The Billboard 1915-02-06: Vol 27 Iss 6 (1915-02-06)

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FEBRUARY 6, 1915. The Billboard 39 Asbestos Portable Booth MUSICIANS—Sce our Song Hints on page 12 ACTOR— Sensationa! addresses are given therein will send SAM’ : them om theater letterheads and men “Through the Clouds,’’ tion THE BLL LBOARD. TICKET SELLER the m under the canvas; BILLPOSTERS. At Liberty Advertisements, without display, under this heading, will be published free of charge. FREE AT LIBERTY DEPARTMENT At Liberty Advertisements, without display, under this . BILLPOSTER, STAGE MANAGER ais; edebed ao oa CHORUS GIRLS AND MEN. At Liberty Advertisements, without display, under this heading, are Dublished free of charge. “ BALLOONIST “No outfit ; . rs. celct ' > inde ss fairs, celebrations, concession and assist generally; CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL. At Liberty Advertisements, without display, under this heading, are published free of charge. CONDERMAN FERRIS WHEEL OPERATOR COLORED PERFORMERS. At Liberty Advertisements, without re ad this heading, are published free of ch AND TICKET SELLER— Wishes WERNER, Manager, AGENTS AND MANAGERS. At Liberty Advertisements, without dispiay, under this heading, are published free of charge. dress AGENT, care an Uncle Tom's Cab in ‘show: A-1 CORNETISTTwelve | y ; can: lead and teach bend: i DRAMATIC ARTISTS. At Lterty Advertisements, without display, LATHAMS, Hartley, 4 A-l CHARACTER OR HEA\ iV y— ADV ANC E AG ENT Tias succe eefully managed ar stox > he “*ghs GERALDINE WRIGHT, EXPERIFNCED. w AGON MEC HANIC OB CHANperience and ability, ress L.. ARRY Bi AKE rR. ~ AT LIBERTY—Smail ; no specialties; good wardrobe. DOWNING, Hotel Gerard, N AT LIBERTY—For reliable managers only. Address F. V EXPERIENCED BOSS: RUTCHE Ror o AG) PNT Handle anything; press noth ing oo large or By G BINDER AND TICKET SELLER AT LIBERTYGeo. I = in ome HIGHEST TRAPEZE summer, communicate Delivery, Milwaukee, GRACE ‘Finis tion and iron jaw trapes ze specialiues; HERBERTA, ‘Riverside, _ MAN AND WIFE—Lea _ Managers address HARRY 1. ; AGENT, TREASURER, COMPANY—-Second —, heavy mari ; 1 . MAN agg : ~qiakne— al “the very latest songs are sted | “tp our Song Hints on page various publishers, whose addresses are also ony in a theater letterhead, they will send you professional copies free of charge. ‘SoU BRETTE—4 ft. wi Ack Iress CH ARE ES S NE L SON, MAN AND > WIFR— “WHITMORE & wv WHITMORE, experience and ap: have a few good scripts: PL UMB,_ Wesdstec k, 14 MERRY-GO-ROUND VAN G ERS— “Seven » ADVERTIRE Goatend a via National Highway, is your chance: advertising man, MIDGET—Wants position with a reliable circus as with reliable company. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS. At Liberty Advertisements, witheut display, under tale heading, are published free a eharg ie. LADIES’ ORCHESTRA \ “YOUNG GIRL—Desires ingenue roles; had some ex ——— = years’ prof. essional expeMOTORDROME RIDER rience: play small parts; willing to be generally ; salary very reasonable. wir care Windsor Hotel. MUSICAL SMITHS—Wi!! aca ; . responsible managers INFORMATION WANTED. Advertisements without display, under this heading, are published free of charge. The whereabouts of Willis last “ee with Boyer’s Dog & for partic lars write “MYSTIC W ONDER ; 1 ae man CONCERT ORCHESTRA—Five pieces; kid top; gon caianeneies con : ‘Sanephone and piWANTED TO KNOW— ‘ Franklin’s dog act; planist is tenor qrolotat; “NET " HIGH DIVER Wants FOR ORCHESTRA, SMITH. m. Giesen, PRINCESS RAJAH 1230 9. Wabash Arve., 4 WOULD LIKE TO KNOW the whereabouts of 1 none treet th " theater work: — we eens es 2 to HARRY E STONE. 98 Winfeld St. Worcester, 168 Adams St., Ruffalo, N. MISCELLANEOUS. At Liberty Advertisements, without displays ender this heading, are published free of charye. A-1 OPERATOR—Strictly sober: run any go anywhere; seven years’ experience; noth big Write or wire HARRY Y HoYh f, Rathbun, Ia. AVVEKTISING AGENT AND MANAGER—Two live young fellows; for feature films, picture or opera house; salary your limit. DeMAK AND PEARSON, Gen. Del., Milwaukee, Wis. BOSS CARPENTER—Three years’ experience on double and single A boards; at liberty: state salary in first letter. THOMAS CAKVENTIER, P.O. Box 3, Saratoga Springs, Y. DARE DBVIL WHEELER-— Rides chutes on roller skates; only act in the world like it; big free act: terms reasonable. B. C. WHEELER, 1045 Wesley Ave., , Cincinnati, Ohio ~ FLOOR MANAGER ORINSTRUCTOR— Desires position in first-class rink; also A-1 skate man; can give references. JACK BAKER, 512 E. Fifth St, Greenville, Ohio. HIGH-CLASS TANGO TEAM-—At liberty: for hotel, cafe or theatre; all lutest dances; wardrobe and costumes; played best places. TURNER, 960 E. 65th St., Chicago, Il. MAGICIAN—Open for anything paying all and $10 Per week; straight magic; tri-weekly change; shackle escape. Ticket? Yes. E. C. BUTLER, R. D. 1, Cornelia, Ga MALE STENOGRAPHER—22, also good pianist; baritone singer; wants position. What have you to offer? R. DONOGHUE, Brattleboro, Vt. MUSICIAN AND BALL PLAYER Open for 1915: I play good trombone and catch for team GIBSON, 12 N. Salford, Philadelphia, Pa ~ ORIENTAL AND CL ASSIC BAREFOOT DANCER — Open for offers for burlesque, ete., as added attraction. MLLEL FIFI, (New) Hotel Jackson, Chicago, Il. POSITION By a first-class plumber, wi is cornetist, with band and orchestra experience refers to locate; all letters answered immediately Address C._E.. 1806 Montgomery Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. SCENTIFIC PALMIST would like to go on roa gentieman palmist as rss $. KANIGHER, 17! «Fe STAGE HAND—Property man and electrician; large shows; long experience: well up in every line of the business ; Toad or locate: must state all K. DE ERLE, 3604 West 25th leveland, O. LLER OR TICKET TS KER Neat Young man: aged 22; ext spring with lady tan wo partner Addr Ave, N. S., Pitts ~TIGKET SE appearance; references — HRISTYE KE. PUL LER, Lock Box 157, Hardw », Vt WANTED--Position advertising for firm: driving to Pacific Coast,. making inland towns good advertis ing for live firm B. H. WEBER, 2455 Burling St., OChicego, Il YOUNG MANJS vants position witt company as property man; willing to take small parts: experience AUGUST SCHESKE, 417 Francis St., St. Louis, Mo YOUNG MAN-—26: wishes position as or ticket taker ocate or travel; will wo l ing; expenses until proven M. DENNFEY, Box 45, Denison, Texas. MOTION PICTURE ARTISTS. At Liberty Advertisements without disipay, under this heading, are published free of charge. “DUMMY’’—For any purpose se; secure the “mechan ical man;’’ two hours one position MECHANICAL MAN,” Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. JOR, straights, novelties plano: wife works all acts; daughter, 10, singing; salary low; experienced; can produce HILTONS, 1545 F Tth St., Cleveland, ©. PROFESSIONAL RACING AUTO DRIVER AND MOTORDROME KIDERDesires a position with a film company; have «a Ku p Curtiss KOMRACK, ‘a. 532 W. Eighteenth p REFINED YOUNG MAN 8; $ some experience; waits to in film company; good habits; good dresser l.. KENYON, 447 High St., Lockport, N. Y. WANTED TO LOCATE Ib 000 to 10,000, to _ music, play movies and dance music Tic ket? Yes. teference. PROF. | SCHAFERGBERG, §5 E. Hunter St., Atianta, Ga YOUNG MAN—I17: wants position with stock, vaudeville or motion picture; small leads and character; good comedian; salary your price; ticket if far; inexperienced. ©. L. BAKER, 229 1l7th St, Cairo, MT. YOUNG eee vants position with motion picture company; four yeara in navy; seven months in vaudeville; not _afrail of work JACK LE ROY, 302 E. William Delaware, Ohio. . _ ~ YOUNG MAN—22: with A-1 outdt: good bronk rider; wonld like to join motion picture company or Wild West show. ©. W. KIEFFER, Guthrie, Okla. YOUNG MAN—18; 150 Ibs.; 5 ft. 4: wishes position with motion picture company or burlesque show; ticket. E. A. POLLMAN, 562 Grove St., Jersey City, New Jersey. on YOUNG “MAN—Wishes work with a ving picture company; 5 ft. 6% i 130 ibs age 19 years: good appearance; ability. ASCHOLL, JR., 456 East 199th Bronx, New York City. MUSICIANS. At Liberty Advertisements without disipay, under this heading, are published free of charge. IST —a PL AYER Doubling traps in orchestra. Ticket Yes, if too far Will work reas able. E. ROBERTS. eare Grand Hotel, Jacksonvil io, Illinois. A-1 BARITONE—Also flageolet player; wants posttion with band, orchestra, theatre; best of references; sober and reliable. CHAS. RENOULT, Musician, University Hotel, St. Louis, Mo A-1 OCORNET—Doubles violin; sober and reliable; married; wire C. BE. MACK, 415 Jackson St., oo A-1 CORNETIST—-Wants position fm picture or vaudeville theatre orchestra; want to locate in good live town; thoroughly experienced 4 F of M LLOYD C HALLMAN, Fmaue, Pa A-1 OORNETIST—Iesires permanent pesine 4 F. of ; sober, reliable and sight reader; ten years experience, M. P., vaudeville and cabaret. Wire or write R. In JACOBSON, 221 Springhill Are, Mobile, Ala. : A-1 DRUMMER—Who would like to travel with @ good band of 20 pieces or less; can double taps MR. CHARLES W. HOLCOME, Bunker Hi I Ht 4 1 AND PICCOL A> Married; member A re M.; locate or trave WM. BE. KLABUNDE. 46 Watson Street, Det roit, Mich A-1 TRAP DRUMMER— Bells; read or fake; wants position with traveling show; expe rienced: band and orchestra. GEORGE F. BRAC NWART, 2164 N. Lambert St., Philadelphia, Pa. ‘A-1 TROMBONIST— Experienced enced B. & O.; sight reader: wants to troupe for season. WM. FISCHER 59 N. Bouvier St., Philadelphia, Pa (Continued on page 44.) a : Se ee ee ~ —_ ~ tale? eset ans poor nee , ~ we ee She ee anvidllannantoor = eee ee hee 7 el oes Ww