The Billboard 1915-02-06: Vol 27 Iss 6 (1915-02-06)

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‘ FEBRUARY 6, 1915. The Billboard 33 ee 1 00) chee: ces.c,t|PAPERMEN = =LOOK (3c) AGENTS WANTED tackle the job. When Miss Aquadeena brought atisfi a eee | tlie togs back the bill she presented contained in Dasinese ene yeep tadey, end over 1.900 6 ae ee een cakes Lome tested @ COUTLETE Ee our agents for their patronage, and at the same time let you know that we have installed a COMPLETE line THIS IS A ome | the item: One baby cap, 36 cents. As none of of PREMIUMS. © We. have g proposition for CANADA that CAN NOT be deat. Agents wanted all over the company was married an indignation meeta 2c sta or particulars. GOLD MINE at aThrow| ing was Lela and a protest lodged. Miss HIGGINS. SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, ry North High Street, : COLUMBUS, OHIO. Aquadeena said: ‘‘Well, I dun foun’ de baby eference: City National Bank. Onty 1@ Boxes o Day Meane $5.00 Dally Promt. feu) in de pocket ob dat white coat, and 1 like’ to nebba got it clean, 1 washed it eight ~ a times and cain't get it white.” The “baby 0 Y B M k Tw P f t orerlooked. and, of course” fe yas ruined, and wh our usiness a e 0 ro | $ . = : what my uncle sa a = [ea her clap her bands over her ears and beat it. | Be Our agent—making wonderful profits both as salesman and opera ii R ease Re setae OE _ Cirle: Mathews and wife are wintering in tor of Ten-Pinnet — ‘‘the world’s greatest bowling game.” New, fasos Angeles. cinating, healthy. Beats old fashioned bowling. Alleys, 38 to 50 feet long — quickly installed in any room. Everything automatic—no pin-boy required —just someone to take in money. Everybody wants a to play. Valuable premiums to bowlers— su we furnish coupons. A great hit. Write today for agent’s proposition, and proof of what others have earned on small investment, Carl Bradish, the old vet, from reports, is at present enjoying the weather on the inside, doing a li'l barkeep job in Grand Island, Neb. He would be glad to hear from or see his old friends. Address him care The ‘Bostwick. Charlie Kenninger was seen in Grand Island recently; he bas sent his wife to Ft. Worth for the winter and is knocking off a few with the ‘Leven Combination in Display Case. Eaeh | sheet. Article Full Orug Store Size. Full size of Box Is Tay inches. VALUE OF CONT NTS: PRR a RO = Andy Watson—Tell us about the bag 0’ Tries Stele Romewe toe $0.10 cookies and the ladies. =" \ Ps ‘ 3 ; Modco Trine Extract Perfu.. ; “THINK John Haskell—Claude Lawes would like to THE TEN PINNET COMPANY, 8 Van Buren St., Indianapolis, Ind. i it Pear! Dentifrice Tooth Soap.... hear from you. And so would we. ay Glycerine a Buttermilk Soap.. * OF IT! GM ERR Pb inc BE qqeesseee . . E = PADOLE WHEELS cetaekee +2! " 7 4 ~~, AF Tonic... ELEVEN King David, lightning calculator man, where So F, C. MUELLER j Medco Cuticle Soap........... .2SARTICLES | are you? Tip us off. Al Isaacs has been asking. SOY TELIITIIIIIIIL ee rg Empress Cucumber Cream...... ‘so FOR And Doc Dera Shea, of St. Louis, let's have a q My Lady Tar for Sonetatag.. -25 LESS THAN | line; we're getting anxious, s * Empress Face Powder.......... -50 5c " wits <i : a arm Life, one of the publications which Man urers Total Value.........$3.35 EACH. the boys of the glims and pokes herald before , ne wd QUANTITY PRICE TO AGENTS, 50e EACH. the unscientific agriculturists, takes a firm stand ae SHOOTING GALLERIES j When you show your customer this gorgeous case, |i" regard to the circulation boosters, and in Goes a the array of fine toilet goods will dazzle her eye, and | & recent issue the following was published: when at the end of your spiel you state the low | ‘“The sheet writers were there, taking sutscripprice of $1.00 for all this, the dollar is yours. tions to the poultry and farm papers, and while This Outfit, as shown above, cover padded with they sometimes seem a little persistent, yet purple cloth, $1.25, seeeere prepaid. Only one Win| we realize that they are offering real subscrip| “**™ ner of our 37 Varieties tion bargains, and .help to spread the gospel of €. M. DAVIS SOAP co., 642 Davis Block, efficiency in farming to all parts of the country, See Werth Bee Plaines CHICAGO, ILL. and therefore should be encouraged.’’ Charley W. Carpenter, the old caravan fol AND AMUSEMENT DEVICES 1702 North Western Avenue, °&T eae Mosis CHICAGO, ILL. Bend for DOLL RACKS. ene ee er ~~ nian cosine NO BRE? in. 8 Toe bins tent lower, gays: ‘‘Let the pipes smoke up, as they are too good to blow away.”’ sheet, and hit some virgin territory. They e a a want to hear from N. C. Taylor and Prof. . q ' nae C ralf arniVal oll 0 | a —_—_— 3 , s ti worse he will have to follow Harry Small’s ad° vice and go to Florida and eat oysters, or go om ina ion ars to’ Europe and fight for a living. He says. HAS MOVED TO ' : would suggest C. L. Dobson and Joe Early as s s f fixers. Oe Special Cars of all Kinds —* . y AN R. W. Lamb ‘fesses up and says that he SS | 1 ; | er Stepping, Slim Hornaday and Jack Murphy, NO | ICE when last beard from, were making good on the N. W. Allread says that if things get any speaking of the sheet boys organizing, that he doesn't own the paper he is with, and that he SOUTHERN IROW a EQUIPMENT co. is just working for them, that’s all. CORNER 18TH STREET Dick Walt thi breaki icel , i y j ATLANTA, GA. alts thn. anh Oak dale tae eee tee Come in and see us, all of you toy users, and we will show ‘te _[| the biz after this year. you what we think are going to be the biggest coin-producers Met Ben Pushin and Ed Weber—Please shoot us for next season. We have been “sawing wood” all winter and Hal MERRY GO ROUNDS ae Pace li pastel as a result will have several genuine surprises for you. a Dolly Lind, our old friend of college fame, THAT’S ALL. DON’T FORGET THE NUMBER. My WE MAKE | is still working in Boston, and says nny worry”? for her, Things must be breaking g Ta FOR up in that section. What's the news, Dolly; anit $400.00 | coming back this way? She would like to hear + — = : from Trixi Amlin. —— i ————2 aud Up. ea anes ~ Pay for themAt any rate, we are pleased to know that LY AAI selves in @ few | the last declaration, stating that Scotty Castle 9 \ : 4 on iw , would bring h light. Scott ° Ny A] futnct, Sina | as 12 scot rom th gos ata inst vie i |The best Glass Blowers’ Store in the Country for Zone San EES fc for cata | cood (thanky) and that he has located in ® aoe z . UNITED STATES MERRY-GO-ROUND co,, | CICA, where be would like to hear trom the | Francisco Exposition. Must have complete outfit with big 8. arr. ord—Please, 0 i ‘ pa Cincinnati, Ohio. | Gerii, scotty can be addressed at 2340 Prairie | flash; willing to work on equitable basis. Steady Grind and ; , Chicago. a) TF nn No Gip. State what you have and when you can come first The sheet was well represented at the ltry EMIL R. HOFFMANN & $OB| stow in New Maven, Conn, ‘The following re-|letter. A. H. MCKENZIE, care of The Billboard, 605 Humboldt Bank Blég., San hi eponded to the roll call: W. J. Chapman, Eddie 4 N 4 var bis WT, ia <a Manufacturers of the Smith, H. F. Kenny, Diamond Dick Rose, Leo | Francisco, Callf, . WORLD'S BEST Tong and Heels Leach. All did well. Shooting Galleries & Targets G. K. Peck, Jack Terry, Joe Bernard and W. _ { be $817 So. Irving Ave. L. Bly are thinking ef wintering in Arizona a en 0 er or ers en ion CHICAGO, ILL. ? if the business picks up. ® oy ——~ § a hk Kiseen pe —_ eke: an Our new Soldering Compound is a great Money-maker for live demonstrators. It mends even enameled ware His 00 nnatuiienibadae without the use of acids, simply with the heat of a candle. In order to get a few more boys to handle it, ae 7 5,000 POSTCARDS FOR 15: George Marx—How is the new agent you put | price per gross, $2.50. Sample, 10c. Order quick, before the price goes up again. ! | hi ? od ah a inion. BAZZANELLA & CO., 407 S. Eden St., : Baltimore, Md. HIGH GRADE COMICS AND SENTIMENTAL Arizona i¢ on the fritz for the paper; strongCARDS. arm methods did it. / 500 aiff pany order. ee a ee ee Matt George—Tom Yarnall —. bed hear AN HEEL AND you. Address him care The Bi ard. TICHNOR BROS., INC. 25 eiieuaanaapiale ; mars 14 251 Causeway 7 "Boston, Mass.| Reports have it that Oklahoma is still holding Get our prices 08 %, 1,2 and 5-pound packages bi her own with the sheet. for Wheels and Punch Boards. nies rise Incandescent Lamps | , 2: sows tt oi mon store, vite J. J. HOWARD, | Earl Vance’s domicile and left a little nine and FOR a half pounds of masculinity. Congrats, old Dept. B. 115 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. PARKS —THEATRES—SHOWS |‘: BUY IR FR Diamond Dick Rose is headed South for a few ° OCT uneee sary days’ visit with his folke. a Langer age epuc PRICES his atle assistant, is getting the tricks o e a = 29 Bom, Cine game well developed, and Dick promises that or (Cbolored,. 8c; 600 Hours, Clear or Colored, 6e. Guaranteed. SAFETY | she will be a world beater some of these days. TAN * ry 7Aag “tre VRITE an ELECTRIC COMPANY, gat» North a a WANTED FOR COMING SEASON, JOLLY TRIXIF, WRITE { es ichigan Avenue, Chicago, I). Harry Stopeck would like to hear from a < : : old side-kick, Byrons. The Stepping Kid is WESTCOTT SHOWS, ‘ TIE FORM WORKERS still around the Coast enjoying life. 206 Crilly Building, CHICAGO, ILL. Oe Tie Fucus ase ,iteat. money-makers for live demon, ae 4 < « the succesful. bere, a Ay the yi 4 iarem of John Dulany, alias Goose, would like to hear 9 th ~4 from Heath Hightower and Dick Walker. Du1¢ best silk braid ties for forms. Write for prices 1 N. C.. f ene @nd deal direct with the manufacturer, laney has been in Greenville, or over s NEW oe BRAID MFG. CO., two months, getting the dough without premi; . 37 West 3rd Street New York City. | ams. Band of 14 pieces, Motordrome Seis Freaks for 10-in-1 Show, Concessions. > WANTED—— F. C. Esty aay that he is off the sheet untit| Wheels sold; also glass. One more show to feature. Real Plantation People, February, 1916, when he will come back in the | write. ED. A. EVANS, Independence Kan. fxperienced Fountain Pen Demonstrators and Work| same old shape. He would like to hear from era ff Pact Exposition | Scotty Castle, Harrington, Jay Lee, Red Todd. at on Ral gy my gO 861 SutKid Rass, Kid Kaine and Trixi Amlin. Address OUR ADVERTISERS SCAN YOUR LETTER TO FIND OUT WHERE YOU SAW THEIR AD. ter St., San Francisco, Cal. . him at Iona, Mich., care Rev. C, Mendenhall. MENTION US, PLEASE.