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The Billboard
FEBRUARY 6, 1915,
White Stone Handlers
Get in on the big profit crop with the famous ““B-W"’ line of WHITE STONES. You can't buy them better any place in the world, end our prices are positively the LOWEST EVER QUOTED on goods of this bigh standard.
No. 1678. No. 1678-~ Price per Dozen, 75¢; per Gross, $8.50. We will send 4
sample of each of 5 Rings and 3 Scarf Pins for 75¢.
Pin. with %
Karat Size White Stone Brilliant. Basket Set Mounting. Price per Doz
No. 1679. Ne. 1679—Price per Dosen.
, 85e; per Gross, $9.56.
Send for our free cata
Wholesale Jewelers and Premium Specialists,
337 West Madison Street, CHICAGO, ILL.
No. 1680—Price per — 85e; per Soc,
\ Sheet &Pen Workers
No other like it. No failures—absolutely. Fills instantly. Unbreakable barrel and cap. The slickest demon
es Sven see. 25% on order, 32 ELGIN PEN WORKS, yr Dept. 3,
Eigin Pen. 544 W. Lake Street, Chicago, til.
ALSMITH MFG. CO. 5247 VAN ra =f * ee
Amus em = Sends Se x mew big catalog
“Hn oop-La~ Boxes
Country Stores
Streetmen, Get Busy! THE IRON CROSS
Insignia of Legion of Irony.
~ “WEAR ene eqoonate FRIENDS.” Over one milion of =
Crosses have been sold in York and Philadelphia in lows than a month.
Sample, 10c; $2.25 pees. o. b. Philadeiph
THE MAGIC SHOP, 32 W.13th St., Phila., Pa.
TTTENTION, E Ry Punch Board Man!
Our Interpational Ratt na r
WANTED CONCESSIONS SEASON i915 Confectionery, Cones, Crisp, Lunch, Novelties, Palmist, Amusement, Games, Booths are built. Windsor Resort. D. TRIMPER, Ocean City, Md
say”’ must be a SOUTHERNER to “‘get ee! in =z SOUTH. so, but next best thine with a reliable SOUTHERN firm. boys work towns where “‘Northare not even tolerated. Request for “particulars” brings some remarkable ‘ormation. F. V. BERRY, Montgomery, Ala.
What's the dope, Siim Hunter; let’s bear from you. And while we're at it; where’s Doc Speigel, A. J. Houston, Bill Maguire and the rest of the bunch?
Roll call at El Paso, Tex., disclosed the presence of the following: Danny Mack, Ted Fleming, Denny Calahan, Jack Crough, Doe J. 8. Howard, George Marx and Jack Leyden, How about those pipes, Jack?
Fisher shoots us a lively one, something like this: ‘‘I know it’s a shame that I should waste my talents, but I have found a nice little burg with no one to take care of it, so what could I do but accept the poor little rascal. Oh, you home guard; honest, it doesn’t seem natural. What's the matter with Whale Oil Gus, lost his tongue? Pictures can't talk.’’ Now that’s what we call a little yell, and mebbe a little yeller; at that our very best, Fisher.
Come, Ibberson; quit kiddin’ us. What y’ mean sit down or you'll fall down? Come vut now or we'll disclose your winter quarters.
Max Ginsberg, the jolly little fellow of whistle fame, who can strew more harmony along the main stem than a steam calliope. would like to hear from all his old friends, and his new ones included at his address, 1133 C street, Tacoma, Wash., where he is making candy, likewise selling it, and, incidently, getting very rich. Who threw that brick?
George Lucas, Shreve Bldg., San Francisco, would like to hear from George Lewis of sharpener fame, of Toronto, and the rest of the sharpener workers. George is a very busy chap these days.
writ of habeas corpus, opened the store and was again arrested. Injunction proceed were decided upon with the result that the city is now open.”” We sure hand it to you, Abe. Drop us a word.
“While Isaacs has taken to poetry, And Old Bill Stumps has taken to dreams, And the spectacle man and the high pitch clan Are racking their braine for themes To fill up their pipes and their joy notes, And as for food for their verses and rhymes, I sit bere and doze and toast my toes Till that good old summer time. “Disgracefully, MERRENS.”’
Ralph, the elephant-skin boy, has a great store show on Spring street, in Los Angeles.
A few from Ed Williams, the lightning calculator man: ‘‘Sorry to hear that bene J Olds will inherit part of Ohio. He certainly has trouble ahead, when he comes to blowing it in, Too bad, too bad! Saw Windy a few months ago and he told me that he'd been on the water wagon then nearly a week, off and on. he’s got "em again. Maybe the water was bad and he got ‘em in self-defense. Tell us about how it happened, Windy, old boy.”’ “The landscape of our old friend, Whale Oil Gus, makes me feel 16*instead of 60. I see that Gus is looking over a gust of hot air and seems . be intensely interested. Whale away Gus, boil it down and put it on the mourner’s bench and convert it into seap, it will remove the stains from one’s conscie.ce and that is Adam Turk.” “Opening the tomb of decaying history I find in 1881 I split my time in two as instructor in g Mound City business college and as a stajl-board speuter in St. Louis. Try
Standing, from right to left: Sitting: Dick W. Allen and Billy C. Graves. entails some fond memories to the bunch
E. L. Drum, Charley Thurmer of pitch fame, C. Bradley, W
It Was in the Sunny South where this was taken, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Johnson are spending the winter in Los Angeles, Cal.
Will J. Fagan likes the Public Defender argument we printed week before last, and proposes that we print it in large editions, so that we can sell it at small cost to pitchmen, whom he thinks will buy it in blocks of a hundred and mail it broadcast, besides giving it away to their various pushes,
But there is the rub.
So far as we know but three pitchbmen, all told, have taken any interest in the matter at all.
All that we have asked of them so far is to clip the notices and ask some of the newpapers to print them.
If they will not do that much is it likely that they will give up real money for pamphlets
Comment invited.-The Editors.
James Rowley writes that sheet biz in Virgina is slow.
W. Ha (Doc) Herbert, 2202 Illinois avenue, Granite City, Iil., would like to get the address of Maude Herbert, Kansas City; Billy Graham (of Minnetonka Med. Co. fame), in Oklahoma City, and he would like to hear from Dr. C. L. Barnett.
REGARDING OAKLAND, CAL, That Reader Question.
The following is the report as we receive it upon authority from Abe Hendler, who is the perpetrator of the movement: ‘“‘The city of Oakland, Cal, has a law known as the Itinerant Vendor Law, providing for a reader and a $50 a day gyp. which was recently declared ‘unconstitutional, unreasonable, oppressive and prohibitory’ by Superior Judge aste. A test case carried to the upper court by Lew First, of A. H. Hendler & Co. The smaller merchants of the town were opposed to the influx of temporary stores and streetmen and were instrumental in having the law passed in spite of the fact that the Board of Trade and Merchants’ Exchange opposed it. A. H. Hendler opened a novelty store on Washington street, recently, under the management of 0. W. Reseligh, who was arrested after refusing to pay the $50 daily license. He 4 released on bail, returned to the store and ned it but was again arrested. He was se on a
ing to average my expenses to the game, proportionate as the skin of a sausage to the groundhog inside. 1 hired a pair of jacks hooked to a phaeton, over the tail of which I handed out calculators and with the same motion handed in cartwheels, which would cash for a caser. Well, one day while working at the muzzle end of an alley on Franklin avenue, not far from Fifth street (now Broadway), was just finishing my pass-out, but hog-like was waiting for an eleventh hour repentance, that I might bless him with a dollar's worth of salvatior, when a falsetto shriek across the street drew my attention with a sudden jerk. I saw a woman drop on all fours and start with hurricane speed astern toward my layout against which she made a whirlwind finish. The six hundred-pound parker, in trying to unload her and make his escape, nearly upset my itinerant bookstore and tried to pass out between the jacks, to which they took exception, in a practical way. I was slapped out at the first tilt, and for several blocks the race was nip and tuck. However, the young wmorrocco-bound African, whom I had for a driver, finally got brakes set enough in thin oatmeal to let bis hogship out of the pocket and win. We had revived her when the ‘rabitto’ squad ‘returned without a scratch, after running a good race, even thongh they did lose. She (our unfortunate friend who rode the big), too, had a rather tough frolic without a scratch, so I told her that if she’d forgive me that time for crossing her course, I'd have the pickaninny take her home, and promise to be always somewhere else—if she'd tell me whenever she contemplated riding porkers, to which she accepted and so the exciting aspect faded from view.""—C. Edw. Williams.
The Buttermilk Twins are still working lookbacks and are in El Paso and are doing well. Danny Mack is still on the roll of honor, “hicken Harry is there with slum, Doce Howard is selling supers, eye-glass supers. George Marx opened a swell auction joint, as the weather was bad before Christmas. Come on, gang, spread some o’ those pipes on the minutes and report to headquarters.
About eight years ago Fred Gassoway was working with his uncle Gene, in Munday, Tex., who ts now retired and living off the fat of the land in Ft. Worth. At that time Munday was on the boom and everyone lived in tents or dugouts. They had hard work securing the services of a washer-woman and the laundry piled up. Finally an old colored wom
Just as we have been telling you, our prices are about normal on all of our thousands of Novelties. Take Watches, for instance—we are selling them to the boys at the same old price, so come ahead you Auctioneers, Pitchmen,
some other wholesaler. or some other little high at sign, to show us that you are not just looking for single
You Business Men who are looking or peed mene getters. I have a full line of Fountain gold and gold-plated, and Ink Pencils — Pencils are getting the money around New York. also have a nice line of Safety Razors A 1 ~ per gross. Now COillette Blades 1 can
a dozen. A word to the wise is J .ig
KELLEY, The Specialty King, 21-23 Ann Street, New York City.
¢ Y = ©
o S
> o 7
EAGLE SEL FILLING PENS. Gross...... 8.508 IMPORTED SELF-FILLING PENS. Grose. 10.50 Pa Be, «=D. co ccccccccce gene 2.0
NICKEL PENHOLDERS. Gross.............. 2.0 COMBINATION MEMORANDUM BOOK (The i ME 6s tens ceeeh iene ate nt oe 45 BLAOK ge COVERED MEMORANDUM BOOK OREB. « cccccvccescce cocceee SD COLORADO PEN POINTS. Gross....... coo | OD
All other items just as low in price. Send for my catalogue and be convinced.
(He Treats You Right) 358 W. Madison St.,
Look at the Quantity Prices on the
Chieage, tit.
LOOK ei Vindow Demonstrators. The fastest =. 1 =e Sgt -' 3 —— and best mple. a. i. CARTWRIGHT, 420 Empire & Bide. Pltsburgh, Pa.
Paddie Wheels
$8.09 to $225.00, including Paddles. AMUSEMENT DEVICES.
Portes Paddles, Dolls, Teddy Bears, Dogs, Pillow Tops, Steins, Paper Novelties, Vases,
Send for Catalogues.
337 W. Madison Street, CHICAGO, HLL
Send $2.00 for a Beautiful Pocket Folding Umbrella. Send $1.50 for a Serviceable Suit Case Umbrella. Send $1.00 for a Detachable Suit Umbrella. Write for quantity prices. PRANKPORD | BROS., 906 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
in Missouri, Tlinois,
lowa, Kansas, Oklah kansas and Texas.
oma, Arly