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The Billboard 1913-11-08: Vol 25 Iss 45 (1913-11-08)

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NOVEMBER 8, 1913. The Billboard 19 LONDON NEWS LETTER PARIS NEWS LETTER i London, Eng., Oct, 22, 1913. London, is to come back for the Olympia Circus Paris, France, Oct. 16, 1913. latter's management of the Paris Opera. His The reports of the success of Willlam Gib. | Show. P ; 4 An imported play—and therefore a_ rarity a works include Le Miracle and Chacun bard in America are very pleasing to his hosts A versatile man is Harry Lauder. Not con | here—was offered us this week at the Theater on il on : ; : of friends on this side. But perhaps there are| tent with filling up much of his spare time}| Antoine. It is another Dr. Jekyll and Mr. ng Vanoent saete bs ie! pein Realm anny seme who wonder who William Gibbard is. He | With preaching, addressing young men's meetings] Hyde story, but lacks the bri!liancy of the | @@ began their Paris theatrical career as man is WII] Gibbard, and hence by an easy transfor. | 40d awarding prizes at donkey shows, he finds] Stevensin work, Saere Of the Theater dea Capacines. After mation, Wilkie Bard. That's the evolution of | himself able to contribute to the newspapers The double-existence theory has been treated | P#Ssing some time at the Folies-Bergere and his stage name anyway. In a Seottish journal he has been writing on] by a nuniber of authors—Taine, Catulle, Men at obtained the directorship of the Tale , ' the varie stage as a profession, Here is a] ces. Stevenson and others—-and the Antoin ee ee Tales of his big money and the other big bright. of saitea eaiaiien piece from Harry:] play effers little in the way of originality, Le Paul Vidal, conductor of the orchestra at the Money recently taken by other English performers are circulating well among the profession here, and large numbers are looking towards America us a Tom Tiddler’s ground. Some of ‘Managers have frequently told me that what] Proeureur Hallers (Hallers, Prosecuting Atinn be in charge of the orchestra at the they want is ‘something new.’ Surely there nust] torney) is the name of it, and Dr. Paul Lindau The mens Oo ; be countless young men and women these days] is the author. He is a German, and the play he successor of the Messrs. Isola at the : : ; Gaite rique has ee : intec the papers here are helping the impression by | POSsessed of more than a little talent for enter had a big success on his side of the Rhine, spine tg has not been appointed at the i bs « ae ? e ‘ e = = oat © 9 ; a t = printing such statements us “In Chicago alone | taining who can fill this want. I am confident] | Professor Hallers, during the day, is a prom-|° a there are over one thousand picture theaters | that I am right in saying this, and, on that] ment and much feared prosecuting attorney. At SOME NOTES. might he becomes an ‘“‘apache.’’ a tough, the ‘ nee 1 ° oruee 9 ‘ ‘ which also present vandevil turns at good| #ecount, I would humbly suggest that som wf The American Rink (8 int-Didier) from now , hi Wo 5 . POs Coy »rices, the hundreds of thousands of people who possess] Pal of thieves and cut-throats and performs ‘ ancl y . . So, look out! the gift for entertaining their friends. sbeuld| burglaries. He is not a Raffles; rather he is or = Bw dancing gaias as well as roller i Of course, money for big acts tends to rise | Tun over the assets they possess in this diree-| “nether Jeky ll and Hyde. When he is the ‘aS fel cde ae i . = A =P *rosecutinge yrnev he k : ing if is also in this co:ntry. Small and medium turns,| tien. sift ‘the wheat from the chaff,’ carefnlly| Prosecuting Attorney he knows nothing of hi on the other hod, perhaps get less money than | #"alyze the exact .value of their qualifications. other self; when he becomes the thief he for ; ; ; Humpsti Bumpsti turn sticks at the before the strike and not because they are any | and then seriously ask themselves the question. | S¢ts he was ever anything else. : Folies Bergere. the worse The great comedians of twenty ‘Am I possessed of sufficient talent to entertain The second act shows Hallers in a den of ; “** and twenty-five years ago never dreamt | audience in variety houses? ”* thieve s, where he has become known as “Th The Hackney Troupe of acrobatie eyelists ts of the momy they would command nowa Harry Lauder will make his last appearance of bis generosity in a spend-| laying at the Hippedrome, where an Oriental ‘ days if they had lived as some of their then | in London, at the Palace In a few weeks’ time. ‘ maa pices this under | film is featur d The Walhalla Troupe is alse colleagues have. Names like Dau Leno and America looms large on the bili st] ), . red-headed girl named | on the bill. Herbert Campbell have passed into history al-| present, where, of cours,. Gaby ys tops, the Ron ‘alicre vil schon she Pe debeec cop wes Hal aes most As amongst the funniest men that ever | middle is Grace LaRue, and the bottom is Joe a wis _ _— etary he and ei Lu Vampire is one of the Folles Bergere fea “ lived but thru most of their lives they had to | Jackson. Both these latter performers are flallera, nears “ _— oe she | hows him we 1 tures 3 get thra with what would be regarded as smal! obviously very well pleased with their London is ts telvell oe magyar = in aii noney wadays. ! assing one ; 4 potter é OC t S$ Tres sincere : thn "eur we fect that eae oo ‘tee 6 mt ms ee os makes the audience roar with his belief that he is nothing more than what b _Mme. Trouhanova is a big hit at the Olympia, : Joe Jackson makes the audience ava a | ¢ltims to be. The conversation with the girl} “bere she is being starred, how rapidly rising on this side—Billy Merson | laufter at. his sketch, A Vagabond Stealing a x eee and Ernie Mayne—-who strike many of the old Bicycle. Grace LaRue goes great with her songz, is timers as reincarnations of Dan Leno and Her You Made Me Love You, which mnusieal iten bert Campbell, rcspectively looks like teing a big pantomime hit in this interrupted by a raid of the police, out the thieves, headed by Hallers, make their escape Anrette Kellermann is the big number on the In Act III, two ‘‘apaches’’ enter Hallers’ | bill at the Alhambra Janette Denarber, Grif own home, and, aided by Hallers himself, strip | fiths Brothers and others are sharing honors Billy Merson might almost be sregarded as i having arrived I can tel ac noi country this year. the place of the valuables. Hallers ties up| with her. i Hy cts <a spe on il 4“ egg Of course, Gaby does her work well. It is the swag and otherwise takes the lead in rot ee 8 some scream. expect he will reach your ising w . > nle ¢ ints “nag separ eee ce ‘ a3 surprising what a number of people come in ing » house. B rhiie the als are iy Seapitente Gheeen eutc ef thear Gave p I ae aee bing the house. cut whiie the two pals are in Le Secret will be revived shortly at the Bouf the expensiv seats in time for her turn and another room looking for mere booty, Hallers when her curtain falls. Whe stays here for! faye asleep and only awakens when the police another three weeks and then goes to Americ? | enter the room. bringing the pals. whom tle, and afterwards to try herself upon the Als have cavght tn the act of robbing the house fes-Parisiens, the reopening of Mr. Bernstein's piece to be attended by all the pomp of a brand hew play. He has come rapidly to the front in the past few years and recently played in Hullo, Rag time and appeared at the Royal Command per ase a ee week, ; : tralians Hallers, upon awakening. uaemen the wee 7 ‘ee ponderous fat Rae me a ll “heust ne Sie tr If Hugh D. MeIntosh does all he is rumored cureur again. He is astonisht to find the police The New Cirens opened this week. Talking of the old-timers, what a great case | t® 0 he will have his bands pretty foe. 10} there, and more astonisht still to see they have a y of “They can come back” is Albert Chevalier, | *dition to the rumors that he is acquiring a captured burglars in his heme. The pala are fhe New 1 ‘e of Dance opened its gala He was a star of twenty to twenty-five years | UiS West End London musie hall, 76 also said no less dumbfounded when they face the stern] seuson this week, ago. Prior to that he had been just an ordinary | '® be projecting a $300,000 vaudevil palace in official and are put thru a searching examina 7.9 ¢ actor in character parts. One evening he stept Perth, the capital of Western Australia. tiention, Miss America is a comedy film at the Hjppo | ying in a West suburban London hal!. the The climax is reaeht in this seone ava the | adrome. sing 2 coster song in the typical dress and | Clit of the Motogirl act, last week restored end comes swiftly, some critics say too swiftly, eee masner of the London coster—shall we say our| the Speech of a man in the audience who had] py Hallers making a great effort and suddenis edition of the Bowery boy? The act was entire. | been dumb for many years. I was not there, S0/ remembering that Hallers and ‘The Prince’ upon the stage at the old London Pavilion and rl Le Palace is the name of a new motion pie ture theater in the Avenue de la Motte-Picquet. ly novel and entirely good. Chevalis . »}| don't blame me for the story. are really ome and the same The » adits : For z , ; on absolutely unknown to the jt Smid a The second edition of Come Over Here, at the As one may see quite plainly. Hallers and neon gg pee at be rd eer namin i = hardest jb in the world to t aWay from: the | London Opera House was staged on October 20.] “The Prince’? are merely a slight transposition other vaudevil numbers being on the program | Stage and for six or seven years he starred at | @nd proved very attractiv. La Belle Otero was; of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde; the key is merely prays ip , the biggest money then paid intredueed with a new act of hers, La Loteria.| dropt a tone lower to make the story conform | Then Albert retired from that class of busi in which she dances with her customary grace] to the Present craze for police-and-crime plays Henri Leoni, the singer. whose work was rei ness and went into character sketches and] and blandishment. She also sings and her pre M. Gemier, director of the Antoine, himself | markt in Fritzi Scheff’s Mile. Modiste as well | traveled with his own concert parties, | Pre sentaton of Quand une femme aime vraiment, | plays the very difficult role of Hallers. In th as in other vehicles sinee, is one of the fea | sumably something came unstuck somewhere in Jamais on n'a su me prendre, must have] scene between him and his burglar pals. in| tures of the Olympia’s bill. the course of the next decade, but anyway a a surprise to those who did not know she — si home, he gets his best eff — eee few years ago he came back with precisely the | could do much but dance. lis is the strongest moment of the play. ss ° ‘ old act, using the old styles a mae = The Cothers was done in French, save for one| Mlle. Jane Marnac. a recent recruit in the od sew Mn =. — dancing girls is / the old s ngs. He went very quietly for a year | little Spanish song. The scene is Seville—a] ‘‘legitimate,’”’ as Roucha, is splendid, ner aanc villed at the Bal Tabarin here or two With this but gradually the old popularity | striking pieture—and the principals are Con ing in the second act, coupled with her capable es returned and now he is a furore. For example. | chita (all Spanisk dancers are Conchita), Pepito acting revealing in her something unexpected La Vivante Image, the new play, by J. Joseb the se ne at the first house at the Victoria | (her lover-bully) and a Parisian ‘‘clubman,” | #nd praiseworthy. Others in the east are quite | Renaud. will be produced at the Theater Bern Palace last Monday was quite remarkable—four | with a rather sulky lady, who he is showing] capate. " ” 7 hardt the last of this month. ‘The revival of } lh a om this side) and call upon; around. After a spell of dance and song. Con A NEW FARCE. L’Aiglon is drawing near its end, ca afterwards ‘hita in es » Frenchman to tuy a lottery The Clu "heate rnodnec, sie: > Campbell and Brady, programed as ‘‘American eta —— te oasseatn her with a haif The baa The ater has produced Monsieur le rE hy ag gga age Judge, a new farce by Messrs. Nancey and] The Blue Bird, Maurice Materlinck’s beauti artistic novelty entertainers." uceessfully P > ole j >} the pe an A : ad ‘ 3 ‘ it ~mblem of her share should it win th ; . . anton sor tae nn e ; E opened at the Empire, Leicester Square, on — lot Psy needless to say. .it does. But} yoox Rioux. The premiere took — pla thi ful poem-play. will be revived at the Theater October 20 ae gy ee Reelin alous of Hutert sale rane . : . Rejane next week, This house has also stockt a Continental high a. t. a fencon n re be Con-} y btn it — = alee “aa ryo* ada cless singer, in this case Gabrie *erol, a bari chita bat exchanged sundry kisses, Wheu the indie oe d nolan poetic ie Pe et -ie, atic leat The Theater Imperial will have a gala night ; — from the Theater Royal, Rrussels. Prac winning number is announet, and Pepito find his] jnot. does not wish the fact to be known. To| ext week, when a new play, Il en Rira ear il tieally all the big West End music halls are} Scie sweetheart in possession of only half the| pis great dismay he discovers thae he and Mme, | est Espagnol, with the divette Lise Berty in lg santa tenor or baritone ticket, he at once sets forth to get the missins] Fachelin, the mistress have heen “taken” by | the principal role. A dress cehearsal of this | R G PE pol nae heel ta portion from the Frenchman by means of bis] motion picture operater and both the judge | Sketch was given before King Alfonso of Spain, i week in London here At the pt ag 4 stiletto. There is quite a useful fiht betw pes and the lady take every possible means of get Se! a i | fetching them with When I Get You Alone To the pair, Mubert winniig Nor is this his ne y ting themselves ont of the scrape. Puylonbie Les Trois Masques, a new work by Charles i | night. publisht here by Howard & Co ¥ victory. for Conchita, taking his arm, leads hin tries to buy the film and ean't: then he has it | Mere and Isadore de Lara, is being rehearst at i | Another very ponular cowboy sk teh here is, | ®Way. after contemptuously throwing the The stezed for political reasons: next the husband | the Theater des Champs-Elysees, The premiere i | The Cowboy and The Girl, whieh ts topn'ng the halves of the _ticKet in Pepito’s ee ’ wil of Mme. Bachelin eomes into poss ssion of it will take place within the next few days. j bill week after week on the Moss Empire (jr. | Value of the prize was 20,000 douros—wha ip and so on and so forth thru fou acts. There's «er cuit. In this coanection Georea ¥ falling | that may represent in English sa — no use trying to tell the plot of a farce, es M. Andre Messager, one of the directors of i presents Young Buffalo and Caroline May Blas coinage—and it rejection must be “i ho “ ms — y French faree. The playing was well the Opera, has just put the finishing touches on nev The sketch plays 45 minutes here. with | & confident belief in the le ngth, of u por" Sten done wweate . ee his new opera, Beatrice, which piece will be a company of 49 and three American bronchos. Cesare Nes‘, one of the crowd ‘“ 1 a votes THEATER CHANGES. produced at Nice next March. Later it will The Earl of Carrick appeared on Octoper 20] tenors that has descended — a mi Sa All sorts of changes—already forssladowed ia | be brought to Paris. The book, in four acts, at the Col'senm, In Colonel Cleveland V. C.. a] appears. May Yohe has weg h Ines Borrero. “| The Billboard—took place in the world of Paris | is the work of Robert de Flers and Gaston de sketch, supported by May Jerrold. Franklin | melita Ferrer dances tango W ith is a aot apa Theaters this week: in fact the place seems t Caillavet, whose comedies, Papa, Love Watches, Dyall and Ciifferd Brooke. Lord Carrick plays McArdle and Hart, the nigger chauffeur, have been struck by a cyclone. at least insofar | Jnconstant George, etc., are well known in the under his own name and title, When the Earl | tinue te be a source of a om rth. ¢ | 25 subsidized playhouses are concerned. It was, United States * Rosslyn was on the stage he velled his iden Last maggeon Ae —_ pon — Dna ssp See however, the happening of the long-expected. : eee tty as “Mr. James Erskine.*’ The presen this revue, which has now bee rite : P Change No. 1 was the official resignation of . : Marauess of Hertford. however me. bg me half a million people And this in the Ham-) yy Jules Claretie as yeas Weeuees first The de based on the Lage — > the i of Yarmouth. the title he held during his | merstein house that was declared to be Un| theater the Comedie-Franesise For twenty poet joan Bicheota, It te a gay 1 perig fathr snd predeerssor’s life time. The Bart | lucky ... | eight years he had been the big chief at this | Shortly in one of the theaters on the Bou evards. of Shaftesbury occasionally sings on concert a — — here: Pleased to Meet You: | honse and his going cannet very well he the ——_—-——— — ee platforms and Come Inside occasion for rejoicing on bis part or o the irt Rert Coote will probably play the leading Te well-known variety agent here, trading | o¢ several oa online the kee pe on ss PLAYHOUSE NOTES. part in Lendon in Over the Garden Wall) the | 48 Harry Burns, hes been divoret by his wife. grown up, so to sneak. under his leadership wien ° American mus'eal comedy production which is | The suit. was undefended The wife. Mrs./ tT) Mf. Claretie, the theater was pretty nearly The Auditorium. Bheater, Spokane. Wash., i te be seen in the West Rind here shortly Hochschild, is perhaps better known profession his excuse for living and but for reasons of | which was destroyed by fire, will be rebuilt. R. i Cheyenne Dave is a pleasing Ameriean {item | @lly as Miss Helen Charles : . mie health, he would have remained a short while | Insinger, owner of the property announct that } Which after touring several of the London su Phe terrible mine disaster in South Wales] jonger so as to make his stay there around 30] it is probable the new house will be open by i berben bells was steed at th Coliseum on has moved all the local people to miny acts of years. the first of the year. A October 29 Snb-entitled A Wild West Revne | charity. The well-known conjuror sand il usion Change No. 2 was the official resignation of The new Peterson & Wood Theater, now under i and presented be Gos Hornbrook’s Company, it | ‘St. Chung Ling Soo, gave a special mitinee all M. Albert Carre. of the Opera-Comique. WwW construction in Jamestown, N. Y.. is nearing M@ very well Indeed ; on his own at the Care iff Empire for the_benelt has had considerable success, making the Opera completion. The building will seat 2.100 people. At the Colfacum also Happy Fanny Fields is | of the widows and chi dren and raised £575 Comique so popular that today there are pum It is reported that the Whitmier-Ferris Co.. playing her farewell engagement this week. T saw a good international golt mateh played erous music-lovers who openly im their] Lockport. N. Y.. operating billboard franchises, i W. C, Plelds who was such a bit at the Roral] recently between the Two tobs representing | preferenes for this house of opera over the] pas lensed a part of the shops of the Holly { Command performance, also remains In the bill America and will Evans and Little Tich for | National Academy of Music, commonly called | yee Co.. in Buffalo. and has tegun the manvDabney Tee Smith is. after all. not fixt un| England Musie lvl performers on this side simply the “Opera.” f t of a new type of steel billboards. ; ‘ . ac > oO with the Alhambra and still at Mberty are generally well to the front with their M. Carre takrs the plece of M. Claretie at the os ter e a and Wm , F land have Manrice Wood, the girl from Mississipnt, is | £olfing and their billiards, Acudemy-Francaise. And the prediction is m/e} yoased the lemy of Music at Durham, N. presenting a smart and lively aet in the sub Nigger minstrel trounes have been at a dis here that he will fill the chair left vacant by | ¢ ind will take possession May 1, 1914. urten halls here, eount in this eountry for many years. A year M. Claretie with a svecess which not everyon? . ' Elton and Edwin were well received upon the} 20 Shertly aft al his ribs an of control of | would meet with in the same diffien't position om es occasion of their orening at the Victoria Palace, | Ue, onetime Gi a Charles Gulliver Hie was born at Strasburg in 1852 ard on leavine AMUSEMENT INCORPORATIONS. ‘lon, on October 20.) Their banto nlaving was rage! a yl ly $m — ‘" we 7 eaneet antes a oe stage. Raa he appeared anpletien comment mong ' g » fine > ite of e Mr streis, the me a e Vandevi Theater, Parts n S85 v the halle pty te a eee ae le Senet being taken from the principal Gulliver yon co-director of roger with iapeens , Phe Symphony Theater Os., ine... of meeps Nella Webb continnes her snecessfu’ tour | 20'S The matinee season there was a great | Teslardes. He was nominated director of th x. pA ‘ ap ia La one — b— an? hes now got another new song, She Didn't success, : Onera-Comiane in 1898 unon the death. of M $20,000. The = mage — a 3 Understand a Word of sh It will be remembered that so enormous were | Carvalho. He is well-known in Franes, not only | Yess} Buffalo; D vik ohen and rank a i A eveteh by the American actor-author. J. C the waiting qneues last January and February °s a director but as 2 plavwright, working oft: n Cone n, Niagara Falls. , : Nugent The Unhappy Medium. ts bookt “a9 eho that there was a prosecution for obstructing the | in collaboration with Alexandre Bisson. His Borough Park _Awusement Corpora on. -¢ Arevi). Birkenhead S¢ forme the means ow ais pavements Every school bey end ect ool girl | mst noted work is Ta Rasor! e, this be'ng set Brooklyn. has b en orporated with capital plaving the Australian performer Harry Atkin. went <0 a the lack fellows at the Patiadinm. to musie by Andre Messager and produced at of $15,000 Directors: Morris Grunsp sSiinon son. in his imitations of musical instruments nae this time the company will include Lit| the Opera-Comique in 1890 Rader and Benjamin Appel. ’ ' enh *| tle Thomas, who sang the God Save the Queen Of course the departure of M. Carre left va Italian-American Film Co., Inc wf New York, ' Tip sratuceee ave. Bthel Soe 208 Goorne “—_ solo when Queen Victoria opened the 1851] cant the position of director of the Onera | has been incorporated with a capital of $5,000 live un to Sete dentemadien, oak Geterm — Bh Exhibition in Hyde Park. He was a soprano] Comique. This was filled by M. Ghenssi and th Diretcors: Tony Lucchese, Morris Sehwariz end ty dancre in the w " +84 greatest nove choir-boy then; now he owns to 74 years: but | Messrs. Isola the two brothers who directed | Thomas Cabisino. ° ere In the world They went great at] he has ‘all the old-time fun which distingu'sht the Gaite-Lyriane. The former has been a Arenkay Amusement Com.. Inc., of New York, oreditch Empire London, last week him_as a “Christy M‘nstrel’’ at the former St. | lewyer. poet. dramatist, politician and journai. | has been incorporated with a capital of $6,000. e js 48 years of age and was associated | Directors: Samuel W. Rosenthal, Albert NV. Cates . >}