The Billboard 1913-03-22: Vol 25 Iss 12 (1913-03-22)

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180 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1913. “=WANTED— By a Violinist For the summer of 1913, a position at a hotel or a @ummer resort, either in an orchestra or as @ soloist. Good references. Address MAURICE McCROY, 1028 Merchant Street, Emporia, Kas. AT LIBERTY For engagement with high-class Dramatic Company. Experience and reference. Address PAUL@<T. SETTLE Box 28 «NORCROSS, GA. AT LIBERTY A-No. 1 Cornetist Sober and reliable. Want steady position, Pictures, Hotel or Dance. Double B. & O. C. C. McCARTHY, Kellogg, Minn. Lady Cornetist At Liberty May 1st Thoro Prefer 4 Wants engagement with reliable people. @xperienced all lines orchestra work. company traveling West Address CORNETIST, 25 BUCKINGHAM AVE. MONTREAL, CAN. At Liberty M. P. Operator Twelve years’ experience. Strictly sober and reMable. Address M. P. OPERATOR, Care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. AT LIBERTY FAT BABY BOY Six years old; height, 52 inches; girt, 42 inches: weight, 130 pounds. Would like to join good carmival company. Child is good singer and makes a drawing card. Address South St. Joseph, Mo. AT LIBERTY EXPERIENCED Motion Picture Operator With or without machine and gas plant. Can give references. Road show preferred; take others. State all in first letter, Address WILDING, Holgate, Ohio. AT LIBERTY LADY TRAP DRUMMER A. F. of M. experienced in Band and Orchestra. Play Bells, ete. Address TRAP DRUMMER, P. 0. Box 539, Peoria, Ill. WANTED — ENGAGEMENTS South Preferred A No. 1 Violinist, Clarinet Player and Lady Harpist or Piano Player, all-round Musicians. Fine li brary. -_-P. H. BOERNER, 1426 North Ave., Birmingham, Ala. Four-Piece Orchestra AT LIBERTY Violin, Clarinet, Piano and Cornet. Collectively, or aplit for summer engagement or hotel. Highest ref erences. Library of up-to-date music as well as the classics. Violin player a brilliant soloist. Her Pic ture sent oa request. Address VIOLINIST, 209 Dauphin St.. Mobile, Ala. Care Gabriel Jeweiry Co. O'rvcaceucur VIOLINIST FOR THE SUMMER OF 1913. At « hotel or summer resort, either in an orchestra or as a soloist. Highest references. Library of upto-date music. Orchestra music as well as the clasies. Picture sent on request. Address VIOLINIST, = Dauphine St., care Gabriel Jewelry Co., Mobile, WOMEN Save your health. strength, time and clothes on washday by using “Washeasy, The Magic Washing Tablet’ Wa-<hes clothes clean and white as snow without rubbing board er washing machine, and makes them last lounger Send 10 cents for package, enwuch for four large or cight ordinary washings. Bin«es bak if not Terms to agents: 15 packages postpaid, $1.00: 144 kages by express or freicht, $7.00. WASHEASY 0. 64 Geiger Bidg.. Chicago, ti. THE BUSINESS SIDE OF MAKE-UP. The average performer little realizes the wealth of work, the enormous business enterprise behind his stick of rouge, his handy, almost invaluable box of cvld cream, hig alWways-to-be-depended-upon spirit glue and properly-tinted face puwder, as be sits in bis dressing-room hastily preparing bis make-up, The curiosity of the lady performer, who always insists upon knowing why subways run underground, why elevated railroads run overhead, and why men invariably prefer the small, dark, back entrance vf. refreshment parlors to the brightly-illuminated ain entrances. is never excited by the contents of her own make-up box. The old saying, “Familiarity breeds contempt"’ probably underlies this indifference. For the contents of the make-up box, tho absolutely invaluable, are the constant companions of the performer. and, prubably for this very reason, the poetic side of their development is completely lost in the presence of the more material aspect. As a matter of fact. each little occupant of the make-up box, carelessly placed upon the dressing-table, is the subject of a world of cure. The slightest grit on a stick of rouge so. hastily used would not be tolerated by a performer and products of the maker of the material would suffer in consequence. The powder, after being ground te a pvint that defies the tonch of the human hand, ts again presst thru a silk siev and made so fine that, te the naked eye, a vat of this valuable materlal takes on the appearance of a smooth slab of snow-white marble. The best grade of cold cream is made from purest wax, flouded with rare Russian oil, properly ‘“‘seasoned"’ with filtered water. The spirit gum (just what its naine implies), is made in a large machine wherein the gum and spirits are . properly olned. ’ No factory embraces a better opportunity for observing the many details of the realy, intricate part of the art of make-up (the miiiu facturing), than The M. Stein Cosmetic Ov.'s recently enlarged plant at 120.W. Thirty-firet street, New York City. Beginning amid comparatively humble surroundings, under the personal fildance of M® Stein, the business of this concern grew toe such proportions that a portion of the present quarters was secured. Under the direction of F. D, Grotta, president, and J. L, Grotta, treasurer. business soon increast to such an extent that still more space was acquired, until now a veritable army of employes attend to the mixing and sealing, formerly done by . D. Brotta. unassisted. Year in, year out, the work of the factory goes on, uncheckt, for seasons affect the work of the M. Stein concern but slightly. New machinery is constantly supplanting the old, not in order to decrease the number of emplores, but to add to the output of the con cern, constantly increasing under the impetus of a country-wide demand F. PD. Grotta has personally designed a new machine which will extend thru two entire floors of the concern’s present quarters snd complete al! the work of cosmetic making in auch a way that the only assistance rendeged the machine will be a girl stationed on the lewer floor, sealing the boxes. This machine is the realization of a life-long dream shared by the Grotta bothers. and, dcubtless, will do much toward making thelr standard of cosmetics inimitable. PICTURE IN HALF A MINUTE. With the perfection of the Champion Sleeve Camera, the American Minute Photo Company, of Chicago, have invented a minute picture machine that makes the name of these cameras exaggerated exactly 50 per cent, in view of the fact that it does not take one minute by their process, but only a half a minute to take and develop and deliver the finisat foto. This is a demonstration that this enterprising concern !s keeping apace with this age of wonders. Their ambition has been to have more points of merit and advantage than found in anything else. and they state that their Champion over-reaches the'r fondest expectations in view of the fact that It finishes the sort of picture that might be expected from a regular time exposure delivery. The simplicity of construction and manipulation is a point they dwell forcibly on. They claim that because of the s'mple way in which it is built, guarantees it a longer life, gives it more durability and in many other ways makes it very desirable. Their great variety of designs in post cards finds considerable favor with their customers, as they lend a novelty to the finisht product which they claim is very attractiv. The machine 1s said to be fitted with a special portrait lens, which Is adapted for th's kind of work on account of the speedy exposures. One hundred sensitized plates can be placed in the camera at one time. It is also possible to load them into the machine In daylight. The strong claim of the manufacturers being that a dark room is unnecessary. The poss‘bilities for a machine of this kind can be seen at a glance. The wonderful pepniarity It will have at large gatherings and varions resorts will be tremendons. This machine has been used with snecess at night with the help of a strong are light, and it positivly takes and develops a picture in 30 seconds. WYANDOTTE CO. TO OPEN BRANCH. The Wyandotte Film Company, the oldest film company in Colnmbns, Ohio. altho only six rears 'n the business have made some rapid strides, and have built op on practical and enterprising business methods. With only an humble begin ning they have expanded until at the present time they are serving subscribers as far enst as Maine and thrnout the central and middie western section of the country. @. G. Miller t« the general manager and !t has been thro bis bustling and enterprise that the Institution has made its rapid strides, On April 1 the Wyan Adotte will open a large branch in Charleston, W Va.. their bustness tn that section being «eo large that they find that they can not do justic thro the one Columbus office to their patrons. The Charleston branch willl be In charge of E. A. Witte a well-known film man who has been with the Wrandotte people for some time. The Wyandotte people are making a specialty of catering to ont-of. door promoters and have arranged a novel feature for Inclement weather They sre also representativrs for the Cinctnnati Pockevce Thlvereal cetrice In Columbne. FOR SALE--Serpentine freee and thirty-five (35) Slides, good as new. First $25.00 takes outfit. Also Trunk of Magic cheap. Send stamp for Mat. J. FANCHTER, 300 South Conception St., Mobdile, a. MORT STEECE MAMMOTH UNCLE TOM’S CABIN UNDER CANVAS BUILT ON LINES OF A BIG CIRCUS The Only Tom Show that ever had to be hauled as a Special. MORT STEECE Sole Owner NORTHWEST MANAGERS --“Sor You’ SCENE IN RIVERSIDE PARK, SAGINAW, MICH. 1911 ~=8 CHEVALIER DICASTRO WITH THE First Prize Italian Band in Lethbridge, Alta.. Band Contest 1912. Now booking 1913 season in British Columbia and at present in the Orpheum Theatre, Fernie, B.C. Write care of Box 1079. WANTED---Motorcycle Riders FOR THE TWIRL OF TERROR (Motordrome), one more RIDER who has had experience and capable of riding a seventy degree track (perfectly round). 1 will pay the highest salary, guarantee thirty weeks’ work, with courteous treatment. Address all mail! to JAY WM. COGHLAN, Paola, Kan., care Great Patterson Shows WANTED---Tiger Bill’s yee yest AN strengthen band. Show opens under canvas April 5. Address TIGER BILL BIG WILD WEST SPECIALTY SHOW, week of March 17, Oneida, Tenn. WANTED AT ONCE---ORGANIZERS TO REPRESENT THE FRATERNAL ORDER OF BEARS. Live wires can clear from $200 to $400 per month. Something new. Members get $100 death benefit, $7 per week sick benefit, free physician for eutire family. Dues, 75e per month; Initiation fees, $5.00. Be an organizer. is commissions. We furnish everything. No experience necessary, Address GLENN ADAMS, Grand Secretary, 704 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Obie. ALLMAN BROS. BIG AMERICAN SHOWS OPENS SEASON 1913 AT ST. JOSEPH, MO., APRIL 28, UNDER THE LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE. All Shows are to be located within one block of the Postoffice. This is @ ten-car show, with A-1 accommodations. WANT—One good Ballyhoo Show, one Grind Show; must be real shows with neat frame-up. Wil give good sharing terms to new and novel Attractions. Can place 10-piece Uniform Band, or Leader fer same. Want experienced Carry-Us-All and Ferris Wheel Men. Fields, write again. Will sell exclusive: Feather Flowers, Ruby Glass and others. We have eur own Riding Devices, Sleepers, Dining Car, Lit Plants, etc. Omaha to follow St. Joseph. Address DOC ALLMAN, 928% E. 12th Street, Kansas City, Mo FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT, MENTION THE BILLBOARD WHEN WRITING ADVERTISERS.