The Billboard 1915-02-06: Vol 27 Iss 6 (1915-02-06)

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| | | e oN rea =* ~ e ed 1 vs = cll om hi » ine) The Billboard FEBRUARY 6, 1915 ROUTES PERFORMERS’ DATES. Continued from page 35.) Wade! ie, Julian (Oriental) San Diego, Cal nde Ws aketie WwW H Sheap Ter t Cau (Or heuu Montreal 8-1 Ww iidemar, Young & Ja ~ (Orpheum Minne Wal Retween (Orpkeumy Seatle (Orpheum ortiand, Ore., 8-15 stein & Freeh Victory; San Jose, Cal, Helen Leach (Tiveli) Sydney, Australia, Wally, Richard (Columbia) Brooklyn 4-6 Walsh & Co., Blanche (Orpheum) Brooklyn 8 Ward, Bell and Ward Under the White Top. Featuring Adelaide M. Belly Wanda (Empress) Denver 4-6; (Empress) Kan sas City 8 War f the ’ ‘antages, Vaneonver, RB. ¢ } ves § Ward & Cullen (Majesti ( hicago Wa Arthur (Boulevard) N. Y. ¢ 46 Ward Sisters (Empress) Sacramento; (Empress les Angeles 8-1! Warner & Co. Genevieve (Orpheum), Lincoln Ne (Orpheum hanveas City 8-15 & Corbett (Orpheun Ogden, Utah, 4-6 ess) Salt Lake City 12-14 & Conley Keith) Cleveland, Watkins, Harry (Orpheum) Winnipec, Can Webb & Burns (Temple) Detroit 8-15 Weber & Eilliot (Proctor’s Ssth St » ¥, © Web Charles (Orphenm) Seattle 8-18 Welle, Lew (National) N. ¥. C. 46 Werner-Amoros Troupe «Keith Providence z Harry A. (Webb) New Orleans, indef. ERNEST KATHERINE WILLIAMS and RANKIN Address Billboard, New York Weston & Ivon (Colonial) Erie, Pa., 8-13. Weston & Clare (Colonial) N. Y¥. (©, 8-18 Weston & Co, Wh (Cohen) Newburg, N, Y. 46 West: Willis Keit Louisville (Grand) Pittsturg 8-15 Wheat & Zelda (Alhambra) N. Y. ( 446 When It Strikes Home (Euipress) Los Angeles; (Orpheum) Ogden, Utah, 11-15 White & Co., Clayton (Majestic) Chicago 8-12 White Hussars, Nine (Orpheum) Salt Lake City 8&1 a > ' > Seattle: (Orphenu Erie, Pa 8-15 (Empress) hat Wilte, Mr. & Mrs. G ‘or thea) Memphie: (Or phenm) New Orleans 8.15 NAT M. WILLS The Happy Tramp Vaudeville United Time Wilks Monte (0. 1.) Kohoka. Mo Wi Emery) Providence 46 Williams & Sagel (Palace) Springtield, Mass., 8-15 Williams & Wolfus (Orpheum) Salt Lake City (Orpheum) Denver S-1! Willie Bros. (Prospect) Brooklyn 8-18 Wills, Nat (Temple) Rochester; (Keith) Phila delphig 8-12 Wills & Hassen (Lyric) Tampa; (Orpheum) Birmingham 8-13 Wilson, Grace (Palace) Chicago, Wils« & Co., Jack (Keith) (Keith) Cincinnati 8-138 Wilsoy tros (B npress) Kansas City; (Hipp) I Winchester, Fy 1 (Proctor’s) Albany. N. Y¥., 4-6. Winifred & Martin (Palace) Philadelphia 46 Winifred, Babe (Columbus) Columbus, 0., indef. Wolfs, Musical (Palace) Springfield, Mass., 8 Indianapolis; “THE HUMAN AUTOMOBILE” CLIFF WINEHILL Of Fields, Winehill and Green. Dir. Harry Spingold. Wolgas & Girlie (Loew) Spokane; (Empress) Seattle 8-13. Woman Proposes (Orpheum) San Franciseo 1-18 Woods & Woods Trio (Bushwick) Brooklyn 8-13. Wood Britt (Forsythe) Atlanta: (Orpheum) Jacksovnille 8-18 Wood, Wee George peopel) N. ¥. C.: (Alhbam brad XN. Y. C. 8-13 Woodman & Living ‘Grand) Pittsburg Wright, Cecelia (Keith) Philadelphia 8-13. Wright & Lane (Pantages) San Francisco: (Pan tages) Oakland, Cal., 8-15 Wrong Bird (Pantages) Victoria, B. C.: (Pan tages) Tacoma 8-13 Wynn, Bessie (Bijou) Savannah, Ga., 28-30; (Forsythe) Atlanta 8-13 (Keith) Indianapolis; THE YOUNGERS Direction Thos. Fitzpatrick. Yokohama Japs (Palace) Springfield, Mass., 8| 18 Yosearys, Five (Victoria) Charleston, S, C., 28-30; (Orpheum) Jacksonville 8-18 Yosearys, Three (Poli) Hartford, Conn.; (Pal ace) Springfield. Mass 8-12 Young & Jacobs (Orpheum) Winnipeg, Can., 812 Zarrell Trio, Leo (Orpheum) Los Angeles Leo Zarrell Trio “Beau Brummel Acrobats.’ Booked Solid U. B. 0. Time. Dir. Max Hayes. Zimmerman, Willy (American) Chicago 4-6 TABLOIDS Carte Suzana, Musical Con Co.: Tuls OK., 1-6. Clamage, Arthur, Musical Comedy Co Council Binffs, Ia. 1-6, Emit View i] Comedy C« Fred Sjddon. Mer \W esbeort Pa 14: Chambersburg $-15. Finkel indef New Bird &-1 Burke Suster 14 i” Drackdy Dawn Ditri Drew tar ~ Radu trill mer lace Ifello, 10; City City Ft. wa, 11; Mills-Lewis Musical Comedy indef, labarin DRAMATIC & MUSICAL Adams, Pittsburg 1-6; @lomeauk) Anglin, i 9; Birmingbam Barker, G Barrymore, XK. ¥ Ben-Hur (Klaw & Erlanger's): (Olive Blindness of Virtue: (Tlellis Call of the Yraer Albert umberlands (Gaskil] & MacVi (Gaskill & MaeVitty’= Campbell stone) (litferd 4: Hobart Enid ¢ (ruthric Dancing Garde Fisher's): Selasco’s): Dressk bert’s) pammny, very we Wiel Trinidad Experi 4: Tad connes Poo) There Forbes: Rober Vanco cago trillette bination Chicago 8 "Mare h 6. bai amp (Fred Bye rs Bates-Marie Doro Girl and mer.: Girl and Girl of Downs Elder Girl of zuma town Gomlwin, bert'’s): fleld Hanky fe A . Ienpecked Meadville, Corry Henpecked Bancroft, more 6; Ienpecked 8-13 High Cost of Loving (Lew Fields’): Philadelphia, : High Jinks, Arthur Hammerstein, Marshalltown 9; Cedar Rapids Hitchcock, (Cohan Rirmingham, ville, _ ee Iilingt on 228 Maude, Cyril, in Grumpy: (The Liebier ‘o.a): (L yric ) Philadelpbia, indef. Melville, Rose. in Sis Hopkins, Walter 5. Bald win, mgr.: Brooklyn, N. Y., 1-0; Jersey City, N. J., 8-13. Milestones (Klaw & Erlanger’s): Kansas City 1-6. Misleading Lady, The, E. W. Steele, megr.: Milwaukee 1-6; Cleveland 8-13, Montgomery & Stone, in Chin Chin (Chas, Dillingham’s): (Globe) N. Y. C., indef. Murdock, Ann (Chas. Frohman's): Washington 8-13. Mutt & Jeff in Mexico (Gus Hill's 1) Joe Pettengil, mgr.: Columbus, O., 1-6 New Henrietta, The: (Cort) Chicago, indef, Ninety in the Shade: (Kuickerbocker) N. Y. C., indef. Old Homestead, Frank Thompson, mgr.: Balti more 145; Reading, I’a 10; Trenton, N. J., 11-15 Ole, the Fall Guy (Rae Attractions) Ned ¢ Smith, mgr.: Decatur, Neb., 4; Pender 5; Hartington 6. Ole Swanson Co., Martin Bowers, mgt latte S. D., 4: Viborg 5-6; Lesterville 7; Gayville 8: Elk Point 9: Emerson, Neb., 10; Ponea 11; Laurel 12: Hartington 15 Omar, the Tentmaker, with Guy Bates Post (Tully & Buckland’s): St. Louls 1-6; Detroit On Trial (Cohan & Harris’): (Candler) N. \¥ C., indef, : On Trial (Cohan & Harris’): (Ceban’s) N. Y. C., indef. Only Girl, -The (Joe Weber's): (Lyric) N. Y. C., indef. Our Children, with Henry Kolker (Oliver Mo rasco’s): (Princess) Chicago 1-6 Pair of Silk Stockings, A Winthrop Ames’) (Little) N. Y. C., indef Pair of Sixes, A (H. HH. Frazee’s (Wilb Boston, indef Pair of Sixes, A (H. H. Frazee’s tuffalo 1-4 Albany 8-9: Rochester 10-11 Wheeling [a 12-15 Pair of Sixes A iH W Frazee’s Adrian, Mich... 4: Ann Arbor 5: South Bend. Ind., 6-7; Fr Wayne §8& Waba+) logenspert 10; Crawfordsville 11: Olney iil 12: Washing ton, Ind., 15 air of Sixes. A (H. H. Frazee’s Penn Yan ay 4: Batavia 5: Sodus 6 “nlton &: Ox wego %: Norwich 10: Syracuse 11-13 air of Sixes A (H. H. Frazee’s Ft. Dodge la + Sioux City +H Omah Neb 7-8 Fremont 9: Columbus 10; York 11; Hoeldredge 12; MeCook 13 Panhandle Pete (Jones & Crane's +) r Hamill, mgr.: Leon Ia S: Albany, Me 11 Osceola 16 Passing Show of 1914: (Garrick) Chicago, indef Peg o' My Heart, with Florence Martin (Oliver Moresco’s) Mike Yack, mg Brooklyn 1-0; . i J he: ’ t with Peggy O'Neill (Oliver Morusco’s) A Bian al mi. San Francisco 1-15. Peg o' My Heart, with Elsa Ryan (Oliver Mo rvsco’s) Tom Hodgeman, mgr ludianapolis 1-6; Louisville, Ky., 8-15 Peg o My Heart, with Doris Moore (Oliver Mo resco’s) John Sheehy, mg Jefferson City, Kan., 4; Fulton 5; Columbia 6 joonville, Moe., 8; Carrollton ¥; Chillicothe 10 Srook field 11; Kirksville 12; Macon 15 eg o' My Heart, with Dorcthy Mackaye (Oliver Morosco’s) Wincheste hy 4 Lexingtou 56; Georgetown 8; Cynthiana %: Hamiiton, ©., 10; Springtield 11; Canton 12; Greenville “ o’ My Heart, with Marion Dentler (Oliver enneeal 8): Brownwood, Tex., 4; Brady 5; Lampasas 6; Taylor 8; Bastrop ¥; Southville lw Seguin 11; Luling 12; San Mareos 15 Peg o' My Heart, with Rea Martin (Oliver Morosco’s): Columbia, Tenn., 4: Sheffield, Ala., 5; Tupelo, Miss., 6; Jackson, Tenn., 8; Paris %; Union City 10; Cairo, IL, 11; Paducah, Ky., 12; Princeton 13 ygamy (Modern Play Co.'s): (Park) N. Y. C., indef. Potash & Perlmutter (A. H. Woods’): (Olympic) Chicago, indef. Potash & Perlmutter (A. H. Woods’): (Grand) Cincinnati 14. l’rince of Pilsen, with John W. Ransone, Perry J. Kelly. megr.: Kenosha Wis., 4 Battie Creek, Mich., 5; Kalamazoo 6; Grand Rapids 7-8; Jackson 9; Ann Arbor 10; Lansing 11; Flint 12; Bay City 13. Prodigal Son, The, Oscar Graham, mgr.: Sabinal, ex., 4-5; Hondo 6. Quaker Girl, The: Toronto, Canada, 1-6. Rebecca of Sunnybrooke Farm, Frank E. Morse, megr.: Cincinnati 14; Cleveland 8-13. Robson, May, in Martha-By-The-Day, Frank Williams, mgr.: Dickinson, N. D., 4: Bismarck 5; Jamestown 6; Winnipeg, Can., 8-13. Rolling Stones: (La Salle) Chicago, indef. Run for Her Money (Halton Powell's): St. Joseph, Mo., 1-6. Red Widow, Philip H. Niven, mer.: Bedford Ind., 4; Bloomington 5: Vincennes 6: Evaneville 7: Henderson, Ky., 8: Owensboro 9: Madisonville 10: Paducah 11; Cairo, IL, 12; Poplar Bluff, Mo. 13. Safety First (Halton Powell's): Boone. Ia., 4-6: Marshalltown 7-9; Aurora, Ill, 10-13 Sanderson, Julia-Donald Brian-Joseph Cawthorn Combination, in The Girl From Utah (Chas Frohman’s): (Forrest) Philadelphia 1-13. Sari (Henry W. Savaze’s): (Illinois) Chicago 27. Show Shop, The (Selwyn & Co.'s): (Hudson) N. Y. C., indef. Sinners, Wm. A. Brady, mgr.: (Playhouse) N Y. C., indef, Skinner, Otis, in The Silent Voice (Chas. Frohman’s): (Idberty) N. Y. C., indef Sentember Morn (Rowland & (Clifford’s): San Francisco 146 Septemter Morn (Rowland & Clifford's): Phila delphia 1-6: Baltimore 8-13. September Morn (Rowland & (Clifferd’s): An thony. Kan., 4: Arkansae City 5: Winfield 6 Independence &: Coffeyville 9 Channte 10 Pittsburg 11: Columbns 12: Parsons 12 Morn (Rowlend & (Clifferd’s): Van 4; Wapakoneta 5: Lima 6: Marion, in New York (0. FE. Wee's): Bur N. €.. 4: Tenderson 5 Wilson &: Weldon 8: New Rern 10: Elizabeth Cit 12 Piymonth 12 Seven Keve to Raldpate (Cohan & Warris«’) J. M. Welch, mgr.: Denver Col... 14: Oaden, Ttah, §: Salt Lake City 9-11: San Bernardino, Cal., 13. Seven Kere to RBaldpate (Cohan & Harris’), Joe W. Spears, mgr.; (Tremont) Boston 1-20 STAGE TRAINING! MOTION PICTURE ACTING. VAUDEVILLE ACTS COACHED. MUSIC, DANCING. Cincinnati School of Expression Orpheum Players, Ete. CINCINNATI. 0. Oomplete Professional Course with Mr. KARL L. DIETZ Vitagraph Co., Ac.) sTU DE NTS" MAY ENTER AT wo! TIME TERMS. (David B: laseo’s): arie (Messrs. Shubert's): > Tom's Cabin (Kibble’ What's Going On Wizard of Wiseland MINSTRELS 5; Clifton ¥; Newton, Richards & Pringle’s Minstrels, Colasanti": 8 Concert Band, D’Andrea’s Band, Fadettes of Boston, Fritch'’s Orchestra, Newberry’e Prise (Gaskill & MacVitty's): 7-13 MacVitty's): Piymeouth 10; Roatoke Durham 15. Cummings, Russell 6 Frazee'’s: (Broux) Y 8-13 (Eltinge) N. (Belasco) N. Otsego, Mich., Pentwater 10; Luding (Standard) (Gas skill & MacVitty’s:: Concordia 6; Wymore 10; mer Detroit indef Jones, mgr. : Detroit 8-15 Dayton, O 4; Cal., 1-4, Brainerd, Minn., Mich., 6 Rock, Ark... Portland, (Plymouth) Powell's): Little : 8-13 indef (Fulton) N. Y. : Wilmington, Del., Park 9-10. (Cort) N. ¥. C Paris, %.. 4: Scribner, 15. (David Be Dillingham’s) : (New (Cort) Boston, Wameher’s), Jas. A. . Ashland 5; KendallMich., 6; ; Coldwater Lansing 15. . Jobnson, wgr.: Downey 6, Ox lv; Weston Minstrels, Daniel Dallas 5-6; Vicksburg, ; Meridian 12; Singleton, Parkersburg W. West, Fordyce 6; Camden Nashville 11; Hope F. Hodge, 8. C.. 63 Fla., 7-8; St. Petersburg 11; Orlando Cc. Filkins, BANDS & ORCHESTRAS Battiotets Cone ert Band, Battiato, dir.: Bos Colasanti, dir.: . indef. Sam Contt, i ndef, mgr.: Temple, st.. Excelsior Orchestra, Caroline Garden) Mil : Suite 25, indef. W. Gregg. Sanford, Pla., L Bessell, Broadway, La Grange, Newberry, Hipsman, mgr.: First ave., N.