The Billboard 1914-06-06: Vol 26 Iss 23 (1914-06-06)

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Saecenene er Me JUNE 6, 1914. T he Billboard 53 “JERRY” BARNES WITH UNIVERSAL, New York, May 26.—‘‘Jerry’ M. Barnes, widely known anima! trainer, and brother to A. a. Barnes, the circus owner, bas been placed in charge of the menagerie of the Universal Film Manufacturing Company, at Universal City, Cal. Mr. Barnes succeeds Dr. W. W. Kirby, who died several weeks ago from injuries received tbrouzh the attack of an enraged lion. The new head keeper of the Universal menagerie is one of the oldest and most capable animal tamers and trainers in the business, and during his twenty-five years’ experience he has been attacked and dangerously wounded many times. Mrs. Ethel Barnes, wife of the trainer, will assist her husband. She is also prominent in circus life as an animal trainer. SCENARIO CONTEST IN COLLEGES. New York, May 26.—A scenario writing contest among ten of the leading universities has been inaugurated by the Edison Company. Any graduate or undergraduate of the ten universi ties is eligible to enter the contest. A prize of $100 is offered to each university, this to be awarded before December 1, 1914. Everj ecenario that is accepted will be purchased at a special rate of $35 for single and split reels, and $75 for subjects, the $100 prize being awarded in addition to the purchase price The universities scheduled for this contest are: California, Chicago, Columbia, Harvard, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Yale. two-ree! of the scenario, Cornell, Princeton, BREESE APPLAUDED AT STRAND. New York, May 26.—Edmund Breese, the dramatic star, who made his first screen appearance in the Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Company’s production of the Master Mind, attended the Initial performance of that picture at the Strand Theater, last Sunday evening. Just before the picture was shown, a spotlight was thrown on Mr. Breese, who was sitting in the box with Mr. Lasky and Mr. Belasco. The capacity audience applauded wigorously and Mr. Breese delivered a short address on the pleasure it gave him to appear in motion pictures. At the conclusion of the speech Mr. Breese another ovation, which was also accorded the picture. received M'’ENNERY RETURNING, New York, May 26.—James McEnnery, of the James McEnnery Syndicate of London and New York, is returning to this country on the Olympic, having purchased a number of the biggest productions in England for exploitation on this side. Two of these, entitled The World, The Flesh and the Devil and Little Lord Fauntleroy, have been secured in conjunction with the Sbuberts, and are to be released on a Stete-right basis. Tn addition to these there are others in four, five an] six reels, the titles ot which are, A Blind Man's Secret, Kleptomoenia and For Love and the Crown, Mr. McEnnery is being ably assisted by Thomas Savage Graham, resident manager, and Arthur Levey, associated with the McEnnery Syndicate. PAUL RAINEY BACK. New York, May 25.—Paul Rainey, explorer and big game hunter, arrived on the steamship Vaterland, after a two expedition in Central and British Bast Africa, with some 5,000 Teet of film. These films . years will te put on exhibition in the American Museum of Natural History prior to Ddeing turned over to the Shuberts. Fritz Schindler, a camera operator, by a lion during this trip and Mr Rainey Tad a narrow himself Tietures show the charging of the lion on the operator and just as he is about to charge Mr. Rainey, when he ‘Was shot, was killed escape A WORD ABOUT ARC CONTROLLING. does not The Billboard pretend to conduct & technical department por ittempt to ¢o analytically tnto things mechenteal, but it een claim a full qneta of “horse sense’ and an appreciation of things that moke for benefit to ts readers: moreover, The Billboard must be “shown,” and in the case in point it has, We had oceasion a few day< ago to visit the Speed Controller Company Ine at 257-259 Will'am street, and were introduced to their are controller We don't know a great deal about are lamps and less about controlling then bot what we ‘aw was a moving picture are lamo being fed nechanically and mainta'ning a perfect Neht Not once did it have te be adjusted The car bons were fed together: not by jerks formly as they sinall to he told that the average ene] eorbon at each thousand tt but unt feeds too We were of movement of ‘bout half a burned away, and ty visible at the carbons distance fred was of an inch A volt meter was attached across the car bons, and we saw the feeding take place while the neetle of the instrument remained practi cally stationary The are lamp in use was of the ordinary hand-feed type. The are controller, which con sisted cf a small metal case which contained Five Weeks at Belasco’s Republic Theatre on Broadway— AND STILL GOING NO adorne a so-called ‘white slave” picture. offend or shock; not a hastily concocted piece of theatric clap-trap that will earn censure. (SIX REELS) To Cable—Cincclear Buyers territory. Telephone 6545 Bryant ‘ International Cinema Clearing House Broadway Theatre Building, The most widely advertised picture ever shown, the acknowledged leading financial success, “PROTECT US” The title that set everybody wondering, and brought dozens of columns in the daily papers; the only picture on which a series of three articles were written, endorsing it to the public; it won a special story by Dorothy Dix, and full page pyrenda of cartoon and photo serials. Nothing that will either BUT a carefully thought out sensational method of facing the ctator with some simple facts from life. and not embellished to look pretty;' just great truths from the tragedy of existence that make this film. The Biggest Drawing Card Anywhere The Only One of Its Kind Ever Made They are un We are perfectly willing to play the country ourselves, and are ready to do so—but you are welcome to bid on It looks now like three weeks more at the Republic, and a run of eight weeks in New York is a record—so you may judge what we are ready to do. The lobby display matter is as powerful as the.picture, including a set of new tricks that nobody has ever offered you. ———We're Ready When You Are ——— 1441 Broadway, New York City é ROLL TICKETS Five Thousand = = Ten Thousand + = = Twenty Thousand 4 =Twenty-five Thousand: Fifty Thousand ae. Hundred habs" TBE BIG TICKET AT THE SMALL Your own Svecial Ticket, PRICES: PRICE any printing, and colors, $1.25 $2.50 $4.50 $5.50 $6.50 $8.00 accurately numered, every roll guaranteed. Coupon Tickets for Prize Drawings, 5,000, $2.50. Stock Tickets, 6c per 1.000. T'rompt shipments. Cash with order. Get the sanples Send diagram for Reserved Seat Coupon Tickets. State how many sets desired, Serial or Dated. Paddles for Peddie Wheels. We make Cardboard Book NATIONAL TICKET CO., Shamokin,Pa. ws ‘ SMES s10-CA | is a we MOVING PI IGHT REEL TICKET TRIMOUNT PRESS 87 ALBANY ST.. BOSTON, MASS. Send for Samples. and Prices” Complete Road Show, $100 Edison Machine, complete, perfect order, for gas and | UP; 100 electricity; 5,000 feet good Fil Maker, Trunk, Curtain, ete. with 400 seats, large Marquee, 49 notes, 10 latest tunes, cost $250, good as new, $100; Power's 5, complete, $75; Portable Booth, B. 0. WETMORE, 2 Park Sq 100 Reels Film, elegant condition, Sets Song Slides, per set, with music. Film Service furnished at Supplies. Bargains in new. and second-hand M. Machines and Gas-Making. Outfits. (utfits of all kinds bought. What have you? BOX 1179, New Orleans, m, 5 sets Songs, Gas nd postal for lists. ; also Tent, $125; Crank Piano, vare, Boston, Mass. BARGAINS IN FILMS AND SONG SLIDES 7.00 per reel and perfect condition, $1. Good vu lowest prices in the South. P Machines and P. O. the gearing, coupled to a small motor, was located under the lamp house and connected to the feeding rod of the lamp by means of a rod with universal joints. The wooden handle of the feeding rod had been removed and replaced by a worm wheel and a gear. It was the results that interested us more than the way in which they were accomplished. We know something of the troubles that operators are heir to. We have seen him grab frantically for his lamp when the light begins to dim, touch the wrong handle or turn it the wrong way and lose it entirely, and can congratulate him on now being able to sidestep that trouble, because this device, while allowing all of the adjustments necessary to ‘‘trim’’ the lamp, takes entire charge of the feeding ag long as the carbons last, It relieves the operator cf work that he should te relieved of if possible. It requires a great deal more intelligence in the booth to show a satisfactory picture than most owners realize, and if there more than another that causes an operator to ‘‘lose his head,’’ it is the necessary constant attention upon his lamp, regardless of whatever else he must care for or whatever may develop. A sticking film and a blaze may amount to a catastrophe unless the operator can give it his undivided attention, or the be subject to a heavy charge for damaged film unless the operator’s hand is immediately there to check it when it leavesa the It may seem that the operator has little to do. So does the chauffeur have little to do, but he must keep his eye on the read all the time and not lose his head: and likewise, the operator must watch the screen and detect any fault before it becomes a permanent damage, and also keep his head for emergencies. Therefore, we think there are advantages to all concerned in this are controller that we are talking about. ig one thing owner may sprockets, POLI BOOKING FEATURES, New York, May 7.— ae of the largest circuits booking feature pictures is the Poli Circuit of New England. R. C. Miller is in charge of the booking and m#kes his office with James Clancey. There are twenty-two theaters in the Poli Circuit, and the policy will be feature pictures and vaudeville. The newest Poli theater to be opened to the new picture and vaudeville policy will be a $600,000 theater in Hartford, Conn., with a seating capacity of 3.400. This new theater was opened on Monday, May 25, with the Famous Players’ Storm Country as the feature, Six vaudeville acts. Tess of the together with ROLANDS CO. EXPANDING, New York, May 28.—The Rolands Feature Film Co, announce that important changes for the betterment and enlargement of the firm’s interests have recently Through the aggressive business ability of Samuel Q. Edelstein, manager of sales and publicity, a strong selling and distributing organization is being built up. Several additions have been made to the staff of the New York tooking department and adjoining offices have been secured to accommodate the increase ‘n business. George been made. K. Rolands, head of this concern, will leave tomorrow for the West. where he will arrange for the handling of this company’s output. Trapped in the Great Metropolis, their first production, is meeting with much snecess, five prints having been booked solid in Greater New York and up State until June 1 and dozens of other bookings being scheduled for the following month. LAUGHS LOUDLY IN MOVIE—IS JAILED. (Philadelphia North American.) Because he created a disturbance by ing uproariously in a moving picture theater in Philadelphia, Pa., Peter Recio, of. that city, was sentenced to five days in the House of Correetion by Magistrate Pennock in Nixht Court. Ushers of the theater testified that they did not protest against Recio’s mirth until it had lasted fully ten But Recio kept on laughing, laugh minutes and was arrested, {Editor’s Note—Exhibitors would certainly appreciate knowing the title of the film, which could produce the effects our esteemed contemporary, The Philadelphia North American, men tiong in the foregoing item). SPARTACUS AT BUFFALO THEATER. Buffalo, N. Y., May ‘27.—Sparticus, presented ty George Kleine attractions, opened a summer run at the Majestic Theater, Buffalo, Monday, May 25. The initial business was heavy, and the future h« to be the same. A uses promise recital played on a large Wurlitzer pipe organ, especially installed for th eision, was an added feature. Other appropriate music was orchestra. production furnished by the regular Majestic Foster Moore is in charge of the here, Hundreds of letters received each week by J. Warren Kerrigan indicate that he is liked best in Western stories, and the Victor star will appear only in pictures of this kind for some time to come. 2 A oS nae Ana RNR aS INN He RT LESAN MC Na