-20. Stafford, Frank & Co. (Empress) St. Paul. Stevenson, Hayden, & Co. (Empress) Winnipeg, Tacoma, Wasb.; 29. (Em Can ‘ Stove & Hayes (Empress) Los Angeles; (Empress) San Diego 24-29. Stembridge, Hap (Boston Comedy Co.) Colquitt, Ga.; (Boston Comedy Co.) Kettler 24-26; (Boston Comedy Co.) Edison 27-29. Stone & Wander (Empress) San Francisco 24-29. Stith & Garnier (Empress) Victoria, Can.; (Em ress) Tacoma, Wash., 24-29. Stillman & Marion (Empress) St. Paul; (Empress) Winnipeg, Can., 2 24-29. Stephens, Hal (Unique) Minneapolis; (Empress) St. Paul, 24-29. Stewart & Mercer (Revere House) Chicago. Stoddard, Marie (Empress) Salt Lake, U.; (Empress) Denver, 24-29. Storey. Belle (5th Ave.) N. Y. C.; (Poli’s) Scranton, Pa., 24-29. Suburban Winner (Empress) Los Angeles. Saxons, Three Musical (Spokane) Spokane, 24-29. Sharrocks, Three (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, Ia., 20-22. Smith, Frank (Majestic) Cedar Rapids, Ia., 20Sidney & Townley (Family) Lafayette, Ind., 20Stewart, Cal. (Bijou) Bay City, Mich. Sutcliffe, Tronpe (Bijou) Ann Arbor, Mich. Stephens, Paul, & Co. (Bijou) Pontiac, Mich. Smal!, Johnny, & Sisters (Varietie) Canton, III., ~” Stuart & Hall (Bijou) Quincy, Il, 20-22 Spadoni, Paul (Vaudeville) St. Louls 20-22. Binclairs, Three (New Grand) Evansville, Ind., 20.22 Snyder & Buckley (Majestic) Waterloo, Ia, Smith & Campbell (Majestic) Springfield. 11). 20.22 Sloan, Louis (Palace) Chicago, 20-22. Smith & Sumner (Star) Pontiac, Il. Stephens & Bordeau (Star) Pontiac. Il Smith & Arado (Empire) Morris, I1)., 20-22. Shipley & Adamson (Majestic) Perry, Iowa Sayles, Corinne (Bushwick) Brooklyn. Sheridan, Frank. & Co. (Union Sq.) N. Y. C. Samuels Ray (Colonial) N. Y. C. Shone. Hermine, & Co. (Alhambra) N. Y. C Tarlton & Tarlton (Empress) Phoenix, Ariz., 2022: (0. H.) Tneson 24-26. Taubert Sisters & Rrother Pan! (Empress) Spo kane; (Empress) Seattle 24-29. Thomas, Geo. (Palace) Syracuse, N. Y. Thomas, Harry W. (Empress) San Francisco; (Empress) Sacramento 24-29. Trapp ng Santa Claus (Empress) Butte, Mont., Troubadours, Three (Orpheum) South Bend, Ind.; (Majestic) East St. Louis. Il., 24-29. — & Hewins (Columbia) Grand Raplds. Tuttle’s, Mlle., Birds (Varletie) Canton, I.. 20-22 Ton No " ” my _— (Walker O. H.) Champaign. Bennett (Orpheum) Tojette & Rockford, Il. Tegse & Daniels (Orpheum) Ft. Madison, Iowa Trained Nurses (Bushwick) Brooklyn. Thompson, W. H.. & Co. (Orpheum) Brooklyn. Uline, Rose & Buckley (Grand) Minot, N. D. Urma, Hetty (Hippodrome) Alton Ill., 20-22 Vallecite’s Leopards (Orpheum) Portland, Ore. Varsity Fellows, Three (Empress) Victoria, Can.: _ (Empress) Tacoma, Wash., 24-29. Van Staats, Four (Empress) Seattle; (Orpheum) Vancouver, Can., 24-29. Van Cleve, Denton & Pete (Unique) Minneapolis; _ (Empress) St. Panl 24-29 Vernon. B. B.: Actors Funds of Am., N. Y¥. C. Vox, Valentine, Jr. (Empress) Seattle; (Orphe 4. D'Art (Palace) Chicago, 20-22 V a ena & Tresk (Globe) Kansas City, Mo.. -0-% ‘ Van & Pierce (Orpheum) Mexico, Mo. 20-22 Vani e & Vance (Diamond) FEldora, Iowa Vanis, Four (Bushwick) Rrooklyn War der & Stone (Empress) San Fancisco 24-29. Wa ker Musical (l’'rincess) Savannah, Ga. Wal ace, Jack. Cockatoos (Family) Rochester, N. Y.; (Star) Canton, 0., 24-29, Waytes, The (Orpheum) Vancouver, Can.; (Em press) Viector'a 24-29 Washburn. Leon: Pottsville, Pa. Waterbury Bros. & Tenney (Empress) Winalpeg, an. Welch Mealy & Montrose (Empress) = Tacoma, ash.; (Empress) Portland, Ore., 24-20 Welsen. Max, Troupe (Temple) Hamilton, Can.: (Dominion) Ottawa 24.99 Wetherells, The (0. H.) Grand Forks, Can. Westin, Great (Empress) Salt Lake, U. Westony, Vilmos (Empress) Rutte, Mont.: (Em press) Spokane, Wash., 24-29. Whitehead, Joe (Palace) Chicago: eyaaerille, Ind., 24-29. itman, Frank (0 . ) H ane oe tpheum) Spokane; (Orpheum) lers, The (Empress) Milwaukee; (Unique) Minneapolis 24-20. Williams & Warner (Matestic) Ft. Worth, Tex.; (Majestic) Dallas, 24-29. Williams & Sterling (lantages) San Francisco: (Pantages) Oakland 24-29 Willards Temple of Music (Eastern) (Emptre) Calgary, Can., 20-22, Wilson Frank Fi. (Keith's) Utica. N. ¥. Wilson Rros, (Kelth’s) Ttlea, _ we Wilson, Chas, & Adelaide (O-pheum) M's: (Empress) St. Pan! 24-29 Williams, Thompson & Copeland (Temple) Roeh ester, N. Y. Willard. The Wan Who Grows (Hippedrome) Liv erpool, England Winkler, Jack. Trio (Grand) Bradford, Pa. Winter, Winona (Orrhenm) Sioux City, Ta.: (Omheum) Minneapolis. Minn., 24-29. | Winslow & Stryker (Poll's) Scranton, Pa.; (Orpheum) Minneapo (Pol's) W'lkes-Rarre 24-29, Wotpert & Paulan (Orpheum) Oakland, Cal.: (Or pheum) Sacramento 24-26; (Orpheum) Stock ton 27-29 Wood, Ollie (Rullocks) Providence, R. I. Wright & Dietrich (Poll's) Soringfield, Mass. ; (Poll's) Bridgeport. Conn., 24-29. ao Francis & Co. (Majesti¢) Dubuque, la., Waters, Tom (Varieties) Terre Haute, Ind., 20 Ward Bros. (Willard) Chicago, 20-22. vo & Washington (Varietie) Canton, IIl., 22. Winter Garden Four (Bijou) Quincy, Ill., 20-22. Weston & Leon (Orpheum) Rockford, Ill.. Williams & Wolfus (Phoenix) LaPorte, Ind., Waddell, Fred & May (Alhambra) Chicago, Westin Sisters, Tbree (0. H.) Manhattan Kans., Wagner & Lee (Maynard) Mitchell, S. D. Wy nnings, The (Orpheum) Fairfield, Ia., 20-22. Wagner & Diggs (Victoria) Chicago. West & Charles (Sth Ave.) N. Y. C. Walton, Maurice & Florence (Colonial) N. Y. C. Wheeler, Van Rennselaer (Alhambra) N. Y. C. Whiting, Geo. (Orpheum) Brovklyn. Xpemmceephienste (Orpheum) Centerville, Ia., Youngers, The (Orpheum) Duluth, Minn.; (Or_pleum) Minneapolis 24-29. Young, DeWitt, & Sister (Willard) Chicago, 20 Young & Gilmore (Lyric) Monmouth, III. Young, Ollie, & April (Union Sq.) N. Y. C. Zella & DeAman (Princess) Ames, Ia., 20-22; : (Majestic) Perry -26. —e. Wily (Majestic) Kalamazoo, Mich., ROUTE OF THURSTON, MAGICIAN, Thurston, Magician. Jack Jones, mgr.: M phis, Tenn., 16-22; New Orleans, i. 23.5, CARNIVAL COMPANIES Adams’ Greater Exposition Shows, Otis L. Adams, mgr.: Anderson, S. C., 15-22; New berry 24-29, Barkoot, K. G., Shows, K. G. Barkoot, mgr. : Greenville, S. C., 17-22; Anderson 24-29. Clifton-Kelley Shows, L. C., Kelley, mgr.: Athens, Ala., 17-22. Comet Amusement Co., J. F. Calkins, mgr.: Winnfield, La., 9-22. Great White Way Shows, Nigro & Loos, mgrs.: Lampasas, Texas, 17-22; Brownwood 24-29. Great National Amusement Co., J. Rogers, mgr.: Seneca, S. C., 24-29. Howard Amusement Co., W. L. Howard, mgr.: Piedmont, Ala., 17-22. Jenes Exposition Shows, Johnny J. Jones, mgr.: Jacksonville, Fla., 17-29. Juvenal’s Stadium Shows, J. M. Juvenal, Independence, La., 17-29. Littlejohn’s United Shows, Thos. mgr.: West Point, Ga.. 17-22. Litts’ Greater Shows, G. F. Litts. La., 18-25; Eldorado, Ark., 26-April 3. Lange’s Model Shows, A. E. Lange, mgr.: St Matthews, S$. C., 17-22. iy Moss Bros.’ Shows, T. 0. ville, Fla., 10-22, Metropolitan Shows, C. E. Barfield, wgr.: Daw mgr. : P. Littlejohn, megr.: Bernice. Moss, mgr.: Jackson son, Ga., 17-22; Roanoke. Ala., 24-29. Rock City Shows, Thos. Deitrick mgr.: Tallassee, Ala., 17-22. ‘ : Smith Greater Shows: Augusta, Ga., 24-29. Sheesley, Greater, Shows: Bes 5 $2: Opelousas, La. 3620. Teme 15 Southern Fair Shows: Sylacanga, St. Louis Amusement Co.. E. W. Weaver, magr.: Huntsy'lle, Ala.. 17-22; Athens, Tenn., 2 — + — & Son Show: Ft. Payne, Ala.. 17-22 tney Shows, A. P. Whitney : a oe I h y, mgr.: Hamburg. Ala., 7.99 17-22. CIRCUS AND WILD WEST Barnes’, Al. G., Cireus: Reedley, Cal 19; _. 20; 7 21; Coalinga 22; Hanford 24: 4s Banos 25: Madero 26; Merced 27; } 92 aoneae ae re 7; Turlock arnum & Bailey Shows. (Madison Sq. G e m.. C., 22, indef. ’ — ng Bros.’, W. W., Jack King, mgr.: Jacksone He Fila., 10-22, . <2 Shipp& Feltus Circus: Buenos Ayres, Argenti S. A., indef. ns he Sells-Floto Circus, Albuquerque, N. M., 29. Wirth Bros.’ Cireus: (Wirth’s Park) Melbourne, Aus., indef. LEBANON (IND.) FAIR AND RACE MEETING AUGUST 12-13-14 & 15 Big home-coming to be a feature this year. ordinary program each day. cessions, write earky wanted Carnivals write. ready contracted for; two LEN TITUS, Secretary. WANTED--TO LOCATE FOR SUMMER SEASON PIANIST, directing first-class Dance Orchestra. Will furnish any size Orchestra for Dance Hall or Moving Pictures, or will accept position as pianist in orchestra Reliable, sober, latest music, A. F. of M., and A-l Trap Drummer. Address D. N. DIRECTOR, care The Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BALLOONS AND CHUTES for sale. Self holders and all other things used in ballooning. WALTER RAUB BALLOON CO., Tampa, Fila., until May 1; after May 1, Columbus, Ohio OPELIKA ADVERTISING SERVICE BILLPOSTERS AND DISTRIBUTERS, P. 0. Box 608, Columbus, Ga. DID YOU READ OUR “AD’’ ON ANOTHER PAGE? LIGHTING furnished for Fairs and Exhibitions. R. F. HARVEY, Brooklyn, N. Y. ExtraTo those who want conUp-to-date moral Shows Five Free Acts; three al more wanted. Address iit) 1 od —_—Strators =) |) and Agents 50c Seller, which makes you $10 » $15 PRODUCED. CAN NOT FAIL. WAYS LIGHTS. WORKS LIKE A MATCH AND GUARANTEED Forever. Write for parSame. Sample, 3 Hi ) |} SALZ BROS. HA A 45 W. 34th St. | NEW YORK Wanted--Dancer For long season with Oriental Troupe, for circus. State all t. first letter and photos. HELEN ZANTOUR, 208 Hunter Ave., Dayton, 0. WANTED Advertising Solicitor For Circus Program. Must be a hustler and understand the business. E. M. WATKINS, 1723 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill. OVER FOUR CENTS PROFIT ON EVERY GLASS GEIGER’S ORANGEOLO Delicious and healthful. Just the thing to sell at Fairs and Entertainments, and to serve friends. Send 10¢ for package, which makes a gallon. Money back if not pleased. J. F. GEIGER, 1338 South Troy St., Chicago, Ill. —— FOR SALE —— Velvet Coaster Second biggest in state. Situated at Fox River Park, Aurora, Ill Must sell on account of other business. FRANK CHAPIN, 232 South Avenue, Aurora, Ml. WANTED FERRIS WHEEL Must be A-1 shape and cheap. Have for sale Edison one-pin Picture Machine, complete, and a threereel Feature, in A-1 condition Just the thing for a road show 200.00 takes all. Address WM. INMAN, 607 Chicago St., La Porte, Indiana. VICTOR FAIR AUGUST II, 12, 13, 1913. The big little fair of Eastern Iowa, wants Free Attractions and Concessions. Also a few good clean Tent Shows. Toll Teeter please write. J. P. BOWLING, Secy., Victor, lowa. AT LIBERTY, APRIL 1, Something New Under the Sun sings to beat the parts. Can fur HH WITH MAN | Banjo Comedian, who Strictly sober Can play nish a high-class vaudeville team. introducing Uncle Smiley’s Return from the West Reliable managers only write Address B. F. FERGUSON, rear of 1063 Hildreth Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Colored band Streetmen Vaudeville Artists, Musical Critics TAKE NOTICE! The new improved ““‘TRILLOPHONE” is now on the market. It is the most unique musical instrumen. ever invented, and everyone is crazy about it. Any one can learn to play it in five minutes. A great article for streetmen A tremendous hit in Vaudeville Sample Trillophone, together with complete instructions and three popular airs, mailed postpaid upon receipt of fifty cents. WELCH MFG. CO., 339 Brisbane Bldg., Buffalo. N. Y. : _ —_— WANT PARTNER AND PERFORMERS—Partner must be a live wire with some money. Performers that double band or orchestra, for week stands, Kepertoire. Want man to stage U. T. C., Ten Nights, Jesse James, etc Charley Payne write. Also want Colored Performers and Musicians. I have a_ fine Salary must be low. Pay your own. Tickets? Well. I guess not. Don’t write if you can’t fill the bill. FOR SALE—40-ft. R. T., with 2 30ft. middlepieces, 16 length of Blues, 8-tler high; 20x 20 Marquee In fact, a complete theatre outfit. New. Address AMAZON BROS." ATTRACTIONS, 611 South Champion Ave., Columbus, Ohio, BAKER'S AMUSEMENT CO. makes the swellest and best High Striker, that are always reliable and ready. 2 feet high, adjustable, with absolute control. Three styles; $50, $75 and $100 each, to order only. Also build Doll Racks, Cat Racks, Mutt & Jeff, Jack Johnson Boards, Garden of Eden Fruit Game, the latest. A beautiful frame up. Also the thuckum Board has the Dip skinned to a finish; easy framed and quick action. Also buy, sell and exchange Show and Amusement Stuff. What have you? BAKER'S AMUSEMENT CO., Weatherford, Texas. WANTED On flat rate or percentage. all kinds of Attractions. To let on percentage or fiat rate, large Airdome, Skating Rink and Dance Hall, Jumping Horse Carry Us-All, Electric Shooting Gallery, Mutt & Jeff Game,, Automatic Ball Game. etc. Park in_ heart of city. TOPEKA CITY PARK AM. CO., Topeka, Kansas. RINK WANTED For Roller Skating for the summer WM. BRIDGES. South Haven, Mich. at Saddies..$3.00up|New Uniforms,....¢'.50 ap Bridles........46 -90 ** Army Revolvers. . 1.65 * Team Harness. .21.55 *| “ Rptg. Refles, 1,48“ Leggins, Parr.... «15 |] “ Swords...... 85 evis, ........ 2.20%] “ TShot Carbines$.96 * Colts Cal. 45, Revolvers....8 7,50ap. Cartriige* le each Sp’field Mauser Sp’t’g Rfle 11.85. Cartridge: Be each Army Breech Loading Rifle .98e. Cartridges 2e each MARCH 1913 CATALOGUE, 400 large pages, over 5 00 Illus trations. 15 ecres Gov't Auction Bargains described in cycle talogue, mailed 25e stamps. BEAMOR DIAMONDS, nes oa FLEISCHER’S Teddy Bears AND Poodle Dogs. Oldest and most reliable manufacturers of our price list. R. FLEISCHER & CO., INC., 55 Walker St., Near B'dway, New York NERMAN. 501 Broadway, New York City ; DERBY RACE COURSE creates as much excitement as a real horse race. Worked with paddles, for china, candy, poodle dogs, ete. Has twelve large, elab orately carved horses and jockeys. Will pay for Iitself in a week We are builders of everything in the Amusement line, Merry-Go-Rounds, Carrousels, Coaster Cars, Riding Devices, ete Our $10.00 Paddle Wheel Equal to any $25.00 wheel made, 32 inches in diameter. Handsomely carved and painted Numbered from 1 to 60. Complete with set of 12 Paddles. Price, $10.00. Write for our Catalogue WILLIAMS AMUSEMENT DEVICE co., 481 S. Broadway, Pasadena, California. FOR SALE KANSAS CITY THEATRE LEASE Lease runs three years, with option for five more, Rent very reasonable. Seating capacity over 2.000, Will sell for $3.000 cash. Address A SUMNER, P, O. Box 639 Kansas City, Mo. CALLIOPES Any Sizes and For Every Purpose Auto-Exhaust, Air or Steam. Send stamp and specifications for free estimate Now in stock one 19-whistle Kratz Calliope, air or steam, little used and in good shape; one 30-whistle pneumatic Calliope, brand-new, with low pressure air pump. big bargains for quick sale. SAM V. DAY Producer of the Worid’s First Self-Playing Pneumatic Calliope. Wichita, Kansas BASEBALL BATTING MACHINE FOR SALE Complete with bats, ete., used only two weeks. Have no use for it. $65.00 takes it. Cost me $120.06 P. O. BOX 317, Camden, N. J. Novelly Shooting Gallery Wheel Do you who read this want to make more money this year than you ever made in your life, on a small outlay? Will) you take the word of 95 per cent. of the people who bought one last year? Then write at once, or better yet, send $10.00 and your order by next mail for the “ONLY” NOVELTY SHOOTING GALLEBY _|WHEEL. Guaranteed [a winner. Foreign trade sup plied. PHELPS SPECIALTY CO., Caro, Mich., U. S. A. Our Challenge PADDLE WHEEL.........osess ee ee ee