The Billboard 1915-02-06: Vol 27 Iss 6 (1915-02-06)

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} we eee iti we i rece lee ~ The Billboard FEBRUARY 6, 1915. AT LIBERTY FRE CONDITIONS Tuureday, WANTED SITUATION Advertisements of 40 acceptable nature will be inserted without charge in the Classified oe week's issue. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT ADVERTISEMENTS NOT TO EXCEED Open persen esnnesied er identified with the place you. RAS -y 5 en ee ieee wee fed that you ere tmpuing on ws by using the tree standing ede scowted. exey mast be fumished cach week, and yeu must be ready to Join at noe Write your ad on separate sheet of paper. Worms diese 6 p.m, for insertion in the following NOTICE—Letters Girected te Initials ONLY are net delivered through the post office. if Initials are used the letter should be addressed In care of person, firm, or post office box. x 235 WORDS If answers are not satisfactory the Gret eolumne OTHER THAN CAPS. NO CUTS. PARTNERS WANTED.. FOR EXCHANGE ° aaron HAND SHOW PROPERTY OR BALE. ..cccccccsccccccccccsess usp costuMES FOR SALE....... FURNISHED SR Ccocacsesnneeell ADS WILL BE INSERTED UNDER PAID FOLLOWING HEADINGS, ore ne site. NO LIMIT cccccecdeccees IO ber Word. ANY OF THE DERS. 4 URE TIME WANTED BY popes. +4 oer Werd. T LIBERTY AT FUTURE DATE ” WANTED TO BUY. .....ccccrccrscece =~ BOARDING HOUSES (Theatrical)....20 ne ATTRACTIONS WANTED............30 saad PAID ADS inthe CLASSIFIED SECTION WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR AS MANY INSERTIONS AS YOU WISH, BUT NO DISCOUNT FOR TIME Inasmuch as we do not place charges for ads in the Classified Columns upon our books we veered ask that you remit the required amount with copy. O NUMBER OF WORDS FOR PAID ADS. We reserve the right to edit copy. HELP WANTED..............00s000.-3¢ per Word, WANTED SHOWS....... 0... cece ceeee 30 CONCESSIONS WANTED............ 30 ” FOR SALE ADS (Except Second-Hand Goods PPE ee ee Cee eee Tee REMEMBER, CASH WITH COPY. ALL COPY FOR ADS IN THIS DEPARTMENT MUST REACH US BY THURSDAY, 6 P. M. res REM .ccccccccecceccses sass .30 Dor Word, OTELS (Catering ‘to ‘Theatrical’ Prowg > 080 cceeeescossesecescees 30 oo ORCHESTRAS AND BANDS (Seven Pieces OF MOFe).c.sssecceccccccesss 08 AGENTS WANTED. Advertisements wihout display, under this heading, 3e per word. AGENTS—Cost 3c, sell 25c; Gold Window Letters any one can apply; samples ‘tree. CHICAGO LETTER CO., 2511 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IL AGENTS Salary of commission cent profit; one agent’s sales $620 in six days; another $32 in two hours. MONROE MFG. co., X 40, La Crosse, Wis. SELL our attractive brass Easel Poster Frames to & oo and Signs to stores; big demand; easy beral commissions. NEWMAN MANUFACToRine COMPANY, Cincinnati, Ohio. O—_—_ AT LIBERTY. Advertisements under this head, first tIne and name in black letter, ic per word. A-1 GROUND TUMBLER—WANTS ENGAGEments with circus or act. Address JOE ROSENGARTIN, 62 Wall St., Passaic, N. J. A-l MUSICIAN—TROMBONE, SAXOPHONE, Xylophones and other Brass. Long experience in musical ‘‘acts.”. Would accept position in “act,’’ also consider good partner or Trombone B. & 0. Address MUSICIAN, Box 2, Hubbard. lowa. A YOUNG LADY—Goop " VIOLINISTE AND Viola desires engagement. Experienced. Good sight reader. Recommended. VIOLINISTE, 263 McCaul Street, Toronto, Ontario. AT LIBERTY—THE GREAT DEVORE, THE Man Who Flirts With Death. Two sensational novelty acts. Wardrobe A-1. Can take bits. Will join on wire. Address THE GREAT DEVORE, 503 Mohoning Road, N. E., Canton, Ohio. AT LIBERTY—MOVING PICTURE OPERAtor. Two years’ experience with well-known show. Can operate Power machine 6-A, or Edison B. Good reference, if wanted. SAM JABER, Pocahontas, Va. AT LIBERTY—THE FLYING SNODGRASS Bros. Iron jaw and trapeze performers, repregenting Angels on Iron-Jaw Bar. First-class wardrobe and rigging for circus or carnival. SNODGRASS BROS., 1115 W. Mansion St., Lyons, lowa. AT LIBERTY—A-NO. 1 VIOLINIST AND Pianist. Readers and transposers. Experienced in picture show, vaudeville and_ traveling troupes. Prefer troupe playing Nebraska or adjoining States, or State of Illinois. Can in on wire, References furnished. THE LEEGERS, York, Nebraska. AT " LIBERTY—LADY ORCHESTRA—PIANO, Violin, Cornet, Clarinet, French Horn, Drums; beautiful music for hotel or picture theater; members of A. F. of M.; go anywhere on reliable engagement. Address “LADY MUSICIANS,”’ care Billboard Office, Heidelberg Bldg... New York City. AT LIBERTY—TRAP DRUMMER, Twelve years’ experience in all lines; bells, xylophone, tympani and drums. A. F. of M. M. J. CADY, 317 4th Ave., Spokane Wash. AT LIBERTY—COWBOY AND GIRL, TRICK and Fancy Ropers, wish position with show; good references. Address R, H. B., care Tom Appling, Doyle, Ok. AT LIBERTY—BESSIE LAWRENCE, 22; leads, ingenue, soubrette, blonde; 5 ft. 3; 4 years’ experience; self, 24; juvenile, straight; 5 ft. 10; dark. Musical comedy, stock or tabloid. Join on wire. HARRY BURT, 1708 East 60th, Suite No. 11, Cleveland, Ohio. BANDMASTER, 29, GRADUATE CONSERVAtory, Italy, ex-director Morenci Concert Band, desires position anywhere in U. S. Best references. PROF. JOSEPH SALERNO, 203 E. 13th St., New York. OORNETIST—THOROUGHLY COMPETENT, capatie, and experienced in all lines; nothing too good; anything paying paying salaries. E, M, COLEMAN, Cuthbert, Ga. FRANK WEBBER—FRENCH HORN ARTIST, 1914 summer season with Sympbony Orchestra, Chautauqua, N. Y. Double Cello. Reference for asking. Permanent or road; A. F. of M. Write or wire. Paxton, Dl. EQUILIBRISTS AND ATHLETES — FOR Vaudeville, Fairs, or anything that pays. Muscular posing and feats of strength by a perfectly developed boy; tumbling and hand-tohand balancing; we'ght 140 each; ability; wardrobe. AN ANB DARLING. 432 East 40th street, Chicago, Il. MADAME DUPONT, SCIENTIFIC PALMIST ~Entertain your friends. Samuel and Lucy Lingerman, Ventriloquist and Magician, can be engaged for Entertainments, Mrs. Lingerman, under the nom de plume of Madame Dupont, ean aleo be engaged as Scientific Palmist, in Gypsy Costume, for Church Fairs, Hospital Benefits, Private Parties, etc. 705 N. Fifth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Bell Phone, Market 18-54. MARRIED MAN—23 YEARS OLD. TROMbone Player, double to Alto, would like position with small show band or locate in mining town. DELANO PORTWOOD, Knoxville, Iowa. MUSICIAN AT LIBERTY—SAXOPHONE s0loist. Am also strictly first-class Clarinetist, thoroughly experienced in all lines. Can double Brass on short notice. Write first-class Musical Act or Concert Co. Long season. Total abstainer; age 29. Address CLARINETIST, 503 Masten St., Dallas, Tex. ORGANIST—16 YEARS, PLAYS CONCERT and popular music; picture playing and instruction. Anywhere with large house. H. BRACKEN DYE, Upper Montclair, N. J. PERMANENT LOCATION Six-People WANTED—FOR Stock Company, on flat money or percentage. Two shows each night. Change twice weekly. Michigan, Indiana or Ohio city of ten thousand or over preferred. EMERSON’S PLAYERS, Biakely Flats, Albion, Michigan. PIANO PLAYER FOR THEATRE—EXPERIenced in vaudeville, musical comedy and pictures. No picture grinds. Write, state salary and hours. Satisfaction guaranteed. BOB CHAMBERS, Cortland, N. Y. PIANO PLAYER—I PLAY VAUDEVILLE, pictures and musical comedy. Any house in New York, Ohio, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware or Maryland. ‘““RELIABLE,”’ care The Billboard, Cincinnati, O. PRESS AGENT—EXPERIENCED AND CAPAble; also forceful, result-producing ‘‘talker."’ Wife experienced ‘‘concession agent’’ or ticket seller. Reliable managers only. W. L. ROE, Galt House, Cincinnati. REAL ACTS FOR REAL SHOWS—HUBERT Coverstone, slack wire and trap performer. Everything considered, Quincy, Ohio. ATTRACTIONS WANTED. Advertisements without display, under this heading, Se per word. WANTED—-Repertoire Stock Companies, Vaudeville bn capacity, 500. ARCADE THEATRE, Dewe we PHROPLE’S CARNIVAL want 1915. attractions, 4236 Folsom, St. Louis, Mo. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. (SEVEN PIECES OR MORE.) Advertisements display, under this heading, ABRUZZI'S ROYAL ITALIAN BAND—Prof. Di Nolfi can furnish any number first-class musicians; open for all engagements. PROF. PASQUALE DI NOLFI, New Brookland, 8. C. season AT LIBERTY—Brass Band of ten, for carnivals; double piano, drums; vaudeville, tab., dramatic, etc. Write for particulars. SYLVESTER’S BAND, Murray, Ky. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Advertisements without display, under this heading, 3e per word. PATENTS SECURED OR FEE. RETU! RNED; free report as to patentability; illustrated Guide Book and List of Inventious wanted sent free. VICTOR J. EVANS, 3 Ninth St., Washington, Dd. Cc. CONCESSIONS TO LEASE. Advertisements without display, under this heading, 3e per word, WHEELING PARK—Only amusement Wheeling, W. Va., season of 1915; 1,500; fully equipped restaurant, bowling and pool, soft drink privilege; photographs, skee ball, baby rack, knife and cane racks, country store, glass vases, novelties, etc. GRIFFITHS & CRANE, Lippincott Building, Philadelphia, Pa. FOR EXCHANGE. Advertisements without display, under this heading, le per word. resort in theatre, capacity refreshment privilege, EXOHANGE—Choice A-1l street North Dakota town, free of mortgage, and cash for good, up-to-date Popcorn and Peanut Wagon. CLIFF HALES, Box 132, Rugby, N. D. FOR EXOHANGE—75 Target Stationary Shooting Gallery; want M. P. Machine, Box Ball Alley. What have ,ou? ANDY RICE, Odell, Neb. Business Lots, main FOR EXCHANGE—Old fire arms for show stuff. PROF. GRIFFIN, Pegram, Tenn. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE—Brand new Hor!tzontal Electric Sign, reading Orpheum Theetre. What have you? Address E. BLANKENBURG, Elroy, Wisconsin. HAVE 40-light, 110 ¥. Generator and 2 h. p. Gasoline Engine, costing $175, good condition: to exchange for 220 v., 60 amp. sarc; want Film and Slides in exchange for other goods, or might A pay cash if price is right. . M. ERICSON, Hector, Minn. THE ORIGINAL BILLY KERSANDS AND Wife would like to hear from reliable managers. Kersands’ name, fame and reputation us a minstrel king is known the world over. Mrs. Billy Kersands, his wife, is the woman that singe to beat the band. Permanent address, 216 North Center St., San Antonio, Tex. THEATER MANAGER—WORK FOR NOTHING if I can’t increase your business. Experienced; traveled extensively; advertising ideas from everywhere; Expert Operator; references; percentage, salary, or both. Wife pianistsinger. Anywhere over 3,500. WM. ELLIOTT, 813 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. WANTED—POSTION BY A FIRST-CLASS, Experienced Flutist. Wood and Low Pitch Boehm System. Play in perfect tune with a lot of classic Modern Solos. Can give the best of references where I was engaged; by request I will send Photo. FLUTIST, 162 York St., Toronto, Ontario, ONE FIVE-IN-ONE FREAK SHOW, one Five-inOne Show of Mechanical Attractions, and Freaks, or will exchange either one for good Band Organ or small Tents. W. J. COOK, 122 W. Main 8t., Richmond, Ind. LOT OF SMALL WILD OHANGE—What have you? TON, Saranac Lake, N. Y ANIMALS FOR EXAddress WM. DUN SET OF TYMPANI, with trunks; or will take in exchange towards them Set of Organ Chimes. DRUMMER, Box 206, Oshkosh, Wis. “ WILD ANIMALS—For Monkeys or money. ZOO, North Waterford, Me. WILL TRADE for Biack Picture Tent, Films or Oz-Cordi Gas Maker and Lamp, one Edison Triumph Phonograph, p'sying two and four-minute records, with Cygnet horn and Crane; 70 two and 10 four-minute Records; also Remington Automatic Shotgun; all in perfect condition; first cost of lot, $135.00. Address HOWARD & HOWARD, Alva, Oklahoma. FOR SALE OR RENT. Advertigements without display, under this heading, 3c per word. WANTED—POSITION AS DRESSER TO leading woman, Am experienced seamstress. also expert on (facial massage. Address DRESSER, care The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0. YOUNG MAN, 18, WOULD LIKE TO LEARN moving picture ‘photography or dark room; film experience. Best references. Will go anywhere. J. ‘we 73 Seutb 14th Street, Newark, N. J. YOUNG OPERATOR — MARRIED. WIFE also Piano Player—I say, Piano Player. No Booze; can furnish best references. Address, wire or write, GEORGE E, KNIGHT, 305 E. Sth St., Anderson, Ind. THEATERS FOR RENT OR SALE— Moving Picture, Vaudeville, Stock, 200 to 3,000 seating capacity. HUME & ©O., Ldcensed Brokers, Otis Building, 10 South La Salle, Chicago, Members Chicago and Cook County Real Estate Boards We are brokers for a million dollar theatre corporation (shares $100.00 each) that should earn dividends of more than 24 to 40 per cent per annum (payable quarterly). Prospectus free. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS. — Advertisements without display, under this heading, Se per word $1,500 WILL SECURE best paying theatre property and business in Western Montana; fully equipped; price, $4,500, balance paid same as rent, $60 monthly, Te interest; will net purchaser $250 —e! town; owner, going to Florida. A. THAYER, Thompson Falls, Montana. FOR SALE—A youns, big. Rhesus Monkey; $25.00. ©. J. 2917 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, I tame, healthy, male A. NOVELTY Co., FOR SALE—70 Opera Chairs and 40 Folding Chairs; will ship samples of chairs for Inspection; $50. 7“ will take outft!. W. H. HEFFLEY, Duncannon, Pa. hy SALE—Slot Machines, like Bells, $12 to $16 each; Check Boys, Silver Cups. ‘io to $15; Floor Venders, $20, for quick sale. AUTO VENDING ©00O., Minneapolis, Minn. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN—One ay A, Bb and C Berteling Clarinets, 17 keys; new; International pitch. Apply T. F. GLORIA. 4 Corpus Christi, Tex. FOR SALE—Pighteen months old Bear, tame; plays with children; first $30.00 HARRY | BOWMAN, 3 Jeannette, Pa. » Derfectly gets her. FOR “SALE—Cook House, complete in every detail, in A-1 condition; cost si. ord to equip; good as new: will sell to the highest bi ; cash talks, M. B. GOLDEN, London, 0 FOR THEATER EQUIPMENTS—Such as feats, picture machines, etc., see LEARS THEATER SUPPLY ©O., 509 Chestnut St., St. Louis, Mo. ONE NAUGHTON FISHPOND—Just the tank and both in good condition; costing $100; first $25 takes complete outfit, with 100 fish. Address W. H. GREGORY, Box 137, Eldorado, FOR SALE. SECOND-HAND GOODS. Advertisements without display, under this heading, fe per word. Ark. $3.00 IN CASH gets a ay F dressed Ventriloquist Figure, good as new. N. L. LAMB, Boone, Ia. A WONDERFUL COLLECTION OF 100 EUROPEAN WAR SLIDES—With complete Victor Stereopticon, $50.00. All in perfect ome. SAM LEON, 67 W. 23d St., New York City ATTENTION, VIOLINIST—For sale, fine Violin, Bows and Case; Viola, String Quartettes, Violin SoRC los, at bargain. V. IROLLI, 910 Academy St., Watertown, N. Y. BANJO-MANDOLINS, tenor banjos, banjos, nets, trombones, clarinets; practically good as new; liberal reductions in price, or will trade in reasonably for your old one; all in first-class condition. THE VEGA CO., 62 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass. BARGAIN SALE—Set of 5 Marionette Figures, Skeleton, Turk Illusion, Balloon Illusion, Chair Balancer, with two chairs; Negro that cake walks, etc.; all for $12.00; these are brand new and a big bargain. N. L. LAMB, Boone, lowa. BARGAINS IN LADIES’ AND MEN’S WIGS— Some slightly used; at cost price; new Wigs from $1.00 up; send for price list. F. W. NACK, Wig Maker, 1311 Wells St., Chicago, Ml. BIG LOTS STEREOPTICON SLIDES—WiI) sell | poor -de ote slides you can use. 2720 Park, St. 8, 0. CORNET CASE AND MUSIC RAOK—“A. Hil leron, Paris,’ make; all complete, for $12.50; not going on read this season. CHRISTYE FULLER, Box 157, Hardwick, Vt. DRUM OUTFIT—Including traps, bells; will sel} all or part; write quick for list and low price. G. PIERSON, 503 East Water, Milwaukee, Wis. DRUMMERS—$15 Snare Drum, single head orchestra ‘model, A-1 shape, $3.50; $5 double-action Drum and Cymbal Beater, with spurs and cymbal holder, nearly new, $2; also 13-inch Chinese Crash Cymbal, used little, $2; write quick. BOX 191, Troy, Pa. FOR SALE—One small Trumpet Organ; extra good for size; hand or power operated; bargain a7 $40, $10 with order, balance C. O. D. BEN F. KARR, 1016 Osage St., Leavenworth, Kan. FOR SALE—One set Xylophones, , take-down frame, two octaves, chromatic; one set Orchestra Bells, 2% octaves, chromatic; one 5x7 view Camera, R. R. lens, 6 double plate holders, and everything complete; developing tank, etc.; one Cello, felt case and good bow; one Oliver No. 5 Typewriter; everything good as new; write for full description and prices on one or all; am no dealer, FERREL 8. PRUYN, Paris, IDL FOR SALBE—Large Appearing and Cabinet, in A-1 condition, Box; will sell botr Kinney Street, Newark, N. J. FOR SALE—Two pitched the same as feet long; fine for musical act; made by H. N. White; worth $80.00; will sell for $40.00. Address HENRY SATER, care Park Hotel, Hubbard, la. FOR SALE—Seneca View Camera, 6%x8%; 6 plate holders, trays, etc.; first-class condition; $20.00 takes outfit. C. J. PETTERSON, 643 Main St., Danville, Virginia FOR SALE—25 25 Cornets, 10 Melophones, 25 Slide Trombones, 5 Baritones, 10 Basses and 20 Clarinets these instruments are all in first-class condition ond some are brand new. Write for special price list to JAMES SISTEK, 4248 Broadway, Oleveland, 0. Disappearing with crates; also # Hindoo for $60.00. L. SAVILLE, 56 W. Herold Trumpeta, Bb Tenors; trombone ; three valves; four